Jarunian Terrorists Gain WMD's Attack Kwaswhakistan.
THe Jununian Freedom Front has clamed to have WMD's and are going to use them to attack Kwaswhakistan.
29-12-2003, 09:03
no, sorry i dont think so, seeing as the jarunian terrorists were totally wiped out, you are just a sore RP loser, as well as a godmoder.
TO bad your under attack anyway.
29-12-2003, 09:08
godmoder, sore loser, i dont recognize these attacks, nobody else recognize them either.
Reagani sends 100,000 well-armed troops to aid Kwaswhakistan.
OOC: just curious, how can such a liberal "make love not money" such as jaru fund a war?
We cant..THats why were going for religous terrorism.
29-12-2003, 09:43
no this thing doesnt exist, and even if it did, i would not need your troops. read about his sad and humiliating defeat here: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=109206
As much as it pains me to do it, if you don't quit with your godmoding I will join with all of my allies and we will CRUSH you. Godmoding is not allowed, quit it, or we will just ignore you Jaru.
And by the looks of that link, you are already destroyed so shut up and go have an internal civil war or something, and stop pestering the rest of us who have better things to do.
King Robert II of Austica
Thats right troops will do no good..We can hide amoung your nations and look just like you. You wouldnt be able to know who we are or even where..
29-12-2003, 09:47
exactly Austica!
Thank you for reiterating my point.
-- Lomak out.
OOC: Have you tried ignoring godmoders, instead of threatening to attack them with troops? Giving them attention is exactly what they want...
I hereby declare Austica's intention to ignore all of Jaru's threads.
God save the King!
Like any real terrorist..