NationStates Jolt Archive

Nanakaland vs Azazreal

29-12-2003, 00:52
The Resurrected Lands of Nanakaland, seeing the Provocations and Senseless Slaughter of Azazreal citizens for nothing other than failure to acknowledge a corrupt and idiotic leader as god, and seeing that other nations also want to claim him, demands the following

A: The Emperor Resign and allow a New Government
B: Renounce the throne
C: Allow Nanakaland Troops in as a peacekeeping force or other Nation's Military as peacekeepers.

If you do not agree to the following terms within 24 hours, the Resurrected Lands of Nanakaland will turn her full Military Might upon your corrupt government.

I know I plagerized this from Elizabethshire, but I want Azazreal.

Azazreal is mine, not Elizabethshire's!
29-12-2003, 00:58
Okay. This was just a joke.