bin laden
They find bin laden cowering in a hole, asking for his life... now they said can't have your life back, we going to send you to the KKK, then he can beg for hes life once again... then they will send it to Iraq to get his face fix... then his going back to stupid hole to live for the rest of his life, if not been killed yet.... :twisted: :evil: :arrow: ps your being bured next to bill clinten, pss you are Emploed by WWF. the talaban has died meaning the fleas on your beard have died. psss your wifes have left you meaning your sisters left for the US
Holy panooly
27-12-2003, 21:13
they find bin laden cowering in a hole, asking for hes life... they now you can't have your life back, we going to send you to the KKK, then he can beg for hes life once again... then they will send it to Iraq to get his face fix... then his going back to stupid hole to live for the rest of his life, if not been killed yet.... :twisted:
that made no sense...
hes like 15 leave him be :roll:
27-12-2003, 21:17
What the hell is that!
Holy panooly
27-12-2003, 21:17
15? more like 11
kkk means kule kluks klan
ps sorry about spelling
27-12-2003, 21:24
But still what the hell was that!
Holy panooly
27-12-2003, 21:27
this is fun
this is fun I know hahaha :twisted: