NationStates Jolt Archive


26-12-2003, 22:06
I need your help in defeating the Bokrijk commonwealth. they atre a rogue nation that is trying to take over. Since I am new tothid I will like your help in my defense of the NAtion of USA
Archaic Slang Words
26-12-2003, 22:14
El Delete-o. Alright, people: no more SIRF. I think the Mods might decide to not permit it anymore.
Holy panooly
26-12-2003, 22:15
26-12-2003, 22:19
Isn't this flaming?
Atlantian Outcasts
26-12-2003, 22:20
edited. Sorry, guys, woke up on the wrong side of the bed
26-12-2003, 22:21
That doesn't sound good.

Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
26-12-2003, 22:22
I need your help in defeating the Bokrijk commonwealth. they atre a rogue nation that is trying to take over. Since I am new tothid I will like your help in my defense of the NAtion of USA

Edited By: Archaic Slang Words
Original by: Kazaakhistan
Filled out by: Archaic Slang Words
Directed at: Toys-r-us

Congratulations Toys-r-us! You have been chosen to receive the SIRF, because of some really stupid thing you posted. Please, read the following lines. After reading these lines, take the advice shown. If you are incapable of taking the advice shown because you:
Were dropped on the head as a child
Cannot read
Are quadriplegic
Have fewer than 5 braincells
Cannot count to 5
Or other problems.
Please simply refrain from posting. Ever again.

Thank you for your time. You are a: (check all that apply)
[x] Clueless N00b
[] Lamer
[] Flamer
[] Loser
[] Spammer
[] Troll
[] Warez Monkey
[] Me too'er
[] Pervert
[] Freak
[] Nerd
[] Racist
[] Rules Lawyer
[] Fanatic
[] Satanist
[] Homo
[x] Twit
[] Bully
[x] Waste of Skin
[] Crybaby
[] "Expert"
[] Unbearably self-righteous person
[] Rabid chipmunk
[] Person who obviously cannot type, but has been trained to respond to certain characters displayed on a monitor
[] Ultra conservative
[] Ultra liberal
[] Homophobe
[] Flame-baiter
[] Godmoder
[x] Retard
[] Pile of Regurgitated Fecal Matter
[] Depressive who can't get over how miserable their life is but still wants to stay but doesn't know if it will be worth it and wants everyone to feel bad for you

Your post was: (check all that apply)
[] A flame
[] A flame-bait
[x] A waste of bandwidth
[x] Lame
[x] Stupid
[] Abusive
[] Clueless
[x] Idiotic
[] Arrogant
[] Malevolent
[] Contemptible
[] Libelous
[x] Ignorant
[] Fanatical
[x] Boring
[x] Dim
[] Cowardly
[] Deceitful
[] Demented
[] Self-righteous
[] Crazy
[] Weird
[] Hypocritical
[] Loathsome
[] Satanic
[] Despicable
[] Belligerent
[] Mind-numbing
[] Maladroit
[] Much longer than any thought of which you are capable
[] Naive
[] Redundant
[] Void of Information
[] Lacking in Factual Basis
[] Copyrighted by Someone Else
[x] Melodramatic
[] 1 sentence
[] Catholic

Your attention is drawn to the fact that: (check all that apply)
[] You posted what should have been e-mailed or private-messaged
[] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others
[] You self-righteously impose your political beliefs on others
[x] You posted something totally uninteresting
[] You flamed the Standardized Idiot Reply Form
[] I don't like your tone of voice
[] What you posted has been done before ten million times
[] Not only that, it was also done better the last time
[] You bumped an aged topic which should not have been
[] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[x] You started a long, stupid thread
[] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread
[] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it
[] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[] You posted low-IQ trolley
[] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[] You said "me too" to something
[] You made no sense
[] You must have spent your life in a cardboard box to be this clueless
[] You posted in t3h 7331z0rz to look k00wL
[] You posted a message in ALL CAPS
[x] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet
[] You are a loser
[] This has been pointed out to you before
[] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles
[] You posted inappropriate images (goatze, rotten, tubgirl, etc.)
[] You can't even spam properly
[] You can't use correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation either

It is recommended that you: (check all that apply)
[x] Get a clue
[] Get a life
[] Go away
[] Grow up
[] Never post again
[] Have your medicine adjusted, if you dot have medicine, get some.
[] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[] Find a volcano and throw yourself in
[] Actually post something relevant
[x] Read the Stickies
[] Consume excrement
[] Consume excrement and thus expire
[x] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea of what you are doing
[x] Consult an older person
[] Ask your daddy if he hit you as a child
[] Get a girlfriend/boyfriend
[] Find someone who would give you attention
[] Stop thinking goatze-esque methods are a cool way to spam

In closing, I'd like to say: (check all that apply)
[] You need to seek psychiatric help
[x] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[x] *plonk*
[] I hate you
[] Most of the above
[] All of the above
[] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
[] You should find a time machine, go back to the date of your birth, and kill yourself.
[] Ram this pipe-bomb up your butt and light it
[] Eat the pipe-bomb instead

With special thanks to: The oppresor. Thanks for the form!

Please dont post that crap

I need your help in defeating the Bokrijk commonwealth. they atre a rogue nation that is trying to take over. Since I am new tothid I will like your help in my defense of the NAtion of USA

How can I be of asisstance?
I can:
A. fill your nation with green Jello
B. have you kiss my ass
C. Ignore you
D. Flame you so badly you will stay off of the internet
E. Spam this thread
F. n00JK Jouuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111124824335!!!!!!!!!!1111111

He wants real help, why not help him?
26-12-2003, 22:47
Thanks spamming spammer
The Fedral Union
27-12-2003, 00:04
Spaming ? i would
like to know what started this whole brawl ... :!: :?: :?:
If you dont mind me asking...
27-12-2003, 11:26
People, I did not originally write the SIRF, it was wrote by a friend and I used it a few times. Please edit outt he bit saying I made it.
27-12-2003, 16:59
heh the "SIRF" has been in use for a long time, there is no way Kazaakisthan wrote it :p
27-12-2003, 17:10
I am actually older than this. Kazaakisthan is a puppet, but has become my main account now and my older one is a puppet.

Go here for your chance to win some weapons if you geuss the indetity of my puppet. (
27-12-2003, 21:28
I need your help in defeating the Bokrijk commonwealth. they atre a rogue nation that is trying to take over. Since I am new tothid I will like your help in my defense of the NAtion of USA

Edited By: Archaic Slang Words
Original by: Kazaakhistan
Filled out by: Archaic Slang Words
Directed at: Toys-r-us

Congratulations Toys-r-us! You have been chosen to receive the SIRF, because of some really stupid thing you posted. Please, read the following lines. After reading these lines, take the advice shown. If you are incapable of taking the advice shown because you:
Were dropped on the head as a child
Cannot read
Are quadriplegic
Have fewer than 5 braincells
Cannot count to 5
Or other problems.
Please simply refrain from posting. Ever again.

Thank you for your time. You are a: (check all that apply)
[x] Clueless N00b
[] Lamer
[] Flamer
[] Loser
[] Spammer
[] Troll
[] Warez Monkey
[] Me too'er
[] Pervert
[] Freak
[] Nerd
[] Racist
[] Rules Lawyer
[] Fanatic
[] Satanist
[] Homo
[x] Twit
[] Bully
[x] Waste of Skin
[] Crybaby
[] "Expert"
[] Unbearably self-righteous person
[] Rabid chipmunk
[] Person who obviously cannot type, but has been trained to respond to certain characters displayed on a monitor
[] Ultra conservative
[] Ultra liberal
[] Homophobe
[] Flame-baiter
[] Godmoder
[x] Retard
[] Pile of Regurgitated Fecal Matter
[] Depressive who can't get over how miserable their life is but still wants to stay but doesn't know if it will be worth it and wants everyone to feel bad for you

Your post was: (check all that apply)
[] A flame
[] A flame-bait
[x] A waste of bandwidth
[x] Lame
[x] Stupid
[] Abusive
[] Clueless
[x] Idiotic
[] Arrogant
[] Malevolent
[] Contemptible
[] Libelous
[x] Ignorant
[] Fanatical
[x] Boring
[x] Dim
[] Cowardly
[] Deceitful
[] Demented
[] Self-righteous
[] Crazy
[] Weird
[] Hypocritical
[] Loathsome
[] Satanic
[] Despicable
[] Belligerent
[] Mind-numbing
[] Maladroit
[] Much longer than any thought of which you are capable
[] Naive
[] Redundant
[] Void of Information
[] Lacking in Factual Basis
[] Copyrighted by Someone Else
[x] Melodramatic
[] 1 sentence
[] Catholic

Your attention is drawn to the fact that: (check all that apply)
[] You posted what should have been e-mailed or private-messaged
[] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others
[] You self-righteously impose your political beliefs on others
[x] You posted something totally uninteresting
[] You flamed the Standardized Idiot Reply Form
[] I don't like your tone of voice
[] What you posted has been done before ten million times
[] Not only that, it was also done better the last time
[] You bumped an aged topic which should not have been
[] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[x] You started a long, stupid thread
[] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread
[] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it
[] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[] You posted low-IQ trolley
[] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[] You said "me too" to something
[] You made no sense
[] You must have spent your life in a cardboard box to be this clueless
[] You posted in t3h 7331z0rz to look k00wL
[] You posted a message in ALL CAPS
[x] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet
[] You are a loser
[] This has been pointed out to you before
[] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles
[] You posted inappropriate images (goatze, rotten, tubgirl, etc.)
[] You can't even spam properly
[] You can't use correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation either

It is recommended that you: (check all that apply)
[x] Get a clue
[] Get a life
[] Go away
[] Grow up
[] Never post again
[] Have your medicine adjusted, if you dot have medicine, get some.
[] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[] Find a volcano and throw yourself in
[] Actually post something relevant
[x] Read the Stickies
[] Consume excrement
[] Consume excrement and thus expire
[x] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea of what you are doing
[x] Consult an older person
[] Ask your daddy if he hit you as a child
[] Get a girlfriend/boyfriend
[] Find someone who would give you attention
[] Stop thinking goatze-esque methods are a cool way to spam

In closing, I'd like to say: (check all that apply)
[] You need to seek psychiatric help
[x] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[x] *plonk*
[] I hate you
[] Most of the above
[] All of the above
[] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
[] You should find a time machine, go back to the date of your birth, and kill yourself.
[] Ram this pipe-bomb up your butt and light it
[] Eat the pipe-bomb instead

With special thanks to: The oppresor. Thanks for the form!

Please dont post that crap

I need your help in defeating the Bokrijk commonwealth. they atre a rogue nation that is trying to take over. Since I am new tothid I will like your help in my defense of the NAtion of USA

How can I be of asisstance?
I can:
A. fill your nation with green Jello
B. have you kiss my ass
C. Ignore you
D. Flame you so badly you will stay off of the internet
E. Spam this thread
F. n00JK Jouuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111124824335!!!!!!!!!!1111111

He wants real help, why not help him?
sorry toys r us he did that to me too (useless right)