Merc for hire
26-12-2003, 19:37
-Originality is up for hire for mercenary operations spy missions etc. pretty much anything I will use all resources available to get job done whatever they may be TM me if interested
What is your tech level, does your employer have to provide the equipment, and are you capable of taking on assassination missions?
26-12-2003, 19:48
recent tech (2003) assassinations: yes if the nation hiring me is very large and depending on the mission they will have to provide equipment but in most cases no I will use my own equipment
Thanks. I may end up hiring you some time in the future...
26-12-2003, 19:53
I hope to hear from you soon
26-12-2003, 20:09
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 20:13
Are you trying to compare yourself to our mercenaries?
26-12-2003, 20:14
Im just advertising my business like all these weapon storefronts in NS and coke commercials in RL do you want to hire me?
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 20:16
Actaully, no. I was wondering if you wanted to share trade secrets. It'd be beneficial to both of us.
26-12-2003, 20:20
deal TM me
want to make an alliance?
01-05-2004, 00:08
Still A Merc after 3 months of jobs
Once I start, everyone starts selling mercs, and no sooner...
Anyhow, I was wondering if you have actually statistics for your mercenaries. Or definate prices? I do.
The Resi Corporation
01-05-2004, 00:22
01-05-2004, 00:22
no, i do not believe that that is very important
plus i've been a merc longer than you've been a nation but only today have started advertising again
i've been doing a lot of underground stuff with my allies, spying and stuff
You've really been out of the loop if you don't think that is important.
01-05-2004, 00:27
hey back in my day......
no i dont think its that but i just havent really bothered with it
im sure i could if someone hired me too :lol:
There are two major sales boosters for anything military:
01-05-2004, 00:36
yeah oh well
if they're desperate or dont really care
i like to keep them not knowing very much about me and just trusting that i will carry out the assignment then to learn everything about me and doubt
01-05-2004, 02:12
01-05-2004, 18:25