NationStates Jolt Archive

The Debut Party of Perra of Catholicity SERIOUS RP!

26-12-2003, 19:19
(This is a serious RP, serious RPers please)
Lady Serefine Celedaen ran down the list again. It was hard to believe sometimes, that Perra had become an independent nation, and even now, mere hours before the feast that would mark the first day of Perra as a nation, she found herself looking up from the list, distracted by the magnificence of the Great Hall.
It was decorated sparsely, due to the somewhat-impromptu nature of the feast, but from the high rafters hung the banners of the States of Perra, and her ally-nations in the region of Catholicity. There was room for more, she saw, but as yet, Perra had had only little contact with the other regions of the world. The long trestle tables were set, shining clean silver on the best white tablecloths. And no food had been set out yet; she remembered and hurriedly attended to her list again.
"My lady, is everything to your wishes?" her brother Kasmierz asked, entering from one of the side doors at the far end of the Great Hall.
She smiled apologetically at him. "I'm so sorry, Mierz, I haven't finished looking over the list you sent me, but everything seems to be in order."
"Look carefully then, because you always forget something," Kasmierz smiled back.
"Figs, dates, raisins, oranges..."Serefine ticked the items off with a smooth movement of her pen. "You have seen to it, two light dishes and two meats, very good. Don't forget the spiced wine- are you sure there is enough silver for the high table?"
"I have seen to it personally, my lady," Kasmierz assured her. "As for the wine, we are amply provided. I seem to recall some line about the Catholic sun shining over good food, cheer and wine? No, that isn't quite right, but you take my meaning."
"The Bishop! I had almost forgotten!" Serefine exclaimed, standing up so quickly, she sent her chair over.
"He has been invited, and he will be arriving in an hour or two. And before you asked, I have prepared rooms for him if he wishes to stay the night."
"You think of everything, Mierz."
"I certainly try, my lady." Kasmierz said. "And now, I have things to attend to, but if the list serves, may I have it?"
Serefine surrendered the list gladly. "I think that _is_ everything," she said. "But if I have forgotten something-"
"If you have forgotten something, doubtless you will recall it and I will fetch it," Kasmierz assured her.
“Thank you.” Serefine worried the end of her braid and waited for the guests to arrive.
27-12-2003, 02:09
“I bid you all a very warm welcome to the debut party of the nation of Perra,” Lord Averen muttered, reading over his speech. “Got that, got that… Last paragraph’s a little off, but it will have to do.” He sighed. As happy as he was to have a wonderful country to rule over, he was a little uneasy about the party. It just seemed slightly…off? Was that it? Something was not quite as it should be…

In the dark, old corridors of the palace, the ones that few ever traveled, a shade lurked among the other shades. But this one could detach itself from the wall, wield a blade and slay a man. And that was exactly what it intended to do. As the slow time passed in the gloom, the shade took the sword from its sheath and ran the blade carefully through his fingers for cracks and imperfections. But there were none. He knew there were none, just as he knew that the guards who would be armed with machine guns would not be able to touch him. He would claim Lord Celedaen’s life. He smiled in the darkness, and his eyes glinted cold.
27-12-2003, 18:29
28-12-2003, 20:36
Bump. Again.
Archaic Slang Words
28-12-2003, 20:44
OOC: Want me to take control of your "shade" assassin thingy? :twisted:
29-12-2003, 02:46
OOC: Sure, it would be great to have anyone interested in this RP! Only stipulation is please don't kill either Lord or Lady Celedaen. You may kill anyone else. ;)
Archaic Slang Words
29-12-2003, 02:59
OOC: Excellent... I'm going 1st person; let's get this show on the road. Firstly, let's establish a malicious character...

I couldn't help but watch all the merryness in the hallways. Men carrying strange and foreign weapons in the territory that I was supposed to plague, reeking of beer, ale, and cheer... it was disgusting; I never did like people much.

I guess it can be said that I was always a loner back in my day when I was still deemed a "whole" person. It's rather ironic that isolation can create beasts out of some of the most timid. Maybe that's why back in the day I was hired out to kill people with the utmost perfection and leave undetected. And now people of power had situated themselves in the halls which I had prowled during life. It would be best if I adhered to my typical nature.


I had spent the night in the darker hallway, only to wake up. Several of those gaurds hauling those foreign weapons were wandering my halls again, cracking loud jokes and laughing like imbeciles. Definitely something that would make your blood boil. Maybe it was a deft stroke of cruel realism that hit me, but I decided to follow them.

They were intoxicated beyond all reprieve; it was amazing they were on their feet for that matter. From what I could tell, they were headed up to their rooms. A perfect opportunity to intercept them and extinguish their pittiful lives.


I had easily gotten ahead of them and waited at the top of the stairs. The two idiots, just like I had thought, came stumbling upwards after me. Their shadows projected out along the wall, and I matched movements with the nearest one. Just because they were drunk didn't mean I would risk being seen.

They started ascending the stairs, passing by a rope which connected to a hanging chandeleir. I unhooked the blade from my belt and cut it. The chandeleir came crashing down, directly from above at the gaurds who were walking on the stairs.
29-12-2003, 03:21
"Lady Serefine?" a woman Serefine didn't recognize immediately, but who was wearing the familiar grey uniform of palace staff hurried up to her.

Serefine looked quickly around the hall, Averen still hadn’t made his arrival, but that was all right, most of the guests hadn’t arrived yet. “Yes, can I help you….”

“Kira Nyroska, assistant to the director of security,” the woman said quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Serefine frowned.

“My lady, there has been an…incident. It could be an accident, but it doesn’t seem likely. With your permission, I would like to raise the guard complement.”

“Do so,” Serefine said. “But please try to be unobtrusive. It would not look good if-”

“I understand completely, my lady,” Nyroska interrupted. “We will be as unobtrusive as possible. Please do not worry.”

_Don’t worry,_ Serefine frowned slightly. How exactly was she supposed to _not_ worry? The best she could do was hide the worry she felt as best she could and be a good hostess.
Archaic Slang Words
29-12-2003, 03:36
I had sulked off into a corner after those two fools had been crushed underneath. One of them moaned a bit, and tried to cry out in pain, but I quickly relished in breaking his neck. Still thinking about it makes me all giddy inside.

I started walking up the stairs, and entered the main hallway. To my left and right, doors were lined up. I couldn't decide where to go next. There were so many options and I felt like I would never have enough time to look in all of them for someone who would be fun to torment a bit; my bloodlust had been settled temporarily.

I started walking down the hallway, and about halfway down, I stopped. I heard a lone masculine voice reciting what sounded like a speech. I couldn't help it; someone important was around. Always a great time to enjoy myself.

I slunk around the corner and passed by an open window. The moon peeked through, and the wind coming through the open window ruffled the hanging curtains. Eerily beautiful, eerily appropriate.

I came to the door, third one on the left side of the hall. The voice was coming from inside that room. I kneeled down and looked through the crack. The man was facing away from the door. Cracking it, I slipped in. The man was oblivious to my presence. As I crept closer, though, the unexpected happened; he turned around. The blood drained from his face as he saw the door open.

(Want to resume, Perra?)
29-12-2003, 03:49
Averen looked at the open doorframe, and with instincts born of long training and his resistance days, he drew his ceremonial sword. It was a lousy weapon, he knew and desperately wished for a gun, but there was no time.
_An attacker I can't see? Where have I heard about this before?_
"What do you want?"