The University of Academear Opens its Doors!
I would like to announce the opening of the University of Academear! It is a school to train the familly and friends of the State Leaders around the world. Admissions is guranteed to those hailing from the 10000 Island region, and tuition is free. Send your applications through telegram! Be sure to include SATs, grades, and personal essays. We understand your country's unique educational systems, so don't be too afraid to apply!
26-12-2003, 03:06
what does this do for leaders?
First, all research done at UA will be made public to the world. So, by contributing the bright minds of your future leaders, you contribute to the growth of world knowledge.
Second, we act as a nice baby-sitting service, so that your spoiled brats don't get in your hair.
Third, it allows you to build contacts and alliances with other nations through your children.
Fourth, and most importantly, you are cultivating the next generation of leadership in your own nation by giving them a world-class education.
26-12-2003, 03:14
Right ho, Samantha Irwin, glorious first born of our nation's president will enroll. What exactly do you wish on her application essay? The finest authors in our nation.....I mean..Ahem..Samantha Irwin waits for your response so they.. I mean she..can begin immediately.
Anything that would help us to get to know Samantha better.
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 03:27
An enormous amount of The Zoogie People's students have applied to this new university. Graduating in the Top 5% of their classes, three hundred students are hopeful to attend college in Academear.
26-12-2003, 03:28
The Dundaine Dictators 2nd born Viktor Romanov a 2nd Lt in the Dundainian Armed Forces would like to enrol into your university.
A tremendous athelte and a History student. While serving in the military he has almost completed a novel about Dundainian Military life I think that he will be a great student at your school.
Vladimir Dima
Dictators Scribe
::Sealed Office of the Dictator::
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 03:30
OOC: Do I really have to right out essays? Cause I don't have any good spare ones :D.
OOC: You don't need to go over board on the essays. Just a blurb would help.
Zoogies: Although the tuition might be a bit steep for common citizens (1 million USD per student per year), Academear has a strong scholarship program, which allots 5 free slots to each country, so that less priveleged students can add diversity to campus.
Viktor Romanov: let me be the first to congratulate you on your acceptance! It sounds like you will make an excelent addition to our history, english, and military science departments.
All others, be sure to telegram me your applications! While our rolling admissions means there is no rush, the sooner your child starts their education, the better!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:00
Willow (Last name unknown, demon)
Grades: Almost straight A's
SAT: 1560
Description: Second Vice-Ruler of JJR, Willow is much-loved in JJR. She tends to be more secluded than her sister, but still is a bit on the wild side. Like her brother and sister, she has had extensive training as an assassin. She needs more political knowledge, but she loves science and strategy. She enjoys some English, but not a lot. She has helped with the recent IDD (Implosion Devestator Device) invention, which is a new incursion into militarial technologies.
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 04:03
A million a year? Christ...that's like 30 times over expensive colleges in the US. Seriously. I will be doing some files on my students, twenty in total, and you pick five...although I do request you lower your prices a bit to a beareable standard, it's enough living in a foreign country.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:04
Zoogie People, I'll fund you, if you want.
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 04:09's more the students themselves that need help, and our government will try programs to raise these...any funding would be accepted though. Thanks.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:11
*wires 5 million to Zoogie People*
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 04:15
Thank you...with the funds that they are gathering (including from JJR), and support, we should be more than able to send our students there...
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:17
So, is she in?
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:39
26-12-2003, 04:40
Please Telegram me so i know when classes start and if there is a place to enrol classes of my choice i will certainly sign up
Viktor Romanov
2nd Lieutenant-2nd Tank Corps
Dundaine Armed Forces
Willow: congratulations, you've been accepted!
Zoogie: Perhaps you could endow a national Zoogie scholarship foundation?
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 04:42
Oh, we have one ;) And they're at work.
To all those who are admitted: class options will be posted sometime within the next week. Until then, enjoy winter break!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:45
Tarenteor spins around and looks at his sister.
"Yo, I got you a school. Academear. Cost like, 1,000,000 USD, so don't kill anyone. Anyway, they look really good. Found a new type of rubber. Sound good?"
"It's sounds cool. They know I'm a demon?"
"Yeah, it's all good."
Steven Lunsford II, the son of our fine president, wishes (or is being forced to, whatever) to enroll in your fine academy.
Grades:Straight A's (all AP courses)
Steven is a great athlete, but also enjoys learning. His fine academic skills have improved our country, him being a junior tech on our Floating City project. He enjoys tinkering in his own workshop on the grounds of the Presidential mansion. He looks forward to your reply.
Yours Truly,
Ignacio Stasmanolafovich,
Steven's Tutor
Steven Lunsford: Accepted!
So far, our acceptance rate is hovering at 100%. This 'll kill us in US News and World Report rankings... better reject a few Zoogies...
Oh, no, I'm just joking. The enlightened people of Academear would never do something as elitist as that.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 04:56
If you need help, I could bribe them.
26-12-2003, 05:29
To: Dean of University
From: Viktor Romanov
My 2nd tank corps are involved in a rather important operations stopping a guerrilla faction outside of the nation of Former Mordor. This may be a very dangerous operation. therefore I am not sure how long we will be involved there. I excuse my self if I am late for the start of my first Sememster
Viktor Romanov
2nd Lieutenant-2nd Tank Corps
Dundaine Armed Forces
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 17:21
Hehe, we hosted a competition and in the end, out of three hundred that applied, we believe only two are going to make it - due to financial conerns, wanting to stay at home, blah, blah.
So in the end, only forty students seriously applied.
Student #1
SAT - 1500
SAT II Biology - 800
SAT II Math - 730
SAT II English - 770
GPA - 97.8
Interests - Biology and chemistry
Student #2
SAT - 1580
SAT II Math IIC - 800
SAT II Physics - 800
SAT II English - 720
GPA - 98.2
Interests - Particle Physics
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 20:07
Hmmm. Zoogie, gimme a pick of the second student for my sister. They both like particle physics.
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 20:08
I don't have any
Jangle Jangle Ridge
26-12-2003, 20:17
Curse you. You broke my sister heart :tantrum: :lol:
26-12-2003, 23:57
26-12-2003, 23:58
ohh dont worry i can mend it lol
Psssssssssssst....JJR...find a picture and send me the link in a TM...then I can post it...and think up a name if you wish to :)
Student #1 is female. #2 is male.
Thakan Dar
27-12-2003, 00:17
To: The Chancellor of the University of Academear
From: Kavish Dendo, Director of Education
The Dominion of Thakan Dar would like to send to the University of Academear, its top 100 post-secondary students, including one Sabian Seven Xalar II, eldest son of the Prime Director.
Average GPAs are a minimum of 4.0 (out of 4), which in Thakan Dar is the equivalent of a 96-100%. Each applicant currently holds at least one degree in their chosen pursuit, but Thakan Dar would like to acquire for its finest minds an international education in the areas of diplomacy and government administration.
As a gesture of goodwill, the Dominion of Thakan Dar has included in this application $20 million USD, in addition to the standard tuitions for 100, with the stipulation that it be used to construct an athletic stadium for the university. Thakan Dar places a high value on the fitness of body as well as mind, and the Prime Director himself is a great fan of collegiate sports.
Awaiting your reply,
Dr. K. Dendo
27-12-2003, 05:02
27-12-2003, 05:19
As the education of my son is top priority for me I will donate 1 billion dollars to this college
General Valkyr Gustav
Dictator of The Armed Republic of Dundaine
30-12-2003, 10:12
Someone reply!!
11-01-2004, 00:23
It has been hard, but after reviews and competitions of our finest students who wished to join, we have five students who are applying for the scholarship program.
1.Rosa Nertski
Major-Particle physics
Minor-Applied physics
Daughter of renowned Trinsian physicist Herman Nertski, Rosa frequently visited her father's work(University of Sopot) and discussed therums with him and his colleagues.
2.Josef Nertski
Also a child of Herman Nertski, Josef took more of an interest in chemistry rater then physics. While his sister was in the Physics Department, Josef was with the chemistry professors, where he helped research a chemistry textbook.
3.Pauline O'Devis
Majors-Biology, Medicine
Minors-Anatomy, Medevial History
Raised in a low-income family, O'Devis wasn't stopped from quenching her thrist for knowledge. She read any books she could obtain, while working a job. She obtained a full scholarship to a private high school, when her mother died, stricken by cancer. She immdediately rose to the top of her class, and soon the National Honors Society. She is dedicated to research a treatment for cancer.
4.Michael Devling
Major- World History
Minors-Ancient History, Writing
Michael Devling took an immense interest in history as a child. As a high school junior and senior, he took history classes in the local college. He wrote many articles for the National Trinsian Historical Society Journal.
5.Oleg Kreviski
Majors-Economics, Accounting
Minor- International Econmic Policy
After seeing the Finicial Section of The ROT Times while on a school trip, Krevski become infatuated with finiace. He did his family's taxes throughout high school. After his large layoffs in his town, Oleg invested in stocks and restored finicial security to the area.