NationStates Jolt Archive

the black wraiths (open rp, just for fun)

25-12-2003, 07:14
i, the president of farfanugen, am sending out a distress signal to all ally countrys. the terrorist group the black wraiths have taken countrol of my country. the attacks of this terrorist group have always been a problem in my country but around october they started getting very fierce. general rousk, the general i appointed, turned the army against me. half of my military have turned against me and the rest are dead except for about 20,000 delta forces who are still loyal to me. my citizens are being held in concetration camps and im not strong enough to break them out myself.

please help
25-12-2003, 07:18
If you should choose to accept, I have an offer...

With my newly aquired spaceship, I can alter the course of a comet, and completely destroy every square inch of your country. If you accept, I will beam you and your 20,000 loyal troops onboard my ship. Similar to Noah's Ark, everything else will be destroyed and you may rebuild your nation from there.

*patiently awaiting a response*

xoxo~ toria
25-12-2003, 07:20

yeah i was kinda hopin' to have fun with this

so no its ok
25-12-2003, 07:34
we need people to secure the outland of my country because the black wraiths havnt taken complete control over that area. are main goal is to break through the concentration camps and free my civilians.
25-12-2003, 07:38
If you won't accept my proposal, then all that I can do, is put my petty infantry at your disposal, and wish you luck. I can give you about 100,000 men who are poorly trained ex-militia idiots. Have fun. xoxo~ toria
25-12-2003, 07:42
I can give you my OMEGA force. It is a small army of 30,000 cyborgs, equiped with state of the art weoponry. I can have them, spread out around the borders of your country and slowly move inward, eradicating all terrorists in thier path.

If you accept, they can arrive withing hours.
25-12-2003, 07:48
that would help. they can buy me time while my 120,000 troops move in to invade the concentration camps of the terrorists.
25-12-2003, 07:51
were gonna need transportation vehicles to move the civilians out after we break them loose
25-12-2003, 07:54
I have ten T-80UM6 tanks that won't provide great transportation for the civilians, but can sure as hell clear the way for 'em. xoxo~ toria
25-12-2003, 07:57
i guess i can get some transport helicopters; but i only have a few of those and only a few apcs.

*my troops are now having a long fight to break through the walls of the concetration camps*
Glorious Humanity
25-12-2003, 08:27
The Federation of Glorious Humanity is always willing to lend whatever aid we can to the fight against terrorism. We can deploy a hundred thousand men, and several thousand armored vehicles, transports, and aircraft. Our soldiers are highly trained, capable warriors, and will gladly fight for freedom.

Mark Albert
Federation of Glorious Humanity

[OOC: Farfanugen, check telegrams]
Glorious Humanity
27-12-2003, 13:50
[OOC: Well, if no one else is posting...]

0600 ZULU (6 AM)
A Wraith supply base near the eastern Farfanugen border

Colonel Gerald Rosenberg peered through his day/night binoculars. With the amplification on, the landscape around him and the base two hundred yards away were painted in a peculiar gray/green light. Didn't look like too many guards out here. Probably most of their forces were further in the country. The Colonel was currently laying on his belly on a small hill that afforded him a good view of the flat land surrounding the base that was his soldiers' first objective.

He heard a rustling sound next to him, and a moment later Lieutenant Jonas Mathis was laying flat next to him.

"Sir," Mathis whispered. "The men are in position. The choppers are five minutes out."

"Good," he whispered. "Spread the word to get ready, and also remember, keep collateral damage to a minimum. I want that base as intact as possible once we're through ejecting the occupants."

"Yes sir," Mathis slithered away again, vanishing back into the murky light. It was that peculiar not-quite-light, not-quite-darkness that came just before true dawn. It was light enough to make people think they could see things, when in actual fact they were still nearly as blind as they were in total darkness. An ideal time to attack.

The Colonel's advance strike force consisted of five thousand men spread out in groups to form a half-circle around the base. Nobody was closer than two hundred yards. They didn't want to be detected before the trap was sprung.

Abruptly the repeated thumping of rotors reached the Colonel's ears, and a moment later five Longbow attack helicopters flew over his head, headed for the base. He nodded with satisfaction. Phase one was about to begin.


"Approaching target," Captain Kelsey Holdon in the helicopter designated Fist One spoke to her team. "Spread out, you all know your targets. Make the shots count."

The Longbows fanned out, two circling around to get at the other side of the base, the other three going straight forward.

"Twenty yards to target," Holdon spoke into her comm. On the ground, she could make out people moving around. The base was lit with large floodlights, which made the choppers job easier. "Three... two... one... fire at will!"

The gunships accelerated forward, the chainguns under their noses roaring to life as missiles and unguided rockets took flight. The attacks were not random, the helicopters had very specific targets. They were targeting guard posts, guard towers, any anti-air defenses, and any vehicles.


Colonel Rosenberg waited fifteen minutes while the helicopters did their thing. Then he grabbed his field radio.

"Rosenberg to all ground troops. Attack!"

Five thousand soldiers broke from their cover and concealment, and rushed towards the base.
Thakan Dar
27-12-2003, 16:34
Deep inside the Obsidian Circle, the military headquarters of the Dominion of Thakan Dar, a tall officer approached a non-descript and unguarded door. Waving his ID card in front of the scanner, Lieutenant Second Rank Shae Getheron waited for the door to open.

The room appeared to be a large office decorated primarily in Thakan black. In the centre was a large desk and behind it was the only person Getheron would ever admit to being afraid of.

Tekesh Lothaer looked up from the computer screen, fixing Getheron with a piercing, one-eyed gaze. The other eye was covered by a patch the colour of dried blood, affixed with three screws embedded in the bone around Lothaer's socket. Getheron got the distinct feeling, as he always did in Lothaer's presence, that that gaze had him weighed and measured, and found barely adequate.

"You have a report, lef-tenant?" The rank was pronounced after the fashion of the British Commonwealth.

"Yes, General. From the Black Wraiths. They confirm receipt of ten thousand CR-04 rifles."

"Traceable?" Lothaer's gravelly voice carried a rising menace, promising great suffering for an unfavourable response.

Getheron swallowed in spite of himself. "No, sir. The weapons were routed through some of the more, shall we say, anarchic nationstates. Our support will not be traced without alerting us to the effort, an effort we will squash."

Lothaer returned his gaze to his computer effectively dismissing Getheron. The lieutenant was more than amenable to taking the opportunity to leave.

Once back in the corridor, safely on his way back to the upper levels, Getheron's fear abated and his ambition reasserted itself. He had once hoped to work closely with the formidable General Lothaer, to benefit from Lothaer's knowledge and experience. Now, Getheron hoped to one day supplant him. Such was an accepted method of advancement in the Thakan Dar Forces.

But that concern was for another day; today, Getheron needed to coordinate the placement of special forces operatives from the Thakan army into Farfanugen. A Wraith supply depot had been raided and punishment had to be meted out. Perhaps the messy destruction of a few public buildings in the capital would be sufficient to send the message to the Farfanugen president - his time in office was over and his succession was overdue.
Glorious Humanity
29-12-2003, 05:55
[OOC: Anyone know where Farfanugen is? Since it's his country we're about to fight over and all...]