!!!NEW!!! Battleship for sale!
For years, the Ameriacans have had pride in the Iowa class Battleship but now there is a new ship on the horizon.
The United Kingoms best class of frigate, the Broadside Class (Batch 1 and 2) has been refitted to a Batch 3 Battleship.
These are the stats...
Type: Battleship (BB)
Nation: British Navy
Displacement: 52, 000 tons full load
Dimensions: lenth 368.2 m; beam 20.3m; draught 10m
Gun armenment: Two triple firering forword and aft BMARC 30mm cannons
Missile armenment: 4 Areospatiale MM 38 Exocet SSM
Torpedoes: 2 triple 324mm Pleesy STWS'
Range: 10,230km
Cost: $400,000/ £500,000
There you are i'm selling forty of these things.
But my asking price is not the above sums but....
$300,000 or £300,000
That's a bargin!!! So come on post me a reply of your asking price!!!
remember :!: go to midnight mass :!:
I can't get my hands on a picture, but look up the HMS. Cornwall on the internet and you'll find a picture, or the HMS. Campletown.
24-12-2003, 22:36
Midlonia shall buy 4, 2 we shall pay for and 2 we shall trade for Uranium
General Ramirez will take three of these and is wiring the 1.5 million pounds.
Five Civilized Nations
24-12-2003, 23:28
British Navy please post a picture...
24-12-2003, 23:30
I will take 1000 of these magnificent new battleships
*money wired on order confirmation(in USD)*
24-12-2003, 23:31
yeah put a pic up, your embarressing us brits.... :wink:
I will take one please, money wired upon confermation. Thankyou.
Could i purchase 100 battleships pls.
total $30,000,000
*money to be wired apon confirmation*
24-12-2003, 23:33
*Tagged for future purchase(s)*
I will take 5. The money shall be wired as soon as the purchase is confirmed.
yeah put a pic up, your embarressing us brits.... :wink:
I will take one please, money wired upon confermation. Thankyou.
Pah! Americans can put anything brits can put into the sky, seas or land ten times better than brits.
Dats why we had an empire. U never ever ever.
24-12-2003, 23:38
yeah put a pic up, your embarressing us brits.... :wink:
I will take one please, money wired upon confermation. Thankyou.
Pah! Americans can put anything brits can put into the sky, seas or land ten times better than brits.
yeah but ours tend to stay in the sky or afloat in the water...... :wink:
You are all wasting your money on things that are especially made for killing people! If you buy and use those kind of weapons, you will all look no better than dictators who use them to invade regions!
Ive only got them to defend against the rougue nations dat threaten my nation and people. Wats wrong with that?
24-12-2003, 23:43
You are all wasting your money on things that are especially made for killing people! If you buy and use those kind of weapons, you will all look no better than dictators who use them to invade regions!
you cant expect to sit while an enemy invades and say that we dont like weapons so then our nation is destroyed instead of theres.
You are all wasting your money on things that are especially made for killing people! If you buy and use those kind of weapons, you will all look no better than dictators who use them to invade regions!
So what? then we shouldn't buy'em and just let dicators take over regions and do nothing about it? Just give them a free pass? Yeah, ok, that makes a lot of sense!
The Federation of Hamsandwizh would like 2 of'em please
Money wired, thanks!
Meramoso would like to purchase ten of these vessles. The money will be transferred upon confirmation of order.
24-12-2003, 23:57
This thing really needs lots of work to be at all viable.
How can a refit of the type 22 (which already has a btach 3 design) suddenly go from 4850tons to 52,000 (each batch uses the same hull, changing the hull makes it a totally different class of vessel) and double in length and yet a tthe same time suffer such a dreadful drop in weaponary: half the effective surface to surface missile power, total removal of SAMs and the addition of 30mm guns (try 300mm or 12" to get anywhere near the power a true "battleship" would need).
I was hoping this was a starship.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
Huzen Hagen
26-12-2003, 18:31
ill take 100 for the situation law2k was talking about
ooc: as a fellow brit i thank you for selling british ships they rule.
to any american out there, british scientists were the first to come up with the design that is used in all supersonic aircraft but the americans were struggaling so much they had to steal all the reaearch and claim credit. and look at iraq, how many attacks are their against the british
*money wired*
and can i have production rights (i know im too young to produce but it'd be good to have them)
26-12-2003, 19:10
15 please
Total: 4,500,000
~Money wired~
Darkwing Vampyres
26-12-2003, 23:40
The Leadership of Darkwing Vampyres wishes to place an order for 5 Broadside Class, Batch 3, Battleships @ $300,000 each, total $1.5 million.
Payment wired when order confirmed.
Prince Vlad, Regent of the Confereracy of the Darkwing Vampyres
200 of these ships money wired
26-12-2003, 23:54
yeah put a pic up, your embarressing us brits.... :wink:
I will take one please, money wired upon confermation. Thankyou.
Pah! Americans can put anything brits can put into the sky, seas or land ten times better than brits.
yeah but ours tend to stay in the sky or afloat in the water...... :wink:that's becuase you brits never ACTUALLY fight. The american's on the other hand, aren't afraid to fight.
27-12-2003, 00:46
hmmm...wonder why the british haven't posted yet? :?
27-12-2003, 12:21
hmmm...wonder why the british haven't posted yet? :?
Proabably a time issue my dear chap, some of us need to sleep dontcha know.
Me thinks some of the ileducated colonials need to actually read thier history and recent military activity records.
Which small navy and airforce with it's apparently outdated equipment regularly humbles the US in exercises, whose Anti radiation missile actually works?, who posses the best SEAD/DEAD aircraft, version of the appache, maritime patrol aircraft and currently actually actually has a decent next gen BVR missile close to completion, whose apparently lump of rubbish rifle still manages to get better reliability and user approval rating than the M4?.
Let us not forget that the US have killed pretty much more UK service men than a large number of so called enemy nations.
27-12-2003, 13:35
The Empire would like to purchase
5 of your ships = 2 billion dollars (USD)
28-12-2003, 14:01
Order Confirmation?
28-12-2003, 14:04
30mm Cannons :shock:
This is barely a corvette :?
Why the hell you called this a Battleship I dont know. 55,000 tons :shock:
FLAWED, straight to hell.
28-12-2003, 14:21
To us it's not a battleship considering a Russian missile cruiser is better armed.
I'll take 40 of these for 12 million. Money wired upon confirmation... thanks for the bargain my Navy can now finally grow. :D
Adaptus Astrates
28-12-2003, 18:00
I'll have 10 please.
30-12-2003, 14:11
30-12-2003, 14:17
hmmm...wonder why the british haven't posted yet? :?
Proabably a time issue my dear chap, some of us need to sleep dontcha know.
Me thinks some of the ileducated colonials need to actually read thier history and recent military activity records.
Which small navy and airforce with it's apparently outdated equipment regularly humbles the US in exercises, whose Anti radiation missile actually works?, who posses the best SEAD/DEAD aircraft, version of the appache, maritime patrol aircraft and currently actually actually has a decent next gen BVR missile close to completion, whose apparently lump of rubbish rifle still manages to get better reliability and user approval rating than the M4?.
Let us not forget that the US have killed pretty much more UK service men than a large number of so called enemy nations.Let us not forget that at least the US aren't afraid to fight. We beat you british before and could do it again, anytime anyplace. :roll: 8)
hmmm...wonder why the british haven't posted yet? :?
Proabably a time issue my dear chap, some of us need to sleep dontcha know.
Me thinks some of the ileducated colonials need to actually read thier history and recent military activity records.
Which small navy and airforce with it's apparently outdated equipment regularly humbles the US in exercises, whose Anti radiation missile actually works?, who posses the best SEAD/DEAD aircraft, version of the appache, maritime patrol aircraft and currently actually actually has a decent next gen BVR missile close to completion, whose apparently lump of rubbish rifle still manages to get better reliability and user approval rating than the M4?.
Let us not forget that the US have killed pretty much more UK service men than a large number of so called enemy nations.Let us not forget that at least the US aren't afraid to fight. We beat you british before and could do it again, anytime anyplace. :roll: 8)
Oh shush. The Aussies > the stupid brits and ignorant americans 8)
30-12-2003, 14:23
yeah, we are ignorant, but at least we aren't stupid. By the way, what are you doujin? a brit, american, russian, what?
30-12-2003, 14:32
I, personally, are British.
Now, I dont think the Americans should be labeled "Ignorant" straight away.
Its all Bushes fault, see. He is stupid AND ignorant. And Blair...I dont know how to describe him :D
30-12-2003, 14:34
I, personally, are British.
Now, I dont think the Americans should be labeled "Ignorant" straight away.
Its all Bushes fault, see. He is stupid AND ignorant. And Blair...I dont know how to describe him :Di agree, it's bush's fault. Blair, though, i believe, does have a LOT of common sense, more so then bush.
30-12-2003, 14:35
Who doesnt have more common sense than Bush.
Did you guys think the fighting wouLd stop as soon as Saddam was gone?
Almost more guys were killed after Baghdad was taken than before.
I, personally, are British.
Now, I dont think the Americans should be labeled "Ignorant" straight away.
Its all Bushes fault, see. He is stupid AND ignorant. And Blair...I dont know how to describe him :Di agree, it's bush's fault. Blair, though, i believe, does have a LOT of common sense, more so then bush.
ooc: well, i respect your ignorant opinion, but if you look behind the left wing bulls---, bush is not ignorant, but a fine leader. He showed the world our great army, and that we are not a bunch of left wing p-----s.thank you
30-12-2003, 14:54
Who doesnt have more common sense than Bush.
Did you guys think the fighting wouLd stop as soon as Saddam was gone?
Almost more guys were killed after Baghdad was taken than before.
OOC: Obviously you don't listen to the President! He clearly stated this was going to happen. Anyone that has a brain, unlike you Kazakhstania, knew this was going to happen.
I have 2 relatives in Iraq and I will not have this flaming of our national leader. I get that enough from the 9 Presidential wannabe's but they have yet to tell us how they are going to stabilize the nation. Short of pulling out which will be a disaster. So if I here anyone bash anyone else, I'll start attacking your national leader as soon as I find out who it is.
:D God Bless America :D
IC: I'll take 3 ships of the Batch 3. Money wired upon confirmation
30-12-2003, 14:57
Who doesnt have more common sense than Bush.
Did you guys think the fighting wouLd stop as soon as Saddam was gone?
Almost more guys were killed after Baghdad was taken than before.
OOC: Obviously you don't listen to the President! He clearly stated this was going to happen. Anyone that has a brain, unlike you Kazakhstania, knew this was going to happen.
I have 2 relatives in Iraq and I will not have this flaming of our national leader. I get that enough from the 9 Presidential wannabe's but they have yet to tell us how they are going to stabilize the nation.
IC: I'll take 3 shipsoooooo, harsh ooc statement. :shock:
30-12-2003, 15:00
OOC:: well everywhere I look, I'm seeing Bush bashing! Its about time someone stands up for him. I'm sick and tired of hearing how dumb, ignorant and warhawkish we are. But it is amazing. They Flame the US but when they are threatened, They come to the US for help.
Tinithia will purchase 50 ships for $15,000,000. We will wire it to you after you give us confirmation. thank you
- Regent of Tinithia
30-12-2003, 15:03
OOC:: well everywhere I look, I'm seeing Bush bashing! Its about time someone stands up for him. I'm sick and tired of hearing how dumb, ignorant and warhawkish we are. But it is amazing. They Flame the US but when they are threatened, They come to the US for help.PREACH BROTHER!!!!! GODS HONEST TRUTH! they blame and flame us, but when they are in trouble, they come crawling to us for help like a dog with it's tail up it's A**. ONCE AGAIN, PREACH BROTHER!
OOC:: well everywhere I look, I'm seeing Bush bashing! Its about time someone stands up for him. I'm sick and tired of hearing how dumb, ignorant and warhawkish we are. But it is amazing. They Flame the US but when they are threatened, They come to the US for help.
ooc: Thank god for people like you. It is almost impossible to find Bush supporters like I. Thank you for your statement, and I agree that, especially that god damned U.N. {not the one on nation states, i am a proud member of the Nation States U.N.}, do bash us all the time, but when they are threatened, the lick our a--es
30-12-2003, 15:17
OOC: Thank you all. The Real UN needs to get there act together if they are going to survive in this world of terror. Because of the War in Iraq, Iran and Libya have opened up to more weapons inspections with Libya getting rid of their WMD. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't liberate Iraq and that's a fact. I hope he gets 4 more years to lead our glorius country.
30-12-2003, 15:17
OOC:: well everywhere I look, I'm seeing Bush bashing! Its about time someone stands up for him. I'm sick and tired of hearing how dumb, ignorant and warhawkish we are. But it is amazing. They Flame the US but when they are threatened, They come to the US for help.
ooc: Thank god for people like you. It is almost impossible to find Bush supporters like I. Thank you for your statement, and I agree that, especially that god damned U.N. {not the one on nation states, i am a proud member of the Nation States U.N.}, do bash us all the time, but when they are threatened, the lick our a--esyeah, but not so much as other nations, not just the U.N.
30-12-2003, 15:20
so true theliberator! We need to tell the UN what is expected of them. Aren't they suppose to enforce their own God Damn Resolutions? When we follow them, They balk and say we can't do that. The Resolution says we can so we follow it anyway! LMFAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
30mm Cannons :shock:
This is barely a corvette :?
Why the hell you called this a Battleship I dont know. 55,000 tons :shock:
FLAWED, straight to hell.
The price is way off as well. Seriously low.
30-12-2003, 16:45
Tagged, but with number of ships being built from ground up, (even with Robotics) at 24 hrs a day, would need at least 1 shipyard for every 4 ships, 18 days to complete, (full workcrews, no faults to design.) It would still take 18 days to fill a 1000 ship order with 250 shipyards.
Will check back later.
I'm an alien from mars. I thought you all knew that..
I'm just a sucker for da aussie accent :oops: :oops:
[size=1]I am a not so proud citizen of the United States, notice I didn't say "American"...[size]
30-12-2003, 19:33
OOC: Backs away....
When has Britain come to the USA?
Falklands? I think not, we did that better than you ever could.
You jsut cant face up to the truth that Bush is a bumbling, no-brained idiot. It is time people realised that!!!
God save the queen!
Actually, dont....shoot her with a shotgun.
30-12-2003, 21:08
OOC: Backs away....
When has Britain come to the USA?
Falklands? I think not, we did that better than you ever could.
You jsut cant face up to the truth that Bush is a bumbling, no-brained idiot. It is time people realised that!!!
God save the queen!
Actually, dont....shoot her with a shotgun.
1. We never got involved in the Falklands! That was purely your doing.
2. Britian tried to enforce its will on us and we threw them out of our country.
3. The war of 1812 was fought when you impressed our merchentmen in your Royal Navy.
4. Bush is doing more to help the planet than Blair, Clinton(no comment on this idiot) and the UN ever Did.
5. The UN is a debating Society that has no interest in knocking down Mass Murderers. And before you say that Bush is one, Forget it! We've gone out of our way to minimize civilian casualties.
6. I could give a rat's ass about your Queen. we don't answer to her.
31-12-2003, 01:28
OOC: Backs away....
When has Britain come to the USA?
Falklands? I think not, we did that better than you ever could.
You jsut cant face up to the truth that Bush is a bumbling, no-brained idiot. It is time people realised that!!!
God save the queen!
Actually, dont....shoot her with a shotgun. when has britain come to the USA? Well, when the USA was forming of course! You preppy brits tried to control a superpower! even the japan know that the US is a superpower.( no comment on the british though :roll: )
31-12-2003, 01:35
IC:: We are still waiting Confirmation of our order of 3 Battleships. please deliver them to the Liberty shipyards as soon as possible.
31-12-2003, 01:36
Sorry for the double post!
31-12-2003, 13:32
The Empire is fed up waiting for confirmation, so ORDER CANCELLED!
Actually Tinithia has decided to purchase another 50 ships {making 100 in total} for 30,000,000 USD.
- Regent of Tinithia
ooc: I apoligize if i offended anyone with my comments. I just get so mad when people offend our president.