The Gathering of the Horde
Internal Military News Service:
Encrypted Broadcast:
From all over the world, Phoenix Naval Ships are being called to a remote port to assemble for what will be the first task force ever created by the Phoenix Milita Navy. Once the vessels assemble and are fully stocked by the port facillities, they will set sail. Destination, unknown.
The vessels being called into the formation of Task Force 1 are:
The Norad Class Super Battleship "PNS Phoenix" (flagship) with 30 aircraft
The Modifed Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier "PNS Dark Knight" with 116 aircraft
The Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier "PNS Seville" with 85 aircraft
The Iowa Class Battleship "PNS Montana"(80s upgrade + Aegis sys)
The R-500 Deathrain Class Missile Cruiser "PNS Zealot"
The XB-MPC Class Cruiser "PNS Athena"
(3) Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
(3) Sprunance Class Destroyers
(7) Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
(2) Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
(1) Dormer Class Cutter
(1) Sheppard Class Minesweeper
(5) Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
(3) Seawolf Class Attack Submarines w/ 2 Manta unmanned subs each
(2) Virginia class submarines
(2) XB-ASSN-V Attack Submarines
(4) Pitcher Class Tenders
(5) Texan Class Oilers
(5) Vesuvius Class Amuniton Ships
(3) Repair Vessels/Tugs
(2) Underway Replenishment Ships
(4) XB-ASV- Advanced Support Vessels
(1) Type 97 Medical Frigate
The location of the port is classfied and has only been revealed to each ship's captain. The mission is said to be known only to the Fleet Admiral in charge of the task group, whose name has been withheld. All personnel on leave, who are assigned to the listed vessels, should report to thier designated control post for transport to thier ship. That is of course if you have not been contacted alerady.
We also have alert level updates to report:
Condition: Zero
Code: Black
Alert: Red
Level: 1
These are nation-wide alerts.
Thank you and goodnight, be safe.
Stay tuned for unit deployment schedules.
Good luck with your mission.
Encrypted Transmission from Field Marshall Seville:
To TPM high command:
Our combined fleet has departed and has set sail. Only top Navy brass have been made aware. We have only given minor information to the rest of the military.
Our strength is as follows.
[25] Seawolf Class Attack Submarines w/ 2 Manta unmanned subs each
[2] XB-ASSN-V Attack Submarines
[2] Ohio class Ballistic Missle Submarines w/24 SLBM each
[2] Ohio class Guided Missile Submarines w/ specops support
[17] Virgina Class Attack Submarines
[21] Seawolf class Attack Submarines
[10] Devil Ray Class Concrete Submarines
*Amphibious Operations
[2] EM-150 Piotr Hotamel Class Amphibous Carrier
>[8] FU-29K Scorpion 4 each
>[12] A-V8B Harriers 6 each
>[18] F-35B S/VTOL 9 each
>[12] AH-1A1 SeaCobras 6 each
>[4] RAH-66 Comanches 2 each
>[4] MH-66 Tritons 2 each
>[4] CV-22 Ospreys 2 each
>[4] SH-60 Seahawks 2 each
>[2] SH-46 Sea Knight 1 each
>[4] SH-65A Dolphin 2 each
>[260] Airborne Assault Troops From Helos [520] in 2 sorties [800] total
>[2] Stryker 125mm
>[6] Stryker APC w/ 54 Infantry
>[16] M-2 Bradley w/ 96 Infantry
[6] Modified Wasp Class Amphibious Carriers
>[108] AV-8B Harriers 18 on each
>[18] F-35B S/VTOL 3 on each
>[12] FU-29K Scorpion 2 on each
>[12] CV-22 Osprey 2 on each
>[36] AH-1A1 SeaCobras 6 on each
>[12] RAH-66 Comanches 2 on each
>[12] MH-1R Huey 2 on each
>[30] SH-60 Seahawk 5 on each
>[12] SH-65A Dolphin 2 on each
>[12] SH-46 Sea Knight 2 on each
>[40] M-2 Bradleys w/ 240 Infantry 10 on each
>[12] Stryker ADATS SAM 2 on each
>[12] Stryker 125mm 2 on each
>[12] Stryker Mortar Carrier 2 on each
>[1] Stryker Command Vehicle only 1
>[1]Stryker Recon Vehicle only 1
>[6] Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle 1 on each
>[7] Stryker Medical Evacuation Vehicle 1 on each
>[12] Stryker Anti-Tank Guided Missle System 2 on each
>[72] Stryker APC w/ 648 Infantry 12 on each
>[1,242] Aiborne Assault Troops From all helos except dolphins [2,484] in 2 sorties [3,800] total
[16] LCACs (assigned to LHDs)
[12] Naiad Class Air Cushioned Landing Craft (assigned to Amphib Carriers, DLS and HST)
[4] Dock Landing Ships
[4] XB-HSV High Speed Transports
>[40] M-1A2 Abrams 10 on each
>[16] M109 155mm Paladin 4 on each
>[4] M-48 CHAPPRAL Mobile SAMs 1 on each
[5] Iowa Class Battle ships w/ ADV missle sys
>[10] SH-60 Seahawk 2 on each
>[10] SH-65A Dolphin ASW/S+R 2 on each
[1] Iowa Class Battle ship w/ ADV missle sys
>[1] CV-22 Osprey
>[1] SH-46 Sea Knight
>[1] SH-60 Seahawk
[2] Iowa Class Battle ships
>[5] SH-60 Seahawk
>[1] Spartan Class Blimp
[4] Modifed Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers /w 116 aircraft each
>[80] F/A-18E Super Hornets 20 on each
>[20] F-33B Phoenix 5 on each
>[40] F-23 Wildcat 10 on each
>[80] F-27 Haste 20 on each
>[40] FU-29K Scorpion 10 on each
>[120] F-35C 30 on each
>[12] SH-65A Dolphin 3 on each
>[48] SH-60 Seahawk 6 on each
>[12] KA-6 Tanker 3 on each
>[8] EA-6B Prowler 2 on each
>[12] A-4X Skyhawk II 3 on each
>[4] E2-C Hawkeye 1 on each
>[4] MH-66 Trition 1 on each
>[4] SH-46 Sea Knight 1 on each
>[4] CV-22 Osprey 1 on each
[2] Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers 85 a/c each
>[70] F-14E Ultra Tomcats 34 each
>[10] F-33B Phoenix 5 on each
>[6] EF-14 FireCats 3 each
>[24] F/A-18E Super Hornet 12 on each
>[16] A-4X Skyhawk II 8 on each
>[20] F-35C JSF 10 on each
>[6] FU-29K Scorpion 3 on each
>[4] K/C/E-2Cs 2 on each
>[2] SH-65A Dolphin 1 on each
>[2] MH-66 Trition 1 on each
>[4]SH-60 2 on each
>[2] CV-22 Osprey 1 on each
[2] XB-HSC High Speed Carrier 150 Aircraft Total
>[20] FB-23X Black Widow 10 on each
>[22] F-23 Wildcat 10 on each
>[16] F/A-18E Super Hornet 8 on each
>[18] F-35C JSF 9 on each
>[40] A-4X Skyhawk 20 on each
>[14] FU-29K Scorpion 7 on each
>[4] SH-60 SeaHawk 2 on each
>[2] SH-65A Dolphin 2 on each
>[4] KA-6 Tanker 2 on each
>[4] EA-6B Prowler 2 on each
>[2] E2-C Hawkeye 1 on each
>[2] MH-66 Trition 1 on each
>[2] CV-22 Osprey 1 on each
[10] XB-MPC Multi-Platform Cruisers
->[30] SH-60 Seahawk 3 on each
->[5] Spartan Class Blimp 1 per
[4] Long Beach Class Nuclear Cruisers
>[4] SH-60 Seahawk
[6] Ticonderoga class Cruisers
>[10] SH-60 Seahawk 2 on each +2 AH-1Z
>[6] SH-65A Dolphin 1 on each
[2] R-500 Deathrain Cruise Missle Ships
[6] XB-AAMB Anti-Air Missile Ships
[10] Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
>[10] SH-65A Dolphin Helicopters
[10] Sprunace class destroyers
>[20] SH-60 2 on each
[10] Boxcar Class Guided Missile Destroyers
>[10] SH-60 Seahawk 1 on each
>[10] SH-65A Dolphin 1 on each
[16] XB-JMB Class "Jet Missile" Destroyers
>16 SH-60 Seahawk 1 on each
[20] Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
>[40] SH-65A Dolphin 2 on each
[6] Dormer Class Cutters
[2] Cyclone Class Patrol Boats
[4] PB-88 Phantom Fast Attack Boats
[12] XB-SSB Special Speed Boats
[4] MarkVIII Speed Boats
[10] Mekong Class River Gunboats
[6] TYPE 97 Medical Frigate
[40] Pitcher Class Tenders
[35] Texan Class Oilers
[25] Vesuvius Class Amuniton Ships
[30] Assorted Repair Vessels
[20] Underway Replenishment Ships
[4] XB-ASV support vessel.
[6] Faraday Class Minesweepers
Additonaly, throughout Tyrador, we have achieved:
Condition: Zero
Code: Black
Alert: Red
Level: 2
We are prepared to take the final steps to Level 1, but we need to step up security before we inform those who need to be informed. Our fleet will link up with task force 1 at the predetermined coordinates as soon as you are ready, at that time we will advise all units and raise to Level 1.
Microwave Transmission to PHX central command:
In accordance with resolution 5/4 AR-165 we have dispatched our navy to the assigned coordinates, Inculded in the transmission is the final fleet strength:
[8] Visby Class Corvette
[2] D-036 Class Frigates 2 AH-220 1 AH-1Z
[2] D-037 Class Frigates 1 SH-60 1 AH-220
[2] D-038/114 Class Frigates 1 SH-60 1 AH-220
[2] Beluga Class Guided Missile Frigate(EM-140)
[2] Windsor Drake Class Frigate 2 SH-65A
[2] Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate 3 SH-65A 1 AH-1Z
[4] Sea Shadow DDG
[2] Tikhiy Class Stealth Destroyers
[4] APEX Destroyers 4 SH-65A
[6] Perry Class Stealth Destroyers w/ 6 Pioneer UAVs and 6 SH-65A Dolphins
[32] Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers w/ 32 SH-65A, 30 SH-60, 2 AH-220
[20] Sprunance Class Destroyers w/ 20 SH-60
[6] Lancer Class Destroyer-Dreadnaught w/
>5 SH-60 Seahawk
>1 AH-220 Sea Lion
[12] Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
[2] XB-MPC Multi-Platform Cruisers
>2 SH-60 Seahawk
>2 SH-65A Dolphin
>1 AH-220 Sea Lion
>1 AH-1A1 SuperCobra
[5] Iowa Battleships
[2] Norad Class Super Battle Ship w/ 30 V/STOL aircraft and helicopters
[2] Adelie Class Super Battleship
>6 Av-8 harrier
>32 F-35
>20 MH-60
>12 AH-220
>8 CH-47B totals
[2] Wasp class with 25 AH-220 and 12 AV-8B Harrier 4 F-35 8 CH-53B 2 V-22 and 2 SH-60
[2] XB-HSV high speed vessel
[6] LCACs (landing craft)
[4] Amphibous Hover Landing Craft
[4] Dock Landing Ships (20mm defensive guns only)
[2]Ultor Class SUPER carrier w/ 120 aircraft each plus
>800 Marines
>8 ANT Stryker APCs,
>2 ANT Stryker light tanks
>8 hover landing craft
>10 zodiac or simmilar boats,
>6 RIB,
>2 Devil-Ray Class Subs
[1] Nimitz Class Carrier with 86 aircraft
>9 F/A-18 Hornet
>40 F-33B Phoenix
>20 A-6R Intruder
>4 KA-6 Tanker
>2 EA-6 Prowler
>3 FU-29K Scorpion
>2 E-2C Hawkeye
>2 CH-53 Green Giants
>2 SH-65A Dolphins
>2 V-22 Osprey
[3] Nimitz Class Carriers with 85 a/c
>120 F-33B Phoenix 40 each
>9 FU-29K Scorpion 3 on each
>27 F/A-18 Hornet 9 each
>60 A-4X Skyhawk II 20 each
>6 SH-65A Dolphin 2 each
>6 E-2C Hawkeye 2 each
>12 KA-6 Tanker 4 each
>6 EA-6 Prowler 2 each
>6 V-22 Osprey 2 each
>3 AH-1A1 Cobra 1 each
[8] Kitty Hawk Class Carriers with 85 a/c
> 36 F-14 Tomcat each
> 36 F/A-18 Hornet each
> 6 EA-6 Prowler each
> 2 S-3B Viking each
> 1 E-2C Hawkeye each
> 4 SH-60 Seahawk each
[1] Ticonderoga Submersible Carrier w/ 204 a/c
>20 FU-29K Scorpion
>42 F-14E Ultra Tomcat
>2 EF-14G
>40 A-6R Intruder
>4 EA-6V Prowler
>8 KA-6W Tanker
>20 F/A-3 Sea Harrier
>FQ-45 Unmanned Attack
>5 SH-65A Dolphin
>2 AH-1A1 SuperCobra
>2 AH-220 Sea Lion
[16] Ohio Class Submarines
[10] Manta Fast Attack Mini Subs
[2] LA Class Subs
[4] Skipjack class Attack Subs
[24] Seawolf class SSNs
[30] Devil Ray Class Concrete Submarines
[20] SeaSquid Class Subs 10 AH-220, 8 AH-1A1 2 SH-65A (1 helo per sub)
[50] Pegasus Patrol Craft
[100] Fleet Security Boats
[5] Tornado Class Patrol Boats
[60] Phantom Class Fast Attack Boats
[7] Skimmer Class Corvette PT Boat
[8] XB-JMB Jet Missle Boats
[30] XB-SSB (Sub Pens)
[20] Oilers
[23] Multi-Product Replenishment Ships
[12] Ammoships
[1] Jahagyarian Floating Defense Platform
[1] Mobile Offshore Base
We are in compliance with all alerts and warnings.
The USNAVY has already arrived and will preform fleet security for all arrving vessesl.
Our area fleet strength is as follows:
5 Cyclone Class Patrol Boats
32 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
22 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
22 Sprunance Class Destroyers
12 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
4 Long Beach Class Nuclear Cruisers
5 Iowa Battleships
12 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier + 85-87 aircraft each
1 John F. Kennedy Class Aircraft Carrier + 85 aircraft
1 Kitty Hawk Class Aircraft Carrier + 85 aircraft
2 Wasp Class Amphibious Carrier
2 Benjamin Franklin Class Spec Ops Subs
6 Ohio Class Submarines (SSBN)
14 Ohio Class Submarines (SSGN)
20 Los Angeles Class Attack Submarine
30 Seawolf Class Attack Submarine
15 Virginia Class Attack Submarine
8 Stergon Class subs
6 LCACs (landing craft)
9 Dock Landing Ships
(support vessels and transport vessels are not listed for security reasons)
We are at DEFCON 1
We have hastly assembled our fleet and have set out to join our allies. We will need support from whichever fleet can spare them, we have only 1 oiler and 1 multi-mission suppy/tender/repair ship to server the surface combat fleet. The carriers are self-sufficent for continued combat operation for up to 2 months.
The arriving ships are:
(3) Midway Class Aircraft Carriers
(1) Forrestal Class Aircraft Carrier
(1) Essex Class Aircraft Carrier
(3) Invincible class VSTOL Carriers
(2) Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer
(2) Kidd Class Destroyers
(1) Destroyer (FLK)
(1) Oliver Hazard Perry Class ASW Frigate with (1) SH-60 Seahawk
(9) Armored Gun Cruisers (FLK)
(6) Missile Ships (stinger and penguin missiles +30mm guns)(FLK)
(4) Super Vita type large missile boats
(10) PT boats (FLK)
(7) Pegasus Class Patrol boats
(30) RIB gunboats (FLK)
(4) 6 man Spec Ops subs (FLK)
(1) diesel powered attack submarine (FLK)
(2) armored cargo ships(FLK)
(1) armed oil barge(FLK)
(2) Aktion class coastal minelayers
(1) Hunt class mine countermeasure vessel
(2) Falcon class coastal minesweepers
(7) Permit class attack submarines
(2) Ethan Allen Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
(1) Skipjack Class attack Sub
(1) Modified Seawolf Attack/Missile Sub (8 ballstic missiles + regular arms)
(40) Seawolf subs with (2) manta USV each
Good evening and welcome to JSA News 69
This just in:
The JSA Fleet has dispatched Task Force 21:
[12] Beluga Guided Missile Frigate
[6] Arleigh Burke Class destroyer
[1] Iowa Class Battleship
[4] Ticonderoga classs cruisers
[10] Oliver hazard perry class firgates
[2] Nimitz class aircraft carrier w/85 aircraft ea
Rumors suggest that it is too rendevous with unknown elements in the Pacifc or Indian Ocean.
This has been a JSA 69 World News Special Report.
We can only spare a few naval assets. If we move now we will be tracked, there is an unknown sub loitering just out side our waters, they will no doubt detect our movement and report it the the rest of the world.
We have dispatched from San Fransico only a small force to evade detection:
[2] Devil Ray Class Concrete Submarines (CS-1) (6 men each)
[1] TugBoat\Sub Tender (will provide transport of the CS-1 subs)
[2] Seawolf Class Submarines
[1] Sprunance Class Destroyer
[2] Fernis Class PT boat
[2] Pegasus Class Missle boat
[3] Special speed boats
I see everything is falling into place nicely, we will be ready to make our move as soon as the others arrive.
Anatex is fully prepared and are taking final steps to full force activation. For now,
"Wolf Pack 801"
(5) NMM - Type Missile Frigates w/
>(5) SH-60
(60) SeaSquid class Submarines w/
>(30) SH-65A Dolphins
>(25) AH-220 Sea Lion and
>(5) AH-1Z SuperSeaCobra
has been deployed and should be arrving shortly.
A force of;
(12) Oilers
(6)XB-ASV- Adv Support Vessel
(3) Cargo Vessels
(7) Ammuntion Ships
(4) XB-HSV High Speed Cargo Vessel
have also been sent along with the wolf pack, they are being escorted by;
(1) XB-JMB Missile Boat
(2) Sprunance Class Destroyers
We have only dispatched the highest quality, front line ships of our navy. Although the bulk of our navy is made up of advanced technology we have retained a small reserve if it is to be needed.
The official manifest of vessels slated to arrive:
[1] Norad Class Battleship
[1] Iowa Class Battleship
[1] Rommel Class Battleship
[1] Halder Class Batteship
[1] Adelie Class Battleship
[1] Constellation Class Battleship
[1] Excelsior Class Battleship
[1] Hurricane Class Battleship
[1] J-Class Grand Battleship
[1] King I class Battleship
[1] King II class Battleship
[1] Warrior class Battleship
[20] XB-MPC Multi-Platform Cruisers
[20] XB-JMB Guided Missile Destroyer
[2] Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
[9] XB-ASWFF Anti-Sub Warfare Frigate
[14] XB-SSB- Special Speed Boats
[40] XB-ASSN-V- Advanced Sub Surface Naval Vessel (Attack Submarine
[7] XB-HSC High-Speed Carriers w/ 75 aircraft each
[1] Enterprise Class Carrier w/ 85 aircraft
[4] XB- AAMB Arsenal Ship
[100] XB-HSV High Speed Cargo Vessel/LSD
[40] XB-ASV- Advanced Support Vessels (Oiler, Ammoship, Destroyer/Sub tender, Multi-product replenishment ship all in one)
The GDI has activated all shipyards and has sent orders to a fleet of:
[20] GDI Gunboats
[12] GDI ASW Frigate
[12] GDI Anti-Air/Ship Missile Destroyer
[14] GDI Battle Cruisers
[100] Hovercraft Transports
[10] GDI AttackSubmarine
[2] GDI ORCA V/STOL Carriers w/ total of 52 aircraft.[/b]
They should arrive just as you recieve this message.
Our Jahagyarian Floating Defense Platform is being activiated and a combat force of
(2) Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
(25) Blue Knight Class Patrol Boats
(20) Small Gunboats
(4) Esingard Class Missile Boats
(3) Cyclone Class Patrol Ships
(5) Armed Speed Boats
(1) Sprunance Class Destroyer has been deployed around the base.
All forces are on high alert and we await the arrival of the other large fleet elements and components of the allied force.
25-12-2003, 12:13
Such a large naval group can not go unnoticed, not by they eyes of the Falcon.
RT-3007 Command Airship Gethsemane, sporting the finest in electronic warfare and stealth as well as her stealthy escorts, was the prime choice of the United Communist States of Zvarinograd in reconnaisance and covert operations. The country's pride in superior airpower was still very present, as swarms of F-117A "Nighthawks" and RAH-66 "Comanches" circle the airship. Gethsemane was using cloud cover and a high altitude to stop her from being seen just yet.
For this particular mission, they've all been outfitted with anti-shipping missles, but their main payload was AAMs, to fight and defeat the airpower that was in the carriers. Their primary targets were anti-air threats, which they were well prepared for with an innovation that gave the United Communist States of Zvarinograd an edge over the world, the AZ-MD Point Defense Lasers. The lasers could destroy an entire salvo from any single SAM battery and each and every aircraft from the country had one.
Gethsemane's orders were to look but not touch, not yet at least.
Hurry up with the announcement that you'll take over the world. I'll do something very similar to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, only several times bigger. It'll make for good roleplay, if I can plan it right.
OCC: I'm the one who is going to launch a suprise attack, there will be no time for you to stage a pre-emptive strike.
Rough estimate of aircraft that have been sent to attack TROUSRS, although a small percentage has been sent to support attacks on Johnistan, and The Atheists Reality, and to reinforce Antarctica123's defense, most has been sent on a massive air campaign against TROUSRS. After the first sortie, aprox 1/3 of the aircraft will return for a second attack, the rest will take up other duties in our global war.
[500] F-23X Wildcat
[263] F-4 Phantom II
[100] F-4G Wild Weasel
[360] F/A-38 Mustang II
[220] F-35A JSF
[2906] F-27 Haste
[30] F/A-18 Hornet
[16] F/A-18E Super Hornet
[3170] F-15 Eagle
[570] F-15E Strike Eagles
[70] F-16 Fighting Falcon
[1072] F/A-22 Raptor
[810] F/A-33B Phoenix
[2077] FU-29K Scorpion
[1090] F-31X Cyclone
[120] Su-34
[1750] F-5 Tigers
[2] F-100 Super Sabres
[1,660] F-20 Tiger Shark
[200] F-35B JSFs
[324] F-117A Nighthawk
[280] F/A-117X Nighthawk
[22] AV-8B Harriers
[1324] A-4X Skyhawk II
[100] A-7 Corsair II
[70] AC-130U Spectre
[2] AC-130H Spectre
[9] MC-130 Combat Talon
[2804] A-10 Thunderbolt IIs
[2] A-14
[210] A-36B Mustang
[200] FB-23X Black Widow
[230] F/B-4 Phantom III
[50] EF-111 Raven
[142] FB-111 Raven
[20] FB-44
[514] B-2 Spirit
[670] B-1B Lancer
[862] B-52 Stratofortress
[108] MB-52I Megafortress
[200] ORCA fighters
<[2] AH-1A1 Super Cobra
[1] AH-6/MH-6 Little Bird
[2] AH-64D Longbow
[4] RAH-66 Commanche
[2] MH-66 Triton> <single sf insertion mission>
This is by no means the FULL amount of aircraft under our control. Support, cargo not revealed for these purposes.
27-12-2003, 11:20
Damn. My aircraft is a little more uniform, hard to calculate the numbers but I figure that if I attack now it would be a pretty even fight, unless I throw a tactical missile barrage from my AZ-BB-Is. Still, too risky, USAIRFORCE might jump in and turn the battle around. I'll pass for the first attack and wait for the second, destroy that and then I can take on the rest.
OOC: You must remeber thats a combination of many differnt nations' airforces so while within each nation they would seem uniform, combined as one force you find an interesting mix of aircraft. And um if you have MORE aircraft than that in your one nation..... man come on LOL you cant have more then that!!!. And whats a AZ-BB-I
27-12-2003, 12:16
First, my nation's people loves the skies. Second, if the only way inside your country is by aircraft then you have to have a thriving aviation industry. Third, 10% of my budget spent on the maintenance and expansion of my airforce every year since I started. (20% is my military budget rate.) Fourth, 2% drafting rate, half devoted to logistics and a quarter of the remaining goes to the army and the rest is my airforce. Fifth, I have no navy.
OOC: Just for RP's sake none of TPM's forces can see this as it has been sent by helicopter to each of the defending nations goverments.
"It seems to me that one of the main ways of winning this war is cutting his forces off. I suggest instead of focusing on his forces we focus on supply routes, fatories and so on so forth. I also suggest we use teams of special forces to drop polotical figures such as head of defence in each of the enemy countrys maybe even taking heads of goverment, presidents, prime ministers."
First, my nation's people loves the skies. Second, if the only way inside your country is by aircraft then you have to have a thriving aviation industry. Third, 10% of my budget spent on the maintenance and expansion of my airforce every year since I started. (20% is my military budget rate.) Fourth, 2% drafting rate, half devoted to logistics and a quarter of the remaining goes to the army and the rest is my airforce. Fifth, I have no your airforce