buying fighter-bombers.
Ness ziona
24-12-2003, 20:49
The Nessic Department of Security is interested in buying heavy bombers. Those that can carry tons of bombs, and still able to intercept enemy crafts. A sort of a fighter-bomber.
Every reasonable price will be accepted.
Thank you.
Li Kam States
24-12-2003, 20:57
Heavy bomber for short distance, defies the point doesn't it? All heavy bombers on sale have huge strategic ranges i.e. B-2. Fighter/heavy bomber you won't find, unless some very ambitious country just invents one out of the blue using sci-fi technology. Buy the F-35 JSF, medium range bomber/fighter. It only needs to be medium ranged as you just fly more sorties with the same aircraft - far more combat effective than one huge strike. At least if you buy this you are actually role-playing the game.
Tremalkier is unfortunatley forced to note that such an aircraft A) Does not Exist and B) would have major problems in other areas if it did work in those you want.
So sorry, no sale
Ness ziona
24-12-2003, 20:59
As long as it passes the 500km, it's fine. That's what we're looking for.
Soviet Haaregrad
24-12-2003, 21:06
Name: FV-27A/B Manta Ray (Pas 41 Flashbulb)
Primary Function: V/STOL low observability strike fighter, combat capable conversion trainer
Contractor: Pheonix Air Systems
Power Plant: 1xTF420-350-V with 35 000lbs of thrust
Length: 50' (15.25 meters)
Height: 13'10" (4.25 meters)
Wingspan: 39'6' (12 meters)
Ceiling: 57 000' (17 075 meters)
Speed: Mach 1.8
Ferry Range: 1 600 miles (2 575km)
Empty Weight: 22 000lbs (9 979kg)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 42 000lbs (19 050kg)
Armament: 1x GAU-25-3 25mm cannon with 350 rounds, up to 5 000lbs(2 267kg) of internal and 12 000lbs(5 443kg) of external stores including AA-11 Adder, AA-12 Archer AAMs, ARM-10 Killer ARM, many other ASMs, smart and dumb bombs, cannon pods, rocket pods, ECM pods and fuel tanks
Unit cost: $42 000 000USD
Crew: 1, 2 in B model
The Pas 41 is a super manuverable, purpose built, low observability V/STOL strike and fighter aircraft designed for use from light carriers in support of marine landings or to provide air support for battleships.
The design was influenced by the F-35B JSF, YF-23 Black Widow, Yak-141 and Rafale. The aircraft has a smaller radar signature then the JSF, mainly due to it's flatter design.
This design, designated FV-27 Manta Ray in Haaregradian service operates from Fortress class battleships and from Wasp(modified) class amphibious assault carriers.
There is also a CTOL version with increased air-to-air potential under development.
Ness ziona
24-12-2003, 21:11
Indeed interesting.
We'd like to order 30 of those(model B), for 1,260,000,000.
Soviet Haaregrad
24-12-2003, 21:21
Indeed interesting.
We'd like to order 30 of those(model B), for 1,260,000,000.
Confirmed. Would you like to invest in the further development of this aircraft. You'll get a discount based on your investment when development is done.
Ness ziona
25-12-2003, 14:30
Would you like to invest in the further development of this aircraft. You'll get a discount based on your investment when development is done.
We will soon start developing our own fighter-bomber, but a small investment will be just fine.
Is NZ the first nation to buy this aircraft?
(OOC: Is there a "storefront" with it?)
The Golden Simatar
25-12-2003, 15:53
I would suggest the A-10 but it is not much of an interceptor. Here's a pic.
Here are the specs from
Primary Function A-10 -- close air support, OA-10 - airborne forward air control
Contractor Fairchild Republic Co.
Power Plant Two General Electric TF34-GE-100 turbofans
Thrust 9,065 pounds each engine
Length 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 meters)
Height 14 feet, 8 inches (4.42 meters)
Wingspan 57 feet, 6 inches (17.42 meters)
Speed 420 miles per hour (Mach 0.56)
Ceiling 45,000 feet (13,636 meters)
Maximum Takeoff Weight 51,000 pounds (22,950 kilograms)
Range 800 miles (695 nautical miles)
Armament One 30 mm GAU-8/A seven-barrel Gatling gun;
up to 16,000 pounds (7,200 kilograms) of mixed ordnance on eight under-wing and three under-fuselage pylon stations, including infrared countermeasure flares; electronic countermeasure chaff; jammer pods; 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets; illumination flares and:
MK-82 (500 pound bomb)
MK-84 (2000 pound bomb)
MK77 incendiary
10 MK20 Rockeye II (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-52 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-58 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-71 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-87 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-89 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 BL755 (4 - 6 standard load)
AGM-65 Maverick missiles
GBU-10 laser-guided bomb
GBU-12 laser-guided bomb
AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles
82 65 87 89 97 RX 12 9 1 2 MM
12 2 1000
4 2 1000
6 2 2 1000
2 4 2 1000
6 2 1000
2 4 2 1000
6 2 1000
6 2 1000
2 14 2 8 8 1000
4 14 2 8 8 1000
2 4 2 1000
# Systems AN/ALE-40
# AN/ALQ-119
Crew One
Date Deployed March 1976
Unit Cost $FY98
[Total Program] $13 million
As of Sept. 30, 2001
A-10 OA-10
Active Duty 114 128 66 85
Air National Guard 72 76 18 26
Air Force Reserve 39 44 6 8
Totals 225 248 90 118
Autonomous City-states
26-12-2003, 05:14
You could consider a modification of existing fast bombers, like the EB-1 in Dale Brown's novels.