Space Program
Irish-Germanic states
24-12-2003, 06:26
With the recent devlopments in the construction of ICBMS (the BR-1 and the BR-2) the Irish-Germanic states feels that it is time to begin a program that would see satilites, and eventually man in space above Nationstates. As of today December 25th the same day we test our first nuclear weapon the first officies of the FASO (Federal Air and Space Orginization) will open. Using the BR-1 as the reserch platform the Irish-Germanic states hopes to have a Manmade sattilites boradcasting telemetry in a few months to a year (game time).
Also the Irish-Germanic states would like to work with other nations that have space programs to accuratly role play the possesion of orbits, sattilites and space stations.
<<<Updates to follow>>>
Rex ceaser
Irish-Germanic party head.
Irish-Germanic states
24-12-2003, 06:30
24-12-2003, 08:03
Sure is. I got reconnaissance satellites up in space as well as a full space program.
If we contribute our top techies can you guarantee our state will receive live sports channels on freeview?
The Evil Overlord
25-12-2003, 19:17
Evil Overlord Enterprises currently has several classes of commercial and military satellites in orbit. There is also an Orbital Manufacturing Facility (Mikoyan) and a free-trade spaceport (Heinlein) at Lagrange 1.
In order to alleviate the problems caused by so many nations having equipment in orbit, EOE has placed six specialized tracking satellites (the Molnya series) in geosynchronous orbit. The tracking systems are designed to track all objects in cislunar space and the satellites also provide solar storm warnings. All space-faring nations are welcome to use the Molnya data for the nominal fee of one EOE Credit per request. This service is provided to reduce the threat of collisions between spacecraft and the many satellites and debris objects in orbit.
Darth Norm
Chief Scientist for Evil Overlord Enterprises
Official letter from the Kingdom of Hawkin
We The Kingdom of Hawkin believes that it is indeed a good idea to explore space. It also opens possibilities for more surveillance of our people.
We would like to have our own space program but because of lack of funding due to our age perhibits us from doing this.
We wish all luck to the Irish-German states in their pursuit of space colonization.
Supreme ruler
King of Hawkin
Arkor IV
Thakan Dar
25-12-2003, 21:48
The exploration of space is merely the next horizon on the ocean of humankind's manifest destiny. We are the masters of all within our reach. Space exploration is inevitable, and thus neither good nor bad. There will be many incidents and accomplishments and tragedies that will accompany celestial endeavours and all will advance humanity in one form or another.
Tyrre Falchion, Director of Celestial Affairs
Dominion of Thakan Dar
Space programs are awesome.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
General Ramirez's space program....
we go up there. Have a communications satellite.(Oh yeah)
We have a space program and we're one of the most progressive nations ever. We even got rid of government.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
25-12-2003, 23:06
I have Recon/Ortillary/Research combo Sattelites. They have high-tech weaponry, great cameras, and at least one lab area in each. Of course, there is living space.
We have a very sophisticated space program.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
Irish-Germanic states
29-01-2004, 03:03
Our first payload rocket has gone up. It is the Sanders V-1. On it was the first sattilite of the Irish-Germanic states. The Satilite will soon be transmitting weather data down to earth. In the coming weeks 13 more satilites will go up. 7 of these military (2 Global mapping, 2 "spy sattilites, 2 guidence sattilites, and two top seceret "erickson class" sats) The civilian sats are broken down into 3 commo relay, and 3 weather/earth data sats. By the end of the month we should have our first satillite TV system...oh joy!.
Irish-Germanic states
26-02-2004, 16:36
Due to our country's ever expanding population we have sought many ways to relive the stress on our enviorment. One of these solutions is to start farming in space. Already we have begun to set up carefully controlled hydroponi fields on greenhouse platoforms in near orbit. All of the plants are geneticaly enginered for maxium yeild. Space elevators will transport the crops down and take water/food/seedlings up. Our other solutions although not related to space are putting our industries underground and land reclimation from the north sea. Also we are expanding our housing out into the garner tundra.