State Of Emergency - Assistance Needed! (Open RP)
24-12-2003, 05:54
The country is in a state of major panic. The Neo-Conservative Geurilla Group: "Western Patriots", have launched several sophisticated terrorist strikes throughout the country and are running amok.
At 5:50, A massive bomb was detonated at the Parliament buildings in Calgary, completely demolishing them and setting ablaze all surrounding buildings. Minutes later, as the Prime Minister was rushed from his home, a sniper opened fire, killing 5 guards and severely wounding the PM.
At 5:57 in Vancouver, a group of 100 heavily armed "Patriots" marched into a city square and have began opening fire. Within minutes they were using rockets to strike at buildings and adjacent homes in the downtown area. Initial reports are over 150 dead.
At 6:02 in Edmonton, 3 Mammoth tanks bearing the Patriots logo accompanied by 50 heavily armed group members entered an inner city suburb and began shelling, firing and burning houses.
More attacks are rumoured to occur within minutes. The attacks come from a group led mainly by former PC members who led Alberta's provincial government. Two years ago, the Canadian Provinces of BC & Alberta seperated and became their own country. After an 8 Day War, BC & Alberta redefined its political system (and identity) and became the Commonwealth of Tayricht. The war still has Canada and Tayricht at each other's throats politically, and no help will come from them. The group is angry at the new country's existence, and the left wing government that runs it.
The Military is being mobilized and divided, however assistance is needed to keep Canada from using this as an advantage to attack, and to help suppress further threats while putting down the terrorists.
The Colony of Minor Silverlecim and the Allied States of Silverlecim wish to assist Tayricht in any way possible. We send in 10,000 soldiersand the 100 member Elite Legion Combat Squadron. We will also send in 20 planes of our airforce to destroy "Patriot" tanks.
24-12-2003, 06:28
(remember this is an RP, have some fun with it. im sure you can come up with ideas people)
Liberated America
24-12-2003, 06:46
Office of Liberate National Defense
The Liberate Government recognizes your urgent need for assistance, and is prepared to send in our 2nd Armored division, headed by Colonel Pierce. The division is very skilled in warfighting techniques as we have used them on 3 different occasions, in this very same situation.
squanker: we see your desperate situation and decide to send our 1st delta squadron to help. they are well trained in all forms of combat but this will be their first mission out. they are new but they are good. they are lead by commanding officer donald rousk.
commander rousk: we are awaiting your orders!
I will offer you the services of the Tactical anti Assassination and Terrorist group. they are well equipped and well trained. Also as backup i will send in 50 seperate special forces unit's trained especially for urban warfare.
The Republic of Slarina is at your service. I am sending a corp of Slarinas OMEGA TEAM to help protect your nation, they equiped with Slarinas newest weopons and vehicles. They will be led by OMEGA TEAM leader, Charles Kramer.
PSST! I think he wants you to rp this...
as the delta squadron camps near to one of the recent attacks they forget one very important rule they learned in boot camp: the attacker never moves far away from its attack. during the night the delta squadron is attacked by the "patriots." shots are fired and many men lost their lives. by the end the delta squadron lost half of their men..........a counter attack must be made so commander rousk, who barely survived the battle with his life, asks the tayricht defense to help the delta squadron make a significent counter strike. we await your answer, tayricht
Eastern ireland
24-12-2003, 07:15
Acting Emperor Spicy McHaggis:
Although we are in the middle of our own crisis...Eastern ireland would like to help...Eastern ireland sends 5 RQ-1 Predator fighter jets to take out any remaining "Patriot" tanks that still stand. We also send 1,000 soldiers to help the Citizens of Tayricht in any way possible...terrorists of any kind must be stopped b4 they act again!!!
You may use some of my special forces units. in all about 200 men total but you may use however much you need
24-12-2003, 07:25
(Just RP it everyone)
2nd Day of fighting: 9:50am
Prime Minister R. Beauvais, from his bed, issued a statement:
"These terrorists will be severely punished. I would like to thank all our allies and friends for the quick support recieved. I would also like to say on behalf of my government that if it is discovered that Canada is aiding these terrorists in anyway, there will be retribution."
Deputy PM Andrew Gyllen has been away at a peace conference, leaving General David Hammer in charge. The General issued this statement:
"Our military is working with our allies' militaries to put down these criminals. Because of their unpredictability it has been hard to fight them in organized warfare. 60,000 of our country's 150,000 troops are heavily guarding the northern and eastern border's of our nation. I urge all foreign parties involved in combat to help evacuate civilians, and set up sophisticated perimeters in and around cities."
Attacks reported in three more cities:
Red Deer - Gunmen shooting civilians in the downtown area
Lethbridge - Tanks shelling houses
Kamloops - Bombs going off in houses and police stations. Gun battles with terrorists have erupted
General William J. Falken, Commanding officer of the Afbrianistan Air Force, "I am sending in 1000 C-130 Gunship/transports to aid in the evacuation of civilians, and 1000 LLAVD Fighter Jets and 500 AVD Attack Helicopters to aid in containment issues."
squankers delta squadron moves to the south of tayricht to secure the southern border. *squanker sends another troop of delta forces dropped by the air at the southern border*
Howard M. James, Head of Internal Affairs "If it were ok with you, i would like to send in a special agent from the IAM to determine if the Canadians are behind the "Patriots" attacks."
24-12-2003, 07:34
*Transmission from General David Hammer*
Do it covertly and do NOT let the Canadians know we are involved. This country cant risk another war with them.
*End Transmission*
Official statement from Mr. Van Liempt III, King of the Kingdom of the WhiteRose:
As an act of goodwill, I am sending 50 of my highly trained elite gaurd to participate in the protection of the Prime Minister of Tayricht, and 10,000 soldiers to be used in the fight against Terorism.
King of The Kingdom of The WhiteRose,
United Nations Delegate of The Holy Empires of Zakarum,
Founder of The Holy Empires of Zakarum,
Johannes Van Liempt III
General Teniacht of the elite gaurd steps onto the transport helecopter with 49 of the elite gaurd, and they are rushed to Tayricht. While 20 transport helecopters are launched containing the 10,000 military units
Jangle Jangle Ridge
24-12-2003, 07:40
(Just RP it everyone)
2nd Day of fighting: 9:50am
Prime Minister R. Beauvais, from his bed, issued a statement:
"These terrorists will be severely punished. I would like to thank all our allies and friends for the quick support recieved. I would also like to say on behalf of my government that if it is discovered that Canada is aiding these terrorists in anyway, there will be retribution."
Deputy PM Andrew Gyllen has been away at a peace conference, leaving General David Hammer in charge. The General issued this statement:
"Our military is working with our allies' militaries to put down these criminals. Because of their unpredictability it has been hard to fight them in organized warfare. 60,000 of our country's 150,000 troops are heavily guarding the northern and eastern border's of our nation. I urge all foreign parties involved in combat to help evacuate civilians, and set up sophisticated perimeters in and around cities."
Attacks reported in three more cities:
Red Deer - Gunmen shooting civilians in the downtown area
Lethbridge - Tanks shelling houses
Kamloops - Bombs going off in houses and police stations. Gun battles with terrorists have erupted
OOC: Kudos for the good RP, especially a nation your age.
*Transmission Recieved*
Insertion point:approximately 50 miles east of the Canadian capital
Insertion Method:HALO jump from a high level transport plane.
Extraction point:just inside the Tayricht border.
Agent on Assignment: Chris Hunter
Backup: none
If Agent Hunter is Discovered, Both Afbrianistan and Tayricht will disavow all knowledge of your actions and existence.
General Teniacht of the elite gaurd steps onto the transport helecopter with 49 of the elite gaurd, and they are rushed to Canada. While 20 transport helecopters are launched containing the 10,000 military units
OOC: in case you are wondering, In The Kingdom of The WhiteRose, military rank is based on the ability to kill.
I am alerting the 3rd Army if necessary they can arrive within 48 hrs.Right now I am sending the 101st FAD,the 82nd Airborne Div,the 8th Armored Brigade,and the 1st Peacekeeping Core.We will also send 120 F15s,120 F16s,and 12 KC 135s.Also a classified amount of Special Forces are being sent.Please respond asap.
President Matich
News Reporter:"In a Public Speach today, Prime Minister Brown made this statement while talking about international news."
PM Brown:"Afbrianistan supported Tayricht in there last war and we will do it again in this war."
News Reporter:"Prime Minister Brown also covered pressing local issues as well."
It's seems as if you have got yerself a situation there. Although no one likes the prospect of a civil war, we understand that it can happen to even the best of nations.
Have you determined what it is the insurgents want? What is the purpose of the uprising? In situations such as these, gathering good intelligence is key to quelling a rebellion.
The guerilla-type warfare you speak of (although they appear to be disturbingly well armed) is generally speaking, the province of special operations troops. A small, well trained force can do wonders since they are specifically trained in this type of warfare.
I see that many other nations have offered assistance in this matter. However, we understand you might not want tanks, troops and aircraft from a rival nation wandering unescorted throughout your nation.
We offer a different solution. Although our Protectorate is small (in terms of numbers of citizens), we have a strong martial spirit and have trained some of the finest special operations troops available thanks to our outstanding military academies.
We offer the services of one battalion of our Special Operations Forces to aid you in your current dilema. The troops would be used as cadre in an advisory and/or training capacity. Additionally we would be willing to set up an exchange program to enable some of your young officers to train at our academies.
What's in it for us you might ask? Several things actually. First this will enable us to train our troops in actual combat scenarios, thereby enhancing their effectiveness. Also, our nation, although small, seeks to gain favorable trade status with a more established nation such as yours. Additionally we welcome the opportunity to raise our diplomatic profile as well. The Dragon has been silent in international affairs for far too long.
If this proposal is agreeable to you, simply inform Ambassador Bennett at our embassy of your decision. Good luck and May the Wisdom of the Dragon Protect You.
Magnus Draconus
Prime Minister
Protectorate of the Omnipotent Dragon
24-12-2003, 07:53
OOC: I am going to be leaving on vacation tomorrow, so toy with this RP as long as you want. Just dont bruise my country too badly :( (or occupy or annex it or opress my people etc.)
Tayricht will accept help from all friendly nations.
In a speech to the nation:
Hello People of Matich.I have asked General Clark what more he need to assure victory.Today I have ordered elements of the 3rd Army to Tayricht.That will bring our total force there to 150,000 men.As we speak we are contemplating whether to send the whole Third army in.Thank you and have a great night.
Transmission sent to tayricht airport
This is General Abraham Teniacht of the WhiteRosian Elite gaurd, requesting clearance to land.
we are requesting clearance in regards to the call to arms against terrorism. Several transport class helecoptors are coming after us.
OOC: Hey guys i gotta go now so just write my stuff into the story somehow but dont kill me off. see ya later
The Kingdom of Doth Mara wishes to send M*A*S*H units to help the wounded soliders and civillians in Tayricht and the soliders helping her.
Our chief medical officer Gen. Frank Burns and his staff are at your call.
an undercover agent sent by squanker in to the canadian goverment found documents that show that the canadian government is supporting the patriots by giving them helecopters rhino tanks and money!
the war on canada should start now!
Glorious Humanity
24-12-2003, 08:32
The Federation of Glorious Humanity is always willing to help halt the spread of terrorism, and the havoc it causes. We shall be sending five hundred of our special purpose troops, the "Human Angels". They will be headed by Colonel Maxwell Patterson.
Mark Albert
Federation of Glorious Humanity
11:15 PM local time
A Blackhawk helicopter over Tayricht's southern border
The thumping of the Blackhawk's rotors was relaxing to Maxwell Patterson. The Colonel commanding this operation was thirty-six years old, but despite that he still loved to be in the field. His rank required a lot of paperwork to be done, and a lot of planning to be made, but his greatest thrill was still to be out in the field, fighting alongside the men and women under his command.
At the moment, though, he couldn't allow the rotors to lull him. His eyes were focused on a laptop computer screen, which was showing him pictures and data being fed to it from two satellietes that had just passed over the border. The program on the computer analyzed the pictures and looked for likely places for rebel strongholds, such as deep forests, sheltered valleys, caves, and the like. It pointed out these places of interest, and that helped Patterson narrow his list of possible targets.
There were still fifteen possible hideouts in the surrounding two hundred miles. Patterson sighed and started prioritizing them.
Ottland pledges 100 state sponsored sex workers to establish troop R&R centres with massage parlours, brothels, porn shows and table-dancing clubs.
These centres will also be open to the attacking forces potentially leading to an end of the conflict as nobody will want to return to the theatre of operation.
Aztec National League
24-12-2003, 09:09
The United Socialist States of the Aztec National League pledges it's assistance, but, we can not give it at the present time. If the situation is still going on, we will provide military support from our special service, the Jaguar Warrior Infantry. We will also send our Red Aircore to help with this situation.
(OOC: I'll be back in two RL days - Christmas "vacation")
24-12-2003, 18:01
OOC: I'll bump this before i leave
Day 4 of fighting: Noon
*Open Transmission from General David Hammer to all Ally Commanders*
Our intelligence and special operatives have been working feverishly and may have made a discovery that could turn the tide.
We have discovered the terrorists (possible) Headquarters. It resides in a network of sophisticated caverns near the northern mining town of High Level. This town is only 30 miles from the Canadian border.
If our allies intelligence is to be believed, the Canadians are working with the "Patriots", and such a near-border location in such a secluded area would make this easy to work. I would ask that in stealthy manner, enemy forces should converge on this location. It may stop whoever is running these attacks
*End Transmission*
The 8 Armored Brigade is converging on the pocket.The 82nd Airborne is clearing out the enemy and the 101st FAD is preparing to make a helicopter landing behind the lines.Special Forcea are working behind the lines disrupting communications and killing any terrorists they can find.We are converging on the pocket and resistance is light.
General Clark
Glorious Humanity
26-12-2003, 11:42
Day 4
11 PM local time
A C-130 transport, over the targeted area
Captain Jonathan Kell checked his men one more time. Twenty Human Angels made up his squad, all armed to the teeth, and wearing dark blue fatigues.
The aircraft was currently cruising at 15,000 feet, nearly to the drop zone where the Angels would disembark the direct way, by parachute. Once they landed, they were to try to link up with Matich troops, and prepare to enter the cave system.
"Thirty seconds to drop zone," the pilot announced over the intercom. All eyes turned towards the back of the plane. With a whoosh of hydraulics, the cargo doors opened out into the blackness. Even with all their gear some of the soldiers involuntarily shivered as they lined up in two columns for the jump. Kell took his place by the cargo door, holding up one hand, his eyes on the red jump light that would turn green when it was time to go.
Ten... nine... eight... he counted down in his head. Everyone adjusted the oxygen masks that they would wear for the jump.
The light turned green. Kell's hand sliced down.
"Go go go!"
Twenty elite soldiers leaped in pairs out into the air. Simultaneously, soldiers also leaped from other planes to the left and right. All told, one hundred and ten parachutes opened over a half mile area, dropping one hundred elites and their gear into a spot ten miles from the nearest cave mouth.
From 7th fleet Military command to Tayricht Military Command, The 7th fleet would be willing to aid in Bombing, and air watch Missions. We could offer the Support of 2 AC-150 Tanker's, and Half our Homegaurd Carrier Fleet
2x Ingenuity Class(Carrier's) (Carrying)
1x E2-C Hawkeye
9x F-14d Tomcats
10x F-35 JSF
20xRF-11 Archangel
3x Sea Hawk ASW Choppers (based on 3 Frigates)
2x Defiance class Frigate
1x Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate
Please Forward a response to 7th fleet military command, From Conformation date the Half Carrier Battle Group could be in place in 2NS Weeks (2 RL Hours),Please Forward Target info to 7th fleet military command and we can Launch Sea based strikes VS Rebel Strong hold's ASAP.
29-12-2003, 03:09
Day 9: 3:20pm
After much fighting and destruction, the terrorists have finally been put down. Fleeing attackers are being pursued, but fighting in cities has stopped and humanitarian and reconstruction workers are beginning to go to work. The end of fighting came about an hour ago, and is being officially announced hereforth.
The siege of the High Level Caverns continues, as Allies muster their full force to bring an inevitable but hard earned victory. Prime Minister R. Beauvais, now fully recovered, issued this statement:
"I would like to thank once again all our allies for their quick and unrelenting support. Thanks are also extended greatly to General David Hammer who not only took the reigns of the country, but succeeded in rallying the allies into an effective fighting conglomerate to defeat these terrorists. This is far from over however. We will be demanding a full and public investigation of the Canadian government and their involvement, or war may have to be declared on them."