Announcing Development of Space Program
I wanted to announce the creation of a Rebelandi space program. We have recently built a space center in a small Rebelandi town, and have began to build a space shuttle. Satelites for television stations, and military intelligence have already been launched. We expect to have men in space in 5 years!
23-12-2003, 21:21
congrats to you! happy exploring! :wink:
Rebeland, would you like to have a joint space program with the Allied States of Silverlecim and the Colony of Minor Silverlecim? We have plans for a space shuttle and would love to form an allegiance with your fine country.
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 21:38
The Prime Minister of the Zoogie People watches as all the nations he knows have launche their space programs...turning to his advisor, he asks, "Why haven't we? Let me see if we can take anything off our military budget next year."
"No, sir, we've slated next NS year to expand our navy and air transports/helicopters...we also project a population explosion in the next several NS years and therefore will soon have to build up our air force once more.
However we are finding that not all of our other budget is being spent and we wind up with surplusses every year. We can also help our economy by cutting our taxes slightly, increasing consumer spending."
"Is there any money we can set aside for a space program?"
"Yes, we project that in two years, we will be able to launch a <insertnumberherebecauseidon'tknowhowmuchagoodpsaceprogramcosts> billion dollar space program. However, regarding the space shuttle...we would like to set our goals first on telescopes and research probes. The space shuttle to be developed ought to be of a reusable and effective while relatively safe design...we project that this project could take as much as ten years...if Rebeland and Silverlecim wish to contribute, as well as other nations such as Doujin and the Elders of Illusion, and a few others that I forgot because I am going thru a brain burp...we could launch research into a joint space vehicle program."
"Excellent. Contact Rebeland and Silverlecim right away, but this project is not yet affiliated with them and is not yet slated for a beginning for two more years...we will watch and see which nations would be willing to join in a joint space vehicle project..."
OOC: On a side note, we do not wish our space vehicle to resemble a soda bottle in any way. Especially pepsi, since Coca Cola is the one true Cola.
Zoogie People, I'd love to join space programs with you. Maybe we could have the first major Christmas celebration in space. On a more serious note, my plans look nothink like a soda bottle. I haven't actually found good plans yet, but when I do, I'll post the link.
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 22:01
Silverlecim, we would like to join space programs with you...and perhaps get a few more nations in the research, such as The Elders of Illusion and Doujin and Rebeland...perhaps you can give a roundabout figure for cost?
PS _ my space program will launch the first week of January, lol, in RL time. Won't be in time for Xmas.
All other nations are invited to help.
OOC I think that we should perhaps find a picture or even generate one using computer software and make up the specs for it as well as pricing.
We could certainly see a joint space program in the future, thank you for your offer.
I started my space program a few months ago. It cost me 20 trillion dollars so far or maybe I'm just greedy :?
I wanted to announce the creation of a Rebelandi space program. We have recently built a space center in a small Rebelandi town, and have began to build a space shuttle. Satelites for television stations, and military intelligence have already been launched. We expect to have men in space in 5 years!
Little early to start a space program, don't you think?
Eredron is interested in joining a coalition of nations, jointly research, developing, and carrying out an international space program. The Eredron Space and Exploration Agency has successfully launched a manned spaceflight, as well as put an Eredronian on the lunar surface; we have been developing for over a decade the designs and schematics for a lunar colony, as well as a possible space station at which much of the construction process of the colony would take place.
See here, for Eredron's space program and efforts (
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 22:21
Personally, despite the fact that the world population here is at least in the hundred billions, maybe :) and there are over 105,000 nations...we still perfer the environmental route and don't wish to waste time and effort for a morale-boosting accomplishment such as landing a human on the is much more scientifically efficient to use unmanned probes in the far reaches of the galaxy...
Eredron, I added you to my dossier, you look like a nation with a very good economy ;) I suppose I will devote $25 billion per year to this program, tell me if that is not enough...starting first week of January.
Goal definition: A joint coalition of nations to research a cost-effective, reusable and efficient space vehicle, to jointly research an international space station (What are we going to use shuttles for if we don't have an ISS?) ; to produce orbital telescopes to furthur our understanding of the universe, and to jointly fund probes to be sent to the outer reaches of our galaxy for research purposes.
Modern tech, I'd guess.
We figured we would start when we had the money, and we have the money.
Note: When/If Rebeland joins a joint space program, Military related space operations will be reserved for Rebelandi Space Advisors only.
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 22:25
Oh, I don't think military is anywhere near the uses we have in plans for our space program, they're reserved to yours.
I'm glad we have an understanding. And for the record, Coke rules.
The ESEA receives a yearly budget of over 70 billion Marks. From this, 45 billion can be diverted for the use of an international group.
Eredron will support this venture by releasing previously classified documents with regards to our space shuttles, specifically the ESS-5 Alphal, Eredron's first reusable shuttle. We will also provide most of the documents regarding EC-X, the proposed lunar base, and the Relay Communications System being designed.
Landing and colonizing the moon is a necessary step in any space program; it sparks not only public interest, but leads to further technological developments, as well as provides a reference for future extraterrestrial colonies which are necessary in a world facing overpopulation. Be it understood that Eredron's first and primary purpose for exploring space is to develop these colonies, bringing the sovereignty of the Dominion to other worlds, other systems, other galaxies. To this end, we will also support an initiative to develop and launch probes into the far reaches of space.
OOC: Perhaps a separate thread should be made, since this is moving away from the original topic of Rebeland's space program.
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 23:17
Well...if your budget for your space program is 70 billion, and your budget is that high, the same percentage from my nation would be...6.5 billion :(
I don't know if there's any way to make this higher.
The Zoogie People
23-12-2003, 23:22
Hey, I have a very powerful anarchy nation, if Minor Silverlecim is a puppet of Silverlecim, can this nation be a colony of my own? It would help fund, as its GDP is over 20,000 although its population much smaller.
As for lunar base...maybe, it'll be very costly though.
New thread