23-12-2003, 17:02
:arrow: Are you looking for a place to stay, safe from region crashers? :twisted: Is your region in need of allies? If so, come join the Anti Region Crashers Alliance (ARCA). :) We are a large alliance, and we defend any region from crashing. :D
:arrow: If you are a UN delegate or founder, you can put your entire region in the alliance, and all it takes is a telegram to me and a small entry in your World Factbook Entry saying: "Member of the ARCA alliance."
:arrow: If you are not a UN delegate or founder, but are still in the UN, you can ask your delegate or founder to telegram me, or you can move to the region that is the ARCA HQ (that region is Anti Region Crashers).
:arrow: If you are not even in the UN, you can still be a big part of the ARCA alliance. You can be an alliance rep. in your region or another member region. You can ask your delegate or founder to join the alliance. You can come to the HQ region (mentioned above).
:arrow: If you have any questions, or would like to become part of the alliance, telegram Anti REgion Crashers or Cheese-on-a-stick.
:arrow: If you are a UN delegate or founder, you can put your entire region in the alliance, and all it takes is a telegram to me and a small entry in your World Factbook Entry saying: "Member of the ARCA alliance."
:arrow: If you are not a UN delegate or founder, but are still in the UN, you can ask your delegate or founder to telegram me, or you can move to the region that is the ARCA HQ (that region is Anti Region Crashers).
:arrow: If you are not even in the UN, you can still be a big part of the ARCA alliance. You can be an alliance rep. in your region or another member region. You can ask your delegate or founder to join the alliance. You can come to the HQ region (mentioned above).
:arrow: If you have any questions, or would like to become part of the alliance, telegram Anti REgion Crashers or Cheese-on-a-stick.