Hutu Frees Shimdah
Shimdah again is seen as an independant nation, with some freedoms. Muqmarekh Al-Ishmiel's(You know the old insane leader of Shimdah) son Muqmarekh Hamza Al-Ishmiel, has become the new psychotic leader of the nation. With this new found freedom Muqmarekh has seen fit to follow his fathers terrorists ways.
Shortly after finding soldiers from the old Shimdite Army and organizing them the decision to attack was made. Within hours Shimdite terrorists sliped into East-Europe and headed toward their Capitol dressed as business men on their way to work. Once in the town center they spread out and went into different office buildings and detonated their suitcases that were loaded with explosives.
Shortly there after they sent small groups of forces just outside of East-Europe and Hutu to moniter for any troop movement.
((OOC: Don't everyone jump into this I don't want it to get confusing, just East-Europe, their allies, Hutu and Shimdah will fight in this.))
After word of the attacks on East-Europe Premier Roach is greatly angered and sends in the 105th Airborne to Shimdah as quickly as possible and writes a letter of appology to the world.
I am greatly sorry for thinking Shimdah could be trusted again, I am no taking the steps to handle this and make them a colony of my nation again.
Premier Roach.
After sending out the letter the 105th its launched and quickly reaches Shimdah since their base is just barely on the Hutu side of the border with Shimdah. Also speeding across the boarder are the 3rd and 4th Companiess from the 5th Spetznaz Corp. Within moments roughly 20,000 Spetznaz, 1,500 Airborne, 30 Light Tanks, 50 APC's and 7 Heavy Bombers are in the Shimdah area and reigning hell down upon the fledgling Provence.
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 04:20
The Fedral Union will not condone sutch acts!
Shimdah If you need help ill offer it.
OOC:Ha Ha :twisted:
Remember me????
I'll stay away, as long as you don't comit anymore terrorist attacks.
Comrade Leader of The Federal Union,
We ask that you keep your warmongering Democratic noses out of our affairs and leave us to our own affairs. If you refuse to do so, then comrade it will not be preaty for your nation or your attacking armies. Why you may ask? Because my friend, it is winter here in Russia, and our nation has a nice stockpile of chemical weapons that we fear not to use.
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 04:28
You do not intimdate us .. Shimdah we will assist if you ask.
We can over welm you but we do not wish war we do not wish genocide either.
((OOC: Yes Daikerta, you are remembered. PS, i'm too lazy to switch between Shimdah and Hutu, so from now on in this war i'll just put the nations name in Bold at the begining of the Post))
Muqmarekh sits in his office(cave) in Shimdah plotting his next move and decides to move some of his troops into Hutu before they are overrun.
Within moments 53 armed men are inside Hutu and neering an Airbase when they open up with Machine Guns mounted on their trucks, thier rifles and pistols. Shortly there after the large 20mm AA guns are aimed at the trucks and the trucks are ripped to shreds, and a small group of Spetznaz in BRDM2s go to round up the survivors.
The losses for Shimdah are 20 Dead, 13 Injured, 18 Captured and 2 escaped.
As the 105th lands in Shimdah they quickly meet up with their contacts and go into various safe houses, a few dressing as soldiers and terrorists and the rest as merchants. The soldiers dresses as terrorists take up the traditional Ak-47 and the others carry their standard issue .50AE Pistols, and a boot kinfe. The men begin gathering intel on the situation and assassinating people that may tip off Muqmarekh and also plot the assassination of Generals in the Army.
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 04:41
The Fedral Union is deploying
150,000 troops 2000 laser crusiders 500 F-22'S 150 Joint Strike figters in to Shimdah along with 150 mech infintry units
Not these are peace keepers only and they will escort the refugees out of the contry . we do not intend to attack any nation with this move..
**Encrypted Message**
From: Premier Roach
We thank you for your support in our last war with this scum, yet we fear the situation may excalate and would like to know that you are not going to go against us in this.
Premier James Roach
**Unencrypted Message**
To:The Federal Union
From: Premier Roach
Your words are falling upon deaf ears now, we fear you not, we have no fear, you may be able to overwhelm us in your lands, but the battle is on our turf if you chose to be cocky, and we will win.
Premier James Roach
To:The Federal Union
From: Muqmarekh
If you must my friend.
((OOC: This is a semi-neer future RP, lasers don't exist as weapons, how about you check the tech-level befor you post cheif.))
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 04:47
The Fedral unions forces have takesn up defnsive lines on Shimdah's
(This is turing out to be a good rp lol)
Another wave of Hutuian tanks painted white to match the surroundings for winter approach the border and halt a few miles from the wall seperating Shimdah from the rest of Hutu. The Division commander scans the border for a moment and then orders the 2nd Tank Colum to advance in a spearhead formation with the 1st and 3rd at its left flank the 4th and 5th at its right flank. Then, the 6th, 7th, and 8th fall in behind with the 9th and the Commanders 10th Colum lingering back slightly. As the first tanks neer the Commander radios in for close air support.
The 12th Squadron is activated and the target is Ishmiel City in Shimdah and the 25th Squadron is set to provide air support for the tanks. Once the tanks are in range(their effective range is much longer than an Abrams, all my tech is slightly above the US's current) they open fire at random trying to punch a whole in the defensive line. Shortly there after the 25th Squadron flies over dropping precision bombs and 3 MOABs just behind the defense line.
The 12th Squadron then blazes over at max speed and reaches Ishmiel City quickly droping their payload of bunker busters on the heart of the city digging deep into the ground and into the cities tunnel systems.
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 05:00
130 of the tanks are either damged or destroyes the joint strike fighters and F-22'S are deployed to shoot down the enmmy air craft.
AA battiers open fire on the enmmy air craft the laser tanks open fire on the ground troops. attmeping to throw off an advace.
(I have to go see ya tomrow this is a grate rp ill be on and post tomrow)
The superior Hutu tanks seem to be almost unscaved by the counter attack of the Federal Union tanks except for one which is hit in the weak spot of the tanks and is destroyed. 3 of the 12th Squadron jets are shot down but their pilots make it to safety. The 25th Squadron makes their objective as they flew too high and too fast for AA fire.
The tank commander radios in for a second tank division to go in right behind them to pick up the slack they're leaving. Then the tanks go through the line opening up on the AA guns and remaining tanks. As the 1st Tank Division goes into the city they set up a perimeter and wait for contact with the 3rd Division coming in behind them.
The Spetznaz troops in Ishmiel City come out of their safe house and begin their missions again going around and setting sachel charges at key points and destroying the tunnels and government buildings.
Shortly after again the 3rd Division cuts through the Federal Union tanks and meets up with the 1st Division and waits for further orders.
((OOC: This is my last post tonight. Federal Union, i'm giving you one more warning THERE ARE NO LASERS IN THIS RP! and also, work on your spelling and pay attention to the details i put in the RP, if there were Foot Soldiers there you could have shot at them, but since the only Foot Soldiers in my are are Spetznaz and there were none with the tanks, you can't. Also, make your RP a little more detailed, I put work into mine, thats why their nice and get attention. You don't and i'll consider ignoring all your posts))