SOC develops first biological weapons(Pic warning!)
Swords of Chagal
22-12-2003, 13:41
The terrorist faction of Swords of Chagal has developed the first biological weapons.These are creatures grown in our special "Flesh Vats". They can take quite a beating, as they feel very little pain and fight to the death. If they come into contact with other organic material, the release a virus that slowly mutates the victim into one of them.A picture of them shall be provided, so that you know we are serious.
Speaker for SOC
The Fedral Union
22-12-2003, 14:40
Ugh Grate just what we need another nation who has wepons of mass disruction .
22-12-2003, 14:53
OOC:Fedral Union I would agree with you if you learnt to spell.
Anyway how much did it cost to make those? :wink:
The Sardaukar will fight back!
The Fedral Union
22-12-2003, 14:58
(Lol i just made some typos becuse i skipped a few letters.)
at any rate.. i implore you to get rid of sutch wepons ..
Swords of Chagal
22-12-2003, 15:16
Federal Union, a rough estimate is that it cost 4 billion for research, and another 2 billion for production. Mind you, that puts a big dent in any more new weapons, but these are worth it.
The Fedral Union
22-12-2003, 15:26
I see well just dont use them unless you really have to ..
Worth it, but worth the risk? i dont think so
What happens if they go berserk?
The Fedral Union
22-12-2003, 15:32
If he uses them with out reson well pummle him .
(I have to go out see ya later today .)
22-12-2003, 15:33
Then we all ally and slaughter him! :D
Err... they are a terrorist group, you would have to find them first...
Im sick of people using WMDs in this game, so i will aid anyone who wishes to declare war on him
Im sick of people using WMDs in this game, so i will aid anyone who wishes to declare war on him
Cute, I notice that two of your posts are asking for Nuclear weapons too...
Who would of thought it huh? To be honest, I don't care what these guys do, I've got enough security to assure my peoples safety and I don't make a point of angering Terrorist Organisations, instead we prefer to make it so they don't raise in the first place...
But I'm sure someone here will find the nation they are hiding in and bomb the hell out of that nation until half the little kiddies are either dead of disabled... but hey, he's gotta die right?
22-12-2003, 15:55
I dont mind WMD mostly but when people start using them unprovoked then I MIND them. :evil:
Swords of Chagal
22-12-2003, 16:25
We're hiding in deserts, in underwater caves, underground caves, and other really hidden sneaky places.
If they go berserk? Well thats easy.We just blow up the installation in which they are going berserk in.
This particular facility is on Mars. :)
THAT I can reveal to you all.So go ahead, blow up Mars,but most martian naions won't be happy. :wink:
They are creatures not weapons and they belong to the Bene Tleilax as they are Leeches and Contaminators from the Game Emperor:Battle for Dune - which I am making an amazing mod for
Swords of Chagal
23-12-2003, 12:58
Stop hijacking,please. I know they're from the game EBFD, but so what If I use them as pics for my new biological weapons? Its not anything against the game or anything by Frank Herbert. BTW, you are DuneNewt on the Dune2k boards,aren't you?
Swords of Chagal
23-12-2003, 13:16
Awesome how many people play Emperor on these boards...Maybe its not dead after all. BTW, have you played the IMperial Civil War Mod by JulesG yet? Its awesome :)
Nope, never played any mods for it.
Swords of Chagal
23-12-2003, 13:19
Too bad. you should.