NationStates Jolt Archive

Free Iuthia conciders selling some Nuclear Warheads

Free Iuthia
22-12-2003, 03:45
OOC: Firstly, I'd like to point out that Free Iuthia is not affiliated with Iuthia in anyway as we are seperate of their rule and we are a completely independant nation with our own rules and systems, we are not in any treaties with Iuthia nor are we allied to them, we just live next to one another, any threats made against us will be resovled without their assistance unless your threats could hurt Iuthia (i.g. Nuclear Attacks)

Two men sat at a large oblong oak table, they had been talking for hours about budgets, finance and possible trade relations... some of the latest projects had been damaging to thier budget and they needed to balence the books.

"Hey look Jim, our records show we have an abundence of Neclear Weaponary stockpiled for perposes of mutually assured destruction... it seems we are spending well in excess of 100 Billion per annum keeping these bastards prepared and stored..."

Jim looked surpised at the figure, Have we really been that paranoid over the years? He thought, I mean, I doubt we are ever going to go to Defcon 1 with our record... He turned to Dave and sighed.

"Looks like we've found something we can safely reduce without damaging our military capabilities... though I can't help thinking that if we just dismantle half of them we will be wasting alot of potenial..." Jim stated, Dave wasn't surpised at this, he knew what to suggest.

"How about we sell them some of them, make a tidy profit while reducing the upkeep cost of our arsenal... I don't really have any qualms with selling them if we vet each nation first before selling them..."

"I suppose you are right Dave, but we'll get a bit of trouble from the pacifists in our region, not to mention a couple nations who think they are important..."

"Yeah well , it's not like they can do anything, we are too large to take on and they can't stop us from selling them... we'll just ignore them."

"Why not... well, heres to our new idea"" Dave held up a glass of water, only to be met with Jims glass in a toast of their new plan.


[Comminication sent to all nations with modern tech communications infrastructure...]

Hail fellow nations,

Free Iuthia welcomes you to our surplus Nuclear Weapons auction, where in we will be offering your nation Nuclear Weapons at reduced costs.[i]1 Megaton Nuclear Warhead

Currently we are starting the bidding at $700'000'000 (USD) each for Warheads from 600-900 Kilotons in size, all ICBM cabable.

Please note we only sell our weapons to nations that can support there use and are not concidered a danger to the world in general. We will also not sell them to nations at war or concidering war publically.

So please, look at our goods and think, do you need additional Nuclear Weapons today?

[Current Stock Available:

26 - 600 Kiloton Warheads
13 - 700 Kiloton Warheads
5 - 900 Kiloton Warheads]

Jim Bavura
DoD Finance
Free Iuthia

Small Print OOC: Any nation simply ordering weapons and then saying "Wiring Money" or the like, will be robbed of their money as I will not send them the nuclear warheads, I will, once the money has been wired by you, tell you of this fact and laugh in the process... lesson to learn, don't use bad RP to buy weapons.
22-12-2003, 03:59
Doujin is interested in purchasing some 1 megaton and 3 megaton weapons.
22-12-2003, 04:14
The Dominion and Principalities of Eredron wishes to voice its disapproval of the international sale and trade of weapons of mass destruction.
22-12-2003, 04:16
The Dominion and Principalities of Eredron wishes to voice its disapproval of the international sale and trade of weapons of mass destruction.
We agree.
Free Iuthia
22-12-2003, 04:37
Doujin is interested in purchasing some 1 megaton and 3 megaton weapons.

To: Military Financiers of Doujin
From: Jim Bavura, DoD Finance, Free Iuthia
Subject: Probable Cost

Currently we are concidering selling such warheads for $700'000'000 (USD) with an additional $100'000'000 (USD) per extra 100 Kilotons above 600 Kilotons. However we are awaiting to see what the demand is like, it is likely with the current show of interest that we are going to keep this bargain price for our Nuclear arsenal.

We are happy with your interest and would like to offer you a tour of the produce you are interested in Purchasing providing you wish to send someone to our nation who is willing to be escorted by our security without security personnel by his side. We take the security of our weapons seriously.

Meanwhile we will investigate your nations politics to assure ourselves these weapons are intended as a deterant and not to be used in actuality.


Jim Bavura,
DoD Finance
22-12-2003, 04:44
We will send Eras Menti to tour the product; we won't send security, per your request. Doujin does not believe in the use of nuclear weapons, or any other weapon of mass destruction as a plausible attack - however, we can't sit idly by while bigger nations threaten our country with WMD's, we want to have the thread of mutually assured destruction in place so that we are protected from such attacks.
22-12-2003, 04:50
OOC: Selling off high power nukes is not a smart idea. 1 Megaton nukes are well above the average warhead size of both the EX-Soviet union and US with 750Kiton and 600kiloton average respectivly, Shouldn't you be selling lower yeild weapons?


Selling Nuclear Weapons is your choice but if you do please only sell them to respectable countries and do background checks on anyone buying one.
Free Pacific States
22-12-2003, 05:01
FPS is greatly interested in buying nuclear weapons. We don't really have any (officially...ahem ahem), and would like to have some. We will not use them to nuke other nations offensively, however it is nice to be able to say "Hey, I've got a 900 kiloton nuke...SO STOP THREATING TO USE WMD'S", or simply to say, "Hey, I've got a 900 kiloton nuke...nane nane bo bo nane nane bobo." At any rate, we would like to start negotiating over price of any size warheads. Thank you for your time.
22-12-2003, 05:03
....this is kinda bad.
22-12-2003, 05:05
Eras Menti is in the air, and will be there within 12 (NS) hours.
Free Iuthia
22-12-2003, 05:10
OOC: Selling off high power nukes is not a smart idea. 1 Megaton nukes are well above the average warhead size of both the EX-Soviet union and US with 750Kiton and 600kiloton average respectivly, Shouldn't you be selling lower yeild weapons?

OOC: Damn, I thought it was about 1 Megaton, I didn't want to make them sound small... :oops: ohwell, I will edit them (the price stays the same seeing as it's more expensive then that to produce them) to include lower yields...

Meanwhile I'm doing this for several reasons, mainly cause I'm bored and it's fun watching the smaller nations whine about it... we probabaly say "no" in the end, or "maybe when your older"...
22-12-2003, 05:17
FPS is greatly interested in buying nuclear weapons. We don't really have any (officially...ahem ahem), and would like to have some. We will not use them to nuke other nations offensively, however it is nice to be able to say "Hey, I've got a 3 megaton nuke...SO STOP THREATING TO USE WMD'S", or simply to say, "Hey, I've got a 3 megaton nuke...nane nane bo bo nane nane bobo." At any rate, we would like to start negotiating over price of 1, 2, and 3 megaton warheads. Thank you for your time.

This is exactly the wrong attitude for any nation that would consider possessing nuclear weaponry. This irresponsible, childish behavior is a liability in national politics, and when WMDs are involved it's appalling that anyone would consider selling a nuclear device to you.
Free Pacific States
22-12-2003, 05:20
FPS is greatly interested in buying nuclear weapons. We don't really have any (officially...ahem ahem), and would like to have some. We will not use them to nuke other nations offensively, however it is nice to be able to say "Hey, I've got a 3 megaton nuke...SO STOP THREATING TO USE WMD'S", or simply to say, "Hey, I've got a 3 megaton nuke...nane nane bo bo nane nane bobo." At any rate, we would like to start negotiating over price of 1, 2, and 3 megaton warheads. Thank you for your time.

This is exactly the wrong attitude for any nation that would consider possessing nuclear weaponry. This irresponsible, childish behavior is a liability in national politics, and when WMDs are involved it's appalling that anyone would consider selling a nuclear device to you.

Look, I was just trying to put some comedy into it, alright. The point of this is to say that I'm not going to use them to attack other nations, but only as a detterant, at best. And considering the fact that I've been here a lot longer than you, I wouldn't talk about being childish.
22-12-2003, 05:29
Euphoritopia is very interested in buying 1 - 3 600 kiloton warheads.
22-12-2003, 05:32
I do not care what the cost is, I will buy 5 of these warheads as soon as possible.

Austar Union
22-12-2003, 05:34
The Government of the Austar Union disapproves the sale of WMD's, and you to stop the sale of WMD's to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. Or perhaps if you want to sell them still, only sell the WMD's to nations with a respectable track record.
22-12-2003, 06:27
I would like to purchase some 1 megaton nuclear warheads from you. I need them to protect my country. Please help me.
Austar Union
22-12-2003, 06:29
WHy dont you ask for allies for now?
22-12-2003, 06:30
I'd like 10 of the most powerful kind you have. Is 5 megatons a possibility? Cost doesn't matter.
22-12-2003, 06:30
I'd like 10 of the most powerful kind you have. Is 5 megatons a possibility? Cost doesn't matter.
22-12-2003, 06:33
OOC: Why don't you just make the 3 900 kt 1 megaton? Heh, I just *bought* 2295 nukes supposedly from some small nation just to get him to shut up :p he doesn't post here anymore :lol:

IC: Eras Menti is 10 miles from the border of your nation. Please inform any anti-air defenses you might have, and give the craft landing information.