Hutuian Spetz Natz
After years of rule under Communist Premier James Roach, the ever elusive Spetz Natz forces who act as special forces, police, and intelligence gathering soliders have expanded once again. This recent expanse cost upwards of 520 Million USD, and brought the HSP up tothe second largest armed force next to the regular army, and the most technological advanced force. Some details of the forces are slowly being released and are listed below.
Forces Before Expanse.
Forces: 1.2 Million
Reserve: 400,000
Weapon: 12mm Aukive
Training Time: 1.5 months basic. 4 Months Spetz training. 2 months AIT.
The following photos were taken at various times between Red Square Parades and other events.
Spetz Training.
HSP Patch.
((OOC: Tell me what you think.EDIT: Fixed the pics))
Are wishing to fledge war upon us?
Your training times are pathetic. Your men would barely hold a candle to a single well trained Hammer, let alone a truly elite soldier. A paltry 7.5 months cannot decently train a man! They must be selected at birth, trained from infancy to fight, and to be disciplined. They must gain a thirst a great for blood as for water, and to care for their arms as for a child. They must be ready in all events to take none prisoner, and to charge into the very gates of Hell. Your men are but babes to true soldiers.
Your training times are pathetic. Your men would barely hold a candle to a single well trained Hammer, let alone a truly elite soldier. A paltry 7.5 months cannot decently train a man! They must be selected at birth, trained from infancy to fight, and to be disciplined. They must gain a thirst a great for blood as for water, and to care for their arms as for a child. They must be ready in all events to take none prisoner, and to charge into the very gates of Hell. Your men are but babes to true soldiers.
I was merely stating the culture of the soldiers, not the conditions they must face as everyday Hutuians. If you were to look at it that way comrade, then every Hutuian is suited to fight in your battles. These people are ready for war, infact they long for it, they fight for food, warmth and love in this nation. These Hutuians are extremly patriotic and would die without second thought for their country. And I again conject comrade, these are just the civilians that do this. There is strong resentment for what the government causes, but also strong love for the reasons behind it.
Premier Roach of Hutu.
we would like to donate 10,000 of our sokol-31 assault rifles for your spetsnaz forces.
The Theocracy of Desnaria see's men who would fight for their country, but what about their beliefs? How do you provide for their religious needs as well? Among the Desnarian soldiers are Clerics who tend to their religious needs. Possibly your soldiers could benefit from some education in a purpose higher then themselves, mainly you?
Heaven forbid you should go to war and have men stop in the middle of a gunfight because they do not know of their final reward.... Men of devotion amidst the soldiers would be able to justify their actions in terms of belief, something very powerful. Trust me, I make a living teaching devotion to my play... err... subjects.
We thank JaxForce for their generous donation of weapons and are sure they will be put to work.
As to devotion, we are a Communist Society and religion is seen as another meens of inequality amongst our peoples, in private they can practice religion, but we try to keep it out of the military and government. We understand the need of 'what are we fighting for' and it is filled by the government. Our troops fight for our country, our land, our way of life, we are most usually not the agreesor in a battle, so this is easy to maintain. Perchance we do attack someone it is usually because they have threatened one of these things so it is easy to keep the troops behind the war.
JaxForce can't afford to do that. You've been alive for a day. You have to be realistic people.
((OOC: Jaxforce is the guy behind GeForce 4 and Jaxisum and he started posting under that name now for some reason or something like that.))
((OOC: Jaxforce is the guy behind GeForce 4 and Jaxisum and he started posting under that name now for some reason or something like that.))
yes, geforce4 and jaxusism merged and now we are one nation.
21-12-2003, 03:21
I fear your almighty airsoft rifles, I sincerely hope that my country will never face your superior weaponry. Those plastic pellets hurt!
Hutuian Spetz Naz 5th Corps
The greatest and finest of the HSP and also the greatest to benefit from this all. As of late their numbers have grown as has training time. After pondering long and hard the Premier decided to open a special offer to have troops from other nations train along side the 5th Corps. Training will cost 50,000 USD per soldier and will be limited to 1,000 troops per nation. Also, any nation wishing to have a dirty task done can 'rent' a squad of 11 5th Corps soldiers from roughly 800,000 to 2.3 million depending on the task and time for it. Anyone enterested state your mission, cause and time that it will take and we'll get back to you on it.