FERRETS for trade /sale
I have 10,000 male ferrets to trade as defensive weapons (they STINK IN SEASON). They are my country's national animal and we would like hash, alcohol, and an abundance of willing women to apply for asylum in my country.
Please contact Prime Minister Bottom burp :shock: to discuss terms
20-12-2003, 18:00
Well...err...don't bother with the ferrets but we can supply you with the alcohol (Red Sickle Vodka) and the hash-in fact scientists have just announced a new breed of so called "Super-Chronic" which may be superior...
Let us know if you are interested
Well...err...don't bother with the ferrets but we can supply you with the alcohol (Red Sickle Vodka) and the hash-in fact scientists have just announced a new breed of so called "Super-Chronic" which may be superior...
Let us know if you are interested
From the office of Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
I welcome the vodka and the super chronic, our population is beginning to beleive Saddam Hussain is innocent we are close to a crisis..... Even our opponents in the government are beginning to tell us that our health service is better than in the UK...these are desperate times my friend...
what is your trade :?:
Many regards Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
of the region: Life of Bryan
20-12-2003, 20:48
What do you mean what is our trade?
What do you mean what is our trade?
From the office of Prime minister Bottom Burp :shock:
My advisors advise me that your generous offer of red sickle vodka & "Super Chronic" will not come free. Especially as our Ferrets (wonderful defense capabilities) did i tell you that already? are not to your liking.
We have an abundance of a yellow metal which my financears tell me is valuable to xome regions if that is to your liking... so how about 2 tons yellow metal for 1 years supply of red sickle vodka & Super Chronic for every man woman & child in my beautiful home of Jasada
Respectfully yours
Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
20-12-2003, 21:10
Suits us fine-although your offer seems so generous we might as well chuck in a few crates of Red Sickle:Black Label, aka "Frontal Lobotomy"
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Comissar of the Revolution
They is just so cute and cuddly until they start biting.
I'll take as much as possible to add to my already large ferret farm more ferrets.
I'll give you genuine Ceranissian alcohol.
Suits us fine-although your offer seems so generous we might as well chuck in a few crates of Red Sickle:Black Label, aka "Frontal Lobotomy"
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Comissar of the Revolution
From the office of Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
To:Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Comissar of the Revolution
I thank you for your gracious trade agreement; However i would like to extend an explanation of one's society "beuty is in the eye of the beholder" and this includes this funny yellow metal after all what is one man's rubbish is another man's treasure.
To confirm 1 years supply of spliffs for the populace = 7 million times 4 spliffs per day = 102.2 million spliffs
1 years supply of vodka = 7 million times 6 shots= 153.3 million shots of vodka for 2 tons of yellow metal (i think you know it as fools gold)
As per unified trade agreements one expects to have consignment within 30 working days
Respectfully yours
Prime Minister Bottom Burp (your friend & trade ally) :shock:
I have 10,000 male ferrets to trade as defensive weapons (they STINK IN SEASON). They are my country's national animal and we would like hash, alcohol, and an abundance of willing women to apply for asylum in my country.
Please contact Prime Minister Bottom burp :shock: to discuss terms
I will have them all for 100'000$
They is just so cute and cuddly until they start biting.
I'll take as much as possible to add to my already large ferret farm more ferrets.
I'll give you genuine Ceranissian alcohol.
From the office of Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
One takes exception that you call our national animaL AND i quote " CUTE AND CUDDLY"
They are a revered animal that has multiple use in our community. Essentially for the defence of any great nation: As one has repeatedly explained to newbie ferret farmers or those without knowledge when they are in season THEY STINK hence their defense capabilities. AND if you live in a cold climate (we don't) they make great coats.....
BTW how many u want.....We could do with your alcohol and 14 million clothes pegs ( for our noses u understand...)
Respectfully yours
Prime Minister Bottom Burp :shock:
I have 10,000 male ferrets to trade as defensive weapons (they STINK IN SEASON). They are my country's national animal and we would like hash, alcohol, and an abundance of willing women to apply for asylum in my country.
Please contact Prime Minister Bottom burp :shock: to discuss terms
I will have them all for 100'000$
From the office of Prime Minister Bottom BUrp (hic) :shock:
Fristly one's apoligis for the dashed awful SPElling of this trade leter.
It seeeeems that my tipist is stoned (or is dat me)
10,000 male ferets for genuine cute Samin refugees to build our populace
ResperctfuLLLY yours (hic)
Prime MInister Bottom Burp :shock: