Dead Thread
Free Pacific States
20-12-2003, 04:42
OOC: Just for your information, Faramount City is the capital of FPS
Today, with the passing of new laws to allow immigrants to enter FPS without harrasment, chaos began. At 9:00 last night, a group of terrorists took out the Faramount City Nuclear Power plant, as well as the main lines coming in from other cities, succesfully shutting down the cities power. Within an hour, looting and rioting had begun. Local police forces, as well as state and county police forces, are attempting to hold back the riots, but are failing miserably.
Rioters are nearing the Blue House and Octogon (rough equal of White house and Pentagon in USA), and FPS leadership is unsure of what to do. Martial Law is being thought about, but it will take hours to get a sufficient military force into the area. Foreign Aid has been requested, as well as any advice as to what to do.
The rioters, after taking a TV station, have officially demanded that all immigrants be forced to leave the nation. Those immigrants IN Faramount City are in danger of losing their lives....those that still have them, that is.
Omzian Democratic Federal Republic, while wishing their friend to sort this out, has been alarmed about this strong, racism influenced movement by certain rioters. Since in our registry we are sure that there's a few Omzians who've already applied for immigration to Free Pacific States, we must be assured that they can be protected as safe as possible, possibly even evacuating to the Omzian Democratic Federal Republic embassy.
As Omzian Democratic Federal Republic is in turmoil and difficulties now, we are afraid that we cannot lend any support in the terms of force. However, we wish our friend well.
Foreign Affairs Ministry
20-12-2003, 04:50
OOC: Just for your information, Faramount City is the capital of FPS
Today, with the passing of new laws to allow immigrants to enter FPS without harrasment, chaos began. At 9:00 last night, a group of terrorists took out the Faramount City Nuclear Power plant, as well as the main lines coming in from other cities, succesfully shutting down the cities power. Within an hour, looting and rioting had begun. Local police forces, as well as state and county police forces, are attempting to hold back the riots, but are failing miserably.
Rioters are nearing the Blue House and Octogon (rough equal of White house and Pentagon in USA), and FPS leadership is unsure of what to do. Martial Law is being thought about, but it will take hours to get a sufficient military force into the area. Foreign Aid has been requested, as well as any advice as to what to do.
The rioters, after taking a TV station, have officially demanded that all immigrants be forced to leave the nation. Those immigrants IN Faramount City are in danger of losing their lives....those that still have them, that is.
OOC: When you say "Took out" You mean "shut down" right? cause blowing up a Nuclear Power plant is... well, not a good idea.
Free Pacific States
20-12-2003, 04:50
"FPS thanks you Omz. However, I myself, President Terrus, doubt that we are in that much trouble..." Even as the president said this, a rock came through his window. "Or not..."
OOC: Yea, I mean "shut down." They safely did it, of course, while holding the staff at gunpoint. Their terrorists, but their not stupid.
Free Pacific States
20-12-2003, 04:57
OOC: Wow, failed before it received five posts. Oh well. If anyone wants to keep this going, go ahead, I'll provide backround. Otherwise, it looks like it's dead. Guess I'm not quite ready to create threads.
20-12-2003, 05:04
"FPS thanks you Omz. However, I myself, President Terrus, doubt that we are in that much trouble..." Even as the president said this, a rock came through his window. "Or not..."
OOC: Yea, I mean "shut down." They safely did it, of course, while holding the staff at gunpoint. Their terrorists, but their not stupid.
OOC: heh, well, always good to get a clear picture of things before I respond, lol. And it's not dead, let it sit for a day or so and come back, I'm sure there will be more posts.
Abadan condemns the riots, and proposes for all involved to be lined up and shot for their anti-immigrant sentiments. There are millions of immigrants among the 1 billion in Abadan, and racism is not tolerated at all. We have liberal attitudes towards everything but this and propose to send up to 50,000 soldiers to your nation to stop the rioting and, if necesary, take over some factors of the governmental services.
OOC: i dont get it, where do we go from here? We fight rioters on the streets?
Free Pacific States
20-12-2003, 16:09
OOC: I really don't know. I was just putting the idea out, and seeing what people would make of it. We could do single charactor RP's (Fighting the riots, being rioters, etc.), or we could simply do an overview of what's happening. Up to you.
While FPS is thankfull for your offer, Abadan, we believe shooting the rioters might be going too far. Many of them don't hold these believes, but are simply taking advantage of the power out and poor police protection to..erm...have some fun and steal some stuff.
20-12-2003, 16:23
Do to the fact that only 2% of the population of Chancland are immigrants we, the people of Chancland, do not find it suitable for us to assist you with our forces. We will however provide you with some minor aid, by order of the Minister of Public Relations, Minister Chancelli. Therefore the Chanclandian Goverment will be donating $5 million USD to you in order to aid in the reconstruction of all damaged property, public and private. Also, due to the fact of the high amounts of finances involved in housing prisoners, roughly being $35,000 a year per prisoner, we offer to deport all of the major rioters and riot leaders/coordinators after they have been arrested and send them into our prison system at no cost to your goverment. God luck and god speed.
-President Chanc I
Ruler of Chancland