NationStates Jolt Archive

need nukes

Huzen Hagen
19-12-2003, 22:54
i need to find some SLBM's for an ohio class sub
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 22:57
Nukes on it's way!

*Luanches ICBMS*
19-12-2003, 22:58
Nukes on it's way!

*Luanches ICBMS*



Don't be an arse.
19-12-2003, 23:00
I'm sorry, but at your current size, you really can't afford them.
(Neither can I, for that matter.)
19-12-2003, 23:00
I would give you nukes (launched from a silo and armed to blow you up.) but i think i'll need them plus my golden rule is i dont sell nuclear weapons to nations under or around 400million pop. Plus your way to young to have any.....
19-12-2003, 23:01
Nukes on it's way!

*Luanches ICBMS*

That was funny the first few times I've seen it. Now it's just annoying.
19-12-2003, 23:02
*gasp* Stephen Gromov finally got his stroke, it was about time
19-12-2003, 23:03
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.
19-12-2003, 23:05
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.

Isen't there a way to kick people like him?
19-12-2003, 23:06
Fortunately, the Trousinian government happens to have a few spare SLBM's, just for what you need. Ever since we got rid of out submarine fleet, they have just been sitting around.

Seeing as you are new, we will donate 250 to you.

-Kuzmich Postolski
19-12-2003, 23:07
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.

Isen't there a way to kick people like him?

I've been looking for one but, sadly, cannot find one.
19-12-2003, 23:08
Curst forum
19-12-2003, 23:08
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.

Isen't there a way to kick people like him?

Why would you want to do that? He pays me, I have no problem with giving him uranium to build nukes with. If he uses them on the other hand, I'll quickly invade him and steal the nukes back.

And loot his cities, of course.
19-12-2003, 23:13
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.

Isen't there a way to kick people like him?

Why would you want to do that? He pays me, I have no problem with giving him uranium to build nukes with. If he uses them of course, I'll quickly invade him and steal the nukes back. And loot his cities, of course.

the reason:

He can't pay you, as he doesn't have money for creating nukes => he will make nuclear weapons with money he doesn't own, and that's a mistake in the game, it creates some kind of bug (if you'd like to call it that)
19-12-2003, 23:16
I'll sell you weapon's grade uranium if you like. Maybe give ya a few nuclear engineers if you give me a good deal.

Isen't there a way to kick people like him?

Why would you want to do that? He pays me, I have no problem with giving him uranium to build nukes with. If he uses them of course, I'll quickly invade him and steal the nukes back. And loot his cities, of course.

the reason:

He can't pay you, as he doesn't have money for creating nukes => he will make nuclear weapons with money he doesn't own, and that's a mistake in the game, it creates some kind of bug (if you'd like to call it that)

Maybe he does have the money. Besides, I accept credit.
19-12-2003, 23:18
I strongly doubt that, like most countries will, and if he has, he will have to say where he got that money from.
Huzen Hagen
19-12-2003, 23:19
troursrs gave me some slbm's so im sorted. now i will save up and buy sum subs to put them in
19-12-2003, 23:19
Nukes on it's way!

*Luanches ICBMS*


Nice job. One less n00b on the street.
19-12-2003, 23:20
...and for the next 100 years there is a portion of government expenditures marked "N00|< B1llz, $1,000,000,000". :P