NationStates Jolt Archive


18-12-2003, 03:20
=Taimatian News Report=
Around one hour ago, aproximatly 10 million Taimatian citizens have revolted against our beloved and kind emporer. This rag tag army is surly no match for our nations military might. Government officials tell all citizens to remain calm and this conflict will be settled shortly. In other news....
In a small town of Sentry, the rebellion forces unite aroun their leader, Numen Alten. "Today, our governments tyranical rule ends!" His speach is meet by cheers of the make shift army. "If they will not change, we will MAKE them change!" The rebels gather their weaponry and march toward their next objectives.

Numen turns to an officer. "Send the word to all nations that we are in desperate need of their help."


"Unforunatly, we have no chance against the Taimatian army. We MUST get help from abroad."

OOC: In case you cant tell, the rebels want your help :D
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 03:27
The Fedral Union is currently in a stand off with another nation and cant palge milltary support but we can give you cash and maby some milltary equipment.
18-12-2003, 03:30
18-12-2003, 03:30
We thank you for your support and promiss to repay the debt once our new government is stable.
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 03:31
The fedral Union will grant 2Million Fedral $ and loan you an extra F$500,000
We can also send over 50 laser crusader tanks . ?
18-12-2003, 03:33
OOC: What government is currently in Taimat, and which type of government do the rebels want?
18-12-2003, 03:37
=Taimatian News Report=

It has come to our attention that the revolutionaries have been defeating our nations army. Here's Jan Lew with a report.

Thanks Sinthy. A reigonal general has informed me that the rebelion is stronger than anticipated and that tht Federal Union is supplying then with finances and weaponry. He says that once this rebellion is put down, the Federal Union will pay for their support. In the mentime, The draft has been issued to settle this faster. More as this story developes.
18-12-2003, 03:37
:OOC the current taimat government is an opresive dominion, and the rebels will change it to a liberal government.
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 03:39
The fedral union will send the rebles an extra 10 laser crusader tanks 10 F-22'S and 50 flight instructors to traine the rebels.
18-12-2003, 03:41
:OOC the current taimat government is an opresive dominion, and the rebels will change it to a liberal government.

OOC: ok thanks.

IC: Dworniev will be able to arm the rebels with our excess Steyr AUG's. They are compact, reliable, and pretty accurate. We hope this may help the cause.
18-12-2003, 03:54
Our cause thanks you all for your faith in us.
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 03:55
No problem .
18-12-2003, 03:56
Your welcome.
18-12-2003, 03:57
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world.
Tou tell me that it’s evolution,
Well, you know
We all want to change the world.
But when you talk about destruction,
Don’t you know that you can count me out.
Don’t you know it’s going to be alright,
Alright, alright.
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan.
You ask me for a contribution,
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can.
Ut if you want money for people with minds that hate,
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait.
Don’t you know it’s going to be alright,
Alright, alright.
You say you’ll change a constitution
Well, you know
We all want ot change your head.
You tell me it’s the institution,
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead.
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,
You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.
Don’t you know it’s going to be alright,
Alright, alright.
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 03:58
Dworniev I need your support on a stand off .
can you please help me ? i would apprechaite it a lot .
18-12-2003, 03:59
As expected, the rebels attack the Dominion out post with their pathetic weaponry. Every soldier thought the same thing, 'This is a waste of their lives.' The rebels were mowed down left and right by the machine guns. Then the outpost exploded in a flash of light. The Federal Unions laser crusader tanks had arrived and given the rebellion the power it needed. Within a few minutes of their arrival, every taimatian soldier was dead. The rebels were filled with renewed valor and marched onward.
18-12-2003, 04:05
OOC: nice poem zinkoman

=Taimatian News Report=
"Once again our rightous Emporer asks for all citizens to unite against the heretics. They threaten not only our government, but our glorious way of life. If they-"

*The reporter is shot threw the neck and falls to the ground. A man takes her place.*

"This is Numen Alten of the rebel army. The government controled news have been feeding you lies. Everyone of you has bitterness toward the Emporer. Show them that they must change! Deny the conscription! Join us in victory!"

*The screen goes blank.*
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 04:05
Taima rebels t we will give you 1 new york class super battle ship and 2 lexington class laser crusers they are extreamly power full so use them wisely.
18-12-2003, 04:14
Within a few days, the capital city is surrounded, but filled with nearly one third of the Taimatian army. Both sides realized that who ever wins this battle would win the war.

The rebellions F-22s bombed the emeny positions and the rebels advanced. The laser crusader tanks killed many enemy troops, but Taimatian ordanicne destroyed every one of them within a few minute.

The rebels charged oblivious to the dying around them. This is it, they thought, now we will be free. The Dominion bunkers we quickly overrun and their ocupents killed. Taimatian tanks blew apart ten rebels with every shot, but the rebels pryed open the tanks hatches and killed the crew, then used the tanks against the Dominion.

In the aftermath of the greatest battle of the rebellion, it was found that the Emporer and his royal guards escaped the battle. Numen orders his men to search for him. "Only after he dies," Numen said, "will this truely be over."
A Few Rich People
18-12-2003, 04:14
OOC: Yah! Lets put massive super ship and weapons in the hands of untrain civilians, I'm sure nothing can go wrong there! :roll:
Liberated America
18-12-2003, 04:16
Liberated America Pedges its support to the rebels, and sends 100 M60A3 MBTs, along with 10,000 PD-9 Submachine guns.
18-12-2003, 04:18
In a bunker far away from the carnage at the capital city, the Emporer decided to make hit last move against the rebels. He ordered his guards to find the nearest missile silos and to bomb the capital city and any region with high amounts of rebellion forces. "They will know," he says, "they will know death in victory. Reduce their army to oblivion."
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 04:18
Dear rebles we will build a production facilty
in your newly fromed contry if you wish to build more laser crusader tanks plus . on that note we are sending you an 1.2 million dollar grant to re build your contry in addtion we are snending in 10 laser crusader tanks to help you in your venture.
Liberated America
18-12-2003, 04:23
The Liberated American Government is also prepared to Paradrop 1,000 Military "Advisors" to help train your army into full-fledged Elites. They will be dropped upon confirmation.
18-12-2003, 04:24
OOC: Yah! Lets put massive super ship and weapons in the hands of untrain civilians, I'm sure nothing can go wrong there! :roll:

OOC: Come on, have faith.

IC: The Emporers last stand proved to be folly. The Nucular silos had already been taken over by the rebels. His guards were quickly captured and taken to be interogated. Most refused to tell where the Emporer was hidden, but a few told his location and were allowed to live.

=Taimatian News Report=
"Today is a glorious day for our country. The Emporer has been taken into custady and will be executed at an early date. The opression and destruction is over, and we step onto the path of enlightenment. The Dominion of Taimat is dead. The Democracy of Taimat has begun.
18-12-2003, 04:27
"This is Numen Alten. on behalf of the taimatian people, I thank you all for your aid in our cause. If not for you, our revolution would never have succeded. We will try to repay you all as soon as our nations economy is stable. Thanks to you, our people are free from the tyranical rule of the Emporer. We are forever in your debt."
18-12-2003, 04:29
You don't need to pepay us those steyr's were going to rust in storage anyway
18-12-2003, 04:33
Thank you my friend.
18-12-2003, 04:34
Thank you my friend.
Liberated America
18-12-2003, 04:35
Our Government awaits your decision for our offer of advisors to your country
The Fedral Union
18-12-2003, 05:22
If you need any further asstiance the fedral union will be glad to help .