Declaration of War on Ickhaelm
Please, no comments unless you are involved in this war. Those who are, know who they are. Those who aren't, should be confused and wondering if they are a part. well, your not. Donations will be accepted and thanked for. please no alliances unless you are from Galacta. I want this to be a pure battle. The bombing shall begin once the 5 main nations have reported to this thread.
they are...
mike white stinks
funyun land
some other expected nations are..
fink islands
evil and gaseoness
fantastic four
tru balla
the other expected nations must report to this by 5:00 est on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003, for their efforts to be acknowledged.
plinkaville reports.
I will declare war on ickhaelm. the senior board of advisors from Mike White Stinks have made the decision to go to war. I am supporting Plinkaville as UN delegate. I am on his side. :roll: I am going to go to war with the dirty ba***rds of Ickhaelm.
I will declare war on ickhaelm. the senior board of advisors from Mike White Stinks have made the decision to go to war. I am supporting Plinkaville as UN delegate. I am on his side. :roll: I am going to go to war with the dirty people of Ickhaelm.
I will declare war on ickhaelm. the senior board of advisors from Mike White Stinks have made the decision to go to war. I am supporting Plinkaville as UN delegate. I am on his side. :roll: I am going to go to war with the dirty people of Ickhaelm.
I will declare war on ickhaelm. the senior board of advisors from Mike White Stinks have made the decision to go to war. I am supporting Plinkaville as UN delegate. I am on his side. :roll: I am going to go to war with the dirty people of Ickhaelm.
I will declare war on ickhaelm. the senior board of advisors from Mike White Stinks have made the decision to go to war. I am supporting Plinkaville as UN delegate. I am on his side. :roll: I am going to go to war with the dirty people of Ickhaelm.
Fink Islands has decided to declare war on Ickhaelm
Well well...the regional bullies strike again, huh? Before we start this thing, may I just ask why you guys are declaring this war? And do post it here, I'm sure the international community would love to hear it. Oh wait --thats why you asked them not to post here isn't it?
sorry mike i didnt mean to post like 7 Declarations of war. it was an accident. Right now it stands like this:
Plinkaville Ickhaelm
Mike White Stinks Fantastic 4
Fink Islands Evil and Gaseousness
Most likely sides:
Funyun Land Nacnud
Tru Balla
Joakim's nation
It appears Mike White is way way way way outnumbered. It does not have a bloody war mike white. You can surrender if you want to. However, Mike F. and I and our supporters are more than happy to nuke the shit out of you.
That was a great explaination. The known sides actually stand like this:
Plinkaville, Plinkavillage, Mike White Stinks, Fink Islands, K vs. Ickhaelm, Evil and Gaseouness, Fantastic Four.
For now I think we should list the following as undecided:
Nacnud, Funyun Land, Munzantheron, Tru Ballas, Prijenia, etc, as they have not listed a side yet.
You're right mike--they have not joined sides yet. however those are predicted sides they will join. :D
I'm confused--what sides? That wasn't clearly explained.
I'm confused--what sides? That wasn't clearly explained.
I used spaces--both teams should be across from eachother but the spaces didnt come out and it got screwed up.
Plinkaville, Plinkavillage, Mike White Stinks, Fink Islands VS. Ickhaelm, Evil and Gaseousness, and Fantastic four
Predicted Sides: Mike F's side: Funyun Land, Tru Ballas and Joakim's nation ( if he has one!) All of them have told mike and I that they have comitted to our sidesin school.
Mike W.'s Side: Nacnud
Undecided( or i just dont know what side): Muzantheron, Heshe, Prijenia (if it is allowed back in)
Sorry it was confusing but that is my best to explain it.
Cool. Thanks for clarifying.
ok, im tired of waiting for duncan and doug.
*Plinkaville sends
1,000 M2 Bradley infantry Fighting Vehicles
25 UH 60 Blackhawk helicopters
100 AH-64 Apache helicopters
1 Nimitz class Aircraft carrier, including
-50 F/A 18s
-50 F-14s
-4 E2C AEWs
-8 S3B Vikings
-2 ES3As
-6 H 60 helicopters
-3 Aegis cruisers or destroyers, specify which
-2 Spruance class destroyers
-1 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate
-2 Los Angeles class submarines
-1 Multipurpose Supply class resupply vessel
I am sending out in joint forces with Plinkaville...
1 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier w/
-5 Typhoon F.1 planes
-10 WAH-64 Apache Helicopters
-10 F15 Falcons
-10 Tornado GR4
500 troops carrying
-Panzerfausts, AK-74s, AK-47's, SPAS-15s or MPSA3s
1 Ticonderoga Battleship
I'll be patiently waiting...
im not ordering my troops to attack. i just plan on keeping them in close range to save time.
i'll also send over 200,000 boxes of tic-tacs
wait neptune!
if there is one last word i say in my life, that word is this:
i would also like to let you know that if i die, it was an honor to serve for master flewelling.
first of all, i send over 10,000 clones of craig tallent and 5,000 hot tamales
As a Right-wing pro-business country, the Empire of Kevin Land is herevy helping out a fellow capitalist in need.
I will send 50 B-52 Bombers, 2 B2 spirits, 50,000 soldiers, 300 M1A2 Abrams, 200 Tomahawk Crusie Missiles (to be launched from my missile ships), 300 Howitzers, 100 F22 Raptors and 5,000 Troops from my elite Imperial Guard.
All these will be sent to help Plinkaville.
I am also sending one of my top Generals to command.
I am also sending economic aid and amunition for Plinkaville if the excellent nation requires it.
I look forward to victory
Sincerely Yours,
The Emperor of the Empire of Kevin Land.
As a Right-wing pro-business country, the Empire of Kevin Land is herevy helping out a fellow capitalist in need.
I will send 50 B-52 Bombers, 2 B2 spirits, 50,000 soldiers, 300 M1A2 Abrams, 200 Tomahawk Crusie Missiles (to be launched from my missile ships), 300 Howitzers, 100 F22 Raptors and 5,000 Troops from my elite Imperial Guard.
All these will be sent to help Plinkaville.
I am also sending one of my top Generals to command.
I am also sending economic aid and amunition for Plinkaville if the excellent nation requires it.
I look forward to victory
Sincerely Yours,
The Emperor of the Empire of Kevin Land.
As a Right-wing pro-business country, the Empire of Kevin Land is herevy helping out a fellow capitalist in need.
I will send 50 B-52 Bombers, 2 B2 spirits, 50,000 soldiers, 300 M1A2 Abrams, 200 Tomahawk Crusie Missiles (to be launched from my missile ships), 300 Howitzers, 100 F22 Raptors and 5,000 Troops from my elite Imperial Guard.
All these will be sent to help Plinkaville.
I am also sending one of my top Generals to command.
I am also sending economic aid and amunition for Plinkaville if the excellent nation requires it.
I look forward to victory
Sincerely Yours,
The Emperor of the Empire of Kevin Land.
why thank you kevin land.
i redirect all of kevin lands troops etc. into ickhaelm. commence attacks in 5 hrs.
btw, since you triple posted, do i get 3x the amount?
As a Right-wing pro-business country, the Empire of Kevin Land is herevy helping out a fellow capitalist in need.
I will send 50 B-52 Bombers, 2 B2 spirits, 50,000 soldiers, 300 M1A2 Abrams, 200 Tomahawk Crusie Missiles (to be launched from my missile ships), 300 Howitzers, 100 F22 Raptors and 5,000 Troops from my elite Imperial Guard.
All these will be sent to help Plinkaville.
I am also sending one of my top Generals to command.
I am also sending economic aid and amunition for Plinkaville if the excellent nation requires it.
I look forward to victory
Sincerely Yours,
The Emperor of the Empire of Kevin Land.
Geeze, even complete strangers are going to war on me! And he doesn't even know why! Go on--tell him Plinkaville, why are you going to war with me? Oh thats right--you don't know why!
mike, i know sure as hell why im going to war. its because you exploited me, and humiliated me. publicly too.
*orders all plinkavillian troops into a dark cell, and locks the door behind them. pushes the red button that releases the carbon monoxide*
happy? nationstates is over for me.
Exploited you? Do tell....I'd love to know how I exploited you.
ha ha ha!!!! im back, and godmodeing more than ever!!!!!
*uses magical powers to bring all dead soldiers back to life*
*sends 50,000,000,000 nukes into Ickhaelm that are set to blow up in 10 seconds.*
ha ha ha!!!! im back, and godmodeing more than ever!!!!!
*uses magical powers to bring all dead soldiers back to life*
*sends 50,000,000,000 nukes into Ickhaelm that are set to blow up in 2 days. oh yeah, they cant be disconnected or anything no matter what.*