Cloning Banned in Teltica: Miltary gives Labs a month
We will not allow this Hedonistic practice to take root in our nation. If you wanna clone Poopsy your dead Shih Tzuh do it some place else, or you could just get yourself a frickin life.
And don't forget what happened in Gattaga, and Star Wars
A rather generic looking man, with a slick executive hair cut, and crisp cut navy suit shows up at the Teltica capital.
"Hello there. I represent a foreign consotrium of scienteific research laboratorys. We have heard about your decree on cloning. We are willing to take any scientests who wish to continue working on cloning, along with any notes or biological samples that they already have, so that you will never have to worry about some black market lab getting ahold of this research. This is a classic win-win scenario, yes?"
10-12-2003, 17:13
An identical-looking man, although this time displaying albino traits, clad in a white lab coat, with a crisp white shirt and white trousers ironed razor-sharp, forces his way past the necropublican executive. his accent is eerily cut-glass, and he speaks softly "oh no, we can offer your scientists much better facilities in Skittletopia, as well as double whatever he offers in terms of salary."
A dude wearing a flannel shirt over a black legalize it teeshirt, holey jeans, and saddles says, "Clone Jerry Garcia man, Jerry Garcia."
No we will not be a part of unleashing this evil on the earth, you may have the scientist, and their works, but we won't sell them to you.
Kamrad Stalin
10-12-2003, 18:13
I will take all of your Scientists and Facilities.
The buisnessman smiles, a smile as sharp as a razor blade "Yes, however since we are taking a natural resource, we are willing to compensate you generously, with investments in your trout fishing industry, and equipment for your burgoning police force. It seems like more then a fair trade."
Psst" Says a shifty eyed Teltican Offical, 'The President is bonkers about the money thing, hows bout you guys split up the faculty and scientist for a generous price of course." *wink*
"Money Hungry pig, forgive him socialist brother," Says another offical at the the Teltican table, "we need weapons, and of course your freindship more."
we will offer 10billion Cr (30billion USD) for ur scientists and facilities and an extra 5Billion Cr (15billion USD) for the land on witch the facilities are on but we ask for a one mile permiter around the faciliities thats an esay 15billion Cr (45billion USD) in total.
Hardball, that was fine, the man refferred too as the smiler by his assosiates loves hardball.
"The people we represent are also willing to offer you 30 billion USD in cash and/or material. The diffrence is we will take the whole problem with us, out of your borders, and are more then happy to let your government or military supervise our removal of the scientests. More over we agree to take measures to make sure that they never return, hence insuring that the expirements that you find disagreeable are not an issue, in addition to of course the considerable economic benefits that could come from this warming of buisness relations."
on top of our offer of 45billion USD we will offer trade treaties and NA pack
"However, they are offering you that money in exchange for de facto occupation by a foreign power, and for leaving your initial problem in place."
true but we offer price for that land, so far our offer is:
45Billion USD for Scientists and facilites and land
trade treaties and NA pack
we will add:
10 billion in aid
The unnamed buisnessman just smiles "I still let my offer stand. 30 billion to -solve- your problem. And I still let his offer stand, 55 billion in exchange for a military occupation and your soul."
12-12-2003, 15:35
All cloning scientists are invited to Layarteb to work for us if you so please.
"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!" (