Results in EPP/EGP coallition win. Contracts now avaliable
ENN Broadcast from temporary station
Today is indeed a great day for the nation of Exetonia as out of the ashes of a civil war comes a new freedom to the People of Exetonia, The Right to vote. This state has, since it's birth been a dictatorship but now, is democraticaly free after a quick and bloody civil war. The following is a special broadcast made earlier to day from the bunker of the damaged Palace:
Ladies and Gentlemen, if I may have your attention please. In a few moments representatives from each of the parties wishing to run for government will give their opening speeches outlining their intentions. If you could give them respect of being quiet during these speeches it would be welcome. The follwoing delegates are here:
Walter Jones, ECP (Exetonian Communist party)
Andrew Corthine, EFP (Exetonia Facist Party)
Mark Mathers, EPP (Exetonian Peoples party)
Harold Bringend, ELP (Exetonian Liberal Party)
George Grunghelm, EDP (Exetonian Demmocratic party)
and finally,
Henrietta Lucerne, EGP (Exetonian Green Party)
Mr jones, if you would take the stand please.
"People of exetonia. The time has come for us to come together as a people and work as a people for the people. The ECP proposes the following ammendmants to the Exetonian Constitution:
The Removal of the Feudal System
Creation of equal rights for ALL people
Stregthening and reformation of the Military
An equal, fair wage for all workers
Removal of Supply and demand
A larger defence budget with Government owned and funded businesses
Better quality education for all
We believe that these policies will improve the quality of life for the exetonian People and help us come together as a stronger nation."
Thank you Mr Jones. Our next speaker is Mr Corthine, EFP. If you would like to take the stand.
"Peoples of Exetonia. Now is ze time to cease your future. For it is now we must work to produce a stronger better tomorrow. We propose ze following ammendments to ze constitution:
Increasing our current military budget by 50% to a total of 30%
Continued conscription into ze Exetonian Military with ze age being lowered to 16 and ze term increased to 4 years minimum.
Increasing ze ammount of crimes zat carry ze death penalty to include Rape, Peadophillia and many others.
Releasing many funds from privately owned business into the coffer through taxes
and, increasing ze local tax to pay for reparitions to our once beautiful country.
Zis is what we must tdo to create a better future for our children. make ze right choice, vote EFP"
Thank you Mr Corthine. Next up to the Podium, we have Mr mathers, EPP. Mr mathers, if you could take the stand please.
"Thank you madame chairperson. People of Exetonia. I stand here as a candidate of the people, for the people. For to long as our country lived in the shadow of dictator ship and goverment owned business. I propose and Entirely new constitution some of the more important points being:
The Military budget reduced to 5% and our standing forces reduced accordingly. This will include the sale of excess equipment that is no longer needed.
That no president elect can stay in office for more than two terms of 5 years.
That any person no matter what their background has the rights to an equal job, equal rights and an equal education
That the death penalty be removed from our laws.
That a holiday be proclaimed on this day, the day Exetonia became a democraticaly free nation.
Thank you for your time"
*Cheering for 30 seconds until order is again called*
Thank you, can I have Mr Bringend take the stand please.
"Thank you madame chairperson. We at the liberal party do not believe in much change and will only seek to change the following in our constitution:
That all drugs be made legal
That all people be made equal
We believe this to be the easiest way, democracy through gradual change. Thank you for your time."
*Crowd boo's for 30 seconds until order is called.*
Ok, can I have the next candidate please, Mr Grunghelm.
"Ja, ja Frau Chairperson, Danke. We have ze idea of not replacing ze constitution but rather, replacing some kinks to fit a democratic society ze outcome of which will be a democratic Utopia. At zis moment in time, we are not prepared to say what we will change as we were not expecting zis to happen so fast but, rest assured, before the elections we will have our policies together. Just to say that the future lies with a democratic society and we are zat future. vote EDP at zis election adn you wont regret it."
Finally, we come to madame Lucerne, EGP
"Merci mademoiselle Chairperson. We at the Exetonia Green party propose the following changes to our constitutuion along side the policies of the Peoples Party.
The Protection of the RainForests at the samew time as maintaining the Uranium mining industry
The protection of the Exetonian Great bear.
We would like to remind voters that, if elected we will depoll to The Peoples party as we believe that is where our strength lies. Thank you for listening and see you all on Election day."
Thank you madame Lucerne for that opening statement. That concludes this session. The next session will be on Election day.
Well, as you can see. The lection campaign has begun. Remember exetonian Citizens, you have 1 week to decide who you wish to vote for. My mind is made up, is yours. Do not throw away this chance as, millions have died for it. It is now your duty to remember them and vote.
That was a special ENN Broadcast from makeshift news studios on this historic day
10-12-2003, 02:17
A representitive from Jaxusism in the crowd raises.
"Mr. Walter Jones, if you please, tell us how you would rise military activity and how you would supply this rise."
"Put quite simply, I would raise taxes by a moderate 2% and plow money from the state owned corporations into the military budget giving a sustainable spend of 30% without really affecting other public sectors. I hope that answers your question."
10-12-2003, 02:36
The representitive rises once more.
"I would like to ask "ze" same question to "ze" next candidate, Mr. Corthine, of "ze" EFP."
The representitive made finger quotes every time he said "ze" instead of "the". The crowd had giggles and laughs, but eventually calmed down.
ENN Broadcast
The latest opinion polls on day 2 of the Electorial week place the EPP way out in front with the EFP and ECP falling way behind. Here is how the poll stands:
EPP - 45%
EDP- 25%
ELP - 10%
ECP - 10%
EFP - 7.5%
EGP - 2.5%
At the moment it looks like there will be no absteinees out of all peoples legible to vote. We'll keep you updated as more news comes in.
That was an ENN electorial Broadcast.
A representitive of Hattia stands up.
Mr. Jones, The Prime Minister of Hattia has just informed me that you have the country's support in your bid for (insert main elected official's title here). We are also donating 20 million to the ECP to use for advertising and that sort of stuff.
The crowd turned around stunned and appaled. The speaker arose.
I'm afraid i must ask you to leave. These Electiuons are to be democratic and fair with no parties recieving external funding from any source. If it is found that the ECP has taken this offer up, they will be removed from the Election.
We fully support the ECP.
-President Kit Ph'at
10-12-2003, 02:43
The representitive rises once more.
"I would like to ask "ze" same question to "ze" next candidate, Mr. Corthine, of "ze" EFP."
The representitive made finger quotes every time he said "ze" instead of "the". The crowd had giggles and laughs, but eventually calmed down.
The Hattian representative again stood looking very embarrassed.
"I am sorry, I was not aware about no external funding."
Mr Corthine Rose a little annoied
"I have no other comments at zis time"
10-12-2003, 02:54
It was a cold night in the capitol of Arthuria-Elizabetia.
The small but growing constitutional monarchy had finally, under the progressive duel monarchs Conrad I and Talia moved back towards international involvement. Prime Minister Edward Tancred had been the chief instigator in the nation's move back towards the international community.
Links with other nations were being established, but slowly. The mass of international organizations was confusing, and the island-bound nation would undoubtedy need much time to sort them all out.
One incident, however, had kept Tancred working long into the night, his fire constantly stoked to supplement the heating system to the Parliamentary Palace.
"Democracy for Exetonia. Quite remarkable." Tancred said to his Foreign
Minister, Arthur de Tellieuve.
"Indeed, sir. More remarkable because our own analysts predicted a strong lead for the Exetonian Communist Party."
"Thankfully THAT analysis proved wrong, eh? The last thing the world needs is another communist state." Tancred said.
de Tellieuve hardly needed reminding that the man in the Prime Minister's chair had fought two communist rebellions in Elizabetia, and was a staunch anti-communist.
"So the People's Party looks like the leader?" Tancred said.
"Thus far, sir, yes. They were our preferred choice to win."
Tancred leaned back in his chair. "The lead seems firm. Good. In the morning we'll inform the monarchs that we may have a new friend shortly in Exetonia."
"Shall I inform the EPP in Exetonia of this?"
"Yes, but discreetly."
"As you wish. Good night sir." the foreign minister said, turned, and left.
10-12-2003, 02:54
It was a cold night in the capitol of Arthuria-Elizabetia.
The small but growing constitutional monarchy had finally, under the progressive duel monarchs Conrad I and Talia moved back towards international involvement. Prime Minister Edward Tancred had been the chief instigator in the nation's move back towards the international community.
Links with other nations were being established, but slowly. The mass of international organizations was confusing, and the island-bound nation would undoubtedy need much time to sort them all out.
One incident, however, had kept Tancred working long into the night, his fire constantly stoked to supplement the heating system to the Parliamentary Palace.
"Democracy for Exetonia. Quite remarkable." Tancred said to his Foreign
Minister, Arthur de Tellieuve.
"Indeed, sir. More remarkable because our own analysts predicted a strong lead for the Exetonian Communist Party."
"Thankfully THAT analysis proved wrong, eh? The last thing the world needs is another communist state." Tancred said.
de Tellieuve hardly needed reminding that the man in the Prime Minister's chair had fought two communist rebellions in Elizabetia, and was a staunch anti-communist.
"So the People's Party looks like the leader?" Tancred said.
"Thus far, sir, yes. They were our preferred choice to win."
Tancred leaned back in his chair. "The lead seems firm. Good. In the morning we'll inform the monarchs that we may have a new friend shortly in Exetonia."
"Shall I inform the EPP in Exetonia of this?"
"Yes, but discreetly."
"As you wish. Good night sir." the foreign minister said, turned, and left.
10-12-2003, 02:54
Mr. Corthine, is it true, from rumor, that you were part of the New Soviet Union? Is it true you funded an anti-UN terrorist group back 2 years ago? Is it true that you, Mr. Corthine Rose, are related to Manimar Nemi, The X terrorist group's former leader?
Eredron supports the Exetonian People's Party[mostly] and congratules Exetonia on this election.
OOC: Maybe it would help my own democratic elections thread ( if I added some !!! to the title. :wink:
Mr Corthine rose in outrage at the last statement
"I formally deny any invlovement in such a thing and denounce any such 'rumor'. Do not get up on your high horse, your country will pay for those remarks in money if needs be. For that my friend, is unfounded slander. I have no further comment on that or any other subject matter. Goodday gentlmen"
ooc: Great twist Jax. Work with it. Lets see where we can take this new information :P
10-12-2003, 03:03
We congratulate Exetonia on finally giving elections to her people, and give our best wishes to the candidate who wins. Furthermore, the embargo has been lifted, and trade now flows again between our two nations. Perhaps that could help in bringing aid to your decimated nation. Though the alliance is over, we still say "Good luck, to a better future."
10-12-2003, 03:07
OoC : I like twists. :D
IC :
"Mr. Corthine, I have reason to believe you have had contact with Jaxusism's terrorist group, The X, for many years! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi are in close relations & decisions! Here, my friends, is a script of a conversation of Manimar Nemi and a man with "ze" accent of Mr. Corthine. Mr. Corthine was brought up on accusations of abuse, possession of illegal lethal weapons, and funding of a terrorist group by Jaxusism International Court, but you ignored the charges! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi have planned the resistance of The redsoviet! Do you deny the charges?" Mr. Corthine was about to say something, but was quickly cut off, "Again, I ask, do you deny the charges!? I want a simple Yes or No, no BS, do you deny the charges, Mr. Candidate?"
10-12-2003, 03:08
OoC : The redsoviet information can be found here (, btw. Although we dont really need to get into that if you dont wish, although we could.
ENN Special Broadcast
This just in, the EFP has had all it's assets frozen pending and investigation into the past activities of Mr Corthine. In the opinion polls, support for his party have droped to 0% leaving the new poll as follows:
EPP - 52.5%
EDP - 25%
ELP - 10%
ECP - 10%
EGP - 2.5%
EFP - 0%
If this holds true in the main election and the EGP hold true to their word, the EPP will have a huge majority in the new government unless the other parties band together.
That was a special ENN Broadcast
10-12-2003, 03:10
OoC : Quote from the 1st page that you posted right after...
OoC : I like twists. [icon_biggrin.gif]
IC :
"Mr. Corthine, I have reason to believe you have had contact with Jaxusism's terrorist group, The X, for many years! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi are in close relations & decisions! Here, my friends, is a script of a conversation of Manimar Nemi and a man with "ze" accent of Mr. Corthine. Mr. Corthine was brought up on accusations of abuse, possession of illegal lethal weapons, and funding of a terrorist group by Jaxusism International Court, but you ignored the charges! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi have planned the resistance of The redsoviet! Do you deny the charges?" Mr. Corthine was about to say something, but was quickly cut off, "Again, I ask, do you deny the charges!? I want a simple Yes or No, no BS, do you deny the charges, Mr. Candidate?"
"I deny all ze accusations made about me herein. I will allow the present emergency governmet to launch a probe into me and zay will find nothin for i have nothing to hide. Now please leave zis room and allow me to do ze same."
10-12-2003, 03:20
"No, Mr. Candidate, I will not allow you out of this room! Please, the presentation." And as a pictureboard with pictures of Mr. Corthine and Manimar Nemi in a cave-like place sitting on rich chairs, glazed with diamonds and gems, the crowds went into a cheer for the representitive, which was actually Jax Jaxusism III, President Jax Jaxusism's second son. "This picture shows you and Manimar Nemi in a secret hideout in Jaxus (not Jaxusism, Jaxus is very unprotected and very educated), neighbor to Jaxusism and a very peaceful nation!" Cheers were still coming. "Now, I ask you for the final time, Mr. Corthine!" and the crowd went into an uproar of applause, "Do you agree or deny to these charges!?"
OoC : Im loving my brain right now. So exhilarating.
"Mr President, for the final time, I deny ze charges. Do not bring up anymore of your counterfeit images or i will ask ze courts to remove you from zis building. DO YOU UNDERSTAND."
Cothine went for his gun. As yet, he didn't reveal or draw it but, he sat down and waited for an appropriate moment to pull the trigger.
ooc:care for an assasination to proove your point and remove a party from the poll Jax, just to spice things up a little?
10-12-2003, 03:25
OoC : A killing of Jax III? You know this would cause Jax I to get... erm, personally involved, right?
ooc: yes, i am fully aware of this matter. I just want to tie upo a loose plot end before moving bon with the election i.e, i'll hand him over to Jax authorities yadda yadda yadda (whole new rp after the elections are finished or even during the elections :P
IC: ENN Special Broadcast
This just in, the EFP has had all it's assets frozen pending and investigation into the past activities of Mr Corthine. In the opinion polls, support for his party have droped to 0% leaving the new poll as follows:
EPP - 52.5%
EDP - 25%
ELP - 10%
ECP - 10%
EGP - 2.5%
EFP - 0%
If this holds true in the main election and the EGP hold true to their word, the EPP will have a huge majority in the new government unless the other parties band together.
That was a special ENN Broadcast
ooc: seems appropriate that this belongs here rather than where it was
10-12-2003, 03:36
OoC : Alright, you can post it now. Ive got to go. Keep the poll up (still havent voted) and RP as much as you can without controlling me. Ive been restricted for being on so much so the next time Ill be able to talk is 7 PM est tomorrow till 9:30. Ill see ya then and we can turn this into something very interesting. :P
Seeing the perfect opportunity, Corthine fired his concealed gun from justbehind his jacket. Jax saw the barrel but, to late. The shot was fired from a silent pistol straight at his head. JaxIII lay dead on the floor with his body still jolting from involuntary movements. The only two people in the room at the time that knew what happened were Corthine and Jax. One of them was dead. In the rush Corthine managed to slip out of site for enough time to wipe his gun clean, dispose of it in a rubbish chute and return without anyone having realised he was missing. The cahirperson called out to the EEG for a medic and to seal off the entire building. No one, was to leave or enter without being searched or questioned. It was also to eb kept from the news. The Chairperson got up and went to a back room with two EEG officers. She sat down and typed out an e-mail to JAX I
To JAX I. It is with a sad heart i must report the assasination of your son here at the First ever exetonian Political conference. As yet, we have 1 suspect but, only circumstancial evidence to hold him. We will keep you updated with any information we find and rest assured, when we find this person they will be turned over to you and no longer protected as an Exetonian Citizen. You may do with the person found guilty here as you wish. Yours, Madamme Gitainne, Chairperson, Exetonian Political talks.
This was indeed a precarious situation. It placed the entire process in jeaprody.
(ooc:anybody care to have a representative present?)
ENN Special BUMPcast
Due to unforseen circumstances, the electoral process has been placed on hold until further notice. We'll have more in our main bulletin in 1/2 an hour.
That was a special ENN BUMPcast
11-12-2003, 01:27
The President's Internet Agency Leader ran into the office of President Jax Jaxusism I.
"Sir, we have... bad news... We've recieved an e-mail from Exetonia, where Jax III was last... Forever... He's been assassinated, Sir."
Jax I's eyes could tell what he was thinking... He was angered... And no one wanted to see Jax I angered...
"Send 3 transport planes (30 soldiers each) to Exetonia and have them emergency transported to the election hold! I want that place guarded 24/7 until I notify them otherwise!" he was furious, "Also contact Mrs. Jaxusism, Ms. Jaxusism, and Jax II. I want my wife transported back immediately!" he was demanding, "And get me an emergency 2-man jet guarded by 10 fighters to transport me to Exetonia! NOW!!!"
And it was all carried out... 1 day later, everyone was where they were supposed to be.
Jax I entered the building where all people have been contained for the time it took.
He said, "Who knows what the hell is going on in here!?" his voice booming...
"I'm sorry sir, just who the hell do you think you are barging in here like this. This is a secure building. If you have a loved one in here please wait outside. This is a sealed....."
The EEG officer was cut off mid sentance as the chairperson approached Jax I.
"I'm sorry for the confusion Mr Jax but, they were not briefed that you would be coming. As of yet, all information found except the supsension of the Elections has been kept in this building. Now, to the rather sad and more urgent matter. Somewhere in this room lies the killer of your son. We have no idea who it is although, there are seveal suspects the most prominent of Whom is Mr Corthine. Your son had been making accusations about him before the shot was fired but, because of the wound, we cannot assertain wether the shot was fired by him. I swear we are doing all in our power to solve this problem."
11-12-2003, 01:38
"Have the EEG officer transported away from me, firstly..." Jax I said, furious. He saw his son... Dead... He turned away. "I want Corthine..." he turned to the chairperson. "Did you know he's been charged in my nation for many accusations!? He wont get away this time! I want this entire building closed down and my son's body transported to Jaxusism. I want all this building be guarded and searched by MY men. I want this election be held off until I say otherwise." He took a deep breath... "And chairperson, I want you to lead me to your office where you will tell me the dialogue of my son and then exactly what happened..."
"I cannot hand over corthine without sufficient evidence. You may question him yes but, i will not hand over duristiction until he is prooven guilty at which point, i would be only to glad to have this terroist out of my land. You get me solid proof of both and I'll give you corthine to do whatever you want. Do not come to our nation to dictate what we do and how we go about it. I assure you our processes are very thourough and if no shred of evidence is found, no shred of Evidence is found. Secondly" The speaker oser her voice "I will dictate when this election starts again, not you. You have no juristiction in this country and since, this assasination was not a state action, you have no dignified reason to go to war with us should we refuse to cooperate. Lastly, detailed records of what your son said can be found in our audio logs here, hewre and here." [she was pointing at three disks.] "This side of the investigation is to be done via exetonian means using exetonian mesures. You may be involved but, you will not control the proceedings. Should you intimidate any witness, you will be removed wether Jax III was your son or not. You, whilst you are here, are bound to exetonian law as was he. In other words, if it was Corthine i cannot find hij guilty of murder mearley aggrivated manslaughter"
She then turned to the EEG officer with a frown upon her face
"Get out of my sight."
11-12-2003, 01:54
"My son was shot down in your nation by your candidate! I swear to God I will have you all de-" He paused and calmed himself... "Please, forgive me... But my son is lieing dead in YOUR electorial building..."
"Just take me to the audio, please... And then I shall show you MY evidence..."
"certainly now that you are more composed." She led Jax to confined sealed room, entered her code and bekoned him in. She then played the three audion clips:
"Mr. Corthine, I have reason to believe you have had contact with Jaxusism's terrorist group, The X, for many years! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi are in close relations & decisions! Here, my friends, is a script of a conversation of Manimar Nemi and a man with "ze" accent of Mr. Corthine. Mr. Corthine was brought up on accusations of abuse, possession of illegal lethal weapons, and funding of a terrorist group by Jaxusism International Court, but you ignored the charges! I have reason to believe you and Manimar Nemi have planned the resistance of The redsoviet! Do you deny the charges?" Mr. Corthine was about to say something, but was quickly cut off, "Again, I ask, do you deny the charges!? I want a simple Yes or No, no BS, do you deny the charges, Mr. Candidate?"
"No, Mr. Candidate, I will not allow you out of this room! Please, the presentation." And as a pictureboard with pictures of Mr. Corthine and Manimar Nemi in a cave-like place sitting on rich chairs, glazed with diamonds and gems, the crowds went into a cheer for the representitive, which was actually Jax Jaxusism III, President Jax Jaxusism's second son. "This picture shows you and Manimar Nemi in a secret hideout in Jaxus (not Jaxusism, Jaxus is very unprotected and very educated), neighbor to Jaxusism and a very peaceful nation!" Cheers were still coming. "Now, I ask you for the final time, Mr. Corthine!" and the crowd went into an uproar of applause, "Do you agree or deny to these charges!?"
"Those are the audio clips we have of him once he announced himself. The others are just normal questions."
11-12-2003, 02:04
"Good... Very good... At least I can know my son was perhaps a better politician than I..."
He thought for a moment... "Manimar is in our possession... This cannot leave this room... We captured him in The redsoviet after bombing campaigns... He has confessed to paying for Corthine's election. If you didnt know, after he was charged in Jaxusism, he became broke from gambling... Manimar funded his campaign, gave him 22 semi-auto pistols. Corthine was caught on tape shooting the former Financial President of Jaxusism, but he claimed "it was my twin!" and ignored all the other charges..."
OoC : Check your TGs in 2 minutes.
ooc:ok, just checked out the redsoviet background. hehehe. Very nice link between 2 rp's. I think i can get this twisted so we find evidence of money being transfered to corthine from the RedSoviet to take out Jax III and make an attempt on Jax I (which will obviously be sabotaged hehehe)
11-12-2003, 02:11
OoC : This is a great RP its turned into. :D A simple election turning into international heat.
11-12-2003, 02:17
OoC : Hell yeah is right! :P :D 8) So, what next? :) :P
IC:"Now, we shall shortly begin the interview with Mr Corthine. I will drag up his monetary records. Do you have anyt evidence you wish to produce that may implicate him in this specific crime. The death of your son?"
11-12-2003, 02:27
ooc: HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
OOC: Ditto for me! Oh, and one of my citizens is among the crowd, but he, like Elvis, has left the building (doesn't like the sight of blood).
11-12-2003, 02:28
"The pistol..."
ooc: coreworlds,your representative would still be in the building as it was locked down.Oh, and Jax, where in the fuck did you get the gun from. The building is sealed and not even the eEG have been down there yet!!!!
11-12-2003, 02:42
OoC : What? I dont have any gun... Im saying Corthine probably shot Jax III, and I said that If you didnt know, after he was charged in Jaxusism, he became broke from gambling... Manimar funded his campaign, gave him 22 semi-auto pistols.
ooc: my bad. So it's a case of identify the bullet, circumstances link corthine to the gun. Gun found in laundry matching that, circumstance links the gun to him. Bullet wound prooved to be from his positon. Corthine charged with agrivated mansalughter nad then tried under Jaxusim law IN exetonia right?
11-12-2003, 02:47
OoC : Uh, yeah, go ahead. Except he's tried under Jaxusism Law in Jaxusism's Exetonian Embassy.
ooc: Just to point out that exetonia will never agree to that because of teh fact what's to stop you shooting him the moment you step into the embassy as it counts as Jaxusim territort :P
Ic: "well. As soon as that Bullet is identified (maybe a few hours though) we will know wether the gun type matches the gun he was given. We can then arrest him on circumstancial evidence and try him with it. That gun has to be in the building somewhere and I'm damned if I can find it. Jax I, i give you permission to take control of my EEG in here and search every inch of this building. Laundry and all. If that gun is still in here, i want it. I must make it very clear though that and EEG officer must accompany you and all of your men. This is not for security reasons, merley to make sure that all evidence or areas are accounted for and not tampered with outside of the Exetonian justice system."
11-12-2003, 02:55
ooc: coreworlds,your representative would still be in the building as it was locked down.Oh, and Jax, where in the f--- did you get the gun from. The building is sealed and not even the eEG have been down there yet!!!!
oh, oh well. He left the room to throw up, then.
11-12-2003, 02:56
"How about the 90 men I have here, and whatever you have, we go on a full search? I want that gun... Im going to use it when the death penalty is put upon Corthine... Ill use it myself..."
ooc:hehehe, just to make sure. If you had left, you would be the prime suspect :P
ooc:hehehe, just to make sure. If you had left, you would be the prime suspect :P
11-12-2003, 02:57
"How about the 90 men I have here, and whatever you have, we go on a full search? I want that gun... Im going to use it when the death penalty is put upon Corthine... Ill use it myself..."
Just incase you hadnt seen it.
"Agreed. One man for each of yours and I will search personally with you. If he is found guuilty, i will release the gun to you so that, if he is found guilty of this terrorist activity yuou may execute him in the grounds of your embassy. That trial can be carried out under Jaxusim law however, it must be done on Exetonian Territory. We will release him if you find him guilty which, i doubt that you wont. Let us begin. by the time we are finished, Mr corthine's records will be avaliable. That was probably the only good thing from the old system." She gave a slight chuckle.
11-12-2003, 03:07
"He shall be transported to my grounds if guilty... And there, he will be charged for everything in the past as well as assassination... Let us begin our search..."
"Excuse me. He will only be handed over if found guilty of terrorism"
11-12-2003, 03:13
"As I said... Now, let us begin!"
OoC : Im almost at the big 1000! So exhilirating!
"Agreed. Shall we start with the basement?"
ooc: i gotta go for tonight. Jaxusism. Can you post for the EEG and yourself and find the weapon before tomorrow so i can pick it up with the cash input?
11-12-2003, 03:21
OoC : Yeah, sure.
IC : Jaxusism Forces and the EEG start searching the entire building. They checked the top floors, the closets, the rooms, and then there was the lockers... Jax I entered... They searched all 200 lockers. One soldier said, "Sir, I found it!" from the next room. It was the laundry room. And there it was, the same pistol that had been transported to Corthine, right in the laundry basket in the laundry room.. Jax I took it.
"Tomorrow is the day he is found guilty..."
11-12-2003, 03:25
OoC : Sorry if it was short, I gotta go soon, too.
11-12-2003, 03:25
OoC : Sorry if it was short, I gotta go soon, too.
11-12-2003, 03:25
OoC : Sorry if it was short, I gotta go soon, too.
ooc: umm Jax, the gun is in the laundry room!!!!! I posted that way way back at the assasination
11-12-2003, 03:26
OoC : Sorry if it was short, I gotta go soon, too.
((AGH!!!!! Stupid forums! Sorry If I made multiple posts!!!))
11-12-2003, 03:27
ooc: umm Jax, the gun is in the laundry room!!!!! I posted that way way back at the assasination
K, Ill fix that.
11-12-2003, 03:30
Fixed, and sorry bout all those posts. :(
For 5 more bucks a month this server could be updated... But, its a lot of money...
11-12-2003, 03:30
Fixed, and sorry bout all those posts. :(
For 5 more bucks a month this server could be updated... But, its a lot of money...
"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Bernard willson,"
"and i'm Jodie Grayhelm. Todays top story. The Exetonian First General Election has been put on hold to day due to the assasination of a vistying dignitary. Reports coming in are short and not much information has been released. We'll bring you more on this as we get it."
"In other news, the entirity of the EFP was arrested today after being connected with terrorism in other countries. This means that the EFP will no longer e standing in the election at all leaving the field wide open for the EPP and the EDP. The communists still trail a long way behind. It appears that maybe once and for all the dictatorship of Exetonia may be finished."
"And now, for the weather. Today will be mostly sunny all over with a top temperature of 25 degrees celcius. Tonight will be clear yet mild with rain forcast for the very early morning."
"Join us for more news at 7 o clock. I'm Bernard Willson"
"and i'm Jodie Grayhelm."
*ENN News, you give us 2 minutes, we give you the news.
Corthine has been charged with the murder of Jax III, the state representative of Jaxusism. It is reported that the murderr weapon was found in the basement of the palace in a laundry room. Also, it has been suggested that he has ties with several terrorist gorpus including one which perpetrated crimes againt the state of Jaxusism.
11-12-2003, 21:21
"So, Mr. Chairperson, may I now have Mr. Corthine?"
"Well, well well, from the evidence we found on his accounts i have no trouble with letting you shoot him right now. I'm also rounding up those members of his party who recieved donations from him out of that money. Also, you might want to trace these accounts (shows random accounts) in your country. In total, we qare giving you 25 suspected or confirmed terrorists connected with corthine let alone the ones in your nation and RedSoviet!!!!!!!! You may take the gun as well. We do not liek terrorists and if you don't mind Mr Jax, I've got an election to run."
She left corthine in the room and ordered the eeg to move out and round up the suspected terrorists. there was a sadness in her heart. The first exetonian Elections would be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
12-12-2003, 22:12
~~ 2 Days Later In Jaxusism Court ~~
"Mr. Corthine, you have been proven guilty of the following charges...
a. Assassination Of An Electorial Candidate. Jax III was going to run for The redsoviet President.
b. Assassination Of A VIP.
c. Jax 22nd Degree Murder
d. Possession of Illegal Weapons
e. 8 years of ignoring Jaxusism's court
f. Contact With Terrorism Group
g. Contact With The X
h. Contact With Jaxusism's Most Wanted
i. Contact With Manimar Nemi
j. Terrorist Planning
k. Terrorist Attack
l. Oversea Terrorism
m. & finally, resisting arrest.
You have been proven guilty of all these charges and more. With the power of Jaxusism court, I sentence you the death penalty. Your executor will be Mr. President & General Jax Jaxusism I.
There he stood... The camera right on Corthine, Jax I had his aim right on the terrorist's heart...
"For my son!" And he shot, perfect shot, the same pistol Corthine used killed him... Millions and millions of people all around Jaxusism cheered! A terrorist was dead... The world was now a more peaceful place!
ooc: A lonely end for a griozzly end. Nice 1 Jax!
ENN Broadcast
"It has today been declared that the Exetonian General elections will take place one week from now. Mr Corthine and the EFP have been removed in fact, we now have video footage from Jaxusim:
[Death of Corthine]
Mr Corthine was found guilty of all crimes brought against him by the Jaxusim government and was put to death earlier today. I other news, the oppinon polls stand as follows:
EPP: 35%
ECP: 25%
EGP: 10%
ELP: 20%
EDP: 10%
The oppinions of the Exetonian people have changed significantly and, it depends upon who allies with who as to who will have the most power in the Exetonian Government. The ECP has gained massive support from no where after revelations that a local member of the EPP in truro was connected with the murder of Robert Powell. More on this story later
That was an ENN Broadcast
12-12-2003, 22:29
OoC : 8)
ENN Special Election Broadcast
"Ladies and gentlemen, the results of the Exetonian First General Election is in. Here is the final result:
EPP: 40%
ECP: 39%
EDP: 11%
EGP: 9%
ELP: 1%
The Exetonian Peoples party have one a minor victory. However, due to the decision of the Green Party and, a meeting earlier today between the ECP and the EPP the government seats will stand as follows:
ELP + EDP: 12%
This gives the People/green coallition a huge majority in Government with a PM being selected from the EPP. The People/green coalliton have 176 seats with the ELP and the EDP picking up only 24. Hopefully, the Exetonian People can enter a new era with this decision. The changes can already be seen with Exetonia's UN rating changing from Corporate police state to Compulsory Consumerist with more political freedoms being awarded and more to come in the furture. The people are on the street celebrating and a People/green coallition spokesperson had this to say to the International community:
Peoples of the International Community, We, the new government of exetonia promise to uphold everything we have promised the people within reason. Also, we now seek assistance for the rebuilding of our beautifyl state. There are several contacts up for sale from Plumbing to Scientific. The total ammount up for grabs is 112 billion NS dollars split over the different contracts. Details will be posted shortly. Thank you very much and we hope, we can begin having talks with Ex-allies and other states.
Well, that's about all we got time for in this special Broadcast. We'll be back in about an hour with the news and reactions from the street about this result and the new government. Until then, Goodnight and Godspeed (ooc:sorry, i watch way to much FreshPrince whilst waiting for Buffy the vampire slayer)
That was a special ENN Election day Broadcast
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