NationStates Jolt Archive

** USSTNA Announcement **

09-12-2003, 22:34
ShallowGrave, The President of The USSG and the United Socialist States of The New Answer (USSTNA), has formulated a Consitution for the USSTNA. The constitution is as follows:


The Constition Of The United Socialist States Of The New Answer

The USSTNA Nation Pact

I. It is a declared aim of the USSTNA to encourage and develop a strong co-operation between all nations within to enable the region to prosper.

II. It is a declared aim of all members of the USSTNA, before joining the region, that they are bound to uphold the peace with all nations within the USSTNA and to supply economic and military aid to members in times of need.

III. It is declared by all members of the USSTNA, before joining the region, that they are bound to socialist political views and intend to persue these beliefs to ensure the best growth and development of both their nation, and that of the region. That nation also declares it will join the UN and will give one of their endorcements to the President of the USSTNA (The United Socialist States Of Gravesland) in order for them to maintain the Regional UN Delegate position.

IV. It is declared that no member of the USSTNA has the right nor power to intervene with another members internal affairs, by changing its sovereinty, economic system or passing laws which affect it's peoples rights without the concent of the majority of USSTNA members and the support of the USSTNA President.

V. It is declared that no members of the USSTNA has the right to invade another USSTNA nation without the concent of the majority of USSTNA members and the approval of both the President and Vice President(s) of the USSTNA.

The Governance Of The United Socialist States Of The New Answer

VI. The Supreme descision making body of the USSTNA is the USSTNA Council. This Council consists of all politically stable nations within the USSTNA. The stability of a nation is determind by te USSTNA President, and once announced can be further changed by the concent of the majority of the USSTNA by the USSTNA President.

VII. The USSTNA President and the USSTNA Chairman Official have the sole authority to put forward proposals to the Council. The USSTNA Council has authority over the following matters;
i. Declarations of War and Peace on nations both in and outside of the USSTNA.
ii. How the UN Delegate votes on UN proposals.
iii. Ratification for new government position appointments
iv. Ratification to Expell nations from the USSTNA

VIII. Declerations of War and Peace are subject to a veto from the Presedent's & the Chairman Official. For the veto to come into effect, it must by agreed by the Presedent, Chairman & at least one of the Vice Presedents. Once delerations of War have been passed, matters are then in decided by both the President and the Defense Official.

IX. Perminent Government Positions are declared by the USSTNA President with the Ratification of one Vice President. If ratification by the USSTNA Council then fails, a vote takes place to select another member to uphold the position.

X. The USSTNA President or Chairman has the right to put forward a vote to the USSTNA Council on the expulsion of a nation. If the majority of the Council vote in favour of the expulsion then the nation is expelled from the Region.

XI. Proposals have to be put forward to the rest of the council if five nations, with the backing of a Vice President, request a new proposal to the President.

XII. Positions within the USSTNA are as follows;
i. Recruitment Official - Responsible for headhunting other socialist nations to join the alliance/region. [perminent position]
ii. Propaganda Official - Responsible for spreading socialist ideas around the world and making the USSTNA known to other nations. [perminent position]
iii. Defence Official - Responsible for the defence of the USSTNA and leading attacks on nations outside of the USSTNA or on nations within the region. The D.O. only gains this authority once a decloration of war has been made, and looses this authority once a decloration of Peace is made. [perminent position]
iv. International Official - Responsible for socalist alliances and pacts made with the USSTNA and other socialist regions. [perminent position]
v. Chairman Official - Joint responsility with the President for putting forward proposals to USSTNA Council about internal regional affairs. [rotating position]

XIII. Rotating Government Positions are chosen by a vote, in the USSTNAC, in the middle of a 'term'. A term lasts two weeks. At the end of the term, the new position is given to the nation who recieved the most votes. No nation can uphold the same position the following term, but can be re-elected the term after.

XIV. Perminent Positions can be taken from a nation if the President has the concent of both Vice Presidents and the Chairman Official. Once the position has been taken away, the formal procedure (Section IV fo the constitution) takes place to appoint a new nation with this position. Until a new nation has been appointed with the position, the responsibliy of this position lies with the President or any of the Vice Presidents. This temporary Position is decided by the President.

XV. The USSTNA Chairman Official and President have the sole authority to propose an ammendmant of the constition to the USSTNA Council. If seventy-five percent of the Council agree to the ammendment of the constitution then it is to be re-written by the President with the help of the Vice Presidents. The Presidents promises to introduce the proposed reform of this constition if it is in the best intest of the USSTNA region.

XVI. If any nation in the USSTNA does not abide by the rules and regulation declared in this constition or breaks any agreements made in the 'USSTNA Nation Pact', the President has the sole authority to expell the nation from the USSTNA or declare war against this nation without the concent of the USSTNA Council. If such action is seen to be to harsh, the President has the right to take away the nations Freedom of Voting for a maximum of a three week period.

Charter of USSTNA Member Rights

FREEDOM OF SPEECH - Every member has the right to express themselves politically in the USSTNA Forums as they see fit. Rascist comments and remarks are NOT part of this freedom, such remarks will most definatly result in expullsion of the USSTNA. If a nation is rascist then the President has the right to expell this nation without the concent of the USSTNA Council.

FREEDOM OF ENDORCEMENTS - Every members has the right to give which ever nation they please their nations endorcement, IF that nation has given one of their endorcements to the United Socialist States of Gravesland.

FREEDOM OF VOTING - Every Nation has the right to vote as they please in the USSTNA Council regardless of how other nations in the alliance have voted, unless the President has removed this right due to breaching certain terms of this Constitution.

FREEDOM FROM EXPULSION - Every Nation has the right not to be expelled from the Alliance unless it has been voted upon by the USSTNA or the nation has breached some of the agreements and regulations in this Constitution, in which the President then has the right to expell the nation without the concent of the USSTNA Council.


The constitution can also be found on the USSTNA Forum located at :


The 'USS Of The New Answer' (exact region name) is calling upon other socialist nations that wish to join this new socialist alliance. A list of the Alliances aims are currently in the proccess of being drawn up and will be available sometime tomorrow.

If you are a Socialist Nation and wish to join the USSTNA please search for 'USS Of The New Answer' in the regional search and then click on 'move your nation to this region'. All new members are encouraged to join the forums to help run the USSTNA. Positions are still open at the moment including 'Defense Official', 'International official' and 'Chairman Official'. If you wish to join the USSTNA without having much responsiblity but still want have a say in how the USSTNA is run, then jsut become an ordinary member.

USSTNA President & Leader Of The United Socialist States of Gravesland
09-12-2003, 23:06
** bump **

constitution has been edited slightly
09-12-2003, 23:06
** bump **

constitution has been edited slightly