Communist gain full power!
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 04:55
December 7th 2003 at approximatly 4:30pm.
20,000 Citizens in the Ukraineyian Region staged a protest outside one of the Communist Government buildings. Communist Party had taken full power only 30 minutes before and the Protests quickly organized. Fearing full scale rebellion Kamrad Stalin ordered in the Military and issued 'Fire at Will' on all protesters. 4,750 Protesters were killed in the first 20 minutes and many more wounded. Protests are popping up all over the Ukraineyian region and Kamrad Stalin asks for Special Forces support to crush these protesters.
If you wish to help my Government please send some special forces for peace keeping operations to help restore order.
Help the communist party? Or some other government-in-exile?
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 05:04
Help the Communist Government put down the rapidly increasing Protesters all over Ukraineyian region.
We are drawing all wheat and grain from the Region in order to feed the rest of the country. Let the Ukraineyians starve for all we care.
We are trying to stop the Region from breaking away.
My Military is setting up borders but I need Special Forces help along with mine to stop the Protests and stabalize order.
Nah'. Screw the communists..
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 05:20
Kamrad Stalin has recalled the 'Fire at Will' Command.
Soldiers are no longing firing machine guns point blank into the masses.
The Army has pulled back to the Borders of the Region and its key wheat/grain plants. Wheat and Grain continue to be shipped out from the region by truck convoy and the Government is enforcing total lockdown around the Region allowing no one to leave or Enter.
Peace talks are beggining.
09-12-2003, 05:21
"Kill the commies!"
Austar Union
09-12-2003, 05:26
Official Stance of the Austar Union Government:
We disagree with the actions of the new Communist Party, and we are now officially banning all imports from the nation of Kamrad Stalin. We may send ships to Kamrad Stalin as a blockaide if we feel it is nessacary.
Kamrad Stalin,
I understand your actions and fully support your new Communist government, but perhaps you are going about this in the wrong way. Instead of making iron-fisted brutality the solution for your problem, why not try to be flexible and let the people get used to the idea of your new regime, which is there to stay (don't let them forget that either). My suggestion is that you should perhaps organize the Ukraineyian region into a state or province of yours and elect an official to represent the people and let them voice their opinions without being killed...
In any case, I will still support the Communist government in your nation, and will send 250 T-72 MBT's to your nation for assistance.
For Global Socialism...
Premier Mikhail Andropov,
Federated Socialist Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 05:28
We are a fully functioning Industrial Nation we can survive without your imports/exports.
And we are beggining peace talks.
OOC: seems my post came up a bit behind...Oh well, it still stands :P
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 05:30
Ukraineyian Is a Region of ours and they are beggining protests about wanting independce.
We cant have that.
Thanks for the support.
Austar Union
09-12-2003, 05:31
We are a fully functioning Industrial Nation we can survive without your imports/exports.
And we are beggining peace talks.
I suggest that you take on the approach of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Well, this seems to be more serious of a problem than I originally conceived. One other thing you should consider is that perhaps these protests are because of your actions. Think of it this way, do your people want to go from a peaceful, unopressive regime to an iron-fisted Socialist regime? It can't be easy, give them time, and for the mercy of the gods, don't kill your own people.
My tanks WILL still be sent to you, but ONLY for assistance in clearing out armed resistance.
We are alarmed at this knee-jerk support for this obvious sham of a communist regime from well-meaning leftist nations. Evil is evil, whether under the banner of the stars and stripes, the French tricolor or the hammer and sickle. There is no excuse for this kind of brutality against innocent civilians, and from this day forward trade with Kamrad Stalin and diplomatic contacts are severed immediatly.
Free Outer Eugenia
09-12-2003, 07:43
The People of the Federated Anarchist Communes of Free Outer Eugenia condemn this brutal fascism wrapped in the red flag.
The Neo Union of Soviet Socialist Rebublics hereby gives its support to the Nation of Komrade Stalin, and offers safe haven for this up and coming Communist nation.
Although not added, disapproves of direct actions taken by Komrade Stalin. We as the Neo USSR hope that with time, Komrade Stalin will come to understand that better measures can be taken.
09-12-2003, 07:50
(( That's the last time I post on a friends comp. ))
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 17:12
The regions protests are calming down.
An Iron Curtain of troops will still remain around the Region until it is fully stabalized.
Protesters have attacked my Grain convoys entering and leaving the Region to gather most of the grain from Grain plants and leave.
I hope to get some convoy support to help stop these attacks.
we offer to build a military base in your nation/region for your protection and to maintain peace and stability, and help you with the protesters of course :mrgreen: you shall also get 3 billion a year for the base if you accept this offer.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 17:38
I have Military outposts based along roads I only need your troops to man some of them and watch the roads for Rebels.
I will not permit the building of your Military base for it could be for other uses....
Kamrad Stalin,
I would be willing to send more of my military for support, however, I would require the construction of a small command post/base inside your territory. Don't think of it as a threat to you in any way, it would simply be required to maintain my military presence in your country. Also, I could use it to send Mi-24's for fire support if the situation arises that you would need that little boost of firepower :wink: The Hind-E has never failed me before...Anyway, my combat engineers would do all the work, all you'd have to do is agree and allow my forces to set up a small outpost.
Please consider my proposal.
I do this only to protect my Communist brethren and worldwide Socialist cause.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 17:46
Ok yes the Rebels along the grain convoys are getting out of hand I just lost 7 trucks to another Rebel ambush.
17 Dead and 34 are wounded. Around 6 rebels have been killed.
I will permit the building of your base. But it will be under watch by my KGB. Just a warning.
Thanks for the support.
Your KGB is as welcome in our base as our own intelligence service would be. As an initial force I will send 25 of my newly-purchased T-06's along with 200 T-72's, 800 infantry units, and 5 Mi-24's. I belive this should be a substantial force to keep any rebels down...
Also, I am granting you permission to appoint any of your officers or generals as primary command over my forces in your nation. I will reserve the right to override any decisions myself, but I don't believe I'll have to. Good luck with the fight against the rebels, and inform me if my own officers are needed to take command.
Best regards,
Premier Mikhail Andropov
Federated Socialist Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 18:01
Thank you Comrade your support is greatly welcomed.
My KGB will be stationed in your bases. And I will have Officers in charge of a general decision. Such as go to the Trainyards by the Grain plants and eliminate the rebels. Vague orders, Then you will plan how to do the attack yourself.
December 7th 2003 at approximatly 4:30pm.
20,000 Citizens in the Ukraineyian Region staged a protest outside one of the Communist Government buildings. Communist Party had taken full power only 30 minutes before and the Protests quickly organized. Fearing full scale rebellion Kamrad Stalin ordered in the Military and issued 'Fire at Will' on all protesters. 4,750 Protesters were killed in the first 20 minutes and many more wounded. Protests are popping up all over the Ukraineyian region and Kamrad Stalin asks for Special Forces support to crush these protesters.
If you wish to help my Government please send some special forces for peace keeping operations to help restore order. :( 8) :oops: :oops: :oops: :D :o 8) : :oops: :cry: :!: :D :) :( :o :shock: :shock: :? 8)
Thank you, comrade, I will initiate an attack on your order to do so.
OOC: You might have to wait until later today...I'm in school right now...supposed to be working on a Christmas presentation in Computer Applications :roll: :wink:
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 18:07
I am also in school.
Supposed to be working on a website for another school.
I will lend any supplies needed for the construction of your bases.
My Troops are assembling around the Grain elevators and are making barricades. Feel free to assist.
I'll have three of the Mi-24's load up at one of my bases, then I'll have them fly to where you're setting up, accompanied by an Mi-8 filled with twelve SpetsNaz, two being snipers. The Mi-24's should go on patrol, and the soldiers can help in garrisonning the area.
OOC: I really have to work now, I'll return for this later today.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 18:30
We are currently replacing the regular trains with armored trains with armed guards and escort.
This will hopefully scare off rebels and reduce an amount of attacks against the trains.
09-12-2003, 20:55
I will offer my support when I am able to, I face a crisis myself.
Kamrad Stalin,
In order to proceed with my military action against the rebels in your nation, I require a slightly detailed description of the base you are planning to attack and the region around it. When I recieve this, the attack can be made upon your signal.
OOC: Sorry for the other posts before this one, IE was having issues and sent this message four times... :x