A Holy Crusade(all RP-ers welcome)
The holy Empire of the Blade of Light is Crusading against all who may stand against it in an effort to cleanse the Earth of of all that is unworthy of living in the Lord's Light. Who will stand up and join my nation in this Holy quest, and what barbarians will stand against us! This shall be a war to change the world!
My nation of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light is not enormous by any means, only 29 million. But that is 29 million strong! Though our millitary force is small, it is an elite and well trained force. Our forces use preasent-tech weapons, but as we feel that it is dishonorable to use guns, we use high-tech versions of the more honorable ancient weapons of our ancestors. Our troops and horses wear armor made of tungston carbide, which can whithstand medium to high calibur bullets and shrapnel. This armor has electronically controlled, synthetic muscles integrated into it which raises a soldier or horse's streangth by 9 fold. Our blades, spears, and arrows are made of tungston carbide and edged with depleated uranium, which can cut through high carbon steel plating. Our archer's bows use reverse magnet technology to produce the same power as a normal bow with a 3000 pound pull.
This is but a small sample of the awsome might of my Armed Forces, and this might is ony multiplied by our unstopable will and undying determination. So, either join me on my quest, or stand befor me on the battle field and prepare yourself for defeat.
Glorious Sisterstate
You have declared that your peoples are 29 millions strong. Yet, there are empires, kingdoms and conglomerates that number their peoples in the billions. You seek to rid the world of the unworthy, unholy, and unclean. But who are you to judge who or what are unworthy, unholy, or unclean? Proselytization through arms is not always the most lasting of conversions. Therefore, for the sake of all peoples, I, the Empress of Sadellenar, do implore you to reconsider an action that shall needlessly spill the blood of so many peoples, some of whom might be your own. A crusade is easily declared, but not easily controlled.
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
I thank you for your wise councle, Empress of Sadellenar, and this stresses the need for larger nations to rise up and join my noble cause. I realize that in comparison to other nations, mine is small and seemingly insegnificant. But, can not the even smallest pebble start a great avalanch if it causes other, larger stones to be moved with it?
I admit, though, I may have been too hasty in my eagerness to make a change, and perhapse it is not time yet for this change to take place. If I cannot amass a large enough force to fight along side me, I, unfortunately, will be forced to postpone my noble endevors until my nation's population reaches numbers worthy of it's glory. And so, I concede to your wisdom, Empress of Sadellenar, but still implore, hopefully to any that may join this quest, I will lend all streagnth that I may to this cause.
We also grow tired of the hedonistic ways of the outside world, may we join you, oh pious ones.
09-12-2003, 18:06
You will come no where near the boarders or The Packilvanian empire! Although we are a tolerant people, we are tired of the religous fanatics we must fight everyday. Be warned; if any sign of aggression is seen, the empire of packilvania will bring the full might of its military down upon you. The atheist people grow stronger everyday. Be warned that your revolution is coming as well...
09-12-2003, 18:16
Upon a podiuim addressing the international community, the Apostasian flag as a backdrop
I, Achilles Rex of the Dominion of Apostasia, comdemn the proclamation of unworthiness by the goverment leaders of The Blade of Light. Not only do I comdemn the proclamation, but also the open threat of violence decreed by this government. We are an avowedly atheist nation and will defend the rights of people around the world to worship or not worship as they please.
To the leader/s of The Blade of Light, we not only oppose your vaunted "crusade" but declare you zealot and extremist. Our forces stand ready to counter any hostile action you perpetuate against another nation and we shall retaliate with the full fury of army, navy and air force. You may see guns as a weapon of weakness but we do not. We shall use any means possilbe save nuclear, viral or bacterial to halt any aggression towards a fellow nation. We have no compunctions with carpet-bombing your military. We shall show no remorse on the battlefield. You will find our own troops well trained in the use of the blade and you will find their resolve unwavering.
You seek to cleanse the world of those you deem unworthy but it is YOU who we deem unworthy. Your threats are like the drops of rain that spatter the armor of a tank. Deadly in force if not attended to, however we are vigilant, we are prepared and we take our precautions. Know this. Should you continue along this course of action we will have no other choice but to retaliate with the full might of our forces. No one shall be safe. Any aggressor will be dealt with, be it man, woman or child. If they find themselves upon a battlefield, we take no responsibility for casualties among the populace. If you decide to subject your peoples to the barbaric nature of war, that is your decision, not ours.
This is the only warning we shall offer. The minute you act upon another country, your lives are forfeit. Know this.
Five Civilized Nations
09-12-2003, 18:16
The Five Civilized Nations wonder at the religious fanaticism of new nations... Is this a growing trend!?!
An interesting idea, tag for future reference.
*puts away flamethrower and heads out, looking for the truely n00bish to flame*
The Commonwealth of Valient is a psychotic dictatorship.
Does that mean that we are on your list of nations to be cleansed?
Valient is over 150 million strong. Be warned, my allies and myself will not be pushed around by the likes of you.
*Crap, shouldn't have destroyed the Omega Pulse before using it on these guys.
The Heavily Armed Nation of HyenA is more than prepared for your attack with our extremely diciplined and psychotic military of over 45 million. We can develop mutated attack animals created to destroy people of your nation and alliances only.
09-12-2003, 19:08
The government of Dar-Kavryn wishes to know how exactly The Blade of Light defines "the unworthy," and also your policy towards nonhumans, the majority of our population. We, also, do not use guns, and are intrigued by your technology. We are curious as to how effective it would be within our borders, where gunpowder does not fire. Such items could be of use to us... However, do not consider our weapons harmless! We use magic in their forging, and they are quite effective. We look forward to receiving a reply about your policies....
-Krendur Dovren, foriegn relations.
09-12-2003, 19:23
To the Leadership of The Holy Empire of the Blade of Light, Greetings:
The RCO welcomes you to the international arena, and hopes to be of help in your actions among nations. As such, we admonish you to be careful, and to curb your language of Crusade.
You are a young nation, a small nation. That puts you in a very precarious position. We know - our state is dedicated to the Catholic faith, and in our earlier years, risked war with the avowedly atheist regions of the IVC and the Atheist Empire. We can say from personal experience that the atheist regions tend to have little patience and a great tatse for blood. In your current situation, I would not tempt them. Prudence and patience is necessary, dear leaders.
The RCO requests to know what religion your nation ascribes to. We also request that you telegram us some information about your state. We may be able to help you. But for the time being, you must tone down your rhetoric. For your own good.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With Respect,
Minister of Foreign Affairs Voegelin, Royal Commonwealth of Oakeshottland.
Communique from President Valient of the Commonwealth of Valient to all world leaders:
Anyone who is against this so-called crusade of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light is invited to band together with the Commonwealth in an act of solidarity against this impetuous nation.
This is an open invitation, but let it be known that if you aren't with us, you're against us.
OOC: We're bored, and are lusting for a little bit of battle.
The idea of a Crusade makes no sense. What are you crusading for, the damnation of those nonbelievers or those that you do not find worthy. The things your implying do not make sense, just remember the ten commandments, the most there, thou shalt not kill. What you are imply goes against the full catholic beliefs and thus would make your selves "not worthy".
09-12-2003, 23:20
The Blade of Light:
First, allow me to welcome you to Nationstates, even though I am one of those you must surely proclaim as "unworthy" and "heretic". The name of our nation should say it all. I would urge you to use restraint in this brash and impetuous proclamation of crusade. Indeed were our positions changed, we would retract this foolish statment.
The international community will not sit by and idly watch you invade and attack other nations solely on their belief system or lack thereof. You have no right to violate the soil of a sovereign nation and should your actions continue to escalate, we will find it necessary to intervene and halt your actions at once.
We do not wish for war, but we will not sit by and calmly watch the slaughter of thousand or millions simply because they do not carry the same faith that you do.
Scipio Fitzpatrick
Holy Empire of Agnosticium
All religious fanaticism does is get people killed. Everybody should just love one another, whether they're gay, straight, bi, black, white, purple polka dotted, christian, budhist, or atheist. :)
Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together try to love one another right now. :)
Dark Rift
09-12-2003, 23:46
The Dominion of Dark Rift will not tolerate another holy war started by some crazed religious zealots! Are you going to be another Hitler starting a holocaust against all of whom you consider unworthy of living in the Lord’s light?! The Dominion of Dark Rift and all of our allies will do everything in our power to stop The Holy Empire of The Blade of Light from harming anyone in this ridiculous crusade! We do not want another Hitler, and we will not suffer from another holy war. Practice your religion in peace or face our wrath!
10-12-2003, 00:19
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10-12-2003, 00:20
The City-State of Marshahnk opposes all crusades unless given a good reason to support one. We have been defending our country against Tobalite fanatics as long as the history of our nation is recorded. If The holy Empire of the Blade of Light persists in attempting religious war, Marshahnk will contribute what troops can be spared to aid in the defense. If this means abandoning the area we have been fighting Tobal for since time beyond memory, so be it.
-The Premier of Marshahnk
Oh, yes, and don't call us barbarians!
I, Emperor Deronek Dabinel Glibosen of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light, stand before you as a more enlightened and more humble form of my former impetuant self. I feel it is needed of me to first apologize for my previous ignorence and for my impetuance in making premature declarations. Please accept my formal apology to all whom I may have offended, annoyed, or bored whith the afformentioned statements.
Secondly, I would like to say that I am awe struck by the number of responses, both in support of and against my movement. To all of you who decided to stand beside me, I thank you deeply. You are truely great nations and will surely be smiled upon by the Lord. And to all you nations who openly or passively oppose my intensions, though I do not agree with your beliefs, I respect your fortitude in defending them. But I also must say, as I hear these statements of athiest revolutions, evil beliefs, and dead Gods, I cease to be amused. Such statements cannot go unhindered! But now is not the time for reconning, for I have been awakened to my own mortality and weakness. Currently my population is 32 milion, but watch in awe as it quickly grows to 100 million or more! Perhaps then, we will see what might my Faith can muster.
But until that day, I suspend my endevors in order to gain streangth for the fast aproaching day when the just shall rise up against the wicked oppressors and defilers of this God's Good Earth.
And with this statement I feel that some of my statments have been missenterperated. I do not wish to harm any peaceful nation, regardless of Creed or belief. What I declare is the extermination of evil and all those who follow it, for they corrupt and taint this world with their infadelity and they must be stopped!
Also, the satement was made that I am just another Hitler. After some thought I realized that when you take away all religious and political biases, I am very much like Hitler. This revalation both intrigues and terrifies me. I will have to think over this idea.
And so whith this, I, for now at least, retract my declaration of Crusade and bide my time and build my streangth and allies in wait for the empending day when my dreams shall be realized.
Emperor Deronek Dabinel Glibosen
of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light
So the war's been postponed? I suppose nobody will be hiring me, then....
-Zhargond, leader of the Zhirgindese Mercenaries
*President Valient ponders...
"Hmm, looks like this Blade of Light is more smarter than first apperences. when he becomes more powerful, he may be a force to reckon with.
Valient intelligence will keep an eye on the Holy Empire.
10-12-2003, 13:00
"Yet another feelbe weakling trying to strut their stuff!" mocks Emperor Maulan.
"Lets see if they like this"
With that, The ZEUS obital battlestation begins to unlease a massive bombardment upon The Blade of Light, targeting all military and commercial facilites, the bombardment lasts for 48 hours.
Valdus smirks.
"Eat that, bloody religion freaks".
Once again, Fuggolia is keeping a constant vidgil watching for small roufe nations and decimating them before thy have a chance to cause any real trouble, Valient will also testify to this.
Fugollia, I have made no attacks upon your nation and have also humbly apolagized for any and all insults I made. I stood befor you good nations and humbled myself by retracting my statements that I had made whole-heartedly, admitting my own weakness and at the same time your streangth over me, and openly apolagized to you all. And how am I repaid? You take advantage of this and attack me whithout warning or council! Such blatent disregard for decency by an honorless barbarian cannot be allowed to go unhindered! Wait for the day when I amass my military might, for on that day you shall lie among the fallen and burn with the wicked! We may be bloody religious fanatics, but this blood that you have spilled this day is pure and it's bearers rightious.
And as for your actual attack, my electromagntic ballistas were able to track and destroy a majority of the incoming volleys with hypersonic bolts and we managed to come out of the fray with only marjonal damages.
So now I set about rebuilding my damages and continue to vigialantly increase my might and defend my nation.
Emeror Deronek Dabinel Glibosen
of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light
10-12-2003, 17:02
By your own admission once you grow larger you will become a force to be reckoned with.
In this case we have decided to adopt a nip it in the bud philosophy and will pummell your nation to dust unless you agree to our demands.
1.Stop all this jibba Jabba
2,. Sign a declaration that you only maintain a minimum military, with no offensive cababilites.
3. Allow Fuggolian forces to occupy key airports and naval stations.
4.allow the teaching of Fuggolian Philosophy, to expell these dangerous ideas you feed to your populance.
Failure to comply will result in the use of Mass Driver cannons from our oblital facilites, thes hyper sonic projectiles are much more difficult to intercept then the nukes we used previously. but are untested, which is why they were not previously employed
Fuggolia! You have taken a pre-emptive strike against a nation that has humbled itself before the world and admitted that it's declaration of crusade was unwise! If this nation had been left to it's own development, in time, it's leaders and peoples may have come to realize the error of their ways on their own, or through carefull education and instruction by older, wiser nations!
Now, not only have you spilled innocent blood, but you have set Blades of Light and possibly all others upon a path of war and bloodshed that could have been so easily avoided that the annals of history shall ring with your act of infamy! Your nation and its leaders should be reviled throughout the world for so willingly and blatently choosing "crusade and bloodshed" You have forced their hands, you impertinate fools! now they MUST defend themselves and shall be justified in calling CRUSADE!
Your terms are disgustingly similar to those offered Serbia by Austria before the start of WWI (upon some other world our scholars are aware of).
In short, if the Empire of Sadellenar were not a pacifistic nation, most of whom worship Alphatia, goddess of mercy, I would be highly tempted to have your leaders kidnapped and brought to us for a very public paddling of their bottoms, for they have behaved like children!
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
Fuggolia! You have taken a pre-emptive strike against a nation that has humbled itself before the world and admitted that it's declaration of crusade was unwise! If this nation had been left to it's own development, in time, it's leaders and peoples may have come to realize the error of their ways on their own, or through carefull education and instruction by older, wiser nations!
Now, not only have you spilled innocent blood, but you have set Blades of Light and possibly all others upon a path of war and bloodshed that could have been so easily avoided that the annals of history shall ring with your act of infamy! Your nation and its leaders should be reviled throughout the world for so willingly and blatently choosing "crusade and bloodshed" You have forced their hands, you impertinate fools! now they MUST defend themselves and shall be justified in calling CRUSADE!
Your terms are disgustingly similar to those offered Serbia by Austria before the start of WWI (upon some other world our scholars are aware of).
In short, if the Empire of Sadellenar were not a pacifistic nation, most of whom worship Alphatia, goddess of mercy, I would be highly tempted to have your leaders kidnapped and brought to us for a very public paddling of their bottoms, for they have behaved like children!
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
Fuggolia! You have taken a pre-emptive strike against a nation that has humbled itself before the world and admitted that it's declaration of crusade was unwise! If this nation had been left to it's own development, in time, it's leaders and peoples may have come to realize the error of their ways on their own, or through carefull education and instruction by older, wiser nations!
Now, not only have you spilled innocent blood, but you have set Blades of Light and possibly all others upon a path of war and bloodshed that could have been so easily avoided that the annals of history shall ring with your act of infamy! Your nation and its leaders should be reviled throughout the world for so willingly and blatently choosing "crusade and bloodshed" You have forced their hands, you impertinate fools! now they MUST defend themselves and shall be justified in calling CRUSADE!
Your terms are disgustingly similar to those offered Serbia by Austria before the start of WWI (upon some other world our scholars are aware of).
In short, if the Empire of Sadellenar were not a pacifistic nation, most of whom worship Alphatia, goddess of mercy, I would be highly tempted to have your leaders kidnapped and brought to us for a very public paddling of their bottoms, for they have behaved like children!
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
Fuggolia! You have taken a pre-emptive strike against a nation that has humbled itself before the world and admitted that it's declaration of crusade was unwise! If this nation had been left to it's own development, in time, it's leaders and peoples may have come to realize the error of their ways on their own, or through carefull education and instruction by older, wiser nations!
Now, not only have you spilled innocent blood, but you have set Blades of Light and possibly all others upon a path of war and bloodshed that could have been so easily avoided that the annals of history shall ring with your act of infamy! Your nation and its leaders should be reviled throughout the world for so willingly and blatently choosing "crusade and bloodshed" You have forced their hands, you impertinate fools! now they MUST defend themselves and shall be justified in calling CRUSADE!
Your terms are disgustingly similar to those offered Serbia by Austria before the start of WWI (upon some other world our scholars are aware of).
In short, if the Empire of Sadellenar were not a pacifistic nation, most of whom worship Alphatia, goddess of mercy, I would be highly tempted to have your leaders kidnapped and brought to us for a very public paddling of their bottoms, for they have behaved like children!
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
11-12-2003, 01:12
One question?..
Who are YOU to impose your religious views on others?..
Each is free to follow the path of Enlightment his/her own way.. whether you like it or not...
Zack McCracken
The Pope
Humble Servant of the Lord.
11-12-2003, 01:50
By your own admission once you grow larger you will become a force to be reckoned with.
In this case we have decided to adopt a nip it in the bud philosophy and will pummell your nation to dust unless you agree to our demands.
1.Stop all this jibba Jabba
2,. Sign a declaration that you only maintain a minimum military, with no offensive cababilites.
3. Allow Fuggolian forces to occupy key airports and naval stations.
4.allow the teaching of Fuggolian Philosophy, to expell these dangerous ideas you feed to your populance.
Failure to comply will result in the use of Mass Driver cannons from our oblital facilites, thes hyper sonic projectiles are much more difficult to intercept then the nukes we used previously. but are untested, which is why they were not previously employed
To Emperor Maulan:
We have just learned of your vicious and unwarranted attack upon a nation that has shown contrition before the international community. How dare you, tyrant?
The RCO demands that you IMMEDIATELY remove your demands, and leave the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light alone. Let a peace be made between you. And leave it be. Or should we expect such atrocities from "enlightened" nations like your own?
Your demands are unreasonable. Your attack, unwarranted. Leave the Blade of Light alone. We will be watching.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Voegelin, Royal Commonwealth of Oakeshottland.
11-12-2003, 02:08
Maulan sits in the Imperial Chamber and looks cross.
"tsk, gone are the days when you could slag a nation to dust and no one would bat an eyelid, oh well, stick a cheque in the mail for the dammage and attach some chocolates, these fools will soon realised their folly in letting such a nation exist."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
11-12-2003, 02:18
Tarenteor, well known demonic(literally) leader of Jangle Jangle Ridge chuckles for a second. All quite amusing, really. You say you are fighting a holy war, people oppose, you "humble" yourself. Then someone attacks you and everyone gets ticked off. Taren presses an button and a Private walks in.
"Wire this... Fuggolia a nice ten digit deposit. And a box of chocolates."
Geez Fuggolia.
You sure know how to lead with your fists, eh?
*Private memo from President Valient to the Blade of Light.
"One day, when you have built up your man power and your military prowess, call me up. Then we'll go "talk" to Fuggolia together." :twisted:
To the leaders of Jangle Jangle Ridge and Fuggolia: In response to the recent happenings, I now, am unfortunatly forced to openly declare the advent of hostile relations between our nations. At the moment I will not launch any type of millitary action against either of your nations because, after much council, this nation of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light, has decided that the best course of action would be to give this folly quarel a chance to end whithout further bloodshed. Do not, however, take this as a sign of weakness, for, unlike the wise nation of Sadellenar, I am not adverse to combat, and, even though my nation is still small in number, we are well trained and devoted to our cause. And I have acquired several powerful allies who have sworn to fight at my side, should I ask. I do not wish to bring them into this fool's battle, but if I must, I will. You have been warned, think well befor your next action, for it will determin your fate.
And, as for these acusations that my nation seeks to force it's beliefs upon others, I am afraid that I have been missunderstood. I wish no harm or bother upon any peacful nation, regardless of it's beliefs or practices. I only wish to abolish the nations, corrupted by evil, who strive to spread this evil, through the use of force, throughout the world. These actions cannot, in this nation's views, be abided by. If you feel otherwise or have beliefs adverse to my own, then, as long as you do not seek to harm anyone whithout just cause, I have no quarrel with you. I hope that this has been cleared up, for I do not wish to make unneccisary enemies through missunderstanding.
Emperor Deronek Dabinel Glibosen
of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light
General of the Paladin Forces of Planar Orb of the Holy Knights
To all our revered and wondrous fellow sister-states:
We, the nation of Sadellenar, are thoroughly disheartened by the actions of Fuggolia and others towards their neighbor nations. And, although we appreciate the admission of our wise council, we cannot condone the bloody politics of crusade by Blades of Light, even if such actions shall occur years into the future.
Therefore, We, the people of Sadellenar, do hereby offer amnesty and refuge to any and all refugees who seek to flee the wonton and needless bloodshed of war. We ask our sister-states to respect our nation as a refuge from carnage, and we shall take a very dim view of those who conduct raids to eliminate enemies who seek shelter within our borders. We warn those who would that, although Sadellenarians are mostly pacifists, our espionage corps is first rate in the practice of sabatoge.
We will not grant amnesty to murderers or rapists, who should be extradited to their home states for justice, but we cannot stand idly by to allow the simple people of the world to pay for the genocidal urges of their countries elite.
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
To all our revered and wondrous fellow sister-states:
We, the nation of Sadellenar, are thoroughly disheartened by the actions of Fuggolia and others towards their neighbor nations. And, although we appreciate the admission of our wise council, we cannot condone the bloody politics of crusade by Blades of Light, even if such actions shall occur years into the future.
Therefore, We, the people of Sadellenar, do hereby offer amnesty and refuge to any and all refugees who seek to flee the wonton and needless bloodshed of war. We ask our sister-states to respect our nation as a refuge from carnage, and we shall take a very dim view of those who conduct raids to eliminate enemies who seek shelter within our borders. We warn those who would that, although Sadellenarians are mostly pacifists, our espionage corps is first rate in the practice of sabatoge.
We will not grant amnesty to murderers or rapists, who should be extradited to their home states for justice, but we cannot stand idly by to allow the simple people of the world to pay for the genocidal urges of their countries elite.
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
*The President for Life of the World Aryan Domination Dominion steps up to the podium*
"ahem, Friends! I'm Chris Murray and Im here to tell you the truth! Now, we've all heard about the situation outside our nation, with Holy Crusades being declared left and right, and Communists, Athiests, Leftists and ZOG- or MUD-dominated countries stepping up to quash them; Well all I have to say is this: the day of reckoning will come! Many of you stood by me in the early days, when I stood nearly alone against the forces of evil that were dominating our country; and all of you were there when we rose up and defeated them! *raucus cheers from the crowd ensue* White-Nationalists will rise up in other nations, as has already happened in a great many of our neighboring nations, it is as inevitable as the Reds claim they are! Well, I assure you, friends, that the time will come when the ZOG and the MUD will crumble before the might of our RaHoWa, and then Athiests, Communists and all who stand before the righteous shall pay! WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!!! *cheers of "Freedom!" and "Murray!" resound through the Imperial Square* The white man will throw of his burden, and the Red, Black and Gold will tremble before us! FREEDOM!!!"
*amidst chants of "HAIL!", "Victory!", and "Freedom!" President for Life Murray leaves the podium.
Begun as a crusade
It shall end with a massacre
The rivers will flow with the blood of the infidels
Allahu Akbar
Ayatollah Muhammed al Faj
It is time that the world starts praying to the east
Fight and win against the Christian beast
Allah is the one true God
Everyday begins a new Jihad.
12-12-2003, 05:00
A Crusade is officially sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Pope and Church at the time. The word "Crusade" is misused too much around here.
As for Jihad, the same applies but I forgot how historically they were conducted by the Moslems.
12-12-2003, 14:27
Since the attack, Emperor Maulan has had some bother, accidently firing missles at random nations whilst drunk, but he has mellowed out now.
Thanks to a trade arrangement with Dammfeck, we have ben exchanging our top quality Weed with their suprisingly quality stuff.
Fuggolia's Zues Station fire's on The Blade of light once more.
But this time its different, this time the warheads eplode before inteception and blanked the nation with a massive dense cloud of Super skunk-smoke.
We hope your snackfood industry is prepared.
Sadellenar congratulates Fuggolia on it's creative and "peaceful" resolution to its problems. We admit, the desire to slaughter is non-existant when one is halfway into a bag of Munchos and guzzling Mountain Dew.
Blade of Light, before you seek to do horrible things to Fuggolia for getting your entire populace, including children, "flared," please consider this:
When has your entire population ALL been in a good mood before?
Basically, Fuggolia just picked up the check for a nationwide party.
Kunigunde ar Cledeb
Ard Rigan of Sadellenar
13-12-2003, 04:04
Yes we have mellowed out here in the Empire, any leaders fancy comming over for a blaze?
The holy Empire of the Blade of Light is Crusading against all who may stand against it in an effort to cleanse the Earth of of all that is unworthy of living in the Lord's Light. Who will stand up and join my nation in this Holy quest, and what barbarians will stand against us! This shall be a war to change the world!
My nation of the Holy Empire of the Blade of Light is not enormous by any means, only 29 million. But that is 29 million strong! Though our millitary force is small, it is an elite and well trained force. Our forces use preasent-tech weapons, but as we feel that it is dishonorable to use guns, we use high-tech versions of the more honorable ancient weapons of our ancestors. Our troops and horses wear armor made of tungston carbide, which can whithstand medium to high calibur bullets and shrapnel. This armor has electronically controlled, synthetic muscles integrated into it which raises a soldier or horse's streangth by 9 fold. Our blades, spears, and arrows are made of tungston carbide and edged with depleated uranium, which can cut through high carbon steel plating. Our archer's bows use reverse magnet technology to produce the same power as a normal bow with a 3000 pound pull.
This is but a small sample of the awsome might of my Armed Forces, and this might is ony multiplied by our unstopable will and undying determination. So, either join me on my quest, or stand befor me on the battle field and prepare yourself for defeat.
We would join you in your Crusade, but historically all of the Crusades except one or two were failures. I expect this to follow the majority's paterns.
13-12-2003, 04:11
Surely all of "The Blaze of Light" is unworthy now We have got your entire populance mashed out of their trees?
Exactly who are you against, Blade of Light.
Against capitalism? We're capitalists. Christian capitalists.
Against dictatorships? I'm a dictator. A Christian dictator.
Against the TRUE Christians, the Calvinists (although there are others, we consider this to be the purest form of Christianity), especially the Timothean Radical kind, who execute abortionists, gays, and all who dare challenge the law of God?
What religion are you anyway. Christian isn't specific enough. The people who ordain gays in the Episcopalian Church aren't Christians. Catholics are most definitely not Christians. Your manner of language resembles that of the elves. Explain yourself.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
13-12-2003, 18:17
You have declared hostility. Therefore, it most be answered. You may have 3000 pound pull bows, but I could make a bomb out of a bottle and some liquid nitrogen that could blow a hole in you, and it would take me like 5 seconds. This requires a few drops. Then consider my guns using this technology, and you get my JJRLNPC installations. The force they can drive an object, coupled with an extra boost from magnetic railgun technologies, can pack a VERY big punch. The kind that automatically deafens you due to it's speed. The kind that can be launched from space and hit a target on Earth with accuracy. The kind that has a 400mm round in it, is mounted on a sattelite, and is aimed at your capitol. Goodbye.
New Empire
13-12-2003, 18:20
We dare the crusaders of light to come and take us on. Separation of church and state will be performed with military force.
15-12-2003, 05:10
By your own admission once you grow larger you will become a force to be reckoned with.
In this case we have decided to adopt a nip it in the bud philosophy and will pummell your nation to dust unless you agree to our demands.
1.Stop all this jibba Jabba
2,. Sign a declaration that you only maintain a minimum military, with no offensive cababilites.
3. Allow Fuggolian forces to occupy key airports and naval stations.
4.allow the teaching of Fuggolian Philosophy, to expell these dangerous ideas you feed to your populance.
Failure to comply will result in the use of Mass Driver cannons from our oblital facilites, thes hyper sonic projectiles are much more difficult to intercept then the nukes we used previously. but are untested, which is why they were not previously employed
Though Marshahnk opposes the Crusade, this seems an excessive reaction to a nation which has apologized. We will aid in the resistance of any invasion by the Blade of Light, but we will also help them if they are attacked without a good reason.
-The Premier of Marshahnk
15-12-2003, 16:21
We have mellowed out, check a few post up for our new statergy.
17-12-2003, 20:28
I said if they are attacked. It was just a statement of policy.
17-12-2003, 23:16
And we are stating a change of policy