Gay gene isolated
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
Mathias Prime
08-12-2003, 20:06
We are interested in the information about the gay gene. How much will it cost for the technology to find (and destroy) it?
The Reformed Extonian Government considers this an act of genocide and condems it. Please re-think your actions. Homosexuals in our country have as many rights as heterosexuals and so, we have a 'perfect' society. We will not stop you but, merley shove trade sanctions on you and any nation that buys this.
Dol Suquait would like access to this research as it is a well known and scientifically grounded fact that the 'gay' gene which prompts homosexuality in both males and females also increases intelegence. Also in combination with new scientific research in Dol Suquait into artificial impregnation this would be of great benefit to us.
08-12-2003, 20:13
wellisnt my face red! all this time i was going round putting myself through hell for feeling the way i do when -ding!- i could have just had the gene whiped silly of me
African Commonwealth
08-12-2003, 20:19
OOC: Actually, IRL some researchers claim to have found the gay gene. XQ28 it is - Unfortunately these same psychopath propose legislation to control fetuses with the gene, starting a slippery slope where people who make designer babies can eventually choose abortions if there's a chance their kid will end up queer some day - it's fucking sick :evil:
08-12-2003, 20:30
Euroslavia condemns this research. You act like being homosexual is a terrible crime that needs to be wiped out.
well i think your reserch on the "gay gene" is false. I belive that people are not born gay its what they go through in life as a child and in adolescence i am a homosexual male and i know i wasnt born gay (though i did fight my sister for the pink crayon as a child) But if alot of homosexuals heard me say this they would be pissed! so this is my opionion on your research instead of promoting ways to eliminate the gay gene if you wanna end homosexuality or atleast lower the percentage of homosexuals in your country maybe you should promote better parenting classes. Because when it comes down to it alot of homosexuality is directyl related to having a over bearing or mentally abusive mother and/or a very distant or physically abusive father.
I propose that the topic of this thread be changed to:
Gay Gene Isolated, Ostrasized
Mathias Prime
08-12-2003, 20:37
For sharing the technology with us, we will give you a large percentage of our international aid fund.
08-12-2003, 20:37
well i think your reserch on the "gay gene" is false. I belive that people are not born gay its what they go through in life as a child and in adolescence i am a homosexual male and i know i wasnt born gay (though i did fight my sister for the pink crayon as a child) But if alot of homosexuals heard me say this they would be pissed! so this is my opionion on your research instead of promoting ways to eliminate the gay gene if you wanna end homosexuality or atleast lower the percentage of homosexuals in your country maybe you should promote better parenting classes. Because when it comes down to it alot of homosexuality is directyl related to having a over bearing or mentally abusive mother and/or a very distant or physically abusive father.
surely you feel the same as me though and think it would be better for us to think it was genetic then at least there would be no one to blame and no super christians could say you chose to be that way. i dont like the thought of blaming someone in my imediate family for me turning out how i did. Sorry if i sound a bit silly its just how i feel.
Burcemia. I have to admit both sides of the story are true. There may indeed be a gay gene but, it is usualy activated throughenvironmental issues such as distant father over bearing mother etc. This is not to say that it is always the truth.
Seriously, since this is no longer a joke thread... how could it be a gene? It would be detrimental to survival of the species and would naturally be weaned out over the generations. Even recessive, every time it flared up, it would end its own genetic line. I'm not trying to offend, I'm just trying to be logical. It could be a genetic flaw that develops repeatedly, like a chemical imbalance, something that "goes wrong" in the system, but not a gene in and of itself.
hmm, i've heard of these idiots before.
there is no such thing as a gay gene, it simply doesn't exist.
The main cause of Homosexuality is in fact psychological and there is no conclusion whatsoever as to what might be a cause for it.
The thing is, random people become gay, with little to no similarities between them, apparently it does have to do with the way you grow up as that controls the functioning of your brain.
the main cause of homosexualtiy is choice, these ignorant assholes should be peremptorily banned on first post
08-12-2003, 21:59
Actually, a naturally occuring "gay gene" wouldn't be detrimental to the development of the 'species'. To the individual, perhaps, as they would not be able to pass on their specific genetic code to the next generation. But the species as a whole cares very little about the individual.
In fact, in cases of overcrowding or plenty, it could be considered a sort of breeding control mechanism. Environmental stimulus could trigger a greater expression of the "gay gene" which would then either increase or decrease the breeding pool of the species in response. If the species is overcrowded, less children are needed, the "gay gene" is switched on as one method to reduce population. Or, conversely, the environment is rich and there is no threat of predation, less children are needed to ensure survival, the "gay gene" is again turned on to maintain appropriate levels of population.
So, really, it probably is genetic, but the magnitude of it's expression in a given population is likely tied to environmental factors (although, when I say "Environmental Factors", I do not refer to the "Domineering Mother/Absent Father" BS).
its the work of satan
homosexuality should not be allowed. God has forbidden this act for us
08-12-2003, 22:07
the main cause of homosexualtiy is choice, these ignorant assholes should be peremptorily banned on first post
Hmmm, this arguement always fascinates me, as it implies that sexual orientation in itself is a choice and that an avowed straight person could 'choose' to become homosexual. Yet, if you suggest this to the person...well, the person usually making this arguement, they get very defensive and hostile.
All in all, this is less of an argument and more of a reaction and therefore cannot be considered in a rational discussion. Thanks for having an opinion, though.
08-12-2003, 22:07
Ah nevermind i can see where this is heading.
*closes door on truck full of homosexuals and ships them off out of his country again*
Hampster Squared
08-12-2003, 22:08
Well, I am in the rather interesting situation of having most of my family being gay. Yes, my mum and my biological father included. I'm straight, even though I must have enough gay genes to populate a small bar. I think that social conditioning can bring out characteristics which may not be genetic, but which are environmental,and NOT purely social. Onthe other hand, maybe if you guys are right, my gay genes are cancelled out by each other and spend happy days swapping clothes so that I can't tell which is which :P
Euroslavia condemns this research. You act like being homosexual is a terrible crime that needs to be wiped out.
It shouldn't exactly be wiped out, but it is wrong.
We will keenly buy this technology off Nigcity, and offer 5 further $150 million in extra R&D funds to take the project further.
Euroslavia condemns this research. You act like being homosexual is a terrible crime that needs to be wiped out.
It shouldn't exactly be wiped out, but it is wrong.
We will keenly buy this technology off Nigcity, and offer 5 further $150 million in extra R&D funds to take the project further.
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
I am interested...
I would like to ban all flamers from my country. Homosexuality is unnatural.
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
I am interested...
I would like to ban all flamers from my country. Homosexuality is unnatural.
09-12-2003, 01:44
09-12-2003, 01:44
My fellow world leaders. You have all been had. There is no Nigcity research plan, and they have not isolated any thing relating to genes, aside from Levi's 501. If their science program consisted of something more than a cross-eyed monosyllabic mongoloid smashing small animals over the head, they might be making some progress. Unfortunately, no.
So look to the Republic of Garnland for all your scientific needs.
Presiding Chair
09-12-2003, 01:44
My fellow world leaders. You have all been had. There is no Nigcity research plan, and they have not isolated any thing relating to genes, aside from Levi's 501. If their science program consisted of something more than a cross-eyed monosyllabic mongoloid smashing small animals over the head, they might be making some progress. Unfortunately, no.
So look to the Republic of Garnland for all your scientific needs.
Presiding Chair
09-12-2003, 01:51
The thing is, random people become gay, with little to no similarities between them
If you're suggesting that a few genes are going to make people act in a similar way, I'll have to disagree with you. That's like saying all people with blue eyes smell bad.
Gays are not welcome in Diminix, therefore they are beaten for a few days till they die. :) You should destroy the gay gene.
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
There is no "gay gene". Otherwise gays would have died out after one generation. Even though I, myself, aren't gay, there is nothing wrong with homosexuallity.
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
I'll buy it! How much! I need all my homos removed!
There is something wrong with bein' a fruitcake. Too many things. That's why it's been outlawed and will stay outlawed in Diminix.
There is something wrong with bein' a fruitcake. Too many things. That's why it's been outlawed and will stay outlawed in Diminix.
Isochronous admires the stand you're taking on this issue.
As a moral, educated, Christian nation, Swabischen has very little homosexual activity, with about 98% of the population believing it to be immoral, 1% that to be unnatural, and .0001% are actually gay themselves (they will be deported shortly, naturally). However, it is apperent that the situation is not the same world wide, and the threat of the cancer of homosexuality spreading to our nation is a seriously cosidered one. Hopefully the number of sane nations will grow, thus reducing the threat the gay-problem poses.
As for the gay-gene, i doubt it. I think they choose to be that way either because they were born mentally ill (inbred? bad mix of racial genes? chance?), or because of occurences in their life (abusive parents, ostracization in school, or being forcibly made gay by same-sex parents).
well, thats my two-cents.
Emperor Kristoffer IV von Swabischen
09-12-2003, 02:30
An interesting opinion which i came acroos a while ago which i believe to be most acurate is this:
Sexuality is not as simple as gay, straight or bi. It is in fact a sliding scale. Every person has a varying amount of "homosexuality" in them. Be it infintisemly small, making that person "straight" or be it almost all of a persons "scale" resulting in a very camp homosexual. Bisexuals would be the 50-50, where both sides intrigue them. All the gaps in between are filled, no matter what many bigotist "christians" might preach. Dont get me wrong, not a dig at christians, just some give the others a bad name. Now im not gay or bi, so im not being biased. I think people should consider the view that something else exists, istead of the standard stereotypes. Just a thought fo you all!
I'd like to point out that the Imperial Yayo Dominion only kills male homos. Not lesbians. There are alot of lesbians in the Imperial Yayo Dominion. :)
09-12-2003, 02:40
As a Biologist I feel that i need to comment on this thread.
It has been noted that homosexuals, both male and female, often have differing physical features to heterosexual/bisexual-prefering-opposite-sex people.
Such features are things like increased oestrogen levels in homosexual males and increased testosterone levels in females, facial characteristics such as slightly inset temples, differeing finger lengths (in the obtuse majority of heterosexuals the index finger is longer than the fourth finger, whereas for the vast majority of homosexuals the index finger is shorter).
Also, it's been noted that there may be a link between homosexuality and increased activity in the left side of the brain (which handles subject such as music, art and other such creative acts).
Being gay myself, I've done a lot of research into this, and I find it wholly possibly that a genetic sequence does play a part in this somehow.
My ideas can be summed up as basically you require two things to be 'gay' as such; a genetic sequence and environmental stimulus. If you have the genetic side of things, but not the environmental stimulus it's wholly likely that you will be bisexual, likewise if you have the environmental stimulus but not the genetic side. If you have both, however, I believe that it's wholly likely that you'll be gay, whereas if you have neither, I believe that you're more than likely to be straight.
Yes, it goes deeper than that, but firstly, I can't be bothered to dig out my biology texts collection, two it's 01:27 am, and three, I'm sitting here doing a paper on catalysis rates of enzymes which I really do not want to be doing...
Yes, this was an OOC post.
I urge everyone to avoid it. Even if you have a gene, we have no idea what it is connected to. For example all the females in your country may stop being interested in men along with the men or viece versa. there are so many possible attachments. Until an international team comes up with a safe gene do not buy anything.
This has got to be a joke, besides the scientific explaination had always been an excess of the opposing sexes hormones.
At least it didn't cause several wars this time... last time it cropped up it did... just remember, the most basic human right is freedom of thought, the use of genetics to change this, in eithor direction is immoral, but i do tend to notice that people being 'gay' is only an issue if it is made one by the local society/culture.
Comrade Binh: *Smack* THERE IS NO GAY GENE
You can't prove homosexualty is not a gene. You cannot argue that if it was, it would have dies out after one generation because it is possible it started as a recessive gene, and didn't become dominant untill 4 or 5 genes down the road when everyone had it, but only a miniman percent went dominant. Idiot. Learn your genetics before you come and make false statements about stuff you don't know about.
And, homosexuality is UNNATURAL contrary to popular belief. People reproduce. If it was natural for people to like the same sex, we would be an extinct line, wouldn't we? Unless you argue that there was some exparamentation between sexes and a child was born, but that comes back to bite you in the ass because that could just as easily and more effectivly be argued in my position that if it was a gene it would be a dead gene after one generation (which it most likely wouldn't).
even if there was a homosexuality gene you would have to take the DNA cut it at the right spot implant or take it out, repair it and not expect any change in the person. I think not. Once you can safely iplant it then you can think of selling the gene.
even if there was a homosexuality gene you would have to take the DNA cut it at the right spot implant or take it out, repair it and not expect any change in the person. I think not. Once you can safely iplant it then you can think of selling the gene.
If homosexuality was a gene:
It would most likely be a dominant trait. Now you are saying 'Hey! If it's dominant, why aren't I gay?' Well, the answer to that is that many life threatening genetic disorders are dominant traits, but so few people in the population have it, that it rarely spreads.
If homosexuality -is- a gene, then it is a widespread gene indeed, with a large impact on the species. Research shows that up to 10% of the US population is homosexual. 10% is a HUGE modifier in a species.
Assuming this, these are the possible ways the homosexual gene can be passed:
Hetero Mom and Hetero Dad
Mom: hh Dad: hh
Offspring: All hh (Hetero)
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (Dad hybrid)
Mom: hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual), 50% hh (heterosexual)
Samegoes for reverse parentage
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (HH)
Mom: hh Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual)
Homo Mom (Hh) and Homo Dad (Hh)
Mom: Hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 25% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo), 25% hh (Hetero)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% HH (Full Homo)
based on this information, it is highly unlikely that it is genetic. If 10% is currently homosexual, then in 10 years, it should multiply exponentially. If it is recessive, there would be no way for it to get 10% numbers...
Actually, I've seen a bit of research on this, and there's a strong correlation that homosexuality is at least partially genetically influenced, and some of it is probably environment. However, it's clear that homosexuality is not a choice. Sheep and flies have been genetically engineered to be gay before; quite strong evidence.
Some posters have argued that homosexuality is "Unnatural" Truth is, that it happens in lots of other species; Rams, dolphins, and chimpanzees just to name a few. Furthermore, do you really want something being "unnatural" to justify your hate for it? Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
The Rogue Nation of Exonerate's position is that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality; in fact, all refugees fleeing persecution will find refuge in our country.
We would also like to expose Diminix's hypocracy in persecuting male homosexuals, while leaving the females untouched. Furthermore, they have provided much rhetoric, without actually naming any reasons that it should be outlawed.
If homosexuality was a gene:
It would most likely be a dominant trait. Now you are saying 'Hey! If it's dominant, why aren't I gay?' Well, the answer to that is that many life threatening genetic disorders are dominant traits, but so few people in the population have it, that it rarely spreads.
If homosexuality -is- a gene, then it is a widespread gene indeed, with a large impact on the species. Research shows that up to 10% of the US population is homosexual. 10% is a HUGE modifier in a species.
Assuming this, these are the possible ways the homosexual gene can be passed:
Hetero Mom and Hetero Dad
Mom: hh Dad: hh
Offspring: All hh (Hetero)
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (Dad hybrid)
Mom: hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual), 50% hh (heterosexual)
Samegoes for reverse parentage
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (HH)
Mom: hh Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual)
Homo Mom (Hh) and Homo Dad (Hh)
Mom: Hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 25% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo), 25% hh (Hetero)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% HH (Full Homo)
based on this information, it is highly unlikely that it is genetic. If 10% is currently homosexual, then in 10 years, it should multiply exponentially. If it is recessive, there would be no way for it to get 10% numbers...
1. Not all homosexuals reproduce.
2. Sexuality is not completely genetic, but rather thought to be influenced.
3. The 10% figure is questionable... I've seen estimates that range from 3% to 10%. Nobody's really sure.
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Ad hominem, completely irrelevant. And for what it's worth, I'm in the West.
By the way, you might find interesting.
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Stereotype! That makes me... me... ANGRY! :tantrum:
The Reformed Extonian Government considers this an act of genocide and condems it. Please re-think your actions. Homosexuals in our country have as many rights as heterosexuals and so, we have a 'perfect' society. We will not stop you but, merley shove trade sanctions on you and any nation that buys this.genocide would be physically killing homosexuals not destroying a gene
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Stereotype! That makes me... me... ANGRY! :tantrum:
If people from the south are going to drag people to death because of a stereotype and their color of their skin, I have every right to stereotype them.
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Stereotype! That makes me... me... ANGRY! :tantrum:
If people from the south are going to drag people to death because of a stereotype and their color of their skin, I have every right to stereotype them.
09-12-2003, 03:30
(in the obtuse majority of heterosexuals the index finger is longer than the fourth finger, whereas for the vast majority of homosexuals the index finger is shorter)
How many people do you think looked at their hands after reading that? :lol:
By creating this gene you are attacking the rights of privacy by making the perfects citizens. Let the people decide by themselve if they want to be homesexual or not.
Port Neputne, do u really not feel that stopping a homosexual being born with all their genes is similar to death? it is the death of that person as they should be. therefore doing it on the scale implyed here would surely be a genocide of homosexuals.
Here's a tip: Nature isn't pretty, rape and incest is natural in some species, are you going to argue since it's natural, it's right?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
Stereotype! That makes me... me... ANGRY! :tantrum:
If people from the south are going to drag people to death because of a stereotype and their color of their skin, I have every right to stereotype them.
I'm not from the South. I just do that every time there is a stereotype because that emoticon is cool.
As the leader of the Holy Empire of Alohim and the mouth piece of God to the world I must say that our Lord has made his views on the matter vary clear in the Bible. Yet many may say this is purly a matter of cival rights. God loves his children and does not want them to ere like this. I so plead with the people of the world and their leaders to seek in prayer a solution to the present sitiation.
An the subjet of sexual genecide, it is the opinion of the most Holy Empire that this should be strongly oposed and viewed as murder. It is the will of the Empire that all UN Delegates should prevent attrausities of this magnitude from proceding.
However, we of The Holy Empire of Alohim, will not leave a blind eye to those souls who have strayed from Gods path and have and are now what would be called "gays". Therefore let it be known to all nations, kindreds, tounges, and peoples that The Holy Empire of Alohim will exept all refugies of sexual persecution with out question. We will strive to love and help all who come to us in this time of need.
As a message to all homosexuals: God loves and cares for you and wants you to return to him. We offer help, to all who come to us, in repentance and in dealing with your personal trials.
We urge for an peaceful end to this matter that can work for every one.
The Holy Empire of Alohim
After much research two things were found out.
1 This is a hoax and there is no gay gene
2 there are no gays in South Prussia, just a few lesbians. All of which go strait once they hit 40, amazingly
After much research two things were found out.
1 This is a hoax and there is no gay gene
2 there are no gays in South Prussia, just a few lesbians. All of which go strait once they hit 40, amazingly
I knew I liked you
09-12-2003, 06:18
If theres a gay gene wouldnt they all be gone considering gay people no reproduce. Unless they clone themselves magically they do. Plus we need them for target practice. i mean um. darn i think i just let that national secret out oocly.
Ten out of ten Bonobo Chimpanzees take part in homosexual acts. AKA 100% of them. They is all bisexual. Genetic? Maybe. Specietic? Maybe. But not psychological.
If theres a gay gene wouldnt they all be gone considering gay people no reproduce. Unless they clone themselves magically they do. Plus we need them for target practice. i mean um. darn i think i just let that national secret out oocly.
actually, several gay men have had children before REALIZING they were gay, including the guy who played the father on "The Brady Bunch"
09-12-2003, 06:32
Well i guess that defeated my point but i still don't think a gay gene exists really and my point does stand they are good for target practice.
09-12-2003, 06:44
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers.
I am interested...
I would like to ban all flamers from my country. Homosexuality is unnatural.
Just because something is unnatural, doesn't mean its wrong.
09-12-2003, 06:48
Homosexuality is wrong if your a big religous person.......but unnatural = wrong? heck no.
Port Neputne, do u really not feel that stopping a homosexual being born with all their genes is similar to death? it is the death of that person as they should be. therefore doing it on the scale implyed here would surely be a genocide of homosexuals.I'm not commenting on the morallity of it i'm just saying that this isn't genocide
No, it would not be.
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Homosexuality is neither a national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
No, it would not be.
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Homosexuality is neither a national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
No, it would not be.
The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Homosexuality is neither a national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Kahta you flaming idiot. If the actions of a few barbaric individuals give you the 'right' to stereotype, then we can classify all gays as pedophiles, all crakkers as KKK members, blacks as criminals, and every person in Kahta as a Jew-swilling incestuous necrophile.
Researchers in the stripling nation of Nigcity have isolated the genetic sequence that produces a homosexual tendency in some humans. The Grand Dragon of Nigcity is offering this information to anyone who would like to use it for their own purposes, either to wipe the gay off their country forever, or make a nation composed entirely of the flamers. We would like full information
The official report, as seen in the Nigcity Daily Times:
Researchers at Nigcity University's Institute of Technology recently discovered the gene that causes a tendency towards same-sex attraction in some humans.
"This is a great discovery that will benefit all mankind," said Harmus Manly of NUIT at a press conference Monday.
Manly explained that the knowledge can be used to not only determine a fetus' sexual orientation, but decide it. However, the gay gene is not the sole decider in homosexuality.
"There are many factors in a person's change to gay," said Manly. "These include social factors, parental styles, and, of course, the beloved gay gene."
The leaders of many weak nations have expressed disbelief in the scientists' discovery.
"We no think that Nigcity's science-guys have smart enough to make use of they knowledge," rasped the leader of a pitiable nation who cowardly wished to remain anonymous. "How could they get gene into babies? Wouldn't reck it the baby genes?"
Manly brushed these doubts away with a wave of his hand and a haught snort of derision. "As any civilized individual knows, we have been inserting genes into bacteria and many foods for more than a decade, including seedless grapes, oranges and watermelons, and the fabled 'golden rice,' which is rich in the essential Vitamin A that is rare in many dirt-filled nations.
However, all of their comments are based on fiery personal opinion and a deep ignorance of the true ways of the world.
The Grand Dragon has approved the genetic knowledge for sale to all other nations. The price will not be debateable. The Grand Dragon has set the price at 150 million buckarinos.
The official report, as seen in the Nigcity Daily Times:
Researchers at Nigcity University's Institute of Technology recently discovered the gene that causes a tendency towards same-sex attraction in some humans.
"This is a great discovery that will benefit all mankind," said Harmus Manly of NUIT at a press conference Monday.
Manly explained that the knowledge can be used to not only determine a fetus' sexual orientation, but decide it. However, the gay gene is not the sole decider in homosexuality.
"There are many factors in a person's change to gay," said Manly. "These include social factors, parental styles, and, of course, the beloved gay gene."
The leaders of many weak nations have expressed disbelief in the scientists' discovery.
"We no think that Nigcity's science-guys have smart enough to make use of they knowledge," rasped the leader of a pitiable nation who cowardly wished to remain anonymous. "How could they get gene into babies? Wouldn't reck it the baby genes?"
Manly brushed these doubts away with a wave of his hand and a haught snort of derision. "As any civilized individual knows, we have been inserting genes into bacteria and many foods for more than a decade, including seedless grapes, oranges and watermelons, and the fabled 'golden rice,' which is rich in the essential Vitamin A that is rare in many dirt-filled nations.
However, all of their comments are based on fiery personal opinion and a deep ignorance of the true ways of the world.
The Grand Dragon has approved the genetic knowledge for sale to all other nations. The price will not be debateable. The Grand Dragon has set the price at 150 million buckarinos.
bored bored bored...HUH gay gene oh thats why im so happy all the time :roll:
well i think your reserch on the "gay gene" is false. I belive that people are not born gay its what they go through in life as a child and in adolescence i am a homosexual male and i know i wasnt born gay (though i did fight my sister for the pink crayon as a child) But if alot of homosexuals heard me say this they would be pissed! so this is my opionion on your research instead of promoting ways to eliminate the gay gene if you wanna end homosexuality or atleast lower the percentage of homosexuals in your country maybe you should promote better parenting classes. Because when it comes down to it alot of homosexuality is directyl related to having a over bearing or mentally abusive mother and/or a very distant or physically abusive father.
Forgive me, but that is the biggest pile of godswallop I have ever heard in my life. Perhaps YOU did choose to be gay. However *I* did not. I spent years trying not to be. Finally I concluded that I couldn't change what I was born to be and instead began to celebrate it.
And I'm not saying that parenting cannot affect a child's outcome. But to say its the parents fault? I mean come on! I had two of the most wonderful parents that ever lived! My family was loving and caring and fair and kind. We had rules, but they weren't unjust and my parents always took the time out for us.
Maybe in your situation you choose to be gay to get back at your parents, but that hardly applies to all of us.
No, it would not be.
Homosexuality is neither a national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Actually, if you examin the word genocide, you will find that it has similiar roots as the word 'gene' which basically means 'characteristic'. While it might have changed in modern vernacular, genocide would really be the killing of a group because of shared characteristics. This would include the murder of people based upon race, gender, hair color, height, culinary preference, IQ, favorite book, or sexual orientation.
If people from the south are going to drag people to death because of a stereotype and their color of their skin, I have every right to stereotype them.
Whoa there partner. . . .<points to himself> from the South. Never dragged anyone to death, never been part of a lynching, floggin, or other hate crime. Heck, my sheets aren't even white. Stereotyping white southerners as being racists idiots is as bad the stereotyping they do of african americans.
You can't prove homosexualty is not a gene. You cannot argue that if it was, it would have dies out after one generation because it is possible it started as a recessive gene, and didn't become dominant untill 4 or 5 genes down the road when everyone had it, but only a miniman percent went dominant. Idiot. Learn your genetics before you come and make false statements about stuff you don't know about.
And, homosexuality is UNNATURAL contrary to popular belief. People reproduce. If it was natural for people to like the same sex, we would be an extinct line, wouldn't we? Unless you argue that there was some exparamentation between sexes and a child was born, but that comes back to bite you in the ass because that could just as easily and more effectivly be argued in my position that if it was a gene it would be a dead gene after one generation (which it most likely wouldn't).
Sounds like you are the one who needs to learn genetics. Recessive genes stay around a LONG time. Look at blonde hair. Further, its not a dominant gene or gay people who do have children (and there are many) would have ONLY gay children. Not the case.
And there is a theory of how homosexuality could be selected for. In prehistory, the sexes were divided--men hunted, women stayed home. There was an alpha member of each sex. If, as a young person, you could get along better with that alpha member, you were far better off than someone who couldn't. That's where the theory of a "gay gene" comes in. People with one copy of the gene would be better off (and more likely to reproduce) than those with none. The side-effect would be that two copies of the gene would result in homosexuality.
It's much like selection behind sickle cell anemia/malaria. One copy of the HbS (sickle cell hemoglobin gene) causes ~1% of blood cells to die off a day which confers greater resistance to the malarial pathogen which repoduces in the blood. Throw in an extra copy of that gene and you get sickle cell anemia.
Now mind you, I'm not comparing homosexuality to sickle cell as a disease that needs to be fought and erradicated. Sickle cell causes a lot of harm and damage to the people who have it. Homosexuality doesn't. Unless of course a bunch of fundamentalists try to attack you because they have forgotten that whole "love your neighbor" line.
If homosexuality was a gene:
It would most likely be a dominant trait. Now you are saying 'Hey! If it's dominant, why aren't I gay?' Well, the answer to that is that many life threatening genetic disorders are dominant traits, but so few people in the population have it, that it rarely spreads.
If homosexuality -is- a gene, then it is a widespread gene indeed, with a large impact on the species. Research shows that up to 10% of the US population is homosexual. 10% is a HUGE modifier in a species.
Assuming this, these are the possible ways the homosexual gene can be passed:
Hetero Mom and Hetero Dad
Mom: hh Dad: hh
Offspring: All hh (Hetero)
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (Dad hybrid)
Mom: hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual), 50% hh (heterosexual)
Samegoes for reverse parentage
Hetero Mom and Homo Dad (HH)
Mom: hh Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% Hh (Hybrid Homosexual)
Homo Mom (Hh) and Homo Dad (Hh)
Mom: Hh Dad: Hh
Offspring: 25% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo), 25% hh (Hetero)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: Hh
Offspring: 50% HH (Full Homo), 50% Hh (Hybrid Homo)
Homo Mom and Homo Dad
Mom: HH Dad: HH
Offspring: 100% HH (Full Homo)
based on this information, it is highly unlikely that it is genetic. If 10% is currently homosexual, then in 10 years, it should multiply exponentially. If it is recessive, there would be no way for it to get 10% numbers...
Again, you're assuming dominance. You're also using purely Mendelian genetics. Molecular biology has shown us that gene expression is not as simple as basic dominant/recessive in a lot of cases.
genocide would be physically killing homosexuals not destroying a gene
That would be correct. The term for what you are talking about is eugenics. Didn't the Nazis try that a few years back?
I'm assuming this (not exonerate, but the ones that expressed mal-content with gays) person is from the South (United States) where incest, inbreeding, and rape are all common in the trailer parks where 50% of the population in the south are related by blood and marriage.
I'm not going to deny that incest, breeding and god only knows what else goes on here. But you can believe me that all hatred towards homosexuals does not come from here. If you will recall history, Matthew Shepard was killed in Wyoming--not the South. I'm also pretty sure that the '' website was based out of one of the northern midwest states. However, I cant' confirm that because visitors are now being redirected to the '' website. Life is so beautiful sometimes.
This has got to be a joke, besides the scientific explaination had always been an excess of the opposing sexes hormones.
Then explain gay men who has an excess of testosterone or lesbians who have an excess of estrogen. Science long ago abandoned that theory. Too bad public opinion can't seem to.
09-10-2004, 16:14
Forgive me, but that is the biggest pile of godswallop I have ever heard in my life. Perhaps YOU did choose to be gay. However *I* did not. I spent years trying not to be. Finally I concluded that I couldn't change what I was born to be and instead began to celebrate it.
And I'm not saying that parenting cannot affect a child's outcome. But to say its the parents fault? I mean come on! I had two of the most wonderful parents that ever lived! My family was loving and caring and fair and kind. We had rules, but they weren't unjust and my parents always took the time out for us.
Maybe in your situation you choose to be gay to get back at your parents, but that hardly applies to all of us.
I couldn't agree more. Thanks for pointing that out Pracus. I am bi, but for a few years, I pretended like I wasn't attracted to guys, but its not something I can hide anymore. I was born that way.
09-10-2004, 16:19
OOC: Yeah, to tie in witha religoeous debate i read on general earlier. The bible only forbids "homosexual perverts"
Someone like Euroor Prascus is not a pervert and so fine.
I worry about anyonme that thinks its choice. Ankimals are gay and so it has to be natural.
Me, Im straight as they get, but I have a quite a few gay friends (well mostly bi).
Theres the whole theory that there is sliding scale, theres a bunch of people at completely straight, a very small amount completely gay and a moderate but not huge grouo in the middle on a sliding scale.
As you get less gay, you probably fall into a larger group as it were as Id assume natural selection would reduce the number of very gay people. As as far as im concerned, its just another part of your gender.
IC: Notquiteaplace is strongly capitalist, but some things should never be for sale.