Powell Murdered in sleep? Ext. affairs Minister gunned down!
This is a Special ENN Broadcast. It has been brought to our attention that his exalted dictator Powell has died in his sleep. The death is currently being held under suspicious circumstances as the 45 y/o man was in perfect health. There is a dark cloud hanging over the country now as many parties vie for a chance to take over power including the directorate of the Fortune 500 companies. The EEG has been called onto the streets to supress the many riots that have broken out. Exetonia is noiw in a state of Martiual law as the Government examine this death. All annexed countries have been released as to free up troops to police the streets with constant patrols and searches being made by the Navy. That is all.
That was a special Broadcast by the EEN on this sad day
Super American VX Man
08-12-2003, 03:49
We wish to extend our condolensces over this tragic news and hope that your country quickly regains control over its troublesome people.
-Harold Riegan
Director of Public and International Relations
IC: The Government wishes to thank SAVXM for their condolences.
OOC: I'm developing this into an rp about a sect within the Exetonian Government with a plot to take it over. Fail or not is up to anyone who wiahes to join
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nope, Robert Powell the first.
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ENN Suplimentary Broadcast:
The Minister for External affairs has been gunned down at his home in Truro. Police and EEG officers were quick mon the scene but, all that was found were m16 bullets and a desert eagle clip. There are no finger prints. It is believed Cornish separatists were involved though, this has yet to be confirmed. The state and all it's governers are now on high alert and a murder enquiry has begun into the death of His Exalted Dictator Powell. Moments ago, the new dictator Gregor Kalzakvich was sworn into office and made this statement:
People of Exetonia. Do not fear for we shall find this murderer and his accomplises and deal with them accordingly. If you have any information please report it to yoiur local EEG office. It is imperative that these people are bougfht to justice and stability returned to our nation. All borders have now been closed until further notice and the army is currently enforcing marshal law. A curfew is now in effect during night time hours. Any illegaly armed citizen on the streets during these hours will be arrested and dealt with quickly. That is all.
That was a statement from the new Dictator, Gregor Kalzakvich.
That was a special supplementary Broadcast by the ENN
08-12-2003, 04:08
We offer our condolence to our esteemed ally, Exetonia, and hopes it's people can get back under control ("Preferably with democratic elections," VP Sandler said to an aide.)
VP Bryan Sandler, defacto leader until John Chris returns from a classified location.
Super American VX Man
08-12-2003, 04:12
Our Führer has decided that if your nation would like any help with this situation, we are willing to give it. Just name what you need, whether it be riot control, intelligence teams, etc.
-Harold Riegan
Director of Public and International Relations
FROM: EGCO (Exetonian Government Central Offices)
at the moment, the situation is completly under control but, should a problem arise, we would request CTU (counter terrorist units) and SWAT teams. Thank you for your offer.
IT has been confirmed that Powell was indeed murdered, possibly by Cornish Separatists. A link has also been found between the death of the External affirs minister and this group. As this Broadcast goes out, the EEG are in the process of rounding up any body suspected as being involved with the group nad their families. They are being taken to Camps around TRuro and will be summarily tried and, if found guilty of belonging to the Group, Executed. Although probably not directrly involved with these attempts, the leader of the separatists, Harold Jones, has been arrested and will be publicaly executed in less than an hour. This has caused a massive uproar on the streets with the Army struggling to control the people. Many casualties have been reported with many more expected. The riot temas have been sent out to all the major cities and, the Government officials flown to an undisclosed location. We'll get back to you when we have more information.
This was an ENN special broadcast
08-12-2003, 04:53
We urge you to reconsider your policy of rounding up families. Demonstrations are reported in the streets, demanding that they be released immediately. There is even calls for cutting diplomatic ties, and already, boycotts are being planned! This is a sad day for the NRTA, a very sad day.