Wolfish Is Back.
We have been absent from the Forums for too long.
Our allies are still here - and so are many of our enemies.
All should be advised....Wolfish is back, and we intend to exercise our power.
The Fedral Union
08-12-2003, 02:04
In what way ?
In the past we were a force for justice - a force which stood up for those unable to stand up for themselves. We fought against oppression.
We shall do so again.
08-12-2003, 03:29
Welcome back! :D
The Fedral Union
08-12-2003, 15:12
I see in that case good luck .
Scandavian States
08-12-2003, 15:56
Welcome back, Wolfish. My offer to join the Star League still stands and you should know that Nankin and IdP are members.
Thanks - but no. I'm staying near-future, present tech. Cheers, W.
uhm, were you my ally or?...
remember klamath?
uhm, were you my ally or?...
remember klamath?
I don't think we had a formal alliance - but I do seem to remember us fighting side-by-side.
08-12-2003, 17:53
Hey, I don't know you well, but Welcome Back. I'd also like to spend this time announcing my return to Nationstates Forums.
OOC. I'd rather post it here, than start a new topic.