After the purchase of many B52 bombers with nuclear bombs and the purchase of B2 Stealth bombers with nuclear capabilities, I here by declare the Empire of Kevin Land a Nuclear Power
The Empire of Kevin Land is a senior member of the UN. We are also a member of the "Ten Islands Treaty Organisation" so we are a very respected nation.
All we ask from our new found power and security is that we be recognised by the international community as a Super Power. The Emperor looks forward to any replies.
You have to have more than a few nuclear bombers to be a super power on NS kevie :P
07-12-2003, 22:18
tsk tsk tsk. you are too small to have that kind of weaponry or millitary or ANY b52's. go read FYI: what godmoding is
07-12-2003, 22:18
*Ignore Cannon actived*
07-12-2003, 22:19
plus if you call yourself a superpower someone will drop a bomb just for the fun of it.
Meh, i recognise you weaponry but, not your status as a superpower. Hell, some of the states on here probebly have about 250thou upwards. Nice to see you are in the nuclear age now. Have fun crippling your economy :P
I have a very large budget because of my great economic level. Read my File. We are a economically powerful country. I bought the weapons from a respectable american military sales person.
We are a nuclear power now. No godmoding. Accept it. We are a nuclear power.
We recognize your silly ambition with nukes. However, you sir are NOT a super power. We ourselves are not even in that elite league. It would be wise to have a low profile for a while to build up your nation before making such statements again.
~Devin Haack
Chairman, Coucil of Foreign Affairs
Thriving is not one of the better econmies, I am not going to dispute your nukes but, you are NOT a world power nor a super power you could be crushed in a day by 3/4 of the NS nations.
07-12-2003, 22:23
i'm just waiting for it to blow up in your face. and i mean really blowing up :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:plus how are you paying for this :twisted: :twisted:
LMFAO, if i sent my five H-Bombs after you, youd crumble. If it wasent for your membership, and possible allies, I would in fact send the H-Bombs, along with 250 A10s, 200 F/A-18s, 300F-15s, 75B52s, and so forth.
you must comply your nation is way to small to have the weapons you have you must dissarm or face Austnell and coalalition force and if you did not know iam a nuclear super power
I'm not saying I'm any better than you, but I think your Nation is weak. Who cares about your economy? It's a barren wasteland with a pitiful population. You've nearly lead your cat's to extinction, the poor little Buggers! You will be demolished, and most likely by your own negligence.
We no longer dclare ourselves a super power but still declare ourselves a nuclear power and wish to recognised and respected as such.
After reading such bs i think its time we prove it to him. Any nations willing to team up and show him up let me know. I will not attack inless i have help.
i implor you sir dissarm now
07-12-2003, 22:31
i have a kickin economy too but i can't have nuclear weapons. you silly silly little leader you. you deserve to be blown off the face of the earth. good luck running between the fallouts
07-12-2003, 22:31
recognized as a power, eh?
Well, how about you join me. Annexion is not a painful procedure, but it sure does hurt when refused.
I play by the rules. I checked the calculater. If you want you can too and then you can see how much of these B2 and B52's and nukes that I have by going to one of the sales forums. We have a lot of money to spend on this equipment and didn't even exceed our budget. We still; haave more left over for more purchases. Plus, the defence budget has increased since the purchase last friday.
I don't want to argue about my ability to buy nukes. The transaction was done.
I simply declare Kevin Land a nuclear power and look forward to including some of you fine people on my list of allies.
"LALALA I'm a military superpower who is ranked 217th in the region and 74,789th in the world for Largest Defense Forces (per capita)."
"Lalala this nation has been in existance for 4 days hear me roar!!!"
Ok Kevin Land, the men with the white dinner with long sleeves which tie in the back absolutely agree that you are a superpower (look at the shiny buckles). If you are good they will allow you a whole <i>hour</i> of TV time tonight.
Super American VX Man
07-12-2003, 22:36
How many did you buy? One of each?
You can't really talk yourself. Your just a "bureaucrat". However if you want to also have nukes then I will talk to the bloke who sold me them.
Also I dismiss most of your message because of your lack of role play. You don't know much about diplomacy. You should read the thread
07-12-2003, 22:38
THATS IT I'VE HAD IT. WE WILL DISARM YOU IF YOU DON'T DO IT NOW. (bah a 3 or 4 day old nation trying this crap)
07-12-2003, 22:38
Who in their right mind would sell nuclear weapons to a 4-day old tiny irresponsible nation like yours? Whoever sold you those weapons is by far more dangerous and should be immediately invaded for the sake of planetary stability!
Cartoria please say your a resureccted nation
07-12-2003, 22:40
Kevin Land, you better shut up, for your own good...
That's great. Now my Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Defence Special Forces have officially declared you a threat. If you weren't godmoding, I would send an elite task force of NBCD Special Forces to sabatauge your nuke supply as we don't trust warmongering nations with nukes.
I have to state that realisically you can't just go to war now! SORRY!!!
You can set your troops on the road now and declare war on me right here in twenty-four hours time. Wire a telegram to remind me about it. I'll get my troops ready and all on TITO to protect me in the mean time.
I really don't want to go to war, because if your nation is a powerfull nation, which I don't know, then you'll possibly beat me on the ground (BUT NOT IF/WHEN TITO STEPS IN!)
You see if that happened I'd have to (as a last resort) nuke you and then we'd both be fucked!
I'll see you soon if you still want to go to war.
I didn't want it to turn out this way. You should read my messages again! All I've done is purchased security and declared it.
I have to state that realisically you can't just go to war now! SORRY!!!
You can set your troops on the road now and declare war on me right here in twenty-four hours time. Wire a telegram to remind me about it. I'll get my troops ready and all on TITO to protect me in the mean time.
I really don't want to go to war, because if your nation is a powerfull nation, which I don't know, then you'll possibly beat me on the ground (BUT NOT IF/WHEN TITO STEPS IN!)
You see if that happened I'd have to (as a last resort) nuke you and then we'd both be fucked!
I'll see you soon if you still want to go to war.
I didn't want it to turn out this way. You should read my messages again! All I've done is purchased security and declared it.
My NBCD Special Forces, of course, realistically could sneak into your nation right now because they are Special Forces. :twisted:
07-12-2003, 22:50
i am sorry i started acting immature like when i was jollen
ATTENTION, ENV Seashadow. These are your orders:
Move to firing range of Kevin Land. Prwepare to launch 2 JAXMi2 missi8les upon command confirmation. Activate stealth properties (as in , practcaly invisible to radar like stealth plane except when hit). As soon as you recieve command, fire. We are preping our SW project to take out these nukes. This should combat the threat. I want you there in 12 Hours.
ATTN KEVINLAND Leaders: This is an official declaration of war against a power who is so blatently willing to throw it's nukes around. Prepare to be annexed. Surrender now or be destroyed. You have 13 hours.
I don't accept that! I could say the same thing! REad over what has happened. If you still want war. It will happen realisically and in the realistic time. Right now, I have a meeting with an ambassador.
Remember what I said. READ OVER MY MESSAGES!
Wire a telegram to me tomorrow if you want to go to war
I hope you'll see sence.
Don't even try aiming those nukes, because we can hack into your targeting computers and you could end up nuking an ally of yours.
That's great. Now my Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Defence Special Forces have officially declared you a threat. If you weren't godmoding, I would send an elite task force of NBCD Special Forces to sabatauge your nuke supply as we don't trust warmongering nations with nukes.
LMFAO, your godmodding now, wasn’t your nation just attacked...Yea, big disaster and you want to invade a nation on the same day, lol!
ATTN Kevin land: accepted or not, in 12 rl minutes those missiles are being fired. You cannot just say i'm not ready.
Finally someone with sence. Now I've got to go. See you tomorrow if you want war.
Finally someone with sence. Now I've got to go. See you tomorrow if you want war.
07-12-2003, 22:55
Kevin Land, you answered a threat with a threat...not very diplomatic. If you are counting on your regional allies to help you...don't. Yes, you have declared that you purchased "security". But with a population of 9 million and a thriving you really think you can support a nuclear program? Honestly, I would check the validity of those nuclear weapons and B52's, as the purchase and maintenance of this program has surely expended your GDP. How willing are your regional members going to be when it is most likely that they will have to feed your people for the next 10 years at their cost?
07-12-2003, 22:55
blow his head off. i'm fine. i just wanna watch with my popcorn company nearby
Kevin Land, I have deployed, my H-Bombs, and should be there in about 20-30min. Enjoy! All previous talks of allies is canceled. Enjoy some free radioactive material
meh,just cause he was attacked doesn't mean he can't attack. RL example. Taliban attacks america, America attacks Taliban within months. In NS time, several months have passed since then so, it is plausible.
07-12-2003, 22:56
Ah.. god-modders...
we understand that you have the weapons but wht we are trying to tell you is that you are to small of a nation to have the weapons that you have and on top of that your country is to young to have the weapons that you have columbus did not find america and in 3 day claim it to be a super power back down sir
Austinell has 4 million troops (50,000 ready to deploy)
iam 63,419 in the world and a nuclear/atomic power
your country only has 9 mill. for its total population i have
4 mill. troops total DIASSARM NOW
Get with the program. 20-30 minutes is far to fast. What the hell are u carryi9ng them on, a space shuttle
I my friend do not godmodd, I might have in the past, but that is in the past and this is the pressent. Would you like to see proof of my nations H-Bombs which are enroute to the top five energy producing plants. I have F H-Bombs and more comming, not to mention a couple other nuukes, im not teh one claiming to be a superpower here.
I my friend do not godmodd, I might have in the past, but that is in the past and this is the pressent. Would you like to see proof of my nations H-Bombs which are enroute to the top five energy producing plants. I have Five H-Bombs and more comming, not to mention a couple other nuukes, im not teh one claiming to be a superpower here.
I my friend do not godmodd, I might have in the past, but that is in the past and this is the pressent. Would you like to see proof of my nations H-Bombs which are enroute to the top five energy producing plants. I have F H-Bombs and more comming, not to mention a couple other nuukes, im not teh one claiming to be a superpower here.
You noe have 5 rl minutes to comply. I repeat, the war will be started in 5 rl minutes
Get with the program. 20-30 minutes is far to fast. What the hell are u carryi9ng them on, a space shuttle You are a rude and unpleasant person, You do not know the location from which they were launched..
07-12-2003, 23:03
sheesh who new me just saying blow his friggin head off would stat this :twisted: ME LIKE :twisted:
The war will not be started in five minutes. I aid 24 hours. You can't deide when it starts no more than I can. I am going to call upon some allies to help right now.
umm. If they were launched from a carrier, where was that rp'd in this thread and, unless you are in his region, i seriously doubt any bomber unless it's future tech could reach him in that sort of time.
umm. If they were launched from a carrier, where was that rp'd in this thread and, unless you are in his region, i seriously doubt any bomber unless it's future tech could reach him in that sort of time.
07-12-2003, 23:05
Since you have spent so much money on bombers you won't be able to afford mines or other defenses
That's great. Now my Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Defence Special Forces have officially declared you a threat. If you weren't godmoding, I would send an elite task force of NBCD Special Forces to sabatauge your nuke supply as we don't trust warmongering nations with nukes.
LMFAO, your godmodding now, wasn’t your nation just attacked...Yea, big disaster and you want to invade a nation on the same day, lol!
I said I would, not I will. I said it in a passive voice saying I would but will not. I did not declare war or an attack. Misunderstandings. Oh and you are the biggest godmoder. (Godmoder is short for one who uses godmode, a cheat in the game Doom, making one invincible.)
07-12-2003, 23:07
whats you capital kevin land?
It is in fact a futuristic tech. And the carrier was on the border lines. The aircraft can travel at supersonic speeds of up to 5.0 Mach.
I can in fact show you a picture, and will be happy to sell you a few, but the thing is its going to be a few more days before the model is done.(Builing in 3D MAX)
07-12-2003, 23:11
lets just start the fireworks
07-12-2003, 23:11
lets just start the fireworks
That's great. Now my Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Defence Special Forces have officially declared you a threat. If you weren't godmoding, I would send an elite task force of NBCD Special Forces to sabatauge your nuke supply as we don't trust warmongering nations with nukes.
LMFAO, your godmodding now, wasn’t your nation just attacked...Yea, big disaster and you want to invade a nation on the same day, lol!
I said I would, not I will. I said it in a passive voice saying I would but will not. I did not declare war or an attack. Misunderstandings. Oh and you are the biggest godmoder. (Godmoder is short for one who uses godmode, a cheat in the game Doom, making one invincible.)
Ill give you credit for that cover up, and no that is not the correct term for what i used. I simply made it up, thought it would be easy to follow, but i guess not as you could not.
ooc:You really don't get the idea of this type of RP do you. I declared war. You have to accept this and react.
IC: The Seashadow arrived at her destination and sat their waiting for the final command. Meanwhile. The entire Exetonian navy was launched from the Earth area of the region of moon colony I and will arrive in 24 hours (24 rl minutes) This consits of the following:
4 x command ship
12 x Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers with 170 F/A-18Es and 850 F-14 Tomcats
1 x Franklin Osis Class CVL
2 x hospital ship
25 x Arleigh Burke AEGIS Destroyer
12 x Iowa Class Battleship
8 x Arsenal Ship
10 x Long Beach Class Nuclear Cruiser (CGN-9)
40 x Oliver Hazard Perry Class ASW Frigate
1000 x Brahmos missiles (anti ship, sprea evenly accross fleet
12 x Helicopter Assault Ship
480 x Sea King ASW Helicopter
10 x F-14E Ultra Tomcat - Carrier capable
20 x F16A/B - Carrier capable
22 x Sea Shadow
1000 x N-435 Stingray Armoured Hydroplane
400 x Weathered Class Torpedo Boat
4 x Hovercraft Deep Sea Transport
30 x Scout Hovercraft
50 x FLK Armored Gun Cruisers
Once they have arrived, they will begin attacks on several land based targets. With the seakings, there is a contingent of 1900 marines.
The Seashadow recieved the command to fire her compliment of JAXMi2 and the launch tubes opened. 2 missiles shot out targeting the capital of Kevin land and the airbase with the b-52's on it.
Grootsku, please refrain from using future tech here. And Kevinland, post your actions/losses. Read the stickies to.
Grootsku, please refrain from using future tech here. And Kevinland, post your actions/losses. Read the stickies to.
Grootsku, please refrain from using future tech here. And Kevinland, post your actions/losses. Read the stickies to.
The five Hydrogen bombs are approaching their targets, and will hit their directed target. We have targeted the five facilities which provide the most electrical power. Doing this we hope to paralyze the nation leaving them open and susceptible to other attacks.
07-12-2003, 23:20
cartoria is deploying 5 teams of 5 special force agents. (just about the same as the Navy SEals in real life). they shall be attacking troops in the smallest towns of Kevin land. EDIT: Then they shall converge on communications sources for Kevin land
Extonia, I apologize for the mix up and will no longer use future tech from here on for this war. However I ask that you allow the previous launch of H-Bombs to count towards our efforts.
Hacking enemy systems now. Hopefully, Kevin Land's nukes will be pointed away from any nation that is attacking them.
nah, sorry but 5 is a little bit to much. I just launched to weaps that act like tactical nukes without the FP. 5 H-bombs will wipe out a nation his size. We merley want to annex him ;)
Linux, your post is ignored. I can intercept the nukes before they get close anyways with my naval airforce or the normal airforce. However, the spirit of well wishing is accepted
Roger that, the Five H-Bombs have been called back, and a fleet of 300 A10s have been launched to take out all power supplying facilities. 150 of them will be used to take out any remaining targets. A large convoy of fighting force is also being transported to a closer undisclosed location to attack any other nations in the region that my launch a counter strike against us.
Roger that, the Five H-Bombs have been called back, and a fleet of 300 A10s have been launched to take out all power supplying facilities. 150 of them will be used to take out any remaining targets. A large convoy of fighting force is also being transported to a closer undisclosed location to attack any other nations in the region that my launch a counter strike against us.
07-12-2003, 23:28
edited out
Old Brittania
07-12-2003, 23:28
*the imperial trucks stand awaited on the border lands, each bear the flag of her majesties royal crest, the empire of old brittania had gotten to hear of the dispute and the mini powers involved and it amused greatly the brittanic populations with nations whose population was a little over 200 million declaring nuclear war and such*
25 trucks rolled into kevin land loaded with nuclear weapons for the defence of kevinland in the harbour the might of the old british guns sit in waiting, there high velosity cruise missile launchers and 3 aircraft carriers packing 60 swipe class jets with the radical Trident bomb onboard aswel as aircraft defence dogfight heat seekers and lazer guided grand slam bombs.
the brittanic population of 839 million wakes up in the morning to hear the news on national television stations, the government are upbeat and happy
Brittania satelite defence systems were in place and after such a long time the heaving muscles of the empire were going to crush once more some nations which dare stand in the way of her all encompassing might.
Old Brittania
07-12-2003, 23:28
*the imperial trucks stand awaited on the border lands, each bear the flag of her majesties royal crest, the empire of old brittania had gotten to hear of the dispute and the mini powers involved and it amused greatly the brittanic populations with nations whose population was a little over 200 million declaring nuclear war and such*
25 trucks rolled into kevin land loaded with nuclear weapons for the defence of kevinland in the harbour the might of the old british guns sit in waiting, there high velosity cruise missile launchers and 3 aircraft carriers packing 60 swipe class jets with the radical Trident bomb onboard aswel as aircraft defence dogfight heat seekers and lazer guided grand slam bombs.
the brittanic population of 839 million wakes up in the morning to hear the news on national television stations, the government are upbeat and happy
Brittania satelite defence systems were in place and after such a long time the heaving muscles of the empire were going to crush once more some nations which dare stand in the way of her all encompassing might.
Cartoria's last post is ignored. No fighting and no battle reports. You posted something that can't happen without KevinLand doing or saying something
Open Letter to Kevin land from the Imperial War Council of Wolfish
It seems you've gotten yourself and your nation into a bit of a mess.
My nation will offer you protection - however - once this conflict is ended, we'll need to have a discussion about proper roleplaying.
James Todler,
President, Wolfish.
Founded: 03 Dec 2003
All we ask from our new found power and security is that we be recognised by the international community as a Super Power. The Emperor looks forward to any replies.
Load the Ignore Napoleon!
HRH king Nell-dar has sent forth 2 battle ships to kevin land the ships have 40 f15e each
HRH king Nell-dar has sent forth 2 battle ships to kevin land the ships have 40 f15e each
07-12-2003, 23:34
all cartorian forces have been removed to prevent invasion from larger countries.
Great Mateo
07-12-2003, 23:35
Kevin Land, according the GDP calculator that most people here use, your max military spending ability is around $1.75 billion. Sure, you may have been able to afford a few B-52s, but after that purchase you have next to money to buy nukes with. Even if some idiot did sell nukes to a 4 day old nation for a million each or something equally low. Now, congratulations, you have big, aged bombers with crappy nuclear weapons, and no cash to buy anything else. Any nation in here could waltz into your country with a few hundred tanks and basically say "Mine."
In the news of another nation taking Kevin Land's side, I have deployed a large tactical force of Air, land, and sea warriors. The nation is surrounded. Using spy satellites, the missile silo location sites have been discovered, and will be wired to all those nations which are fighting this war against Kevin Land. Marines, Airborne Rangers, and so many more SF in the area. With in 10rl Min, 12NS hours, the nation will be surrounded, and we will be able to control what goes in and what goes out.
Our allies will be alerted of the situation, and up to 8 more nations may embark on the nation of Kevin Land to destroy, and knock some sense into him.
Kevin Land, according the GDP calculator that most people here use, your max military spending ability is around $1.75 billion. Sure, you may have been able to afford a few B-52s, but after that purchase you have next to money to buy nukes with. Even if some idiot did sell nukes to a 4 day old nation for a million each or something equally low. Now, congratulations, you have big, aged bombers with crappy nuclear weapons, and no cash to buy anything else. Any nation in here could waltz into your country with a few hundred tanks and basically say "Mine."
While I don't condone the actions of this nation in declaring nuclear capacity at such a young age - I have offered Kevin Land protection. Therefore, I'd suggest that a few hundred tanks would not be quite enough.
In the news of another nation taking Kevin Land's side, I have deployed a large tactical force of Air, land, and sea warriors. The nation is surrounded. Using spy satellites, the missile silo location sites have been discovered, and will be wired to all those nations which are fighting this war against Kevin Land. Marines, Airborne Rangers, and so many more SF in the area. With in 10rl Min, 12NS hours, the nation will be surrounded, and we will be able to control what goes in and what goes out.
Our allies will be alerted of the situation, and up to 8 more nations may embark on the nation of Kevin Land to destroy, and knock some sense into him.
You sure you want to dance this dance?
07-12-2003, 23:40
the only reason why we attacked is to prevent him from launching on any of us.
Old Brittania
07-12-2003, 23:40
ooc the empire of old brittania is here to ensure that peace reigns and to discuss possible membership to the old british empire, lol also i like to give those ppl who declare war on little nations good kick in the head
becuase instead of demanding they dissarm which btw wont be happening to kevinland now *sticks toungue out* lol they should try to explain to them the basic rules, i noticed that kevinland did take away the fact that he was a super power straight away when a few went all huffy about it, my philosophy is, let em say what they will.
its better than trying to play big man against them when your only a tiddler yourself.
In the news of another nation taking Kevin Land's side, I have deployed a large tactical force of Air, land, and sea warriors. The nation is surrounded. Using spy satellites, the missile silo location sites have been discovered, and will be wired to all those nations which are fighting this war against Kevin Land. Marines, Airborne Rangers, and so many more SF in the area. With in 10rl Min, 12NS hours, the nation will be surrounded, and we will be able to control what goes in and what goes out.
Our allies will be alerted of the situation, and up to 8 more nations may embark on the nation of Kevin Land to destroy, and knock some sense into him.
You sure you want to dance this dance?
Sir, you dont want to F*** with me. Me and my nations are large enough to destroy ten good sized nations. Good Day.
after king nell-dar of austinell put forth 4 battle ships he now has sent forth his ground attack on the kevin land capitol once on land 20 m1a1 tanks will be used in the ground war
Well, my navy has arrived and is itting off of the coast. I am waiting on KevinLands reply to the effe4ct the JAX missiles have had and am also begining to move my army to the regions borders, (this will take several months - 2NS hours.) These forces consist of the following:
ARMY (soldiers):
3,000,000 x Frag Grenades
350,000 x AK 47
350,000 x M41A Pulse Rifle
100,000 x Wagoogenizer
400,000 x army uniforms
400,000 x m16 a2 rifles
400,000 x mk XIX Desert eagles
400,000 x Combat knife
400,000 x kevlar body armour
400,000 x Gas Mask
400,000 x Binoculars
100 x Desert Eagle
1,200,000 x Walther PPK and holster
1000 x mod 3 machine guns
100,000 x M-60 machine gun
10,000 x M224 60mm LWCMS
1,000 x SV-98 Sniper rifles
1,000 x SP-10 Magnum
Army (armour and artillery support/other):
1,000 x SNAL-1-B
420,000 x rockets for SNAL-1-B
100 x M48 medium tanks
40 x T-62AGM Soviet tanks
200 x 152mm MSTA-S Self-propelled Howitzer
5,000 x Gaz-3937 Mortar Carrier - 1bil
5,100 x Upgraded GRAD MLRS
510 x 9K58 SMERCH-M Multiple Launch Rocket System
1,100 x 120mm NONA-SVK Self-Propelled Gun/Mortar System
2,000 x DIANA 25mm AA Cannon
50 x Military Landing HoverCraft
4000 x Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tank
10,000 x M-15 LBT's
Air Force:
200 x F-15E Strike Eagle
200 x JAS 39 Gripen
100 x F-117a Nighthawk
100 x F-15c
10 x AC-150 Tanker
10 x F/A-18 Super Hornet
10 x AN-70
10 x A-1 AMX
20 x B-52 Bomber
ICBM etc:
80 x JAXMi2 missile (very explosive)
1000 x Nozh extended range missiles
07-12-2003, 23:42
i only wanted him to disarm not to cause war. i will come to a full peace agreement as soon as Kevin Land sends a diplomat to cartoria
Any nation in here could waltz into your country with a few hundred tanks and basically say "Mine."
Or just send a man with a .38 revolver into the capital; that'd be even easier, and still achieve the objective of annexation.
I thought I saw a post a few days ago that was the most gross stupidity I've ever seen online, but Kevin Land takes the cake.
the only reason why we attacked is to prevent him from launching on any of us.
I suggest you back down until such time as Kevin Land has an opportunity to declare his intentions.
Anyone firing on Kevin Land until such time will face the full force of the Wolfish Defense Command.
I extend this request to Extonia, to combine our forces, and plan together, and use each of our nation's powers as one to attack more effectively.
The Mondiale declares complete neutrality in this absurd affair.
07-12-2003, 23:46
the only reason why we attacked is to prevent him from launching on any of us.
I suggest you back down until such time as Kevin Land has an opportunity to declare his intentions.
Anyone firing on Kevin Land until such time will face the full force of the Wolfish Defense Command. ok but if you look up i pulled out all of my forces and am waiting until kevin land communicates (ooc: also i can't really plan a war cuse i have a funeral in New Jersey to go to so i can't take my laptop)
07-12-2003, 23:46
ooc: I know i am a n00b, but i would like to offer a more peaceful resolution to this subject, kevin just screwed up.
kevin in RL the city of New York has a frightening economy and houses about 12,000,000. people, that is four million more then your country.
now you can continue to godmod, and be raped by these large nations, who are only trying to teach you a lesson. or....
IC: To the Coalition preparing to attack KevinLand and to the misguided and misinformed leaders of KevinLand.
Skibereenian clandestine services have determined that the nuclear arms you purchased were frauds, the warheads have incased with in over radiated cesium isotobes which would give the same reading if a cursory inspection of the warheads was preformed rather than the more thorough inspections possible by advanced nations, in other words they are 'duds'.
As well the B-52's are actually mock up chasis thrown on Kingair power plants were they to be flown with a full bomb load they would never get off the ground.
I humbly ask the coalition to stand down against what amounts to be a 'paper tiger', and avoid a slaughter which would undoubtably cause civilian casualties.
KevinLand, The nation of Skibereen would be happy to assist you in attempting to repair the 'burned bridges' of diplomacy which have been caused by this action.
Sincerely President Brian Boru
The Armed Republic of Skibereen
OOC:Kevin I hope you accept my RP, as well I hope the senior players accept it. If kevin you dont, then you are a truly a n00b, and I myself have the old I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon looking for a tone. If the senior players dont accept it, I guess you have to take your medicine.
Grootsku, accepted. Wolfish. read the entire thread and you will see our reasons for war.
07-12-2003, 23:48
Ok guys. i think he knows not to try to attack anyone for a while so lets leave him alone :evil:
Well, my navy has arrived and is itting off of the coast. I am waiting on KevinLands reply to the effe4ct the JAX missiles have had and am also begining to move my army to the regions borders, (this will take several months - 2NS hours.) These forces consist of the following:
ARMY (soldiers):
3,000,000 x Frag Grenades
350,000 x AK 47
350,000 x M41A Pulse Rifle
100,000 x Wagoogenizer
400,000 x army uniforms
400,000 x m16 a2 rifles
400,000 x mk XIX Desert eagles
400,000 x Combat knife
400,000 x kevlar body armour
400,000 x Gas Mask
400,000 x Binoculars
100 x Desert Eagle
1,200,000 x Walther PPK and holster
1000 x mod 3 machine guns
100,000 x M-60 machine gun
10,000 x M224 60mm LWCMS
1,000 x SV-98 Sniper rifles
1,000 x SP-10 Magnum
Army (armour and artillery support/other):
1,000 x SNAL-1-B
420,000 x rockets for SNAL-1-B
100 x M48 medium tanks
40 x T-62AGM Soviet tanks
200 x 152mm MSTA-S Self-propelled Howitzer
5,000 x Gaz-3937 Mortar Carrier - 1bil
5,100 x Upgraded GRAD MLRS
510 x 9K58 SMERCH-M Multiple Launch Rocket System
1,100 x 120mm NONA-SVK Self-Propelled Gun/Mortar System
2,000 x DIANA 25mm AA Cannon
50 x Military Landing HoverCraft
4000 x Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tank
10,000 x M-15 LBT's
Air Force:
200 x F-15E Strike Eagle
200 x JAS 39 Gripen
100 x F-117a Nighthawk
100 x F-15c
10 x AC-150 Tanker
10 x F/A-18 Super Hornet
10 x AN-70
10 x A-1 AMX
20 x B-52 Bomber
ICBM etc:
80 x JAXMi2 missile (very explosive)
1000 x Nozh extended range missiles
Very well. Because of your unwillingness to comply with our request - we have decided to make an example of your pitiful nation.
Given that the above stated troops and the logistical and supply troops required to move that size of a force would constitute the bulk of your military capacity - at that you have openly stated that they are enroute to Kevin Land - Wolfish forces have begun to converge on your homeland. Consider this to be a declaration of war.
Wolfish Defense Command has dispatched the Third Navy to Exetonia.
The Third Navy consists of 20 individual BattleGroups.
This naval force will be supplimented by the full Wolfish Air Forces, and Wolfish Missile Forces as necessary.
This is your last opportunity to withdraw from Kevinland.
Old Brittania
07-12-2003, 23:51
i greatly commend those nations seeking a peaceful end to this conflict, the brittanic forces are not many here in the region but we are also a strong nation with potential and growth exists,
we offer kevinland whatever monetry and millitary assistance it may require to sort out its problems, i would suggest very much a change of government within the nation, we suggest a conservative government with an heir of dignity about it,
we will not abandon this nation we will do our best to help them procede in the world.
07-12-2003, 23:52
the only reason why we attacked is to prevent him from launching on any of us.
Not true, he never said he was going to launch. He mearly "declared" the weapons in question. While I do not agree with the statements made by Kevin Land, I do agree with Wolfish in the sence that KL will need some RP experiance.
I am equally disappointed with the manner that some of you 'experianced" nations handeled this situation. So Kevin Land made a statement about his nukes. But, rather than help him with his "ill" decessions, you decide to annex him and murder millions of inocent civilians...Very Diplomatic.
I've seen the word "godmod" thrown around just as freely as these nuclear weapons. Exetonia: You mobilized an entire Naval force in a short period of time....I mean 50+ warships is bit of a streach. Are we to believe that your entire navy is loaded, supplied, and ready to "rock" at the drop of a pin? While may have smaller Naval groups on patrol, maintaining and supplying an entire "Active" Naval force seems a bit far fetched.
Wolfish: If you require assistance, let me know.
M. Uganda
07-12-2003, 23:54
I am now a neutral country in this. I hope that all nations involved can resolve this peacefully
the only reason why we attacked is to prevent him from launching on any of us.
Not true, he never said he was going to launch. He mearly "declared" the weapons in question. While I do not agree with the statements made by Kevin Land, I do agree with Wolfish in the sence that KL will need some RP experiance.
I am equally disappointed with the manner that some of you 'experianced" nations handeled this situation. So Kevin Land made a statement about his nukes. But, rather than help him with his "ill" decessions, you decide to annex him and murder millions of inocent civilians...Very Diplomatic.
I've seen the word "godmod" thrown around just as freely as these nuclear weapons. Exetonia: You mobilized an entire Naval force in a short period of time....I mean 50+ warships is bit of a streach. Are we to believe that your entire navy is loaded, supplied, and ready to "rock" at the drop of a pin? While may have smaller Naval groups on patrol, maintaining and supplying an entire "Active" Naval force seems a bit far fetched.
Wolfish: If you require assistance, let me know.
M. Uganda
Thank you. My intent is to enroll Kevin Land in Role Play University.
07-12-2003, 23:56
I am now a neutral country in this. I hope that all nations involved can resolve this peacefully
This thread has really taken off for all of the wrong reasons. I suggest creating a separate thread for the war, explaining the reasons all in one post. Otherwise, Kevin Land - a newbie - will be overwhelmed.
Five H-Bombs were earlier retracted. A statement was made that five of them would destroy his nation, given this fact we will launch all five in overlapping range circumference of the weapon. If any nation sets foot on my land or extonia's land. Meaning every square inch will almost be effected. We have retracted the bulk of our armed forces leaving enough to defend and hold our current advances. The rest has been called back or canceled deployment. About 250 F-15s and 150 F-18s are now doing regular air patrols to shoot down and eliminate all enemy forces making advances on my nation or extonia.
Five H-Bombs were earlier retracted. A statement was made that five of them would destroy his nation, given this fact we will launch all five in overlapping range circumference of the weapon. If any nation sets foot on my land or extonia's land. Meaning every square inch will almost be effected. We have retracted the bulk of our armed forces leaving enough to defend and hold our current advances. The rest has been called back or canceled deployment. About 250 F-15s and 150 F-18s are now doing regular air patrols to shoot down and eliminate all enemy forces making advances on my nation or extonia.
ooc: Just to clarify - your nuclear weapons were recalled - and you have no forces in or around Kevin Land?
Old Brittania - telegram received. Hopefully it won't come to that but thank you.
Read from the start and you may understand my latest post.
08-12-2003, 00:05
Hey - nice to see you. I remember a long time ago a similar situation involving the two of us. History continues to repeat itself on NS.
08-12-2003, 00:09
I, the lowly assistant to the assistant to the 3rd class beurocrat of the office of cheese exporting of the Dominion of Ithelstone, hereby states his overwhelming thankfulness for the honor of witnessing an excellent example of how not to role-play. Long live the CEO!
Great Mateo
08-12-2003, 00:10
Great Mateo declares itself neutral in all conflicts stemming from this, and Kevin Land ignored.
08-12-2003, 00:14
i will help rebuild all buildings lost in kevinland during this foolish battle
I feel lazy, so I didn't read the entire thread, and I don't know exactly why I'm responding to this, but Kevin Land's N00KZ are loaded on B-52's. Sure, a B-52 may be relatively hard to shoot down, but it's still just a B-52, a very old plane decades older than most of the pilots flying them. By no means is it stealthy or fast. Anybody who's scared of a four day old nation with a weapons delivery system which can be countered by one SAM battery or one figher plane is foolish.
To all Exetonian Nations. A new threat has emmerged. Return home immediately. Annexation -plan scrapped. Lets see if we can come to a peaceful ressolution after all.
[ooc: How come i was nearlt anned for doing this when i was first around but i'm not allowed to do the same. Something tells me the bigger nations should teach what they prwach and allow us smaller nations to do it. My post was sent before yours woolfish and I had not had a chnac to respond. Consider my forces withdrawn and the JAX missiles destroyed in the atmosphere befor they armed - IN FUTURE, If I want to annex a nation who fails to heed warning about noobishness, i should be alowed to. No one stepped to my aid when i was in trouble all those months ago from annexation. I had to handlke it myself. There ends my rant and my forces are now leaving. Well done for screwing up a perfectly good rp'ing opportunity.]
[ooc2: Yesterday, i had a war with someone who was defending a nation i was going to annex. We had a perfectly good rp with us fighting onj both sides. We eventually conceded to a draw as the nation being annexed agreed to talks.]
To all Exetonian Nations. A new threat has emmerged. Return home immediately. Annexation -plan scrapped. Lets see if we can come to a peaceful ressolution after all.
[ooc: How come i was nearlt anned for doing this when i was first around but i'm not allowed to do the same. Something tells me the bigger nations should teach what they prwach and allow us smaller nations to do it. My post was sent before yours woolfish and I had not had a chnac to respond. Consider my forces withdrawn and the JAX missiles destroyed in the atmosphere befor they armed - IN FUTURE, If I want to annex a nation who fails to heed warning about noobishness, i should be alowed to. No one stepped to my aid when i was in trouble all those months ago from annexation. I had to handlke it myself. There ends my rant and my forces are now leaving. Well done for screwing up a perfectly good rp'ing opportunity.]
[ooc2: Yesterday, i had a war with someone who was defending a nation i was going to annex. We had a perfectly good rp with us fighting onj both sides. We eventually conceded to a draw as the nation being annexed agreed to talks.]
ooc: Just to be clear - I wasn't going to annex you. I fight those who bully newbies. We need to encourage new nations to learn the rules - and if they screw up - we need to teach them - not attack them. Had I been active on the board when you were being bullied I would have done the same thing to help you.
ic: Wolfish forces begin to withdraw from the area without having fired a shot.
I must agree with extonia, its funny though, kevinland isnt talking he needs his mommy and addy todo it for him.
I must agree with extonia, its funny though, kevinland isnt talking he needs his mommy and addy todo it for him.
If you would actually check - you'd see that he's not online right now.
This is enough to conclude the thread, past events are relevant enough to finish it off, and Wolfish go fish, im sick of your shit, bite me. :twisted: :P :x 8) :?
Idea borrowed from Nakaland or w/e the nation name was.
Note: multi posts were not intended, seems that NS is showing its cheep construction, but i guess we will live intill NS2 is done.
I concur Woolfish. You made a valid point. He has just spammed. Grootsku. All relations terminated due to your blatent wasting of space.
Idea borrowed from Nakaland or w/e the nation name was.
Its Nanakaland. Oh - and the thread was already over when I closed that one, I was just putting it in black and white to stop it from being hijacked with arguements on whether (sp?) you are a godmoder. I also supported my "The End" with actual quotes, proving that combat is over. That was a combat thread, this isn't. Even if the combat stopped, this thread isn't over because its purpose wasn't combat.