Holy Mercenaries Launches Surprise Attack on Port Nanaka
Today, the nation of Holy Mercenaries has launched a surprise attack on Port Nanaka, the location of the Nanakaland Navy. This is in response to the defeat of Holy Mercenaries in the Bigtopian Revolt. Four aircraft carriers have sent two hundred bombers to attack the location of the largest port in Nanakaland.
The docks and airfields are primary targets. If successful, this attack will be as crippling to Nanakaland as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor crippled the US Pacific navy.
If successful, this attack will be as crippling to Nanakaland as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor crippled the US Pacific navy.
I hope you know that Japan ended up getting nuked.
07-12-2003, 20:14
2 helicopter carriers with 30 KL-55n's on each were on their way towards the Nanakaland Port Nanaka as a neutral position. We demand to know the reason for your attack!
07-12-2003, 20:15
If successful, this attack will be as crippling to Nanakaland as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor crippled the US Pacific navy.
I hope you know that Japan ended up getting nuked.
We demand to know the reason for your attack!
This is in response to the defeat of Holy Mercenaries in the Bigtopian Revolt.
Bigtopian Revolt (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=101076&highlight=holy%20mercenaries)
07-12-2003, 20:21
Ah, woops... But could you explain for those who didnt see this?
Ah, woops... But could you explain for those who didnt see this?
The UBFF revolted against Nanakaland rule in Bigtopia. We joined in on the UBFF side. The UBFF was defeated; the Holy Mercenary navy and some of our army were captured. We will exercise our revenge on Nanakaland.
Ah, woops... But could you explain for those who didnt see this?
The UBFF revolted against Nanakaland rule in Bigtopia. We joined in on the UBFF side. The UBFF was defeated; the Holy Mercenary navy and some of our army were captured. We will exercise our revenge on Nanakaland.
You are the agressor again.
07-12-2003, 20:25
But what did Nanakaland do to cause the revolt?
But what did Nanakaland do to cause the revolt?
Absolutely nothing. The UBFF is a terrorist group in Upper Bigtopia. Everytime you see a thread on a Bigtopian revolt or war, it is usually the UBFF.
Autonomous City-states
07-12-2003, 20:28
OOC: I'd like to note that while Pearl Harbor was a tactical success, it was a strategic failure because 1) the carriers were not sunk and 2) Japanese High Command, against Admiral Yamamoto's recommendations, misjudged what the American response would be. So... be careful there.
OOC: Nanakaland and myself control Upper and Lower Bigtopia. He works through sham elections and backroom controls, I just run my colonies so well that the people don't want to leave my control.
The UBFF (Upper Bigtopian Freedom Fighters) want to remove us from Upper Bigtopia, Lower Bigtopia and "Burgston City" (a puppet I set up that is my colony in Bigtopia). Burgston City is very loyal to me (just look at the economy, lack of income tax and levels of freedom to see why). Lower Bigtopia is sick of fighting as there has been multiple revolts and civil wars. Even Upper Bigtopia is starting to have enough. Most UBFF fighters are drawn from Upper Bigtopia (duh!).
Holy Mercenaires just hates Nanakaland and is out to screw him over in any way possible.
The Most recent revolt was yesterday (RL time). Holy Merc's fleet surrendered to mine at the end. Where did he got a new one...
IC: We declare our support for Nanakaland, and send out our newly acquired fleet that was seized from Holy Mercs after their navy surrendered to us in the most recent revolt.
OOC: Holy Mercs, I thought your fleet gave in to me after the fighting last time, how did you manage to get a new one overnight?
The Most recent revolt was yesterday (RL time). Holy Merc's fleet surrendered to mine at the end. Where did he got a new one...
This is not my navy, this is my airforce. I had left a few spare aircraft carriers with my air force. No battleships or anything. Just some aircraft carriers and bombers.
The Most recent revolt was yesterday (RL time). Holy Merc's fleet surrendered to mine at the end. Where did he got a new one...
This is not my navy, this is my airforce. I had left a few spare aircraft carriers with my air force. No battleships or anything. Just some aircraft carriers and bombers.
I'll let you have a few aircraft carriers for the sake of the RP. Easy targets for my navy. And wait until you see my AA guns.
Today, the nation of Holy Mercenaries has launched a surprise attack on Port Nanaka, the location of the Nanakaland Navy. This is in response to the defeat of Holy Mercenaries in the Bigtopian Revolt. Four aircraft carriers have sent two hundred bombers to attack the location of the largest port in Nanakaland.
The docks and airfields are primary targets. If successful, this attack will be as crippling to Nanakaland as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor crippled the US Pacific navy.
Getting back on target....
The navy was taken by surprise. Several battleships were destroyed. After that, however, the people were alerted. People are dashing to get to their stations. Fighters are launched to intercept the bombers. AA Guns start firing. Two Dreadnaughts are sent to take out the unprotected aircraft carriers.
07-12-2003, 20:38
We declare our support for Nanakaland! 10 helicopters from on of the 2 carriers.
They headed straight for the Holy Mercenaries Aircraft Carriers and started unleashing missiles. If Holy Mercenaries surrendered, a cease fire would be ordered.
I would like to know the exact cause. Is one nation acting in the event of terrorism?
We pledge support to Holy Mercenaries, seeing this as an opportunity to gain some more slaves. We will send our army, consisting mostly of slaves, but commanded by free men. Remember, only 20% of our national population is free. The soldiers paradrop into the relative area of Port Nanaka.
As a neutral nation I would liek to say the following: Bigtopian slaves, you better post casualties considering Nanakahas said he is firing his a-a guns....
07-12-2003, 20:44
We pledge support to Holy Mercenaries, seeing this as an opportunity to gain some more slaves. We will send our army, consisting mostly of slaves, but commanded by free men. Remember, only 20% of our national population is free. The soldiers paradrop into the relative area of Port Nanaka.
You cant just paradrop troops on a protected port. :roll:
The fleet sent out from Port St. William started launcing scout planes from the recently captured Holy Mercenary carriers.
Suddenly, radio intercepts came in on one of the foward picket ships. Apparently, these captured vessels could pick up Holy Mercenaries tranmissions to each other...
After some frantic searching, an undestroyed codebook was found in the trash on the galley of a light cruiser. The location of the ships was painstakingly worked out, and narrowed down to two possible spots, and about equidistant from each other and Port Nanaka.
A breif message was sent to the Nanakaland fleet detailing the situation. An agreement was reached that the Nanaka fleet would go to one of the spots and that the New Montrealers would head to the other one.
As well as that, military advisors and flight engineers worked out a very tentative flight path for the aircraft returning to the Holy Merc carriers. Some Archangel fighters from Unum Veritas were launched and ordered to track the path of the raiders.
We pledge support to Holy Mercenaries, seeing this as an opportunity to gain some more slaves. We will send our army, consisting mostly of slaves, but commanded by free men. Remember, only 20% of our national population is free. The soldiers paradrop into the relative area of Port Nanaka.
You cant just paradrop troops on a protected port. :roll:
Of course you can! If you're lucky a couple might even survive :P
07-12-2003, 20:47
We pledge support to Holy Mercenaries, seeing this as an opportunity to gain some more slaves. We will send our army, consisting mostly of slaves, but commanded by free men. Remember, only 20% of our national population is free. The soldiers paradrop into the relative area of Port Nanaka.
You cant just paradrop troops on a protected port. :roll:
Of course you can! If you're lucky a couple might even survive :P
((Could I help you Nanakaland? I oh so want to crush them!))
Commander Brown, a Special Forces Commander made famous by his victory against the UBFF in the Bigtopian Revolt, was in Port Nanaka for R&R. When the attack on Port Nanaka took place, he was in a resteraunt. The city turned to chaos with people screeming and running everywhere.
Brown jumped into his pickup truck and left the city. To his surprise, he ran straight into the landing ground of the Bigtopian Slaver's army. Thinking fast, he shouted to the army, "Do you really want to kill for your slave masters!? Revolt now; you can kill them and spurr independence!"
I know see. Grootsku will side with Nanakaland.
I have deployed 5 High altitude bombers each armed with a hydrogen bomb. These are escorted with an undisclosed amount of F-15Es. They will remain out of harms way in till instructed to deploy the payload, and only if needed.
150 A10s have also been put on alert, with the addition of the entire navy. Some subs, and carriers which happen to be relatively close to the area of incidence are also enrout to intercept any additional incoming forces. All 200 F/A-18s have been deployed to provide air defense. Marines along with airborne rangers are on the alert and ready to go at a seconds notice. We have activated all satellites armed with spying technology, and are aimed at undisclosed areas. U2 spy planes are currently over the area, providing live feedback to both leaders of Grootsku and Nanakaland.
07-12-2003, 20:53
Nanakaland, we've totally destructed they're aircraft carriers, as they were unprotected and we recieved no sign of surrender. Should we invade or just leave it at defense?
For the sake of realism...
The slaves realize that Commander Brown is right. They turn on their commanders for sending them into a suicidal attack in which many die. The slave drivers are killed and the slave army retreats to the nation of the Bigtopian Slavers to lead the revolt to over throw the slavers. After all 80% of the population are enslaved.
Grootsku: Don't you think H-bombs are a little extreme?
The Fleet approached the co-ordinates of the point they were under orders to examine. Suddenly a scouter aircraft reported that the Holy Mercenaries carriers had been steaming away from Nanakaland, probably originating from that point.
The fleet sprang into action immediately. Bombers and fighters were launched from the two newly seized and renamed carriers, the Unbelievable and the Indestructible. The Archangel fighters send out earlier had located and shot down a Holy Mercenary scout plane and then returned.
The picket ships were called in, and a group of fast destroyers were ordered to pursue the fleeing carriers.
As all this was happening, the admiral in command order Nanakaland's fleet to be contacted and given the path and location of the fleeing fleet. He then sent an ultimatum to the Holy Mercenary fleet: surrender, or be sunk.
Grootsku, is proud to announce that many pilots have confirmed kills. After several waves have returned to refuel and reload. Almost 100% of any enemy aircraft have been destroyed. The Airborne rangers have been deployed to the docks, to restore order. Marines are enroute at the moment.
With the destruction of the aircraft carriers, the bombers have no place to go. Realizing defeat, the bombers dive into the most powerful ships of Nanakaland and the largest airbases. These suicide attacks greatly damage Nanakaland, but the whole Holy Mercenaries airforce was gone. Holy Mercenaries is crippled as a nation. We only hope that Nanakaland is also crippled.
07-12-2003, 20:58
The Fleet approached the co-ordinates of the point they were under orders to examine. Suddenly a scouter aircraft reported that the Holy Mercenaries carriers had been steaming away from Nanakaland, probably originating from that point.
The fleet sprang into action immediately. Bombers and fighters were launched from the two newly seized and renamed carriers, the Unbelievable and the Indestructible. The Archangel fighters send out earlier had located and shot down a Holy Mercenary scout plane and then returned.
The picket ships were called in, and a group of fast destroyers were ordered to pursue the fleeing carriers.
As all this was happening, the admiral in command order Nanakaland's fleet to be contacted and given the path and location of the fleeing fleet. He then sent an ultimatum to the Holy Mercenary fleet: surrender, or be sunk.
I already destroyed the carriers.
The claimed attack of bombers hitting are proven false, the spy planes of grootsku have confirmed images. Grootsku's F18s have intercepted and shot down all enemy bombers.
GODMOD ALERT Three people declaring others casualties. Pleasse refrain from this.
Grootsku's Rangers have landed, and joined with the Marines. All enemy forces have either been terminated, and/or taken prisoner. Grootsku's C130s are now airdropping food and needed supplies for the civilian population. Order is now restored, and Grootsku's forces are awaiting orders from Nanakaland.
GODMOD ALERT Three people declaring others casualties. Pleasse refrain from this. Grootsku is not declaring others casualties, simply stating what fighters have reported accomplishing. Having graphical evidence.
Casualties in Port Nanaka
3 (of 3) Dreadnaughts
6 (of 7) Battleships
5 (of 9) Aircraft Carriers
3 (of 7) Submarines
112 (of 250) Fighters
73 (of 100) Bombers
394 (of 5000) Ground Troops
1324 (of 50 million) Civilians
Yeah. It was a surprise attack. There are that many casualties. At least Holy Mercenaries lost everything they sent in that attack.
07-12-2003, 21:05
Grootsku, you go way beyond whats actually happening.
No we do not. At the pressent time there was no idea of what was to come. H-Bombs were not to far of a measure. What if that crazy nation sent everythign they had. Such force would be needed.
Ignore Grootsku for godmodding. The attack is over anyways. HM did a suicide attack at the end and has no agressive forces left. We, however, have had heavy casualties from the surprise attack and have already posted the casualties.
No we do not. At the pressent time there was no idea of what was to come. H-Bombs were not to far of a measure. What if that crazy nation sent everythign they had. Such force would be needed.
I'm ignoring all of your posts in this thread. The battle was over, anways. And an H-Bomb? All that was there is a bunch of slave soldiers that revolted and left the battle, four carriers that got destroyed, and a bunch of planes that did a suicide attack at the end.
EDIT: An H-Bomb so close to my port would have destroyed the city and I would have retaliated by launching 3 nukes to your largest cities. Be glad that I am ignoring you.
Forces have been extracted, and nanakaland will never receive aid again. For showing no appreciation. We have every single weapon stated, and i have evidence. That was NOT godmodding, have i known the nation was ruled by you, I would of never helped. Good day.
The leader of Grootsku is sad to announce much lost time, effort and resources along with money. On such a poor un appreciated nation.
07-12-2003, 21:12
Forces have been extracted, and nanakaland will never receive aid again. For showing no appreciation. We have every single weapon stated, and i have evidence. That was NOT godmodding, have i known the nation was ruled by you, I would of never helped. Good day.
Imperial Guardsmen
07-12-2003, 21:13
The Empire of Imperial Guardsmen condemms this attack on Nanakaland by the Holy Mercenaries. We however cannot provide military assistance to you as this is not really our war. Our forces in Upper Bigtopia have however been put on high alert incase of a holy mercenary attack there.
Nanakaland, we've totally destructed they're aircraft carriers, as they were unprotected and we recieved no sign of surrender. Should we invade or just leave it at defense?
Your one Godmodder to. Thats to the extreme, atleast I backed my story up.
For the sake of realism...
The slaves realize that Commander Brown is right. They turn on their commanders for sending them into a suicidal attack in which many die. The slave drivers are killed and the slave army retreats to the nation of the Bigtopian Slavers to lead the revolt to over throw the slavers. After all 80% of the population are enslaved.
With the destruction of the aircraft carriers, the bombers have no place to go. Realizing defeat, the bombers dive into the most powerful ships of Nanakaland and the largest airbases. These suicide attacks greatly damage Nanakaland, but the whole Holy Mercenaries airforce was gone. Holy Mercenaries is crippled as a nation. We only hope that Nanakaland is also crippled.
Casualties in Port Nanaka
3 (of 3) Dreadnaughts
6 (of 7) Battleships
5 (of 9) Aircraft Carriers
3 (of 7) Submarines
112 (of 250) Fighters
73 (of 100) Bombers
394 (of 5000) Ground Troops
1324 (of 50 million) Civilians
Yeah. It was a surprise attack. There are that many casualties. At least Holy Mercenaries lost everything they sent in that attack.
Those three posts from the last page are enough to end this thread, so:
The leader of Grootsku is sad to announce much lost time, effort and resources along with money. On such a poor un appreciated nation.
Because you godmoded, it is like you never were in this battle, so there is no strain on your nation.
Oh and it is unappreciated.
Nanakaland It seems....
that you are in need of vessels to restock your fleet, why dont you head over to Antartical Naval Store!! (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=50815) and rebuild your navy :) :)
Nanakaland, if you wish, I can carry out covert operations within Holy Mercenaries.
It also seems that:
That you should come to Artitsa's naval storefront, its actually much better ;)
Epilogue - A Presidential Speach
Today, December 7, 2003—a date which will live in infamy—the Resurrected Lands of Nanakaland was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Dominion of Holy Mercenaries....
It will be recorded that the distance of Port Nanaka from Holy Mercenaries makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the HM government has deliberately sought to deceive Nanakaland by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
The attack on Port Nanaka has caused severe damage to Nanakaland naval and military forces. Very many Nanakan lives have been lost. In addition, Nanakan ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas....
As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
OOC: You steal your idea of the attack from Pearl Harbor, so I stole the idea from the epilogue from the aftermath of Pearl Harbor.
Nanakaland It seems that you are in need of vessels to restock your fleet, why dont you head over to Antartical Naval Store!! (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=50815) and rebuild your navy :) :)
Okay. Just like the US rebuilt its navy quickly after Pearl Harbor.
That you should come to Artitsa's naval storefront, its actually much better ;)
I'll think about going to your's instead. It's all in the pricing and quality.
Okay. I'll buy from you. I have posted in your thread.
How about both? We could be willing to sell our new battleships - for the right price of course. We don't trust just anybody with these babies.
07-12-2003, 23:27
Nanakaland, should we attack Holy Mercenaries or are we done?
Nanakaland, should we attack Holy Mercenaries or are we done?
HM is crippled with the last wave. He can't attack us any more, therefore, we don't have to attack him.