If you are selling weapons we are interested. please post storefronts and things you are selling. interested particularly in naval units.
If you are interested in Fast Attack Craft then I'm developing my own at the moment and I can produce some custom oreder ones for you.
we are very interested in purchasing 2 kirov class cruisers.
no ships but plenty of good stuff (click on picture)
The Superpower Of The Phoenix Milita
Member American Alliance
Founder PHX Federation
Member A.L.L. Alliance
http://www.hpphoto.com/servlet/LinkPhoto?GUID=4ec34c1d-d0be-6fb0-4805-471f7c635b35&size= (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55022)
My Storefront^ (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55022)