New Presidential Election in Anti-Nazis
06-12-2003, 23:11
As we begin to close this year we are asking any nation to respond to our poll as to who will be President of Anti-Nazis for the Year 2004. He will take office at the beggining of the year 2004. The options are: A former general from the army of Anti-Nazis, William Dru. Or the new governer from the state of Exoman, Manny Gred.The election will run until Cristmas,but the post will run until New Years Eve. So vote well.
This is the last day of voting untill it is over tomorrow.Please start the voting spree and post for a theme for the winners party
Current President of Anti-Nazis
David Frutt
07-12-2003, 03:30
It looks like William Dru is in the lead with 75% of the votes
07-12-2003, 03:47
It looks like Manny Gred is coming up behind William Dru with 42% for Manny and 57% for William
07-12-2003, 17:12
The election status is:Both have 50% of the votes
The Dominion of Eredron officially endorses Manny Gred.
Give us more info on the candidates.
or at least what they plan to do
Behemothic Warfare
07-12-2003, 18:33
Where are the pro-Nazis?
07-12-2003, 20:51
Give us more info on the candidates.
ok then
William Dru worked on a farm as a boy when he was eight, but he had a college education.He joined the army at 12 as an engineer and worked his way up to a general in 5 years.He is currently 21 years-old.He is one of the richest in Anti-Nazis.He is Democratic
Manny Gred went to school with a multi-millionare and is a real snob.He is strict,but follows the rules well.He was in the military. He made it to a 2nd Lutenent.He is Democratic
07-12-2003, 20:54
or at least what they plan to do
William Dru plans to secure the nation. He plans to fund money on the nation, the education of the nation, and it's defence.
Manny Gred wants to fund money on the nation.He wants it to be a happy place *staring into nowhere*
23-12-2003, 04:51
William Dru is in the lead with 57% of the vote