Communist Problems (Open RP)
05-12-2003, 10:27
OOC: Now that you're looking, here's the scenario...
The crowd was seething, chanting. A man stood on the stage, a red flag draped behind him. Gregory Smidt stood behind the podium, extolling the mostly blue collar crowd before him. "-we must throw off this burden the borgiose has heaped upon us with their wars and corporate prostitution! For too long, the noble proletariat has lain dormant to be kicked, slandered, and abused by these robber barons in power-" The crowd cheered.
Two Nighthawk choppers circled above, loaded with Kaukolastani Rangers in full battle gear. The crew chief kept the M134 chain gun spinning, checking the mass carefully. Tensions had been high since the last dock strike was broken by the Security Police. The hulls of the two incomplete battleships still laid there, no work being accomplished. The LT called out to the Chief, "Sick, ain't it! Some unions have trouble, the pinkos show up!"
The Chief chewed his tobacco, "Shoulda kicked those unions asses long ago, 'tenant. These pigs ain't worth the shit they can eat."
The LT grinned. "Just keep calm on that gun, Chief."
"Course, sir. They pay me not to shoot first." The gunner flashed a smile back. "Now what's that fuck saying? He's pointing at us..."
Below, Smidt was screaming, his accusing finger aimed at the choppers. "You see! The power grabbers hold us at gunpoint for demanding our natural right! Only when they have been cast down can we know justice! You hear me, dogs?" he called to the choppers, "Your time is ending soon!"
The Chief turned back to the LT, "It's real tempting to cap him."
"Don't. You'll just give 'em a martyr. They'll calm down."
"I don't like this, sir."
OOC: well the story sounds nice, but tell me whats the plan, are there gona be people controling either the proliterian(the masses & the people) and the other ones control the upper class and the mid class (the ones who defend the upper class in the simple reason that the upper class rewards them for it, but their main object will be to over throw the upper class and take their place.) or are you gona make this esculate into a civilwar and let diffrent nations help either side?
05-12-2003, 10:39
In a building near the rally, a man crawled towards a window, the MSG-1 strapped to his back. He reached the windowsill, the light from the sun casting in with pure starching light against the dim old warehouse, illuminating the dust in the air. His brown hair was parted slightly messily, and a headband held it back. He wore light kevlar only, and his boots were not polished. He gritted his perfect teeth and lifted the MSG to his lap, sitting with his back to the window, hidden from view. He loaded the rifle.
He rose slowly, drawing the 8x Leupold scope to his blue eye. He closed his left eye, looked through the lens with his right. The earplug chirped, and he heard the voice coming through from the HK Team Leader, "Darius, hold fire until we have direct orders."
Darius grinned a little, brushing aside his non-regulation hair. He crouched in the window, the slim barrel poking out. He spoke into the mic, "Do I have to, sir?" he smiled.
Below, Smidt was calling out to the choppers. "We wil crush you! Even now, your structures are unravelling, your people coming out from beneath your heel!"
Darius whispered, "Isn't this bad enough?"
"Negative, wait for a direct threat." The German post sight bobbed on Smidt's cheap tie with Darius's every breath.
Smidt shook his fist to heaven, "My brothers and sisters! I beg of you, for yourselves, throw off this government and breathe free air! Destroy this farce of democracy for our perfect state! Revolution!"
Darius could feel the order coming. His earplug vibrated. "That's enough. He's threatening the state. Drop him."
Darius pulled the trigger. The silencer chuffed, the bolt slapped back. The round lunged free, found Smidt's chest, propelled him backwards. The man fell from the stage, his chest mostly gun, his insides sprayed across the stage. Darius yanked the gun from the window, ran for the stairs. "Target down!"
On the bloody ground, Smidt raised his hand to clutch the red flag. He gasped in a gurgling pain, clutching the banner. With that whimper, he died, his hand sliding down to the ground.
Darius was already gone.
05-12-2003, 10:41
OOC: well the story sounds nice, but tell me whats the plan, are there gona be people controling either the proliterian(the masses & the people) and the other ones control the upper class and the mid class (the ones who defend the upper class in the simple reason that the upper class rewards them for it, but their main object will be to over throw the upper class and take their place.) or are you gona make this esculate into a civilwar and let diffrent nations help either side?
I just figured I'd set it up and see what happened. Total free form RP. Anyone can join to do anything. Well, anything short of "i n00kz j00 wi7 49523457348465 n00x!!111".
05-12-2003, 10:50
*Admiral Ulonov and Sec State Rumpsfeel are watching reports flood in from Kaukolastan on the television about the rising tensions between the workers and the establishment, Ulonov Flicks off the TV and turns to Rumpsfeel*
Ulonov: Contact there government, tell then that we want to send an advisor to help deal with this and to offer guidance...
Rumpsfeel: Who's going to go?
Ulonov: Why you of course, This is your area of expertise, I'm just a military man.....
Rumpsfeel: Yes sir,
*He walks into C&C and wires a TM to the Kaukolastan Government*
To: the Kaukolastan Government
From: The Empire of Edenstein
Re: Revolutionaries
We wish to send a represtentative from our country to help advice during this crises, We are sending Secretary of State Rumpsfeel. We hope that his guidance will help your nations through this situation.
Admiral Dimitri Ulonov
Emperor Of Edenstein
05-12-2003, 10:52
We welcome his assistance in this time of troubles. It seems that the Communists, assisted by some unknown power (some Communist nation, feel free to hop in), are attempting to usurp control from the legitimate government. We would welcome any help you can offer.
OOC: Bed soon, but others are welcome to post.
[ooc: actually i think edenstein is gona be on the workers side as he is a socialist]
Tom Sprakling the leader of the nationalistic paramillitary organisation "The Horns of Kelsh" wich is actually a freind of the gouverment even if most of the members is lured the other way around this organisation often call em self to be the only party against the rulling party "the Gouverment" but the Horns is just doing the Gouverments fillfy buissnes. Said in a meeting with the rest of management of the horns:
"The Gouverment has said that they have intrest in that the communists in the nation of Kaukalos [ooc: sorry for misspelling] is hit back, so we have been orderd to look into the buissnes for em, i hope you all have seen the news and read the report we have sent to you just yesterday?"
was meet with nodds "Well then what do you have to say"
the other 4 in the management board started to discuss the issue and after a while it was decided that The Horns should anounce to Kaukalos that they are ready to send 1000 fully armoured (equiped with 1 stun baton, 1 helmet, kevlar armour and a riot sheild each a few of em also has guns but most dosen't) Horns.
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 12:04
OOC OK I'm just going to jump in here, i dont know what direction you guys want to take but if there are any specifics please TG me.
The report passed over General Iosef's desk. He looked up at the Commander of the RIF (Revolutionary Intelligence Force his foreign secret service) Colonel Auswit and lit a cigarette.
Iosef: Are you sure their people will rise?
Auswit: I'm sure sir, if the public death of agent Kingsley, known to the enemy as Schmidt should see an uprising take place. If not i am sure i can concoct another event that will.
Iosef: Excellent Colonel, if you successfully bring the Revolution to the oppressed masses of Kaukolastan there may be a commendation for you.
Auswit: Just doing my bit for the cause sir
That night in the poor quarters in every city in Kaukolastan agents posing as workers were spreading the word of Revolution, but would the people rise?
[code:1:fdc5b47788]<Uplinking message>
<Satellite Linked>
FROM: Field Office 17
Rumors of communist revolt... requesting orders? Teams already being dispatched... made deaths to look like streetwars...[/code:1:fdc5b47788]
05-12-2003, 12:09
*after flying many hours on a chartered lear jet Secretary of State Donald Rumpsfeel steps out onto the tarmac of the international airport, a few seconds later 6 Edenstein Marines follow from the jet. Rumpsfeel begins to walk towards the terminal building with the marines carrying his luggage. He opens up a cell phone and telephones the governmnet buildings*
Rumpsfeel: This is Secretary of State Rumpsfeel from Edenstein, I have just landed at the airport and am waiting for further instructions.
late that night 10 small boats each holding 3-5 agents from Kelsh secret service network came onto land on 8 diffrent places in the coast and as soon as they had reached shore they spread and one of em hid the small rubber raft and soon these agents spread out in the land to get to their workplaces in wich was spread out.
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 12:22
The Black Limosine pulled up at the airport, the chauffer, Agent Johnson, walked up to Rumpsfeel and said
Johnson: I have been sent by the Government to collect you sir, would you like me to take your coat?
silently he awaited Rumpsfeels reply.
OOC The RIF knew about Rumpsfeels visit through their contacts in the Kaukolastan Government
Communism trying to take over a nation? We will support the anti-commies in any way we can.
05-12-2003, 12:51
*Rumpsfeel looks at Johnson a little suspiciously at first, and then hands his coat to him* Secretary of State Donald Rumpsfeel of Edenstein at your service, what about my marines?
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 13:07
Johnson took Rumpsfeels coat and folded it as he said
Johnson:I was told another car would be comming for them in a moment.
Just as he said this an identical black limousine came around the corner and parked right behind the first. A driver opened the door and looking at the Marines said,
Driver: Gentlemen may i take your...(looking at their uniforms an lack of coats)...guns?
Johnson quickly grabbed Rumpsfeels suitcase and placed it in the boot of the limo.
Johnson: Ready sir?
05-12-2003, 13:13
*Rumpsfeel looks at the situation and shrugs*
Rumpsfeel: Alright lets go..
*The marines pile into the rear limo and rumpsfeel gets into the front limo with Johnson, they close the door and head out of the airport lot, in the car rumpsfeel turns to Johnson*
Rumpsfeel, So Johnson, whats you take on this whole situation? I guess Admiral Ulonov wanted me here to advice with going with a communistic type government.. seems like its the best form....
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 13:32
Johnson listened to Rumpsfeel with half heartedly. Of course what the man said did not matter to him, he was merely there to do his job. While Rumpsfeel paused for breath Johnson interjected.
Johnson: I'm not sure sir, but i am taking you to him now, he's in a mountain bunker away from the city, for safety.
Johnson noticed that his passenger was looking suspicious, but that did not matter now.
After 40 minutes he pulledd up outside what seemed an abandoned cottage on the mountain side. Johnson opened the car door to reveal two men in long black trenchcoats. The first thing Rumpsfeel noticed was that the limo carrying his marines was not in sight as it had been 5 minutes ago.
Slowly one of the men walked up to him:This war sir
The man led Rumpsfeel into the cottage, it was a small one room joint and in the middle ofthe room was a table, on the other side a man in casual clothing sat.
:Please sit down sir, I am Lt Colonel Ninel with the RIF, i am hear to ask you some questions on behalf of the government of Communist Likon. Please don't worry about your men they are unharmed and after this interview you shall be returned to them. A drink? No? Then let me cut to the chase. What exactly are your governments intentions towards the Communist Revolution here in Kaukolastan?
05-12-2003, 13:43
Rumpsfeel: Actualy Colonel Ninel, I would like that drink, I'm quite parched, but getting down to buisness, to be honest, I don't know what our governments intentions are, Admiral Ulonov is is acting Emperor while Romanov is in a coma sent me out here to advise.
But what I figure is since our government and country are a form of Communisim I'm here to advise the government to heed the will of the workers, it is obviouse that the people of this nation wish to go to a communisitc form of government, be that socialisim, communisim or something in between the two. It will be my goal to try and persuade the ruling party of this country to embrace communisim as the next logical evolution in Government and in Economy.
*Rumpsfeel looks upon Ninel and waits for his reply, and for his drink*
Ryan was not an astute diplomat, or a master military strategist. But he new how the game was played, how to work the back rooms, and how to get the job. Now he was using those channels to send a message to the 'persons who needed it', or whatever jargon the politico's thought up this week. It was a pretty standard letter, he thought that the end was a little mellodramatic but of course the Arch-Magus himself had penned them so what could he do.
"We have heard of your problems with marxist rebels. We do not have the man power or recources to send troops, however we would like to assist however we can. On the record we are offering to sell you supplies for policing actions, for a considerable discount. Off the record we are willing to loan you some of our choice intellegence assets. The great scourge to hard working people everywhere must be thwarted
Bishop Ryan Morgan, USNC Secetary of Defense."
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 13:52
Ninel poured Rumpsfield a drink, a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. Sitting back down he stared at Rumpsfield, as if trying to measure the man he was facing.
Ninel: Do you honestly believe this government will willingly give up its ways and become Communist overnight upon your recommendation? I think we both know that there is only one path for this nation, Revolution. One way or another this debate will be solved by a feat of arms, and off the record, my government is willing to use force to make sure that the peoples will is heard.
But most of all, my question is, if it comes to that, will your Government, your form of Communism government join with us to fight for the people? To join in the international Revolution?
05-12-2003, 13:53
[ooc: Hmm. Are these real commies/socialists or are they state-capitalists like North Korea, China and the former USSR?]
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 13:58
OOC Communist Likon, and the Kaukolastan Communist Revolutionary's are all Marxist Communists who refused to be influenced by the Capitalist traps. So yes real "commies"
05-12-2003, 13:59
05-12-2003, 14:06
*rumpsfeel takes the drink and takes a draw of it, he sets it back on the table and stares at Ninel for a minute sizing him, he thinks to himself, *What gaul does this guy have abducting a senior leader of a Country* He leans forward in his chair slightly and looks at Ninel directly*
Of course, the last thing that we want is for any violence to come from any proceedings, but, if it where to come to armed conflict, Edenstein could supply some "Help" To the revolutionaries, what that would entail, I'd have to speak with the more militarily minded in my country, Colonel, you have to realize, I'm a polotican, my battles are fought in capital buildings... If it takes a revolution then so be it, but lets try and settle this without bloodshed, it will make things that much more easy.
*Rumpsfeel takes another draft of his Vodka and leans back in his chair slightly*
05-12-2003, 14:13
05-12-2003, 14:20
[ooc: If it's not too much of a deus ex machina, would it be possible that the govt of Communist Likon, the RIF in particular, would have ties with an Undisclosed Government Agency within Anhierarch, and that a command cell of this unit would be present at this meeting?
Just a thought. Thanks.]
05-12-2003, 14:21
[ooc: If it's not too much of a deus ex machina, would it be possible that the govt of Communist Likon, the RIF in particular, would have ties with an Undisclosed Government Agency within Anhierarch, and that a command cell of this unit would be present at this meeting?
Just a thought. Thanks.]
OOC: I'd be cool with it... Likon?
Communist Likon
05-12-2003, 14:26
Nenil: I'm glad that your government shares certain, shall we say sympathy's. May i introduce to you a representative of an Undisclosed Government Agency within Anhierarch(OOC insert name here), our governments have been helping the organisers of this Revolution for some time. But maybe you should listen to what he has to say.
05-12-2003, 14:29
*Rumpsfeel looks at the shadowy figure who almost appears out of the nowhere, he looks him up and down trying to gage this new factor into the equation of whats going on*
05-12-2003, 15:03
If he was expecting the next Che Guevara, he might be disappointed.
At first glance, the Unit Coordinator is entirely unimpressive, a fairly short man, his hairline receeding noticeably a spot of thinning hair on the back of his head. A pair of steel rimmed spectacles perches on his thin, aquiline nose.
There's something about the eyes, though. They burn with a ferocious intensity, of pure drive and vigor. His thin lips set in a business-like smile, he walks forward, offering his hand.
"Devon Nilye, at your service. Unit Coordinator for the UGA, but that's just a bit of an in joke. We're formally the Disassociation Unit. It's a bit of a tongue-twister, I know. Unit Three would be better. Oh, and since I don't think you've heard of us - well, outside this room, I don't exist. Neither does U3."
He smiles.
"Well, formalities out of the way."
[ooc: Stupid dodgy connection, had trouble trying to post.]
Tom Sparkling sat in a discussion with the other ones in his admistration, the second time brought to a meeting in one day....
They had just finished an other issue and Tom said
"so may we end this meeting know so that i can return to my cup of tea?!"
(Tom had been on a café when he was interupted for this meeting and he has a bad temoper)
Eric should have known beter then to lift the next issue but...
"well there is this one thing" Eric started and got a percing look from tom but continued "well it seams like the rebells is organisting in Kaukalus maybe we must take some...."
"argh! im tierd of these dam commies! Im gona go, im sure you will handle this yourself, get me updated befor you take any larger decisions"
Tom went out of the room with a angry look on his face and went true the corridors of the old manor in between the collums stod on evry third a knights armour and on the one afterthat stood a Horn gaurd.
[ooc: by the way in reality its more common with sturd not shaked, cause thats how you actually make the martinis, just had to jump in as it is my buisness]
05-12-2003, 15:15
*Rumpsfeel takes a good look at the man standing before him wondering what to make of him*
Mr Niyle, it is wonderful to make your aquaintence, So what exactly do you have to bring to this situation? Some kind of politcle finess? Military Prowess? I'm curious to know. Also, what intrest does your government have in this situation?
*Rumpsfeel sits back in his chair, he looks at the two gentlemen sitting in front of him wondering what will come of this meeting*
05-12-2003, 15:26
Devon brushes a bit of lint off his black jacket.
"Good to meet you too. Now, to get to business - we can offer a great many things. U3 can organize and initiate anything from assassinations to sabotage, grassroots training and arming, negotiations and sweet talk. U3 was formed to assist in the acceleration of the historical paradigm to allow for the creation of new socialist and communist nations."
He pushes his spectacles up the bridge of his nose, looking a little tired.
"Of course, some people take offence at that. Which is why U3 does not exist. Neither do I. I assure you, however, that the Commonwealth Synod takes great interest in the liberation of the oppressed."
05-12-2003, 15:33
Rumpsfeel: Sounds a bit like our Delta force, we use them to pull off political assassinations and executions in Edenstein.
*He pauses for a moment to contemplate the direction of the conversation*
Perhaps what we need to focus on to begin with is a grassroots insurrection, since this is supposed to be a liberation of the working people, what we need to do is plant the seeds of revolution in every major industry in this country, shipping, labor, services.... that with some well placed propoganda will make the people recall there leaders, along with maybe some, well placed assasinations.......... but that is just a suggestion that is thrown in the air mind you...
*Rumpsfeel stands up and stretches, he looks at the beautiful scenery outside of the cabin, out in the brush he can see a few soldiers in fatigues with assult riffles, he turns around and awaits a response*
05-12-2003, 15:49
He nods stiffly.
"Yes, propaganda and grassroots organization would be a good place to start. We don't want to botch this and give these people a top-down revolution."
Thinking for a moment, he continues.
"We can probably insert some operatives into local gathering places, publicise revolutionary media over the internet and so on. Since it already appears to be a police state we'll be creating new identities for the lot of them. Shouldn't take long. We're in the process of attempting to contact any local pockets of resistance as well."
Dark Squirrel
05-12-2003, 17:49
Location: 5 kilometers north from a secret cottage.
A smaal tent covered with leaves is standing in a middle of a dark forest. Only few antennas points the exact location of this small tent. The tent is ocupied with two men - one sits at the table which is covered with radio transmitters, code tables and other stuff.
Brother Cal: Father Hiparcos. We established a fragile connection with cottage. Im picking up voices.
Father Hiparcos: Record it! What's happening, brother?
Brother Cal: As i learned ther's a something like a meeting between three sides. I know only that, that one of thees man is Devon Nilye, Unit Coordinator of the UGA
Father Hiparcos: Devon... Oh, God! Then its important. It must be connected with the unstable situation in country.
Brother Cal: They try to arrange some propaganda or something. They try to change political system with a help from some men called Rumpsfeel(???)
Father Hiparcos: Rumpsfeel? Whats that! I don't know any Rumpsfeel's! We must cotact the Hive! We must stop this foolishness and stop this communist uprise! And report that a Devon Nilye is here...
Brother Cal: Yes, father!
Brother Cal started to push buttons on a radio transmitter, when he located the corect frequency, he took a microphone and started a common transmision routine:
"Lonely Hawk requires a save connection with a Hive, come in! Pascode: alpha-one-zero-zero-delta. Lonely Hawk requires a save connection...
Father Hiparcos went outside of the tent. He rised his head up. "It has begun.., That time has come!"
Wind become stronger and stronger...
05-12-2003, 21:15
*Rumpsfeel turns and looks at the two men*
Rumpsfeel: Gentlemen, this sounds like a wonderful oportunity, start revolution in the huddled working masses, a glorious revolution to help spread communisim in the world.....
*pauses for a moment and walks towards the table*
but we will need some safegaurds inplace just incase the establishment dosn't "Co-operate" with our working class friends. They are more then likely going to need a little more help the propoganda.
*He brushes some dirt off of his suit jacket and picks up his drink off of the table, he takes a sip and then looks over the rim of his glasses*
Who should be the first one to go down?
05-12-2003, 22:54
05-12-2003, 22:58
There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Drakk stated, putting down the latest report. The Marines opened the great doors, and Director Anderas Kerrik stepped into the Overlord's office, hanging his hat on the rack and handing his trenchcoat to one of the Marines. Drakk stood and held out his hand, shaking with the younger man. "I hope you have good news."
Kerrik shook his head, behind him, two ISA Agents stepped in with briefcases full of information. "Unfortunately, sir, I have only disaster to speak of."
"What happened?" Drakk could feel the wait coming down on him.
"Sir, Sec. Rumpfeel was abducted. Our driver arrived, and they were already gone. There was no sign of struggle, and no suspicious evidence. For all effects, he just vanished."
Drakk rested his head wearily in his hands. "And so now we have riots, calls of revolution, and our attempt to negotiate got abducted? Gentlemen, this is not a good day for this fair nation."
"About that..." Kerrik stated,"Why was the Sec invited?"
"I was hoping to negotiate a settlement, to balance it out. Allow a popular vote, winner take all. I knew we had more support among the voting populous... but now this. And I'm getting reports of Riots on all the islands."
"Even Monolith, sir?"
"No, not Monolith. But in every city, we've got Red Parades, dancing through the streets, stirring trouble."
General Cross spoke up, chomping his ever present cigar, "The real problem is this: we've got a volatile mix of foreign agents, true believers and pinko zealots, then a bunch of opportunists, would-be anarchists, and random angry youth just looking for a chance to burn and loot."
Kerrik nodded, "Smidt was definately an agent. His life was too perfect for the storybook proletariat hero, and we've got several leads from his apartment."
Drakk looked up. "So this isn't internal struggle? It's a foreign attack?"
Kerrik twisted his hand in the air, "Well, yes and no, sir. It's foreign agents, inciting an internal problem. With the massive mobilization we've been doing over the past couple of years, its no surprise there would be stress-"
Cross harumphed, "Don't they realize it's for the greater good?"
Kerrik answered him instantly, "It's hard to think greater good on minimum wage, General. I'm just listing the problems that caused this." He turned back to Drakk, "So now, there's a mix of believers, instigators, and random idiots. The real danger is from the latter group, sir. They're the ones who will light this tinderbox."
06-12-2003, 00:59
.:Later that Night:.
Teranaus City
Isle Sorabade
It was nighttime in Kaukolastan, and for the easternmost island of Sorabade, the dusk hit earliest of the nation. Nevertheless, the industrial and commercial center of Teranaus kept awake, it's plants didn't halt until ten, and its commerce never slept. By day, city was the hub of the booming refining, automobile manufacture, and mining industries on Isle Sorabade. At night, the city was a place of culture and theatre, of balls and plays. For the workers, it was a time of rest before the next day's shift, for the managers, a time to fraternize and make inroads with the others for advancement. But tonight, the workers were not working, resting, or enjoying the culture.
Cast in the dim glow of the plant lights and the office windows, hundreds, thousands, of people walked amid the streets in a parade that was not orchestrated by the city. They waved banners and signs, and they were singing an anthem of some sort, a symbol of unity and strength. The carried their own lights and moved through the main boulevard, jamming the city to capacity. They had gathered from around the island's various industrial "Outposts", small corporate city-states owned by the various companies and that served the mines, refineries, and plants.
Around the crowds, Riot Control SPs, or Espos, stood in their black armor, holding their shock batons behind their shields, holding teargas launchers and netguns, plus assorted control devices. They merely stood there as the masses passed, singing. The Espos did nothing, for no laws were being broken, but they were nervous and waiting for the crowds to do something illegal. The marchers glared at the Espos as they passed, loathing their mere presence.
In the buildings, the party goers tried to pretend the march wasn't happening, but the singing was rising through the girders of the sky scrapers into the ballrooms and billiards halls, and it was an ever present reminder of the fragility of their illusion. In one of those buildings, on the third floor, Darius stood in his suit, his arm to the window, resting his head, just watching the parade. He watched each person pass in sequence. Behind him, a friend called out, "Hey, Dar! Just ignore 'em!"
Darius closed his eyes, the rough humorless twist on his mouth. "I can't very well ignore a growing threat to this nation."
"Why are you so serious!" his date demanded.
"I'm sorry." he stated, turning back to her. "I'm just worried."
Below, the march proceeded.
06-12-2003, 01:16
In the marchers, a man to another. "Dude! I hate these damn Espos!" he declared, his slightly glazed eyes trying to focus. He took another hit from a small vial.
His friend shrugged. "Pigs." he grabbed the vial and took a snort. "Why are we marching, again?"
"Dunno, man. Something about throwing off the oppression."
"Cool. I hate oppression. Fu<kin' Espos." He glared at the riot control officers.
"Let's show them!" The man moved his hand to reveal a small .38 revolver.
"Shit, man! Stick it to 'em!"
The first man, his stance wavering, spun to the Espos, the revolver flashing to his hand. There was a blast, and one of the Espos fell back, a blood stain on his armor. Someone screamed, and another marcher tried to stop the man with the gun, but it was too late.
"Officer down!" the Espo Captain yelled into his radio. "Open fire!" The Espos lowered their gas masks, and the tear gas clunked into the street, fired from the rear ranks. The marchers scattered, coughing and crying. The Espos charged in, swinging their batons. The marchers rallied, tried to push back the Espos with stones and fists. "Lock!" Came the command, and the Espos formed a wall, throwing their shields before them. There was a hum as electric current flowed along the meshed wire over the face of the shields. "Advance!" The Espos moved forward, pushing the solid wall towards the rioters.
Mere contact with the charged Espo Shield was enough to send a grown man into convulsions and knock out any human being. When the Epsos attacked, they swung their shields like a ram, battering aside opposition. Then the clubs swung. Behind the wall, more officers fired more CS gas and net guns into the crowd to shatter it.
The fighting spread into the park, where former marchers armed with molotov cocktails tried to confront an Espo patrol. As thefire spread through the trees, the Espos activated their weapons. Rapid pulsing green lasers swept the crowd, causing seizures and blindness among the rioters. Ultrasonics caused more to fall, vomitting, to the earth. Microwave "Pain Beams" sprayed into the others, and they clutched their skin, feeling the burning in their bodies.
The riot echoed through the streets, and somewhere in the distance, real gunfire could be heard as a warehouse burned. In the building, the party was over, and the guests stared in horror at the scenes below. Darius fled the party, entered the embattled streets. At the site of the riot start, outside the building, there was an unnatural silence, as everyone had fled. Darius stepped out, ignoring the blood lying about, and the gasping CS victims. He stepped out to see one of the fallen banners, and he looked down at it. This is what caused all this? This wretched flag? In disgust, he planted his shoe on it, twisted it into the dirt. He turned back to the door, where his date waited. He stated, "We'd better go home. This is just the beginning."
The Prime Minister of Hattia openly declares his support for the Communists.
The Prime Minister read the reports from Kaukolastan, He smiled. He activated the intercom to his secretary. "Viktor, have the accountants send 4,000,000 USD to the Communist Party in Kaukolastan. "I'll do that now." The PM leaned back in his chair and thought about what he could do next.
Communist Likon
06-12-2003, 01:47
An RIF agent ran into the cottage and handed Nenil, who had been quiet for some time a telegram.
Nenil: A peaceful march we organised has been attacked, the statistics have not been gathered but it looks like many have been killed. Gentlemen, i believe it is possible that revolution has begun. I must go soon, i have agents in every city in the country, the people MUST rise at this. You My Rumpsfeel are free to leave if Devon has no objections. I have a supply of weapons, guns, mortar, artillery to hand out and more is being secretly landed every day. I go forward to further the revolution!
He looked at Rumpsfeel, oncee again measuring the man
Nenil: I hope that your government will see fit to aid the revolution. I advise you not to stay here to long gentlemen, its almost certainly being watched.
Nenil walkeed out the door, past 6 unconscious Marines
06-12-2003, 01:57
-damn double-
06-12-2003, 01:57
Drakk's Office
Again, Anderas Kerrik was the bearer of bad news. "Sir?"
"What now, Director?" Drakk looked even more tired and weary than before, circles under his eyes.
"The rioting has spread. Teranaus is locked down by the Security Police, but there's still fires. Some of the plants are shut down, and there's now fighting in Efrena and Sheiden as well."
"Cross told me this already. I authorized Martial Law."
"I know, sir. But I don't think even the Citadel is safe."
"Evacuate?" Drakk snapped up. "Never. Listen, Kerrik, I trust you, I like you, but I will not fuel their fire by pulling out in this dark hour. I must remain here, a pillar of strength for the people!"
Kerrik nodded. "Very well, sir. May I at least increase the ISA presence?"
"Please do. I should tell you, I'm taking the leash off of the military and the ISA. You have free reign to take whatever methods you deem necessary. After the comm grid went down last week, I began thinking of this. I must be informed, and you still answer to me, but you are free to act as you see fit."
"Thank you, sir. Curfews?"
"Seven to seven." He looked outside. "And, Director? Have you figured out who sent Smidt in?"
"No, sir, but our Agents are close."
"Keep on it."
"I will, sir. And good night."
"Yes. The same to you."
The door closed, and Drakk watched the darkened city outside of his window. He saw the bulletproof lines, the extra panes, and he sighed heavily. Outside, the Marines stood guard as always. He pressed his hand to the cool glass. Why has it come to this.
((We'd like to become involved in this very much. Can someone give me a quick summary of of what is going on and when will a war be? Thanks..))
Deep in the catacombs beneath the USNC capital men in dark robes have gathered. They are the cabinet of the Arch-Magus J.R. They are bickering, plotting, then the dark robed figure of the Arch-Magus enters, and they fall into silence.
"The time for talk is over. The time for action begins. Bishop Morgan, ship 500 USNC-P1 Riot Tanks along with the body armor and weapons. Contract out with private police forces, send as many of them as we can get. Summon Captain Rowan. Tell him to imbed some of his urban assault troops into the private security forces, and to set-up counter insurgancy forces. Pull Cardinal Typhon from the missionaries, tell him to see what support he can get for the church, and thus Kaukolastan's government. Also start aid shipments, use them as a cover for shipping third country weapons into the nation incase this breaks out into an all out civil war. Get our intellegence men working on finding out whose backing these rebels, have them lean on all their contacts in the area, try to get some men inside, and see if they can pay off any of the local intellegence officers who are monitoring communications networks. Invest money in our war fund to have proxies buy up as much of Kaukolastan's media as possible, and have our intellegence men start launching internet worms, we want to try to shut out their message. Move money from the Cabal's discresionary investment into defense contracts, and prepare to shift it quickly into Kaukolastan's uranium markets. You have five hours to have all the pieces in place, including the shipments on the ground."
OOC: The shipment to the Kaukolastan government is 500 USNC-P1 Riot Tanks, which are basically stripped down Abrhams Main Battle Tanks that can be retrofitted to be fully servicable for battle (relatively) cheaply. As well as 1,500 fully armed 'riot police', which are armed with USNC 5.56 Carbines (equivalent to the Colt Commando), body armor, riot shields, as well as some non-leathal weapons and support vehichles. There is enough personal equipment and vehichles for another 2,000 riot police if Kaukolastan can provide the personel.
06-12-2003, 03:14
NC, we thank you for your assistance, and our Espos could use all the gear they can get, as there are more riots every day, and they're becoming armed.
OOC: I've read all the posts so far.. allright if I get involved, if just with a few operatives or so?
Dark Squirrel
06-12-2003, 03:42
Incoming transmision:
From: Hive, Temple of Dark Squrrel
To: Operation Lonely Hawk
We learned that a bloody riots is ongoing in the streets of Kouklokstan. Father Hiparcos - you must imediately take action, you must stop this butchery. Find our operatives in the largest cities and command this groups to find these rioters, who makes these atrocities possible. Find out the connestions between the countries which are envolved in that meeting in cottage. Try to establish a save video link between your location and The Temple of Dark Squrrel.If this is possible we will be able to send you some visual information. We must stop this communist actions and seize control of the nationial resources of this country. Try to contact some other groups or country operatives, which also wants to stop these communist games.
Good luck!
The Conclave
Communist Likon
06-12-2003, 04:09
A RIF agent rushed into the room and handed Nenil a piece of paper.
Nenil:Gentlemen it seems that the demonstrations we organised have been fired upon, and riots have sprung up everywhere. I must go and organise these riots, we have them all over this nation. I beg you Rumpsfeel to involve your government in what is right here, the wil of the people. Until next we meet gentlemen.
Nenil walked out the cottage and past the six tied up marines. He got into a black car and drove for the capital, he orederd for his operatives all around the nation to start handing out the large stockpiles of weapons and supplies to the rioters. He also prepared the Red Eagles, the RIF crack squad to mobilise. He would make sure that the revolution succeeded.
General Iosef has sent a section of the Red Army to Kaukolastan as UN peacekeepers to restore order. The initial troops are as follows
10,000 Infantry soldiers. Armed with Makarov pistols, Siminow SK8R self loading rifles
1,000 Support staff (mechanocs doctors etc)
500 Revolutionary Guard (the crack military team)
100 T-85 Tanks
06-12-2003, 04:34
Location: 5 kilometers north from a secret cottage.
A smaal tent covered with leaves is standing in a middle of a dark forest. Only few antennas points the exact location of this small tent. The tent is ocupied with two men - one sits at the table which is covered with radio transmitters, code tables and other stuff.
Brother Cal: Father Hiparcos. We established a fragile connection with cottage. Im picking up voices.
Father Hiparcos: Record it! What's happening, brother?
Brother Cal: As i learned ther's a something like a meeting between three sides. I know only that, that one of thees man is Devon Nilye, Unit Coordinator of the UGA
Father Hiparcos: Devon... Oh, God! Then its important. It must be connected with the unstable situation in country.
Brother Cal: They try to arrange some propaganda or something. They try to change political system with a help from some men called Rumpsfeel(???)
Father Hiparcos: Rumpsfeel? Whats that! I don't know any Rumpsfeel's! We must cotact the Hive! We must stop this foolishness and stop this communist uprise! And report that a Devon Nilye is here...
Brother Cal: Yes, father!
Brother Cal started to push buttons on a radio transmitter, when he located the corect frequency, he took a microphone and started a common transmision routine:
"Lonely Hawk requires a save connection with a Hive, come in! Pascode: alpha-one-zero-zero-delta. Lonely Hawk requires a save connection...
Father Hiparcos went outside of the tent. He rised his head up. "It has begun.., That time has come!"
Wind become stronger and stronger...
FYI Devon Nilye does not exist. His records are in no official database anywhere in the world, except for a single, secure, physically and electronically isolated system.
The UGA does not exist. It changes its name practically every week. There are no records of its existence. Any UGA (U3) operatives you might manage to photograph or capture/kill will not be listed anywhere.
If you try to link Anhierarch with the U3, you'll have a hell of a time. Quantum encryption is utilized, using processors well in excess of 40 qbits.]
Devon nods, getting up abruptly.
"There are two conditions to remember, Rumpsfeel. First, never mention to anyone that you met anyone of my description. Second, the name of my country must never be mentioned. I trust you can fulfil that. And now, I must leave."
Nodding to two other shadowy figures dressed in the same black uniforms, he pulls on balaclava, a pair of googles and a complicated looking headset. The two others, who did not remove their headgear, leave the building carrying large backpacks - as they leave, two other figures, bearing menacing rifles, detach themselves from convenient shadows.
"Goodbye, Mr. Rumpsfeel. Nice not meeting you."
[ooc: Kalukostan, would it be plausible that cells of up to 30 operatives are in your 3 largest cities? They would have large weapons caches, either smuggled or purchased on the black market.
Oh, and in my next post I'd like several of my men to address a group of hardcore revolutionaries. That OK?]
Dark Squirrel
06-12-2003, 05:47
(OOC: Don't worry the link between my Father Hiparcos and Your UGA and Mister X will be only personal not political!)
06-12-2003, 06:54
OOC: Anheirarch, no problem. Just remember that the ISA is supposed to be highly effective and not nice. (More Gestapo/KGB than FBI/CIA.)
06-12-2003, 13:18
The looting was rampant in Teranaus. Fires were burning in the warehouse districts... again. The plant was shut down, and there were mobs in the street. Darius sat at his table, a pistol in one hand, his satellite phone in the other. Behind him, laying on the floor in panic, was his girlfriend. Darius watched the door, she watched him. Both were hoping nothing happened, but that was becoming increasingly less likely. Darius was speak, "-I don't care what you do, I'm telling you, Sorobade is falling!"
He paused and listened. His face became red and angry. "Proof? You want proof? How's this for proof?" He cracked the patio door and held out the phone, so that the other man could hear the gunfire. He yanked his arm back in and jerked the curtains closed again. "Did you hear that, Colonel? That was M4 and UMP fire, Kaukolastan Military Issue. The big boom? That was a damn 120 smoothbore cannon!" he almost threw the phone. "No, our people aren't turning. These fu<kers overran the armory last night!"
"How do they work it?" He held the phone away, covered the receiver, and commented to the girl on the floor. "I'm half tempted to change sides because of this incompetence." Moving back to the phone, "They built it, they run the militia around here. The base was understaffed, and we have fighting throughout the city. Military hardware is being splooged around out here; the streets reak of carcasses. There are foreign agents coordinating this whole mess, I've seen them leading the mobs."
"Yes, I shot them."
"All I want is an evac. I've got the regional governor, the chief of police, and the CEOs of most of the companies all holed away under my protection. I've got the families hidden, too." Pause. "Yeah, I was hoping that they'd spare the kids, but those shits gunned down Grigsby's seven year old two nights ago." Darius felt the anger rising again.
(Alister Grigsby was head of the Refinery. He and his family were killed, execution style, in the streets and left to rot with Communist slogans left below their corpses. He, his wife, and their three children were all killed, and the sign "Rober Baron" was hung on each of them.)
"You can get us out? When?"
"Roger that. We'll meet you at the old school house. Moving out now." He closed the phone and turned back to his girlfriend. "You know, my dates don't usually end like this."
She just whimpered a little. Darius comforted her. Poor civie, never seen combat before. "Hey, it's okay, we're getting out of here today."
"We are?"
"Yeah, I got us a way out." he was cut off by running in the hall. "Stay low!" he commanded, spinning back to the door with his SOCOM in hand. He ripped open the door to see three men running away with electronics from the abandoned apartment next door. The SOCOM coughed three times, and the bodies fell down the stairs. "Goddamn looters..." he muttered as he closed the door and packed.
06-12-2003, 13:24
Artims Port
"Okay, unload this stuff! We need to move fast!" The soldiers began to check the moorings on the docking Likon ship. There were several ships in this dock, more in the next, loaded with UN peacekeeping equipment. The dock manager ran a check on each item as it unloaded, checking off a list while talking to the Likon Representative. "...okay, what'cha got fer us, here?"
Meanwhile, Colonel Andros of the ISA was watching the unloading ships. He scratched his chin and turned to the Captain beside him. "You see that, Captain?"
"What, sir?"
"Those tanks. I think someone's expecting war."
"Well, sir, I don't think it will come to that, but it's good that they've prepared."
Andros raised an eyebrow. "Really? An announced Communist nation, leading the peacekeeping against a Communist uprising, then bringing tanks? It doesn't bother you?"
"I didn't say that, sir! I just-"
"I know, Captain. Run a check on all of their equipment and personel. I don't want any surprises."
"Yes, sir."
"And Captain... be discreet about it."
06-12-2003, 15:02
Dark Squirrel
06-12-2003, 15:24
Location: Tent in a dark forest.
Brother Cal: Father, there are some reports that some Red Army forces are being deployed in this country. There are some ships in a port and they are marked as UN Peeckeeping forces. What shall we do? We have a small teem of our operatives in this port - dockers, crane operators, nothing serious. We didn't expect such reaction from other contries.
Father Hiparcos: We must stop these riots its our target, but we cannot do it alone. We need help, but were we can find it?
Ok, send orded to our people in that port: "Brothers, you must act. Try to sabotage some ammunition or weapons of so called UN Peecekeeping force, which actually is communistic forces, who will try to establish a communistic order in this country. We must hide and make this sabotages look like, that they are done by the people of Koukulostan, not or contry. If we success, then these UN forces will be more careful and we will be able to sabotage their technics. Do not let them out form port. These weapons must'n reach large cities, becuse we have information that a large propaganda aparatus is going to be deployed to "wash" citizens brains. There is a possibiliti of war!. Be aware!"
Brother Cal: Done, father! I used secured link, but it is very high possibilitie that we will be traced, because in this country there are several players and we don't know they tactics, and whats their target!
Father Hiparcos: We will wait!
06-12-2003, 16:55
*Rumpsfeel is left alone in the cabin with his thoughts, he tries contacting the Government but his palm pilot dosn't get service this far out in the boondocks, he walks outside and see's the tied up marines, he unties them and they find their weapons behind a shed. They start walking down the road since there is no transportation around, after a while they come upon a random pay phone in the middle of the woods, Rumpsfeel runs over to it but discovers he has no change, he looks at the marines*
R: Any of you have a quater?
Marines: No sir,
R: Damn..... Whats the number for 1-800-CallATT again?
*The marines shrug, the seargent comes over to the phone*
Sgt: Let me sir,
*He takes the butt of his rifle and slams it into the change recovery and breaks it open, a massive flood of quaters falls out, he picks up one and gives it to rumpsfeel*
R: Well, I guess that works..
*Rumpsfeel puts the quater in and dials the government offices, once conected he the quater falls onto the ground.*
R: This is secretary of state Donald Rumpsfeel from Edenstein, I need to speak to the president.... No, not of Edenstein, your country.... No I'm not getting lippy...... Ms.... But.... Yes...... Yes.... Yes I'll hold....
06-12-2003, 17:04
It was dark in Efrena.
In two other cities in Kaukolastan, similar meetings were happening. In furtive basements, deep in industrial sectors or broken down slums, they were happening. The basements were all selected for their defensibility, their blueprints pored over by the tacticians of U3.
It was no laughing matter. They knew what they were up against.
Entrance to the storeroom was achieved through a long tunnel, ending in the basement of the adjacent warehouse. There was one other tunnel out of the storeroom, leading to another warehouse, and a concealed grate into the sewer system.
Four concealed shooters cover the entrance warehouse. Around a U-turn in the entrance tunnel, three guards and a crude machinegun nest waits. Before that, a weighty metal door, flaking paint and rusty - but still strong. A single guard behind that, to confirm identities.
Four more snipers within a kilometer of the site.
Four shooters in the exit warehouse.
Two claymores in the exit tunnel. One in the sewer.
Four within the actual room. The other ten were in an annex of the subterranean storeroom.
The room was, of course, dark. And addressing the fifty revolutionaries, Aldora Inkel. She walks up to the modest podium, slinging a sub-machinegun behind one shoulder of her mottled grey uniform.
"Friends, allies, comrades in arms against this cruel and oppressive regime. It is good to meet you here, and now, when the time is ripe to throw off your shackles, to face your former masters and say to them, no more. I am here now to tell you in the flesh that you are not alone in your struggle. We are here to help in any way we can. Now, if you please, I'd like to know the situation up there as seen by your eyes, and the eyes of your fellows."
[ooc: What's the situation like in Efrena?]
SBC (Stonies Broadcasting Company) special report: bloody demonstrations in Kaukolastan
Several demonstrations against Kaukolastan State Terror took place in Reggae City followed the announce of the murder of Derry Giuliani, young communist militant, shot by Espos as he was throwing a stone them
The Stonies Social Forum can not sit and watch growing instability in Kaukolastan without reaction, the 4th Stonies Humanitarian Fleet heads towards Teranaus City, Isle Sorabade, Kaukolastan
-1 hospital ship (
amphibious warfare platform ( (on board: 4th marines brigade (, 7th , 8th peacekeeping brigade ( and the 20th Helicopter Brigade (
The Fleet will station in Teranaus City port and welcome any wounded.
Colonel Zion Wailer, commander of 4th humanitarian fleet
from:"Free your mind" organization
to:Communist Party of Kaukolastan
The civil disobedience movement in Kaukolastan seems to lack strenght and unity, we propose to train 15,000 of your supporters (for free) to urban guerilla (including officers) at the Sinsemiliaburg Training Ground ( . This force can form the core of Kaukolastan People Liberations Army. The 4th Fleet will provide first aid and start help local resistance to organize.
Horace Andy, "Free your mind" military councellor
07-12-2003, 00:01
General Cross opened his briefcase and handed the report to Drakk, "Here's the situation in Teranaus: the city is mostly anarchy right now, with Espos and Commies shooting it out, and Soldiers strung in the mix. No one holds more that the distance they can shoot. The rest of the island is patchwork... some ours, some theirs, most of it no ones. A report from an agent in the field indicates the possibility of evac on the VIPs, and we have transports inbound now. Two of our armories were taken, and there's been military grade shootouts in the city. Also, the nation of Stonies has set up a fleet in the port, consisting of a hospital ship and an AWP. We recommend that we keep them under guns, but do not attack until the AWP makes an agressive maneuver. We've transmitted this to them, expressly as self defense, and that we will not target the hospital ship."
Drakk asked, "Will it take our wounded as well as theirs?"
"I don't know, sir."
Drakk sighed. "Find out. What's the situation on the other islands?"
"Same as before. Isis, Osiris, and of course Monolith, are immune to these effects, but the others are in a state of unrest. Not as bad as Sorobade, but close. Riots, marches, strikes, some killings. Tactical Analysis points to Efrena as the next uprising."
"Deploy the First Army to supplement the Security Police."
"Yes, sir." Cross nodded and left the room to deal with the situation.
Drakk's phone rang. "Hello?" he paused, "Rumpsfeel? Good to hear from you! Are you alright?" "We'll send a transport immeadiately and bring you hear. I'm hoping we can still avert this catastrophy."
Captain Rowan, officially Vice President Shoemaker of Schulster Security Inc, surveyed the field through the dark tinted visor of his armored police helmet. Chaos reigns below him, the recorded message repeates it's steady rythm "Please return to your homes. Curfew is curently in effect. Please return to your homes". Mere anarchy, along with bloodshed where part of his training, and he stays calm and in command, like a good soldier. He reaches over and flips on the scrambler, and starts to give out orders into the microphone
"Bring around the riot tanks to sectors Bravo and Fox Trot, we need to keep rioters from ramming through our security baracades in those positions. Have our remaining forces in Charlie sector fall back to the hospital, tell the choppers to cover their retreat with tear gas. Yes, I know we're almost out, but if we don't use it our men will never stand a chance of getting out. Close in the coast patrol boats to the bridge to knock down the rioters. What do you mean the boats we can't secure. Scuttle 'em, ram through 'em, just screw 'em, we have too much going on to deal with them now. How long you say? All bloody night if we have to, and into the morning. Your line must hold."
A cheeky, cheery news anchorwoman, in her pressed pant suit, not a hair out of place. Behind her police, soldiers, and doctors run around, the sick and dying filling gurneys, and so thick on the floor that the living must step on them to get through.
"Communist assaults continue today. Police and military forces report progress, but the terrorists still continue their heedless slaughter of innocent women and children. It is advised that if you do not need to leave your home that you do not. A curfew and martial law remain in effect until the vile terrorist threat is ended."
With that, explosions are heard outside, the camera pans, and overturned flaming cars are seen. The dark helmeted armored police officers huddled inside, exchanging gun fire with communist rebels. Several of the rioters are seen falling to the ground, and one of the officers fall as a bullet cracks the black visor on his riot helmet. Several of the wounded run, crawl, or curl up in the floor and cry. The camera pans back to the anouncer, still surprisingly unmarred, save for a hand clutching her shoulder, and the blood oozing out from under her clasp "These heartless bastards, what sort of monsters could do this!?"
07-12-2003, 03:02
[ooc: What's the situation like in Efrena? From the perspective of the revolutionaries.]
07-12-2003, 03:14
[ooc: What's the situation like in Efrena? From the perspective of the revolutionaries.]
OOC: Efrena is the most traditionally liberal city in Kaukolastan. Located on the Island of Dercin, Efrena is a support hub, with its primary industries being the massive tourist centers (Dercin being the only non-industrial island and home of the only nature reserves left.) and service industries. Efrena is known for its culture and cousine and arts scene, and therefore attracts a more sympathetic culture to the communists. However, they are mostly "theory" supporters who wouldn't take real duty for their cause of the moment (flighty, Hollywood types). However, the booming Stock Market is second only to the Capital, and it's large airport and multiple seaports, plus its central position, make it strategically important. The First Army is mostly holed up at the tremendous Regalis Airbase and the Football (American Style) Stadium. The Revolutionaries control much of the city, but not the ornate Financial District (where Espos and Soldiers control). The nature reserves are full of guerilla firefights. However, the government controls the docks, which are the major value in the city. The populace is moderately supportive of the Communists, but not of any action to that effect. The Financial District and the ports are obviously NOT supportive. Conflict in the city is mostly skirmishing and some rioting, but there are no widespread shootouts like in Terenaus.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 04:35
The Red Army tanks rolled into Terenaus. Lines of infantry marched behind them, in blue helmets and UN armbands the soldiers were nervous, but did not allow it to show on their faces.
The Red Army marched into the city center, setting themselves between the Espos and Communists,upon seeing them the combatants briefly hesitated. Colonel Sandford, the commander got ontop of one of the tanks, holding up a loudspeaker he spoke
Col Sandford: Comrades, this brutality is not how you fight a war. (Pausing for effect) This is how you fight a war!
And saying the Tank turrents turned upon the Espo forces and began booming as the Infantry began pushing forward. Communist revolutionary's charged beside them.
Nenil in the crowd slowly smiled at Col Sandford as he ran passed. Soon the city would be theirs.
07-12-2003, 05:14
Darius was getting ready to leave his room when the explosions started. His radio suddenly went berserk with the Espos reports.
"-under fire-"
"-Likon turned on us-"
"-need assistance-"
"-where's the damn army-"
Darius grimaced. "Damnit." He opened a chest, yanked out a wicked looking gun, the Calico M960. It had two pistol grips and a synthetic rail stock, with the clip held in a drum of one hundred 9 x 19mm rounds JHP, which sat ontop of the gun itself on a quick remove rail. He clicked the safety off and threw an M9 to Jennifer. "Can you shoot?"
"Well, try. We're moving out." He opened the door, checked his weapons, and then closed it. They ran for the old School Building.
Thoughout the city, the Espos were scattering, with the regular army units coming up to give aid. They fell back into the buildings and alleys, forcing the Likon forces to go door to door and negate the armored advantage and utilizing the classic urban defender's advantages.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 05:27
Realising the futility of house to house fighting Col Sandford changeed his orders. The Red Army troops simply threw handgrenades through windows and shot anyone running out.
The mass crowd of Revolutionary's seemed to grow. Like a tidal wave it rushed through the city. Killing anyone it could lay its hands on who did not openly support the Communists. Blood ran in the streets.
Meanwile in the capital of Scoobis Ernesto Guevara III Comandante of the Special forces debates with president Sanchez
Ernesto: this could be like another Russia or Cuba, we need to support them!
Sanchez: There would be dier consiquences, what happens when they lose, your father was all to aware of loss wasnt he lets not bring up Bolivia and the Congo.
Ernesto: This is me, not my father, sir, we have the extra weapons from our militia, we have the trainers all we need is your blessing
Sanchez: what kind of weapons are we giving up?
Ernesto: Rifles, rockets, and some light artillery
Sanchez: How much will this cost Scoobis
Ernest: a couple million at the most
Sanchez: Fine, but i'm telling you NO scoobisan soldiers enter Kaukolastan
Ernesto: Thank you sir.
14,000 rifles, 3 thousand RPGs, and one thousand 40mm mortars were sent in aid to the communist under the cover of darkness, all markings of production in Scoobis had been removed and the weapons' origin is untracible.
07-12-2003, 05:36
"Keep falling back! Keep moving!" Sgt. Major Mueller ordered as the soldiers and terrified Espos dropped back another block. "We'll hold them in the East side." The Kaukolastani soldiers pulled back along the short bridges and over the Terenaus River into the Museum District. The stone buildings and apartment complexes, with their labrynth design and pillars and ballustrades, made havoc for attacking forces. The Fourth ID had been setting up on Art Expo on the hill for a week, and they were thoroughly bunkered in. The first of the Revolutionary forces reached the river, and the cough of mortars sounded out in the valley.
On the roof, Corporal Higgins lay with his AMR. His spotter called out the stolen HMMWV that was crossing the bridge, "Humvee! Hellfire and pop!" Higgins tightened the trigger, and the great rifle roared. The barrel spun and recoiled, the clip rolled into place. The sabot blew away, and the TC penetrator lanced into the HMMWV, the submunition load detonated. It slid easily through the armor, and the ammonium perchlorate reduced the vehicle to a rolling charnel house. The vehicle rolled to a stop, clogging the north bridge and leaving its burning corpse as a reminder.
The Communist forces appeared, and snipers and MGs opened fire, with mortar slamming down.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 05:43
The tanks rolled to the river bank, just out of range of the mortar. The turrents boomed over and over again, reducing the buildings on the farside to rubble.
Underneath the city the Revolutionary Guard and several hundred RIF agents were leading the Communist forces through the sewers, they would come out from beneath the defenders.
Back in Communist Likon General Iosef flicked his pen, ordering an extra 30,000 Infantry, 250 Revolutionary Guards, and 150 Tanks to bolster the assault.
07-12-2003, 05:44
Darius ran through the sewers of Terenaus, half pulling, half dragging Jennifer behind him. His every step hurled bilge onto his urban combat khakis, but he didn't notice, his every sense attuned to the world around him, seeking threats. He passed a checkpoint the 4th ID had set up, beneath the city. They reached their exit, and he climbed the ladder first, shoving aside the manhole cover. He pulled Jennifer up next, and they ran for the school only two blocks away. Throughout the city, they heard fighting, especially on the East side. Here, on the south, it was tentatively under Government control, and they progressed easily, but they could hear the Revolutionaries approaching by the shooting in the distance. He entered the school building and approached a Captain, "You in charge, here?"
"Yes. You the contact man who brought this to our attention?"
"In the flesh. We need to hold this building until evac at all costs."
"I know, Operative. We've got the Triumphant off the coast with transport inbound. ETA five minutes, but we need to make two runs to get everyone out."
"Women and children first, then civilian males, then us."
Darius ran for the rooftop of the sprawling mega-school to guard and await the transport.
07-12-2003, 05:48
The fighting in the museum district raged amid the rubble, and high overhead, the SOAR Blackhawk kept check, communicating with the Triumph. Captain Weber was on the TacCon, while CWO Ellis flew. Weber was talking, "-repeat, we are engaging Likon Armor, request air support and bombardment on financial sector."
Commander Derk replied, "Captain, you are aware that this is our city?"
Weber glanced down at the rubble and fire, "No, sir, it's not. It's a battlezone, and we're losing."
"Acknowledged. Fire control released. Fast movers inbound."
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 05:53
The revolutionaries poured out of the sewers, rushing all over the enemy positions. Nenil came out of the sewer near what seemed to be a school. With 16 RIF agents and several hundred revolutionary's he ran to the building, expecting it to be empty so they could take cover and discover where they were before pushing on with the assault. When they were about 300matres away a gun was fired and hit the man next to him.
Nenil pulled out his rifle and began to fire. Hundreds of rifles alla round him did the same. His 15 remainig agents hurried to the school and threw hand grenades inside. The revolutionary's charged at the door.
07-12-2003, 05:56
The ocean was a blur beneath the wings of Solstice One, flight leader. His F-23C roared over the blue wall far beneath, Hellfire Missiles and Napalm Cannisters on his wings. He checked back in his cockpit, looking away from his holographic HUD. "Squad, lock and load."
The replies chorused in on his headset, and he nodded inside his mask and helmet. He took a breath, feeling the rubbery taste in his mouth. "Okay, boys, this is it. Drop below Mach, break into attack runs, attack pattern beta."
The city loomed on the horizon, silhoutted against the golden sun. He flipped the arm button on his controls and took a breath. Then he was over the city, flashing above the buildings. Behind him, the squadron shattered into pairs, screaming in at different vectors. He spotted a large mass of revolutionaries in the city center. He pulled up, pressed the trigger. One of the napalm cannisters tumbled away, almost gently. It detonated, hurling burning fuel across the masses. He banked around for another run, eyeballing a tank with a Hellfire. He fired again. Around the city, death came from the skies.
07-12-2003, 06:08
The fighting was at the school. Darius saw the Communists emerging from the sewers, fired the Calico. His shots dropped one in the mass, but they were swarming. Grenades rained in through the windows, and the soldiers fell back. The revolutionaries reached the doors, and attempted to batter in. As the door flew open, a Soldier let loose with a flamethrower. As he cut the juice off, another group slammed them back shut. The communists were ringing the building. The Captain ordered the claymore's detonated. The explosions racked the outside walls, and the soldiers jumped into firing positions from the reprieve, hailing down mounted M-240 fire and sniping from the windows.
The VTOL transports closed on the rooftop, settled in. The first wave of civilians, including the women, children, and most of the men, were loaded up. Darius gave Jennifer a last kiss as she stepped aboard, and she murmurred her thanks. The transport lifted and blasted away towards the Triumph, and Darius returned to the fight, his Calico snarling. Ten minutes, and we're out of here.
noticing their comrades being incinerated the revolutionaries shoulder their RPGs and launch a birage of grenades, non of which reached the passing jet.
Knowing their weapons couldn't reach the jet they unveiled the red arrow heat seeking weapon provided by Scoobis, mounted on the back of 1977 ford pickup a rocket was launched and after a chase hit the jet and the pilot bails out into the mass of burning men and women....
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 06:11
The Revolutionary's took cover. The F-23C were slaughtering hundreds. It didn't matter, soon the resistance would be crushed and this would be Communist territory.
The schools defences fell, the troops inside pulled back further into the building under the Revolutionary fire. Nenil signalled to his RIF man, inside the room they were outside of were several soldiers, some men in suits, but also children.
Nenil:I don't want to fire at the children, please surrender!
As he said this he pulled out a hand grenade. He didn't want to throw it but you never know what was going to happen. He awaited the response.
07-12-2003, 06:25
"Bail, Solstice Four! Bail out!" The F-23C disintigrated after the impact, the pilot shooting free. One toggled his channel, "We've got a pilot down!" He rolled around, strafing the truck with 20mm cannon.
"Roger that, get over to the school and escort in the next VTOL load."
"Ten, four, command."
Two of the fighters headed for the fighters, the others patrolled the city and battle sites.
The Communists pushed into the school building, down through the junior high areas. "Hold 'em here!" Mueller ordered. His radio squawked, "This is Pervez, we're pinned down in the closet area, being asked to surrender. We've got some business types with us, and they're asking for surrender."
Mueller shook his head. "Damnit! Try to negotiate the civilians free, Pervez!" he had to cut himself off as the door before him was kicked in. The Pancor Jackhammer in his hands bellowed, hurling automatic shotgun fire outwards. The Revolutionary horde shredded backwards, and they closed the door again, threw a desk in front of it. They fell back.
On the roof, Darius saw the second flight approaching. "This is it people! Last call!" He stepped down, into the school, to aide the retreat.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 06:46
Nenil lost his patience
Nenil:Last chance to surrender or were comming in...
The First fleet sailed into the Terenaus harbour, it blew the other ships out of the water, even pleasure yachts were destrtroyed. The KT-29 Scythe jets flew off the carriers and over the city, they would destroy any enemy jets or helicopters, and attack all enemy held positions.
The First Fleet
5 Catfish Aircraft Carriers
20 Catfish Skirmish II class ships
40 Catfish Skirmish class ships
100 Catfish Gunboats
100 Catfish Torpedo Ships
200 Bristilian Gunboats
20 Bristilian corvettes
07-12-2003, 07:00
OOC: If I may... "Holy Shit!"
IC: "Holy shit!" Solstice One exclaimed as his radar was covered in dots. "We've got incoming! Ditch ordnance and scatter!" The F-23s unloaded their payloads and scrambled out to the Triumph
The transport was setting down on the rooftop, and the soldiers were pulling back, abandoning this part of the city. Below, Pervez gave his answer. "We surrender."
Darius was the last man through the halls. He was checking heads. "Where's the last batch?" he asked.
"Cornered! We can't get to them!"
"Damnit!" Darius scrambled up the stairs and into the transport.
The VTOL roared skyward and rocketed away. The pilot commented back, "Hold on! We've got inbound!" The transport dropped to barely above the buildings and afterburned towards the Triumph. Venom Squadron was scrambling from the CV to meet and escort the VTOL.
In the back, Darius was changing out his Calico drum. "I hate those pinkos." he stated.
After seeing the sucess in the revolution Ernesto Guevara goes back to the President for more assistance...
Sanchez: Out of question, we've already sent weapons
Ernesto: we need more, the war is on our side now!
Sanchez: More? next you're going to want our tanks to roll in
Ernesto: No! just send a few thousand rifles, more vehichles and a tank or two.
Sanchez: Do they suspect us for any of the aid?
Ernesto: No, they have no idea
Sanchez: They will soon then
Ernesto: What?
Sanchez: this could be a good alliance, i'll send anything you want except for soldiers.
Ernesto: thank you sir
In his small house on the base Ernesto ordered:
20,000 AK-47s
10,000 RPGs
2,000 SVD Dragunov sniper rifles
four hundred pounds of C4
60,000 9mm pistols
Though more is possible he is still hesitant
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 07:09
OOC Sorry i recently bought this and just wanted to try it out, i'll try not to use it to much though. By the way where exactly is D
The RIF agents quickly rounded up the business men and the children.
Nenil: Is there anybody else up here?
The transport flew away, Nenil took a couple of potshots at it but missed. He saw a KT-29 Scythe flying after it and immediatley dismissed it from his mind.
He released the revolutionaries who left to reek havoc in other parrts of the city and had the children relocateed to a safer part of the city.
He tied up the business men and oredered 4 of his agents to "interview them"
He heard a barrage of gunfire roll over the city.
"What was that?" he asked one of his agents.
The man disappeard and came back five minutes later "Re inforcments sir, there are now over 40,000 Red Army troops in the city."
Smiling Nenil knew it would only be a matter of time.
07-12-2003, 07:19
-deleted in name of sanity-
in the middle of the night Ernesto recieved a phonecall waking him and his three children and wife.
Sanchez: Ernesto?
Ernesto: What is it?
Sanchez: turn on the news, or radio we've been attacked!
Ernesto: Where, by who?
Sanchez: by Kaukolastan, two scud missels were launched and killed thousands in Romeo!
Ernesto: what does this mean for us?
Sanchez: Total war, you sir now are in command of our military feel free to use it at your disposal. Help those rebels
Ernesto got on the horn instantly and made a call to his contacts in Kaukolastan who are apart of the underground. The four hundred pounds of C4 were to be used on bridges, railways, and anything that would allow the Kaukolastan gov't to evacuate. 50,000 soldiers will be dropped in by jets by morning.
07-12-2003, 07:21
KNN Reports:
Three days after the fall of Terenaus, the government appeals to the world for help. Martial law is being tightened, and the ISA is running full sweeps on the country for any hint of disloyalty. There have been tens of executions already, and rumors speak of Purges on the horizon.
07-12-2003, 07:22
in the middle of the night Ernesto recieved a phonecall waking him and his three children and wife.
Sanchez: Ernesto?
Ernesto: What is it?
Sanchez: turn on the news, or radio we've been attacked!
Ernesto: Where, by who?
Sanchez: by Kaukolastan, two scud missels were launched and killed thousands in Romeo!
Ernesto: what does this mean for us?
Sanchez: Total war, you sir now are in command of our military feel free to use it at your disposal. Help those rebels
Ernesto got on the horn instantly and made a call to his contacts in Kaukolastan who are apart of the underground. The four hundred pounds of C4 were to be used on bridges, railways, and anything that would allow the Kaukolastan gov't to evacuate. 50,000 soldiers will be dropped in by jets by morning.
OOC: Huh?
07-12-2003, 07:30
my bad, goy carried away
OOC: It's okay. What happened for real?
The Most Holy Principality of Roania announces its intention to destroy the forces of communism, and defend the rightful government of Kaukolastan.
Surrender, or face total obliteration. The fields will run red (sic) with the blood of the communists.
The Volga
07-12-2003, 07:33
ohhh, you dont want to piss Roania off. Communists = Dead
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 07:34
OOC Kaukolastan soz im tired and confused but did u just use Nukes on me?
The Volga
07-12-2003, 07:39
A fleet of Chinooks is being prepared to depart with a brigade of Elite troops (from the 2nd Light Infantry Division). They will fly to the sites of Communist Rebellion, and destroy it. No civilian lives will be spared. Hundreds of support weapons like M79's, M82's and Stingers are to be used by the brigade in this operation, in addition to their regular armament of M4A2's.
07-12-2003, 07:40
OOC Kaukolastan soz im tired and confused but did u just use Nukes on me?
OOC: Retcon-ed!
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 07:44
OOC Um maybe that would be best, lets not get any type of WMD's involved ok? not right now anyway.
The Volga, we may need some precise numbers, and a reason would be nice
IC Sandford watched his superior number of troops, air support, and the thousands of Revolutionary's. Calling out to the enemy with his loudspeaker he shouted
"There has been enough bloodshed. Surrender to the people and you will live, if not every one of you will die."
he awaited the enemys response.
OOC: And My reason is that you are communist, and Roania kills communists for fun.
3 Legions are being readied, and are being primed for transport to Kaukolastan. Their orders are simple. Kill everyone who walks under the red flag.
Every one. Down to the youngest child.
<3000 men; 2000 Infantry, carrying RA-87 Assault rifles, RA-MG22 Machine guns; 20 Defender Class Tanks. Remaining forces artillery and aerial support>
The Volga
07-12-2003, 07:49
OOC Um maybe that would be best, lets not get any type of WMD's involved ok? not right now anyway.
The Volga, we may need some precise numbers, and a reason would be nice
IC Sandford watched his superior number of troops, air support, and the thousands of Revolutionary's. Calling out to the enemy with his loudspeaker he shouted
"There has been enough bloodshed. Surrender to the people and you will live, if not every one of you will die."
he awaited the enemys response.My nation is aggressivley anti-communist, at the moment im attempting to assasinate the Chairman of the communist party in another country.
2,400 Elite Infantry (1,700 armed with M4A2's, 300 armed with M79's, 300 armed with M82's, 100 armed with Stingers)
50 Chinooks
2 Su-47's (escorting the Chinooks)
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 07:58
Responding to the Imperialist threat General Iosef has decided to up the Red Army's presence in Kaukolastan. He sends the following as well as the troops alread in Kaukolastan.
300,000 Infantry soldiers. Armed with Makarov pistols, Siminow SK8R self loading rifles.
2,5000 Revolutionary Guard (military elite)
5000 support staff (mechanics, doctors etc)
700 BMP armoured personnel carriers
900 T-85
200 T-55
80 T-81
100 MiG 19s
200 MiG25s
90 TTF Bombers
And ontop of that is the people of Kaukolastan who want to be communist, who's rights you are denying with your imperilistic conquering.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 07:59
And obviously the navy already in Kaukolastan
07-12-2003, 07:59
Drakk watched the reports with growing sadness. "Order them to hold. Send in the Second Fleet, plus transports for the Third ID. We will not fall!"
The military mobilized for it's counter attack.
The Volga
07-12-2003, 08:00
300,000 million? heh
My nation is a dictatorship, just so you know, so I am not particularly interested in the view of the people.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 08:03
OOC sorry about that. typo
IC the planes destroyed their air support, and continually attacked the ground troops. Over 40,000 Infantry constantly and countless thousands of revolutionaries attacked their positions.
The enemy were slowly pushed back, but they had no where to go.
The Roanians landed, and began rooting out communist sympathisers, linking with the 2000 soldiers already in Kaukolastan...
Every time they found a communist, they killed them. Soon, they ran into the revolutionaries. Opening fire, they unleashed massive blasts against them. Tanks ran over the enemy, air support hit heavy concentrations.
OOC: Damn you for destroying my own plans, Kau! DAMN YOU!
OOC2: Roanian weapons generally use exploding shells. They don't care about civilian casualties, obey no rules of law or codes of conduct, and enjoy bringing death.
07-12-2003, 08:11
"Roger that. I've got the targets." Inside the retrofitted B-70 Valkrye, the supersonic strategic bomber, the bombadier checked his targets, the Likon fleet. In the bays, twenty-two Harpoons waited, their targets assigned by the computer in the plane. Cruising at Mach 3, the Valkrye was the fastest bomber in the Kaukolastan Air Force, and it was about to prove its worth. In front of this bomber, two more flew, loaded with tens of thousands of pounds of conventional bombs, all JDAM retrofitted. The two broke off to the city, while the first remained on target.
"They'll be seeing us now." the Navigator stated. "Not like they can hit us."
The bomber roared forward, the doors retracting, the turbulence threatening to hurl it off course. The computers corrected, and the Harpoons dropped away, screaming in on their targets in the Likon fleet. The B-70 shot past the fleet in the low atmosphere, even before its missiles had struck.
Over the city, it was the same.
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 11:14
Surrounded the had no choice, the enemy in Terenaus were under severe pressure to surrender. Above them the B-70 Valkrye bombers were being slaughtered by the Communist Likin Scythes. The Red Army, over 300,000 landed in the port. They breached the enemy positions as Red Army engineers began to create siege weapons.
Ever Revolutionary lost was replaced by 2 more, the hydra of communism grew strong. And the enemy was slaughtered by the dozen.
07-12-2003, 11:20
Surrounded the had no choice, the enemy in the capital were under severe pressure to surrender. Above them the B-70 Valkrye bombers were being slaughtered by the Communist Likin Scythes. The Red Army, over 300,000 landed in the port. They breached the enemy positions as Red Army engineers began to create siege weapons.
Ever Revolutionary lost was replaced by 2 more, the hydra of communism grew strong. And the enemy was slaughtered by the dozen.
OOC: When did you get to the capital? This is over Terenaus. And where are your damages?
Communist Likon
07-12-2003, 11:27
OOC soz as i said much much earlier tired. btw what are the defenders losses and how many are left?
What are the damages sergeant?" Sandford demanded of the First Aid officer.
"Theres about 1500 wounded sir, they'll be taken to our e-vac down at the docks. Theres about 1200 dead. The civilian Revolutionary's toll is uncountable, i don't even know how many there are in this city."
"Very good sergeant" Sandford dismissed him.
Sandford watched the reinfocments roll into position. A dogfight was occuring above his head, but he didn't even notice. "Forward!" He yelled and 337,000 Infantry and 1280 Tanks rolled forward to attack the enemy.
07-12-2003, 11:33
OOC: The museum stand is an Alamo. They are down to about 1000 men with asorted weaponry. They're pissed, tired, battleweary, and apathetic by now. VERY dangerous combination. Back tomorrow with detail and action... sooo tired...
07-12-2003, 14:55
[ooc: Hope this is ok.]
Night. As usual.
The resident cell of the U3 had had trouble sourcing sympathizers willing to fight and die as opposed to sitting in warm studies and writing essays - much to their chargin, of course. Nevertheless, about a hundred men and women of varying combat skill had been found, and volunteered into ther service of the U3.
They were dressed in a variety of clothes, though in bland, mottled hues, as requested by the U3. Given the fighting going on in the city, it hadn't been hard for them to get hold of dirty clothing. They'd been given assault rifles acquired from the black market, and the vanishingly few who claimed to be good shooters had been given Dragunov sniper rifles, again from the black market.
Aldora Inkel had divided them into four large squads, three U3 operatives supervising each squad of around 25 individuals. Along with the light arms, each squad featured a light machinegun, a 60mm recoiless rifle and a similarly sized mortar.
The squads spread about 2 kilometers from the finanical district, sending forth reconaissance patrols of three individuals selected for their coolness under fire and ability to move unseen.
[ooc: What do they see?]
Dark Squirrel
07-12-2003, 16:14
I the streets of (now) communistic Terenaus there where small group of people. They runed fast and hided everytime they saw some communist fighters.Leader shouted: "Lets get that damn tank!" At one house there was a tank, it was a comunist tank. In a middle of a night team received an order - order of sabotage. They went towards a tank, there were no people around. "Ok, give me that C4!" One man pulled out smaal pack of a C4, it had a time detonator. "I set for 5 minutes, we will have time to escape" He pulled the trigger and put the C4 under the tank, then thay quickly runed away. The tem leader shouted "DIE communist pigs!"
A heavy blast crushed the tank, smoke and fire filled the house contigous the tank...
Order of Dark Squirrel started the terror against communists in Koukolastan.
07-12-2003, 17:44
By order of the New Premier Valakan.
Communist guerilla urban specialist fighters will be sent to support the Communists where they are losing.
"SBS reporter: Colonel Wailer, why didn't our troops intervened during the likonese assault?
Colonel Wailer:Stonieland is and will remain neutral during this war. AWP is essential to protect the 4th humanitarian fleet but we cannot compromise the humanitarian intervention.
SBC reporter: What will you do now?
Colonel Wailer:The hospital ship ( is already at full capacity (2000 wounded) and we are organizing evacuation to Stonieland thanks to 10Hash Aircargos (
However, the 7th mechanized peacekeeping brigade ( just arrived from Stonieland. It seems that we have a situation at the museum, 1,000 supporters of the regime, armed but isolated. They are tired, have no chance to survive and are aware of that. We will propose them to surrender and offer them an evacuation to a neutral country.
SBC reporter: Thank you colonel. This was Jayne Eyre, SBC News, Sorobade, Kaukolistan."
Stonies Soldiers in Sorobade
sharing a cigarette with communists from Likon...
Few hours later, Sorobade Museum.
The 7th mechanized peacekeeping brigade ( under command of captain Max Romeo arrives in front of the Museum.
Romeo: This is Captain Max Romeo from the Stonies Humanitarian Team, we come in peace. We can guarantee your life if you surrender! You can be evacuated to a neutral country, Stonieland where you will be free. This war can be over for you.
OOC: kaukolistan, in case they accept the will evacute them by the 20th Helicopter Brigade ( they drop weapons. They will then be transported by Hash Aircargos ( to Stonieland.
"Sir, there's some idiot shouting about surrender."
"Shoot them."
Massive aerial bombardment commenced of the Stonies inside Kaukolastan. Huge "Thunderbird" Strato-bombers flew over their position, deploying their deadly cargo. Finally, there was a lull. Then one more "Thunderbird" flew overhead, dropping a special bomb.
It fell, hurtling to earth. 30 metres above the target, it exploded, unleashing an incredibly corrosive substance. Civilians fled inside after the first person touched by the liquid had their skin melted from their bones. However, the darkening rain, when it touched a building, bored its way in, and onto the skins of those trying to flee. The Roanians watched from a distance.
"They don't seem to like our G4 that much, or our SeaSpray2 missiles." The captain remarked, idly, to his Lord Captain.
"No, they don't. Now, how much of Kaukolastan have we secured?"
"We've secured 10 miles in the North. All revolutionaries and spies within have been wiped out."
"Excellent. Begin phase two. Ferry in more soldiers, and expand our sector of control... oh, and raise the flag."
*In the northern town of <insert name here>*
Revielle was played, as legionnares marched out of their barracks. Cheering townspeople ran out to meet them... only to suddenly see something surprising. The Roanian flag flew over the town centre.
And there was no sign of the Kaukolastan flag anywhere. The commander stepped forward, and stood on a podium. "Citizens of <insert name here>! We have come to bring you security, and peace! We will protect you, from your oppressive government and the communist scum! We are your new masters."
There was a wordless silence. Then soldiers marched out, and escorted the people back to their homes. "Starting tonight, there will be a curfew at 8:00 sharp. All men aged 18-35 will remain, with the intention of forming partisan support groups against the communists."
Out at sea, the dark shapes of many more transport boats and aircraft carriers could be seen.
OOC: No-one responded to my previous post, so I'm winging it.
By the way, Kaukolastan, I've decided to take my reward *early*.
08-12-2003, 02:41
Drakk was in his office as usual, but he was half-dresed, and his vision was wavery. General Cross was talking to him, "Sir, what are your orders?"
"Orders? Fries and coke!" Drakk burst out laughing.
Cross flashed a glance at Kerrik and Grav. Both men nodded in sorrow. The Director approached Drakk, "Sir? We're recieving reports from both North and South islands. The troops in Terenaus are being torn up. We can't get them out. The Second Fleet is ready to counter-attack. On Artris, Roanian forces have landed, sir. They're fighting the Communists, but they're claiming the land as theirs, sir."
Drakk rolled his head about, "Of course... I invited them!"
"Sir? You know how they function!"
"They're nice boys. They deliver papers on Sunday..."
Kerrik stormed out of the room, with Cross on his heels. Grav stayed behind to try and get through to the old man. In the hall, the Director shoved the general against the wall, "Damnit, Aaron! What the hell happened to him? I leave the Capital for three days, and I find that Drakk's a slobbering mess!"
Cross shook a little, scared by the sudden burst of action from the normally rational Director. "Listen, I don't know! Maybe it was the stress.. he is 87, you know!"
"Stress doesn't just happen General. Something happened to him. My guess is, a toxin cooked his brain."
"But who-"
"That's for me to figure out, now. Whatever happened, he's no longer fit to rule, and we need to install someone, fast, before the people suspect. We will puppeteer Drakk for the show. But who can lead?"
"The Minister of Defense?"
"Darrin Vek? Hardly! He's still cowering in some bunker! I was thinking more like Senator Trinus."
"But he's not loyal enough. He's a politician, Anderas!"
"Then, who, Aaron?"
"How about you? You've been Drakk's closest confidant throughout this mess."
"Hardly! I don't want that job, nor could I do it."
"You manage fine with the ISA. You're the best man for this role, playing to be another."
Kerrik paused, considered. "For the duration of this fight, only, General. Then we hold elections."
"Very well, then. I must go propogate an illusion." He paused. "We can trust no one, General. We must use subterfuge in all we do, hold five meanings in every action. I think I already have a plan."
08-12-2003, 02:46
In Efrena
The Financial district was dominated by giant marble buildings and towering statues, with the modern eletronic displays blended in, so as to "fit" the image of the district. The streets were cobblestone, with the "real" road supporting beneath the old-time illusion. In buildings, MG nests were set up, there were fire-zones on corners. Although they could not be seen, there were definately snipers stalking amid the darkness. On numerous rooftops, there were radio arrays, and M1s and M2s could be seen parked amid the blocks, with HMMWVs moving about.
08-12-2003, 02:52
08-12-2003, 02:54
[ooc: Which city were the Stonies in and what's the position relative to Efrena? Thanks.]
Andulos City, Anhierarch
Somewhere in the Commonwealth Tower
It was a small room, but large enough to fulfil its purpose. Around a table sat several figures, most in some sort of military uniform. All over the table, files and folders were scattered. There were photographs in plenty, data siphoned from passing observation sattelites.
For the past two hours they'd been discussing the situation in Kaukolastan.
"General Asnare?"
The weathered old man perks up, looking at the Overseer of the Division of Security, Ejai Telenu.
"Yes, Overseer?"
"Contact Communist Likon - securely. Inform them of our distress regarding the recent Roanian actions, and seek their opinion. See what they think of coordinating our plans."
There was always an 'and' - the General decides to prompt her.
Ejai frowns.
"And contact the two battlegroups in Free Soviets. I want them ready to move within 24 hours. Get some of the S-Unit special forces and have them on an express flight to Free Soviets within 12 hours - they'll ride on the Kirov battlecruisers."
08-12-2003, 03:08
Back in the cell HQ of Efrena, the team's NDD operators type furiously on the Q consoles, though with a modicum of caution - they knew every Q console deployed in a mobile unit was rigged with enough incendiaries to incinerate the entire warehouse.
They worked with a singular purpose, the powerful quantum processors connected to a phone line. They aimed shut down power supply to the Financial District.
On the streets themselves, the four squads begin to establish themselves in office buildings 2 kilometers from the financial district, a U3 sniper attached to each squad searching for enemy snipers with a thermal scope. If no snipers are present within the 2 kilometer radius, the mortars and recoiless rifles are deployed on the rooftops, awaiting the results of the NDD operatives.
08-12-2003, 03:52
There was a flicker, and the lights went down in Efrena. Over the next several seconds, the autonomous backup supplies kicked on. The military tensed. On the rooftop of the Taurus Stock Company, Thomas Waits checked the NV on his PSG-1. "Movement." he reported onto the battlenet. Around the city, the teams readied, picking their targets. There was a coordinated volley of single shots, and then reloads, waiting for the response and readying countersniper fire.
08-12-2003, 04:17
Six incautious revolutionaries bite the dust, dying a gurgling death as their very own lifeblood chokes them to death. Three others suffer flesh wounds.
Taking cover behind ledges and roof-access points, the U3 snipers begin to return fire, assisted by a removable IR attachment on their scopes. Two of the recoiless rifle operators launch their high explosive payloads towards the distant flash of the rifles.
The scout teams themselves were still on the ground, lurking in alleyways, attempting to locate significant concentrations of troops, vehicles or infrastructure. As they do so, a series of thumps indicate the first mortars leaving their tubes...
The entire island was fully under Roanian control. A grand army was enroute, to link up with the 200 Legions already in place on the island. "Captain, contact the Soviet Likon government. Inform them that we claim the northern half of the archipelago, and that if they leave it, we will allow them to peacefully conquer the southern half. We are sure this can be done quietly, without the Principality having to call in allies."
"Yes, sir."
[code:1:ea9d700ba5]Satellite Uplink
TO: The Premier
FROM: Lord Captain Commander Jamison of the 5th Roanian Imperial Army
We call upon you now to abandon the northern portion of the Kaukolastan archipelago. We now claim them in the name of the Prince and his council. We will allow you the southern portions of the nation, and we will split the central capital equally. I see no reason as to why we may not work together in this.
Failure to comply will result in the contacting of SATO and requesting that our alliance with said alliance brings us aid. ((OOC:Did that make any sense to you? If not, I'll explain in the next post, because I know what I meant, and I can't apply it to what I typed))
Over and out[/code:1:ea9d700ba5]
08-12-2003, 06:19
"Sir!" the aide stated, breathless. "We just got this off the taps!"
Kerrik turned. "What now?"
The aide handed him the note.
-broken-We call upon you now to abandon the northern portion of the -broken-. We now claim them in the name of the Prince and his council. -broken-southern portions of the nation, and we will split the central capital -broken-. I see -broken-reason -broken-we may -broken- work together in this. -transmission error-
He nodded and handed it back. "I figured as much would happen. Damn that doddering old fool." He stroked his chin, looking at the bunker around him. "Thank God for my paranoia. Break out the BZ on those traitorous dogs."
"Sir... they'll retaliate."
"They won't know what the hell happened to them. It will look like mutiny. Besides... they have no clue where we are."
"Yes, sir."
08-12-2003, 06:28
A Brief Description of Agent BZ
BZ is among the classes of centrally-acting compounds, that act on the central nervous system, which includes Fentanyl and Ketamine. Very small doses of Fentanyl are effective in immobilizing limbs, but can cause depressed respiration. Ketamine is generally used as a pediatric anesthetic and can be dangerous when used on heart patients.
Physiological manifestations include induced dream-like state through hallucinations, or even severe delirium, these effects being least severe on children and the elderly. BZ is an effective stunning agent that acts by mydriasis (dilation of the pupils), which can be extremely uncomfortable. BZ can also cause short-term memory loss, and different people may experience different levels of side effects.
The precise chemical formulation of BZ was kept secret. However the WHO report speculates that it belongs to the family of psychochemical known as benzilates, or Phenyl Glycolate Esters of 3-quinuclidinol. BZ produces profound mental disturbances at a dose of 0.1 to 0.2 mg. The symptoms may appear half an hour after exposure and may persist for some days.
Basically, the exposed go nuts. Some trip out and act bizzarely, some go catatonic, some become suicidal. All rendered combat ineffective.
08-12-2003, 06:36
"-Comrades, we have made a fatal error." the speaker declared to the crowd gathered in the subway station. "Yes, our government had problems, yes, they made mistakes. But they were our government, our mistakes! Now we live under a foreign occupation that slaughters our families! They have elevated the lowest criminals on pedestals and destroy our lives because we are not them! We have erred, my friends, in destroying when we could have reformed, and killing when we could have healed! I say, it is better under our own, than some foreign oppressor!"
The man was wrapping up his speach, and elsewhere in the station, two men observed. "He's good at that. I almost believe him."
"Yeah, I saw him work his magic on a different crowd. Different speach, same fawning results. ISA training is great stuff."
The crowd was applauding and agreeing as the man disappeared. The two men walked away as they dispersed. "We're cutting out their legs at the knees. They'll find their support gone in no time, and they'll have no reason to remain."
"Except as oppressors."
"We all know how that goes, don't we."
The two ISA men vanished.
08-12-2003, 07:05
The memebrs of our reagon, in honor of our military allience wth Kaulolastan have banded togetehr, and i, elected leader and represenative of this collition offer the following aid to the beseiged nation of Kaulolastan
Goulphar 93,000,000 25% Total, give 13,950,000 15%
Transnapastain 95,750,000 25% Total, give 14,362,500 15%
Opinia 24,600,000 10% Total, give 1,235,000 5%
Reppep 22,400,000 10% Total, give 1,120,000 5%
Nailiak 73,400,000 20% Total give 11,010,000 15%
Total: 41,677,500
Our asstance comes from pity and an honor of the allience we signed when we entered the region, these soliders WILL NOT particapate in any offensive actions outside of re-establishing sovreignty of Kaukolastan's goverment. Meaning, after the reestablishment of the goverment, these forces will be used for peacekeepign and defending and will not be used in offensive action aginst the invading nations. We will not particapate in any retrabution aginst the invading nations because the fight is not ours to wage.
Chacaller Main
Directorate Colition
The Dominion of Transnapastain
08-12-2003, 07:12
[ooc: Are those figures money or soldiers?
Hmmm.... if it's money it's a pathetically paltry sum. If it's soldiers it's a ridiculously huge number.
And Kaukolastan, my chaps on the rooftop are returning fire.... although it seems terribly insignificant with all the huge armies massing.]
Communist Likon
08-12-2003, 07:59
Official Dispatch from the Conductor of Communist Likon to the Kaukolastan Government.
Our dispute is to decidee the fate of Kaukolastan, and the Kaukolastan people. Neither of our great nations want to see Imperialists like Roania take control of nations that they have no involvment with.
I propose that we join forces to destroy the Roanian invasion, and after victory, we peacefully discuss the future of Kaukolastan, together we are strong!
General Iosef
OOC: Roania did you attacked me in Sorobade? This city is controlled by a huge Communist Likon Army... Pretty doubtfull that they stay there without reacting. Anyway please post what exactly do the "corrosive substance", what is its chemical composition and if it can through 10mm hull.
This is Jayne Eyre from Sorobade, something terrible happened...
This image has been taken few moments after the bombardment, it seems that a bomb has been launched with some kind of corrosive substance...
in a few minutes, the entire neigbourhood was transformed in hell...
Civilians fleeing from the bombardment zone with Stonies soldiers that seem completely lost.
An incredibly awful weapon has been used on the 7th mechanized peacekeeping brigade (, catching them totally unexpected (OOC: how did you know about the location Roania?). It seems however that 15 Sinsemilia MAV fired their GAU-12/U (Stinger Missiles) towards the "Thunderbirds".
The Museum has been destroyed, all government loyal supporters have been killed, the 7th mechanized peacekeeping brigade ( has severe losses. An entire neigbourhood of Sorobade has been destroyed.
Civilian losses are still unknown.
Many have lost even their whole family as Roanians massacred even those fleeing from the disaster.
-Sir, Sir, excuse me but can you tell me a few words?
-I... just one thing... WE SHALL OVERCOME! DIE ROANIANS!
Much confusion still here in Sorobade, fire still hasn't been extinguished in many blocks...
But emergencies are working pretty well, civilians medical team have been formed by the 4th humanitarian fleet and they are still finding corpses under the ruins.
A special NBC squad has been deployed to analyze and try to cure the victims of the bomb.
Today, Kaukolistan and Stonieland were confronted to the reality of war,
More to come, Jayne Eyre, SBC News, Sorobade Kaukolistan"
OOC:this bomb seems a bit insane to me. Thank to "god" you are not in charge of the US army in RL Roania: you would already have a worldwide reaction against you...
A Brief Description of Agent BZ
BZ is among the classes of centrally-acting compounds, that act on the central nervous system, which includes Fentanyl and Ketamine. Very small doses of Fentanyl are effective in immobilizing limbs, but can cause depressed respiration. Ketamine is generally used as a pediatric anesthetic and can be dangerous when used on heart patients.
Physiological manifestations include induced dream-like state through hallucinations, or even severe delirium, these effects being least severe on children and the elderly. BZ is an effective stunning agent that acts by mydriasis (dilation of the pupils), which can be extremely uncomfortable. BZ can also cause short-term memory loss, and different people may experience different levels of side effects.
The precise chemical formulation of BZ was kept secret. However the WHO report speculates that it belongs to the family of psychochemical known as benzilates, or Phenyl Glycolate Esters of 3-quinuclidinol. BZ produces profound mental disturbances at a dose of 0.1 to 0.2 mg. The symptoms may appear half an hour after exposure and may persist for some days.
Basically, the exposed go nuts. Some trip out and act bizzarely, some go catatonic, some become suicidal. All rendered combat ineffective.
Basic description of G4. G4 is a highly, highly corrosive liquid. A silent killer, you would say. It lands, and it burns away the skin. It is essentially acid rain, only concentrated incredibly.
That's it. It's not the type of thing that would leave a mark.
EDIT: Sorry, but can you just ignore me? Over the next few days, I'll be on for a grand total of 3 hours, late in the day. I won't be on at *all* Friday, unless lucky, and it'd be slowing things down waiting for me.
I'll do that RP against you yet, Kaukolastan. But this isn't going to work.
08-12-2003, 10:37
With the news of the attack in Sorobade, the C-G government finally decided to do something.
3 heavily modified An-124 Ruslans, loaded for bear, are dispatched, each with a freshly painted Red Cross on their sides.
okay so G4 doesn't go through hull of mechanized units?
08-12-2003, 11:17
OOC: So Roania didn't chem-strike me? (And Anhierarch, I appreciate the small unit conflict... it gives me comfort when I'm sitting here, going "Shit! Fuck! I've got another damned tank div in my nation!")
Okay, that's gonna change things back a little... hmm... okay everyone, I'm pressing the RESET button in 3...2...1...
Here's the status: Likon controls Sorobade, Stonies have aide stations set up all over there. Anhierarch and I are in small unit combat in Efrena. Some things I said still remain: Drakk is gone senile, the Director of Intelligence is running the government in secret. I undo my chemical weapons post. I'm still keeping my counter-insurgent post. Everyone else?
Communist Likon
08-12-2003, 11:29
OOC Have you accepted my offer to unite and destrtoy the Roanians in your nastion?
08-12-2003, 11:32
.:In Efrena:.
The return sniping dropped five of the shooters and six spotters. The mortar fire killed an additional five sniper teams as their positions became smoking ruin. On the radio channels, it was flooded with calls for fire support. "We're under indirect fire! I've marked the positions on the map, they're at 12 by-"
As the chatter went past, the snipers returned counter fire on the flashes, then ducked behind cover, switching positions. In the distance, the coordinates were relayed to a fire-group. "Ready indirect fire on mark." the fire control officer stated to the three Crusader crews and the single Vought MLRS, set up on the dockworks. The artillery readied their salvo. Nearby, stingers were ready, and several Avenger AA HMMWVs were also hidden, like the artillery.
08-12-2003, 11:33
OOC Have you accepted my offer to unite and destrtoy the Roanians in your nastion?
If he's still here, yes. I'm not sure if he meant he was undoing all he did, or just his Chemical strike.
08-12-2003, 11:40
(OOC: bah, the 3 AN's are still comming, lol)
08-12-2003, 11:41
(OOC: bah, the 3 AN's are still comming, lol)
OOC: Who's side?
08-12-2003, 11:42
(OOC: The Red Cross's side. Either side can get aid, if they put down their weapons. Of course, my infantry will be standing along side to make sure that they do, indeed, put down their weaponry, lol.)
African Commonwealth
08-12-2003, 12:28
Open telegram to the nation of Kaukolastan
The Secular Party in government of DRo African Commonwealth expresses it's condolences on the trouble your nation is having with Communist rebels. We therefore wish to aid by sending our M'shka M'Gharne into battle against the rebel forces. The M'Gharne are specialized combat divisions, and we're sending the Urban operational Corps, 5000 men with extensive operational training in urban warfare and counter-insurgency.
We do this because we feel a necessity to help out those with like problems. We have open marxist insurgency on our hands, and any aid you can spare us would also be appreciated. If you have none to spare, we understand. These are troubled times for us all.
Foreign Relations council,
The Secular Party.
08-12-2003, 12:42
African Commonwealth: We greatly appreciate your aide in this troubled time. If we can end this bloody civil war, we would gladly aide you in maintaining your stability.
African Commonwealth
08-12-2003, 13:22
The soldiers are enroute by ship. They bring their own ADI-A2 "Turtle" APCs and apache choppers for speedy transport. All have IBA-III Interceptor body armor, UMP-45 MP5s, H&K G36 rifles, grenades, explosive charges and what gear they would need to operate efficiently in the streets of Kaukolastan.
They are part of the Irem("Pillar" or "Figure of stone"), elite ops in the Commonwealth army, and are as badass urban soldiers as you could want, more or less. They are trained by the secret police of AC, and take no prisoners.
The sun rose the next morning and it had all gone to hell. Fire was rained down on the city, civilians where burned by foreign allies, while rebels were pleased to let it happen. Rowan had lost the city, and so was now in a field outside the city, huddled down in trenches, just a few steps up from mud puddles. He looks at what he has around him. 100 of the private police left, it had been a costly night, and another 5,000 irregular troops armed with everything from shotguns to M-16's, and a few with mortar or small rockets. Maybe 20 tanks , they'ld rigged up some technicals from heavy farming trucks, and maybe a dozen police helicopters on top of it. He couldn't get a hold of USNC command. The enemy is getting closr.
He speaks, his black hair in dissarray, one of his intense blue eyes swollen over, but his voice a roar, like a fire burned out of control "Well, these sons-a-bitches want revolution! They want war! They don't know what war is! But by the bones of our ancestors we'll show 'em! We'll give 'em a war the world can never forget!"
Over head a rattle of wooden blanks, the dull roar of diesel engines. Supply trucks, loaded down with fuel, become make shift fire bombs as they crash into the unruly mob of rebel soldiers and explode. The inverted mushroom clouds of the gas exploding create a second dawn across the horizon, the roar is defening, the concussive force of the air alone pulls rebels off their feet. The front of their lines are broken, some stand in the moment that seems like hours, to stunned to move. Some begin to run for easier burning and looting. Then another dull roar is heard, as the rag-tag counter insurgancy forces go over the top, led by Captain Rowan. Sheer momentum sends the wave crashing over those who had fallen or overcome with fear, and into the frey. The report of guns echo up and down as the troops press for the first line of buildings, what little organization they have, what little cohesion, giving them confidence in their abilities. Beside Rowan there is a sound he knows well, as a bullet rips through a soldier behind him, but he can not stop. Rockets streak across the sky, lighting up the train station as they smash through the walls. The wave is still rolling, rolling right into the station house. It is a small victory, and a short one if they don't act quickly. Again Rowan shouts out orders, once more his training guides his course of action "Baracade in boys. Bring up the tanks and techs to cover us. Get those choppers up in the airs I don't want any surprises."
Out of the broken houses around him, people start to file out, swelling in behind his forces. Not many, yet, but the Reds aren't the only one with a people's army. The ground rumbles as tank shells blast the ground infront of the troops, machine gun fire strafes the field. Thus it begins, the fight through the suburubs to try and take back the heart of the city.
08-12-2003, 15:11
"There's a revolt in Terenaus! Against the communists!"
"Really? Well, then, give them Air Cover. Order the landings. Second Fleet is ready, correct?"
"Awaiting orders, Director."
"Good. Order the them to fire a overhead star-shell burst. Kindly request that the Communists remove their fleet. Any unpleasant response... demonstrate those Dominators we built. And have the troops that land vice the Communists. And bombard. You know the drill."
"Yes, sir!"
OOC: Likon, you there? Is the peace offer still valid, or did the above happen?
OOC: I received no counter-fire post for about 6 hours, so I'm assuming no fire came onto my arty.
"Fire!" the control officer ordered.
With a roar, the three Crusaders spat fire. As the billowing blast faded, and the melted snow turned to ice yet again, the barrels dropped, fired again, then again. All three shots were orchestrated by the internal computer, adjusted for simultaneous arrival. The guns raised to high angles again, and the autoloaders whirred as more shells were slammed into place. Then the MLRS fired, a barrage of rockets that spewed across the sky, streaks of fire against the snowing heavens. Each rocket carried a cluster of warheads, and there were twelve rockets in the air. Crewmen began slamming the next load into the MLRS, and the Crusaders fired again.
08-12-2003, 20:33
The three An's, modified as they are, manage to land in a long field outside of Sorobade.
Around the makeshift landing strip a heavily guarded parimeter is set up. As soon as the parimeter is up, 6 LAV III's are rolled out, packed to the brim with Aid supplies.
Dirt Air Strip, Somwhere in Kaukolastan ...
A group of men, in drab olive uniforms with USNC patches sit around a television, playing Halo on an X-Box between them. Another air force grounds crewman busts threw the door. "You've got to see this" he exclaims as he rips the A/V plugs from the back of the TV set. The other men basking in the TV's warm glow turn to him, one of them stands, taller then the over eager airman and says in a deep, growl of a voice "Hey, I was watchin' that." Then some one tells him that he's got to see this, and he turns his head to watch.
Images of destruction fill the TV screen, building to building fighting can be seen below and around. Then it spins to woman, her burgundy skirt stained with oil and dirt, her own blood soaking her white, torn blouse. With a single, ungraceful move she pulls the curls of hair from her face "This is Alicia Henrick of KBS reporting. It seems that the terrorist are being beaten back by a counter force. We don't know who is behind this but it looks like a spontanouse uprising by the people of Kaukolastana. The government reports that it is giving support to these brave patriots and heros." The camera pans, in the foreground is a man firing off rounds with a USCN-5.56mm Carbine. He looks directly at the camera, one eye swollen shut, the other a brilliant blue, his black hair matted to his head with sweat and blood, then away, raising his gun in the air, and charging forward.
"The bastard did it, he really did it" the large man exclaims, the smaller man smiles "I guess that means you owe me 20 ewings, that was what I bet you he would make it, right." Another man bursts in, this one in a dress uniform, the stripes on his sleeve show him to be a Major General "Alright, stop gabbin' like ol' women here. The good cap'n's showin' us off out there. Alright boys, get to your stations, if you haven't noticed there's a battle going on out there."
With in minutes the strip is awash with activity. Clouds of dust choke the sky, and the workers scurry like so many ants on a hill trying to get the planes in the air. Superiority fighters and close ground support plains launch into the air, with orders to provide as much cover for the counter insurgancy troops as possible. Radio calls go out to the NCS Durango Ltd carrier group for support.
A young man busts into the Presidents office. "President" he begains, "The Capitalists are fighting back the Commies"
The President looks at the man "Are You sure" the President asks.
"Yes Mr President"
"Those capitolists have done it but, how long can till the communist forces counterattack?" asks the President
"Unknown" replies the man
"Get the War Department, tell them I have authorized the the attack on communist forces and so mobilize the Urban Worrier Battalion. We have played the waiting game far to long." Replies the president
"Yes Mr. Prsident
"Also I whant 2 hospital ships, escorted by the 1st Fleet"
"Yes Mr. President"
"Now get going!" Demands the president
Corpral Waters was a commando that the Defense League had trained, and there were only 90 commandos in The league's defense system. He rowed his little inflatable raft the mile to shore, he left from the KNV. Majesty a Keamian Destroyer off the coast, who was in route to randavue with Kildom's 1st fleet. He pulled his inflatable to shore and approached the city. He walked and evaded all humans till he was in the city. He could hear far off gunfire and he through himself under a shell of what was once a car, it was burned from some sort of weopen attack and a group of commies walked by. He was unseen, his weopen ready and from under the shell he fired his scilenced SMG it shot deadly hot lead, the bullets riped through the commies cloths there bodys hit the ground like books falling off a table. Red blood stained their clothes, their guns clattered as they hit the ground. Waters then rolled out from under the car. He crawled under what use to be a roof that had caved in from a a rocket stricking it. He saw a Veical No not one but, 2 he waited for several minutes after they whent by. A second group came along, again his SMG blazed and shoting its deadly rain upon its victims. They Fell upon the ground unaware that they were ever shot at by Waters.
Corpral Waters was a commando that the Defense League had trained, and there were only 90 commandos in The league's defense system. He rowed his little inflatable raft the mile to shore, he left from the KNV. Majesty a Keamian Destroyer off the coast, who was in route to randavue with Kildom's 1st fleet. He pulled his inflatable to shore and approached the city. He walked and evaded all humans till he was in the city. He could hear far off gunfire and he through himself under a shell of what was once a car, it was burned from some sort of weopen attack and a group of commies walked by. He was unseen, his weopen ready and from under the shell he fired his scilenced SMG it shot deadly hot lead, the bullets riped through the commies cloths there bodys hit the ground like books falling off a table. Red blood stained their clothes, their guns clattered as they hit the ground. Waters then rolled out from under the car. He crawled under what use to be a roof that had caved in from a a rocket stricking it. He saw a Veical No not one but, 2 he waited for several minutes after they whent by. A second group came along, again his SMG blazed and shoting its deadly rain upon its victims. They Fell upon the ground unaware that they were ever shot at by Waters.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 03:06
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 03:07
Kamrad Stalin deploys his special forces to assist the people in Rebellion and help Stabilize Communism.
Kamrad Stalin's Nation is fully behind the people.
The first 3 squads from Kildom's Urban Worriers arrive in the city. They were dropped by 1st fleet were they are to hook up with forces fighting against the rebellion. These squads are led by Captian Hooker a Veteran of the Taliban problem. They monver there way through the streets. 4 Light Armor pulls around a corner not 120 yards down the street. A man with a rocket launcher lets the first Tank have it. The rocket hits the tank it explodes like an artillary shell from Hell.
Another Kildomian Soldier fires a gernade launcher that hits the 2nd tank in the colum. It explodes as another rocket sends its fury onto the 3rd tank. The 4th turns its gun and fires, the Kildomians scramble but, the tank's shell hits by one of the soldiers, his body flys up his legs are gone and his torso flys and hits a building. His M-16 flys and busts when it hits the street, another man Fires his rocket launcher. The Rocket nailes the tank it blows and catches fire a man emerges on fire and a riflemen shoots him down like a rabid dog.
From behind these tanks rush communist forces, A Kildomian with a Light SAW opens up into the Commies and his lead hits men left and right. A Communist fires his pistol, his bullet ripes through another Kildomian soldier. A gernade is launched by a one of The Urban Worriers, it hits and on impact sends its shrapnel into Rebels. The Captian draws his gun an M1911 and fires as riflemen fire a rain of death onto the Communists men at arms.
After exchanging fire the communist break. "Report Sargent" The Captian orders. The Sargent replies 3 dead, 4 wounded." 7 to many casualtys.
"Hold here till The rest of the company arrives then we press foward later.
09-12-2003, 03:34
Communism trying to take over a nation? We will support the anti-commies in any way we can.
09-12-2003, 03:34
Communism trying to take over a nation? We will support the anti-commies in any way we can.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 03:41
In response to Kildoms hostilities Kamrad Stalin begins supplying the Rebellion forces with obsolete Ak-74's and T-72 tanks, Rpg-7, and Other Small arms. Kamrad Stalin has deployed 15,000 Troops with upto date equipment and weapons to advance with the Communist forces against Kildoms Companies.
09-12-2003, 03:56
[ooc: Argh a nice big post got eaten up.
Anyway, to summarize because I don't like typing it all out again:
Losses after your latest post: 8 dead 6 mortally wounded
Mortarmen have fired one last volley of white phosphorous rounds at sniper positions. White phosphorous being really nasty stuff that burns even underwater and you'd have to scrape the charred flesh off with a knife.
Recoiless riflemen have fired at positions not covered by the snipers. Fires a high explosive 60mm shell.
All teams are moving out of the buildings as fast as possible. They've left the roof, taking the stairs down. When they get out they'll hit the alleys, and pull back by 1 km.
Some of homebase team are moving some ammo and volunteers to a 120mm mortar emplacement 200m from homebase.
Q Console ops are now trying to shut down the communications grid, and are trying to contact Communist Likon forces.
Oh, and 2 naval battlegroups are now in international waters, heading towards Efrena.]
The small outboard motors on the inflatables hum and move closer to shore. These rafts carry the 1st birgade of the 1st Marines these men are experts when it comes to fighting in Urban areas. The first boats hit the beach, these men were on Keam ships disguised as Transport ships of Kildom's 1st Fleet, a stratagy advised and talked about. This Force is 900 Marines and enough equpment. There job is to Intercept and Destroy Komrad Stalin's Military. These men will soon be enforced by men from the 1st airborne Regiment, and soon several Landing Craft will be puting tanks onto the beach. Keam and Kildom are the 2 main powers of the League of Defense. These 2 keep the League safe from attacks and now they keep the world safe from communists take over.
The Keamian 2nd Fleet now sends up its true colors and ready the cannons ready to send Salvos into the city at a moments notice. Transport ships and landing craft are now arriving from Keam and Kildom. Several modified Tug boats have been fitted with .50 caliber machine guns and Light morters are also arriving. Soon the whole Keam's 1st Army and Kildom's 2nd army will be on the scene. These men will also airdrope supplies to stranded Capitolist forces. Along with the Leagues elite commando's. One day of the Leagues planning comes to this, No communist forces shall be left they will be captured or .... Destroyed by order of the King of Keam.
Head Nation of The League of Defense
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 04:06
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 04:07
Kamrad Stalins paradrops supplies into Anhierachs men and also lands 1,000 troops into his Posistions for a rearguard.
Kamrad Stalins men are digging in on the beaches and are preparing for Keams offensive.
Several Anti-Tank positions and Trenches are being dug hopefully in time for the offensive. 7,000 men Currently hold the beachhead of the 15,000 men Kamrad Stalin has deployed. Anti-Tank and Machine gun units are moving up to the Beaches.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 04:08
Kamrad Stalins paradrops supplies into Anhierachs men and also lands 1,000 troops into his Posistions for a rearguard.
Kamrad Stalins men are digging in on the beaches and are preparing for Keams offensive.
Several Anti-Tank positions and Trenches are being dug hopefully in time for the offensive. 7,000 men Currently hold the beachhead of the 15,000 men Kamrad Stalin has deployed. Anti-Tank and Machine gun units are moving up to the Beaches.
Communist Likon
09-12-2003, 09:51
The Communist Likon troops are still in place in Terenaus. The offer for peace is VALID. We propse an immediate peace-fire and peace talks. We propose to solve this conflict through diplomatic means.
Do you agree Kaukolastan?
09-12-2003, 10:56
...and are trying to contact Communist Likon forces...
btw Kamrad Stalin, I'm fairly certain Kaukolastan has AA emplacements for your planes to get past.
EDIT: Because I don't want to clog the thread with too much OOC posts.
FYI, U3 has no colors.
Just thought I'd mention that.
African Commonwealth
09-12-2003, 13:01
Special Forces Command and Debate Room, Kinshasa barracks
Irem Commander Lawrence Oliviér sighed. Were those cursed Anhierachi also present in this conflict? He established the satellite link with the 5000 Urban ops located in Kaukolastan. "M'Gharne captain King here. Copy, mother command?" "We copy. Keep an eye out for Anhierach colours. While you were gone, they're committing troops to fight us at home, and they're in Kaukolastan, too." "Yeah, we know, Kaukolastan HQ informed us. They're invading the Commonwealth, too?" "Afraid so. If you see them, take no prisoners" "Roger, that.".
Arch-Magus J.R. sits, looking over the reports spread over his desk. The counter-insurgancy has made gains, and now it seems that the Communists were coming out of the wood work. Excellent. He moves a second carrier group to the sea, and orders the submarine recources in the region to engage. This could work out quite well. He looks at his watch, time for his radio address.
"The terrorist situation in Kaukolastan has finally revealed it's true purpose, a full fledged communist invasion of the nation. The USNC sends it's support to our fellow soveirgn state, and are giving them our full support in repelling the invaders."
Captain Rowan ducks, as the engines roar over him, and rain down destruction from the sky, like some great dragon of myth. He now once more stands at the building where he had his command post. The gun rattles in his hands once more, spitting it's brass death, as he presses forward to the next building. Tanks are heard firing in the distance, smashing buldings that are to dangerouse to claim, the press to the coast must continue. He knows that if they loose the ground here it will be too late. Corporate security forces had been brought in through limited support lines to add fresh troops to his, helping him get this far.
To: Air command HQ, Fleet Command
From: Vice Adrmiral Kilory, NCS Durango Arms Ltd.
Aerial scouts report marines preparing to land. Send all available recources to repel. Communist fleets reported in area. Send out fighters. Attack with exorcist missles. Submarines attatched to command assist. Prepare for unified assault on enemy fleet on UNS Cadishack Motors group ETA. All crews full alert. Be careful of humanitarian ships.
At the ad-hoc air strip that was Air Command HQ, they ordered out the only recource they have left to counter the marine landing: in-air refueling tankers. They fly in hard and low as the big birds can get, unleashing their massive load of jet fuel on the beach head and the water, and any one unfortunate enough to be there. The smoldering ruins already there igniting it into an inferno that no mortal man could hope to survice, the heat enough to melt metal and bone.
Captain Rowan kicked through the rubble, taking little solice in the brief calm from the fighting. He looks over his ragged troops, having gone all night save for the few corporate troops, who make up for their freshness and discpline with a lack of fire. He takes a long draw from a plastic two-liter bottle, it's contents a vile concotion of vodka, stale coke and instant coffee crystals. A roar from the docks draws a cold, tired, disinteresed stare. He sees the fire ball blasting it's way through the outside of the city. Then overhead he sees the planes, the large planes, pulling up high under small arms fire ... USNC planes. He kicks through the crumbling wall, to come stand in the middle of some assembled troops, a new enthusiasm taking over "Come on, what are you waiting on, those planes covered our rear, it's time to return the favor." And with that he again presses forward into the battle.
The planes came in low, and fast. Their target somewhere over their horizon, only a few numbers on the display panel. "This is Gull 1 to Brood Mother, do you read me Brood Mother. Target in range, seeking permission to fire."
The missle seemed to hover for a moment before it blasted off to it's target, skimming over the water, too low for radar, and too fast for evasion by the large metal ship it seeks to kill.
OOC: Details, just for those who want to know. Atomized (mist of) jet fuel ignites to create a giant fireball. Most of the people in the middle of such a fire ball are going to die when the blood in their lungs is cauterized, the rest are likely to have crippling burns, not to mention the secondary fires set, like clothes, rubber rafts, etc. As for the Exocet missle, it was originally designed by the French (I think) and came to fame in the Faukland Islands. It has a range of over a mile, skims the water to evade radar and visual watch, and will punch through a ship's hull just above the water line before exploding it, normally sinking or at least crippling the ship.
09-12-2003, 17:19
[ooc: A minor OOC note just in case your gunning for my ships... I'm tired and sleepy and probably missing a lot of details.
The Anhierarchi detachment is in international waters. Shooting at them means royally pissing us off.]
OOC: Things coming into soveirgn waters, my mistake should of been more specific. And just as a note, a naval ship without colors, that does not respond to a hailing attempt or refuses to identify itself is considered an enemy ship, and this policy is based on US policy, mostly because it's what I'm familiar with.
I wouldn't like to bother in your warmongering amibitions you but it seems that peace negociations are being held between Kaukolistan and Communist Likon, the major communist support in this war. Maybe you should wait until both of them come to an agreement...
09-12-2003, 19:47
To: Communist Likon
From: Overlord Drakk
Re: Peace Offer
We will accept a cease fire and negotiations, with the cease fire beginning at 1700 hours, today. Do you accept this? We will attempt to convince our allies to halt, if you would kindly do the same.
The heavy mortar blasts away at the sniper positions, sending 10 more to their graves. 3 other teams fall back in order to survive, leaving only 6 teams on the rooftops. However, an M1A2, with three M2s and four HMMWVs, are mobilised to sweep the incoming fire. The artillery continues to pound.
Kamrad Stalin:
As your planes enter Kaukolastan airspace, they are hailed. If there is no response, you will be fired upon.
From: Bishop Roy Morgan, USNC Secetary of Defense
To: Overlord Drakk
We agree to hold until a peace agreement can be worked out. We are beggining to step down our armed forces presence, preparing for a full withdrawl of forces from your territory unless you require our present until you can rebuild your own forces. Our corporations look forward to helping you rebuild your country, and we hope that continued good relations can be had between our two powerful nations.
The Sirens sound on the KKV King a Keamian battle ship, a loud speaker wails "Man battle stations this is not a drill." The men assemble at there guns, the whole Keamian 2nd Fleet was to lay down fire on the communist's on the beach head to secure it so Keamian Marines can lad safly.
A roar of onboard artillary fells the air 10 Keamian Ships 6 Destroyers and 3 crusiers and The flag ship the Battleghip King all at once fire there deck guns and bombard the beech head were the communist forces are digging in. A modified Speedboat drives parallel to the beach and its line machinef gun blazes. A second Volley from the Navy and now Keamian Bomers fly over droping there payload of bombs which fall to the ground, like rocks falling from Heaven, Machineguns on the Ships start shooting and marines on board ships set up there light morters and begain to fire.
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 22:37
Kamrad Stalin
09-12-2003, 22:38
*Radio Crackle*
This is Ivan of the Red Air Force Responding to your hail.
We are here to drop supplies to our comrades. We are not on a bombing run we come in peace.
09-12-2003, 22:42
At the UCPH capital...
'Premier, the capitalists, they are beating back the communist rebels in Kaukolastan.'
'destroy them comrade'
The black planes flew over the city. 'We're gettin hheavy flak sir !' The guerilla lieutenant shouted. The green light suddenly flashed on. The paratroopers jumped from the plane.
'Deploy that goddamn bazooka !!!!' the capitalist tank rolled down the street, supported by infantry.
'Goddamnit dont bother!!!'
The gueruillas dropped the bazooka and ran. Rubble fell around them. The communists had been beaten back across the river, ( can i do a map ?? please ? OOC : is this ok if this is the city where the capitalists ( or Kaukolistan ) are wining > thanks )
( i hope you dont take this as godmoding or comming in on your RP or anything . If you do just say and ill edit. )
The communists were rallying, but a constant barrage kept them down. Planes flew over the city. The guerillas ( the remaining platoon ) pushed aside the communists defenders. The leader stopped one of the communists, a machinegunner. 'where is your leader ?'
'further down the trench comrade'
'Da comrade'
The guerillas pushed through the battered trench. The rubble and pathetic barricades were strewn with bodies and craters, where they were being pounded by artillery and aircraft. They found a shoddy underground bunker, constructed from wooden logs. Inside were a group of men wearing field coats, huddled over a map of the city. They turned to the newly arrived group of guerillas.
'UCPH Guerilla resistance, platoon one, captain Morsedale reporting'
' General *the name of a communist general* reporting. Were have you come from comrades ?'
'The communist sympathizers of Hogsweat. We are here to assist you. Or whats left of us anyway'
OOC : is that ok ?
The League of defense (Keam, Kildom and Cassonia) will stand down all forces in the area if a peace treaty is sighned, and we will cease fire till either A. a Peace treaty is sighned B. Fighting resumes or C. There is an attack on any League of Defense forces. As I speak all Defense League Military Forces are being pulled back out of the city and will prepare to go home. Aboard our ships, we will wait for a peace treaty to be sighned, all naval forces will stand down for the time being (Including Keam's)
10-12-2003, 02:02
To: Communist Likon
From: Overlord Drakk
Re: Peace Offer
We will accept a cease fire and negotiations, with the cease fire beginning at 1700 hours, today. Do you accept this? We will attempt to convince our allies to halt, if you would kindly do the same.
The heavy mortar blasts away at the sniper positions, sending 10 more to their graves. 3 other teams fall back in order to survive, leaving only 6 teams on the rooftops. However, an M1A2, with three M2s and four HMMWVs, are mobilised to sweep the incoming fire. The artillery continues to pound.
Kamrad Stalin:
As your planes enter Kaukolastan airspace, they are hailed. If there is no response, you will be fired upon.
[ooc: If I read this correctly your artillery and vehicles are firing?]
The Irregulars scramble down the stairwells - they say it's fear that gives men wings, and in this case the wings are larger than ever as the soldiers all but fall down the stairwells.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The U3 sergeant hears the sounds, the long silence afterwards, and knows it can only be one thing.
"Take cover!"
He dives from the flight of stairs, rolling and ducking, careening into a group of his men, sending them sprawling. Two seconds later an unholy cacophony ensues, shattered concrete and twisted steel raining down on the men. Across all the buildings, five are killed as they begin to pour out into the streets.
Another mortar is firing, and the sergeant draws breath to shout again - but this time, the direction of the sound is different.
Peering out a window, he sees a distant explosion, and remembers the massive 120mm mortar, capable of raining death four kilometers away.
He grins in the darkness, running.
10-12-2003, 02:09
OOC: I posted the preparation, firing, and approach of artillery about three posts ago. It was a fire group of 3 Crusader Artillery pieces and a Vought MLRS. Just so you know what's hitting you. There would be a foosh and a short silence.
The League of Defense would like to propose a peace treaty, all communist forces sttand down and withdraw and leave all capitalists to rebuild the city. The treaty only condition is that communist forces withdraw all troops from the attacked nation.
10-12-2003, 02:29
As the Kamrad Stalin aircraft passed over the waters, they heard the reply. "This is the CV Triumph. Move into holding pattern. Several of our fighters will escort you. Do not deviate." Below, CIWS and AA and missiles tracked from the various ships, and the CAP followed it. More fighters were scrambled from the Triumph to escort.
OOC: There is fighting in two area, the southern Island of Sorobade, mostly around Terenaus, and a small fight in Efrena in the north (on a different island). A cease fire is being negotiated between myself and Likon on Sorobade, but part of my First Fleet is interdicting Kamrad Stalin out at sea. The Second is in the area (secret), but has not moved yet, as the treaty is in debate.
Keam will cease Fire, and pull out of the city, we will be sending humanitarian aide by setting up 5 Mobile Hospitals and set up shelters for people who's homes have been lost do to the battle. We will not attack enless attacked first. 2 Hospital Ships will begain picking up wounded, but the Navy's AA guns will be armed in case of an attack, and any Air or Sea vessel that comes with in 3 miles of Keamian Ships and doesn't respond to hails and does not have a symbol of its country will have one warning shot acrossed its stern and if it still will not respond it will be destroyed.
10-12-2003, 02:35
Kaukolastan forces in Terenaus have ceased offensive maneuvers. We will fire only if fired upon.
10-12-2003, 07:12
The Anhierarch 120mm mortar bellowed, and the sniper teams scattered for cover. Only two teams made it, and they stayed quiet, hiding themselves and watching through fiberoptics, waiting for targets of opportunity. The entire Urithil Bank was a pile of rubble amid skeleton frame. The Ranger Captain was on the SatUplink. "We need counter battery fire on that damn mortar!"
At the Fire Group, the MLRS was ready. With a thunder, the twelve rockets speared into the air, hurltling towards their target. The Fire Controller looked up from his HMMWV mounted control systems. "Eat it." he stated, as the MLRS was reloaded again.
OOC: The Vought MLRS has a range of 31.8 km.
Communist Likon
10-12-2003, 08:26
From General Iosef of Communist Likon to the Kaukolastan Government
We are sending in our Foreign Affairs minister Peter Alexandretta to discuss the peace. We demand that you make sure the peace fire is followed in your nation.
10-12-2003, 08:30
Demand? We will obviously secure the city of Terenaus, and our allies and we have halted our attacks. However, there are still Revolutionaries in the northern isles that fight on. Until they express a willingness to halt, they will be dealt with. The nation of Kamrad Stalin is still suspected of nefarious intent. But our forces SHALL NOT FIRE upon yours unless you fire upon us. Now, if you would withdraw your fleet to international waters, we can continue these talks, as it's presence in our port is an implied threat to the city. We have held our fleets out at anchor as an act of good faith.
10-12-2003, 09:09
There was a slight whoosh ing noise, then everything was silent again. A massive explosion blew apart a stretch of the trench. The darkened night was lit up fantastically as every three seconds a vought MLRS fired again on the communist bank. The still alive rebels heaved up the bodies of their once comrades, to create a wall of flesh.
A soldier ran inside the command bunker.
'comrade general *INSERT NAME HERE * We cannot hold the bank ! The capitalist artillery is pounding us to death ! We need to retreat!!!' His life was ended with a short blast from the guerilla commissar's pistol.
'Comrade general. There will be no retreat from Efrenaus' He spoke boldy and loudly.
'We will fight here until reinforcements arrive'
'And pray comrade commissar, when will this be ?' The commissar looked out at the Kaukolostanian night sky.
'When they come comrade general, when they come.'
10-12-2003, 09:16
There was a slight whoosh ing noise, then everything was silent again. A massive explosion blew apart a stretch of the trench. The darkened night was lit up fantastically as every three seconds a vought MLRS fired again on the communist bank. The still alive rebels heaved up the bodies of their once comrades, to create a wall of flesh.
A soldier ran inside the command bunker.
'comrade general *INSERT NAME HERE * We cannot hold the bank ! The capitalist artillery is pounding us to death ! We need to retreat!!!' His life was ended with a short blast from the guerilla commissar's pistol.
'Comrade general. There will be no retreat from Terenaus' He spoke boldy and loudly.
'We will fight here until reinforcements arrive'
'And pray comrade commissar, when will this be ?' The commissar looked out at the Kaukolostanian night sky.
OOC: The MLRS is in Efrena. The fighting in Terenaus is ended for now, with a possible truce in the works, and most sides under cease-fire.
Communist Likon
10-12-2003, 10:33
The First Fleet has withdrawn to international waters, set at alert, but with orders not to fire unless fired upon.
Captain Rowan stood once more on the roof top, over looking the city one last time before he had to go, the last helicopter to the NCS Durango Arms Ltd was waiting. With water pressure returned the fires around the city were finally being extinguished, and a light snow was begging to dust the ground. It did little to cover the burnt out husks of buildings, and less to cover the stench of death that hung about the former battle ground. Down below a few people tentatively returned, and the giant earth movers of the major construction conglomurates rumbled by. He had won, hadn't he. How can anyone be considered a winner in this. He sighed, he was a good soldier, wasn't he, he just helped people take back what by right was theirs. Now was the part he dreaded, going back. Rumor was there were some medals waiting for him and a promotion, he wouldn't be surprised if there was a parade. He just wants to do his job, is that so much to ask.
Fund Transfer Underway .....
Complete ......
Now we go to KBS buisness corespondant Oscar Bloome
"Well, recent unpleasentness has caused the market to plummet as investors pull out to liquify their assets, but I'm happy to report a rally this morning, lead by the Uranium Mining and Construction sectors"
Kamrad Stalin
10-12-2003, 17:29
Rgr that CV Triumph Ivan here to drop supplies to Anhierach and to Communist Forces we have no intent to drop bombs.
*bomb bays open up and hundreds of small packages fall to the ground and a few seconds later the sky is soon dotted with white as hundreds of small parachutes open up*.
Ivan of the Reds here Supplies dropped and headed home.
We will also pull out Military forces in the beachhead if a Cease Fire is obtained.
We are getting hammered down here on the beach by Capitalist Artillery we hope a Cease Fire will be achieved.
10-12-2003, 19:22
The three 40mm mortars pounded in quick succession.
'goddamnit cant you hit anything ! Let me show you how its done !'
The lieutenant pushed away the rebel gunner and re-positioned the mortar.
'Here, look it will hit those snipers now'
The loader slammed in a new shell and fired.
The entire team watched the Lieutenants mortar fly straight into the air and hit an abandoned building.
11-12-2003, 04:54
The DMCF (Directorate Collation Military Forces) offer this aid to Kaukolastan
Troopers Given
Members of the Directorate Military Collation Forces (DMCF)
Who have provided Kaukolastan with military units?
20,005,000 total military
400,001 given
19,350,000 total military
300,087 given
Financial Support
Members of the Directorate Military Collation Forces (DMCF)
Who have provided Kaukolastan with financial support
Kamrad Stalin
11-12-2003, 06:05
11-12-2003, 06:13
"Kamrad Stalin aircraft, you are in violation of our airspace. We are attempting to negotiate a truce, and you are dropping weapons to one of the sides. We will escort you out of our airspace at a pure south course, and you will not attempt to return... or you will be fired upon."
The F-23s banked to follow the aircraft.
Kamrad Stalin
11-12-2003, 06:15
Rgr that Comrade.
*Supply Planes pull out were heading south* Bellowed Lieutenant Ivan's voice over the frequency.
We will assist in any way we can in Negotiating a truce.
11-12-2003, 06:20
"Thank you for being so responsible. We're in negotiations with Communist Likon right now, and we're hoping to end this bloodshed."
Kamrad Stalin
11-12-2003, 06:22
RGR that.
I will attempt to pull my forces out.
I shall leave 3 Divisions for keeping the peace.
Communist Likon
11-12-2003, 08:11
Kaukolastan we propose a peaceful and united Kaukolastan. We believe you should hold a referendum conducted by a neutral nation to decide if you remain capitalist or adopt communism. If a referendum is held, even if it defeated, we offer life long peace and friendship.
what do you say?
11-12-2003, 08:13
We agree on a vote, but we say that it should not be to seal the nation's decisions, but to install a government until the next election, at which point the nation may choose to continue or change direction. Gradual changes, in any way, are more stable. We are also willing to remove the laws forbidding unions. And we are more than willing to pursue peace and friendship.
Communist Likon
11-12-2003, 08:36
Kaukolastan i concur. The Red Army will remain in Kaukolastan only until the election has been held. However if we feel that the election has been tampered with we will be forced to take action. But as that will not occur we need not worry about that.
11-12-2003, 08:42
We are preparing an election. We would welcome neutral observers to check the results. However, there are still Communist forces in the north. Could you dissuade your fellows, or must we remove them? In Efrena, the artillery halted its barrage, waiting for the 120mm to return or stay silent.
OOC: I'll start election thread tomorrow; I will give link from this thread, may TG if you want.
Communist Likon
11-12-2003, 08:53
I beg all Communist Forces to cease fire. Hold onto your positions if you must, and if fired upon by all means fire back. But until then stop this senseless fighting.
African Commonwealth
11-12-2003, 13:38
Being held directly accountable to Kaukolastan military, the Irem special commandos cease their spree of death and terror, and await the referendum
11-12-2003, 15:31
The Cassandra Facility, Room 0138
1420 local time
Harbinger walks along a catwalk suspended high above the floor of Room 0138, polished leather boots clicking sharply on the metal grating. At first glance, he appears to be an arrogant young man of scandinavian descent, his skin pale, a shock of messy, flaxen hair protruding from his head.
An observant person, however, would notice that there were several of him, stalking about the observation decks, peering intently at the rows of Q consoles in every room. Several rooms, however, are far smaller, consisting of nothing more than a massive tele-conferencing system. In the rest of the rooms, the only light is the glow of the consoles and the fluorescent tubes suspended on the rocky ceiling.
Encountering another of himself along a catwalk, he smiles oddly, talking to... well, himself.
"The Division has decided it is time to tip our hand."
"Has the Synod approved?"
"But of course. The documents are..."
"... in the operational centre of the Alice Facility."
"So it is written..."
" it shall be done."
He smiles - and frowns, as if considering a knotty philosophical problem.
"They have called for a cease fire."
"And we are a peaceful people."
He scowls, disappointed. The emotion is evident on each and every one of him.
"So be it."
"The strike is now called off."
As if on cue, a light changes from red to yellow in all the rooms, prompting many operators to look for some pizza, and socialize with their colleagues.
A tremendous conflagration consumes the rooftop where the mortar team once was, the harsh glare of the fireball fading as it rises into a column of reeking black smoke. The six crewmen are dead beyond all recall, the mortar reduced to scattered hunks of twisted metal.
Efrena U3 HQ
The operative sighs, wiping sweat of his brow.
"I keep telling ya, we should get FJAs. Too late for Relwin and Delso, though."
The communications operator perks up, holding a finger to his headset.
"Hey, pipe down! Got incoming datstream."
Another tosses a few unidentified items into a small metal case, buckling it.
"What is it?"
"New orders. Says there's a ceasefire in the works.... which means we cease fire."
The one with the metal case sighs.
"Right. At least this way we cut our losses. We're outgunned and outnumbered. Got the map of the telecom cables?"
"Yeah, I think there's a spot on a hill outside the city where we can get a tap."
He looks around at the rest.
"Alright, ladies and gentlement. We've got ten minutes to clean this place out. No prints, no artifacts, not even a goddamn hair. You know the drill, let's move!"
He pauses.
"And tell the combat teams to haul ass to OP4."
I hate fighting using irregulars.
The sergeant listens intently to his headset for a moment. Then, he yells at the squad members still firing fitfully into the darkness.
Wasting ammo. Jesus.
"Cease fire! Cease fire!"
Having gained their attention he signals with his hands, and the men begin to run at a steady pace, away from the Financial District through the back alleys of Efrena.
J.R., Arch-Magus of the USNC and the Church of the Red Dawn looks over the intellegence reports. Lists of makes, models and countries of manufacture of rebel weapons. Reports on languages used, and lists of partially translated and decrypted radio and telephone intercepts. He flips through all the reports, and the pile of photographs until he gets to the summary. He reads it. He edits out the parts that might prove harmful to the USNC, or compromise specific agents, and then seals the whole mess into an orange diplomatic pouch, for the Kaukolastan Overlord. Hopefully some of this information will help protect against communist interference in the elections.
Over a loud speaker on the KKV King a very loud loudspeaker relays the message "All Keamian Forces there has been a cease-fire decleared by communist forces, the fight is over"!
Cheers arise from the men on deck, the tired men of the 2nd Keamian Fleet rejoice, knowing at the moment there is peace in this battle worn area. The Marines and soldiers in the trenches cheer and celebrate, they think they will be going home soon. They emerge from there trenches, and are ordered to help clean up the battle torn city. The 6th Engeeners finally land on the Capitolist controlled beach head and make there way to start the clean up in the city. Several Commandos emerged from the city, these guys have been fighting for hours, there fatigues are tattered, there faces blackened by dirt, and some have blood stains on there shirts. But, for the Moment is all over.
But, deep in the back of there minds, they know that anything could start the fighting back up again. They were ready part of there orders were never to go out into the city with a unit smaller than a company.
Several Keamian aircraft fly by they drop supplies in marked with giant red crosses and other were markes with FS or foodstuff.
The Kildomian Military emerge over there trenches for the first time in 6 hours. Several aircraft come onto radar view and there bome doors open. From these aircraft MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) with small parachutes fall out and hitting the ground. A convoy of trucks enter the area. They have Large red crosses on them these are followed by Supply Trucks with LOD (League of Defense) painted on the side. They pull into the city near were the hardest fighting had taken place. There the Kildomian soldiers distribute gallon jugs of water, food, medical supplies and other nessecitys for the people in the destroyed city.
Several other Trucks with LOD and Red Crosses painted on the sides start pulling dead out of the twisted rubble of the city. They drive these full trucks to an empty field and line the bodies up with care. From there men with notepads and pens take information from IDs and Dogtags, the bodies wait for the nation to pick them up or for relatives to claim the dead. Those of Kildomian nationality are put into bodybags and put on Ships to return home where they can be buried.
The wounded are taken to the LOD mobile hospitals were LOD doctors tend to there wounds but, soon the 8 that were placed in the city are overcrowded. 2 More Hospital ships have been sent for, meanwhile the nurses and doctors are over worked.
12-12-2003, 09:08
Hogsweat forces hereby withdraw themselves from the situation in Efrena, and all over Kaukolastan.
(ill do an RP later i dont have time now )
The Free land of the Stonies welcome this opportunity of peace.
2,000 independant electoral watchers from "Free your mind" will stay in Kaukolastan during the elections to avoid frauds, threats to electors... "Free your mind" ask all neutral parts to participate.
The 4th Stonies Humanitarian Fleet will remain in Teranaus City, Isle Sorabade, Kaukolastan until full results of the elections will be given and winner of the elections in place. The 2hospital ships ( now welcomes soldiers from every country, trying to create contacts between former ennemies. The amphibious warfare platform ( (on board: 4th marines brigade (, 7th , 8th peacekeeping brigade ( and the 20th Helicopter Brigade ( stays in the port, troops provide humanitarian help (food distributions, hospitals rebuilding) and infrastructures maintenance (water, electricity, gaz) for the city.
12-12-2003, 15:01
From international waters nearest to the port of Efrena, a transmission is sent out to the port authority of Efrena and the civil authority of Kaukolastan.
The transmission reads:
This is Anhierarchi ship ANF Solidarity, flagship of Anhierarchi Naval Battlegroup Angel. We request permission to dock out hospital ships in the port of Efrena, to provide medical aid to civilians and military personnel observing the ceasefire. We request that two of our destroyers escort our hospital ships into port - the rest of the battlegroup, as well as Naval Battlegroup Crux will remain in international waters.
On the outskirts of the city, the communications operator listens intently once again.
"Heads up. This could be our ticket out of here."
Keamian Miltiary patrol the town, looking for dead and wounded. Several Trucks are behind them (8 to be exact) 3 are full of wounded, 1 full of dead and the Last soldiers pile scrape metal and Building bricks for there engeeners to help rebuild the city. The last 3 is being filled with weopens and ammo to be distributed to all capitolist forces in the area.
On the beach head a 3 ship hits the beach these are old WW2 era Landing craft, from them Medics file out and a Plane drops more medical supplies on the ground.
2nd LT Greg Lowerance walks the roads of the worn torn city to his left, and right buildings had been turned into rubble. The metal frame was twisted and was like snakes pointed toward the heaven. People, soldiers armed with Assorted Weopens, capitalist soldiers he thought were walking toward the trenches lugging large heavy cement blocks to the stockplies to later be used for rebuilding.
To his right soldiers were pulling a body from a tank, a commy tank, one he blew up with his rocket. The body was black and chard he waqs missing his arm and parts of his clothes had burned off. A large veical attached this tank to it's back with cables and dragged out of the city.
To his left several engeeners were cutting twisted metal to pull out a body. The body was smashed its torso was totally flat. They pulled out the body and through it onto a truck which then drove off. Several civilians were making there way down the street. They were shot, hit by falling objects, or had limbs blown off by morter fire; they were holding each other up as he looked at the streets he could see blood stains, broken bricks, peices of metal shrapnel, chunks of old cloth, peices of human fleash, a combat belt ran over by a truck, old bloody bandages, and peices of steel outer shell of tanks, broken rifles, a discarded used LAW, artillary/bomb crators, damaged and nearly destoryed military supplies and empty ammo casings all in a mess covering 60ft of road.
Off to the side he noticed somthing small and shiny, a gold pocket watch, he picked it up and opened it. It no longer worked but, it was gold and he stuck it into an empty pouch on his combat belt before walking toward the combat belt. He picked up the belt, opened its pouches and looked through the contants. A compass, water purification tables and personal effects, he took all of the belts containts.
15-12-2003, 09:02
Elections have been initiated in Kaukolastan. Now running for the incumbent government is Peter Fenris, former SecState, recipient of Silver Star in a police action, owner of Pharmacom. For the opposition, Doctor George Nickier, a longtime social activist and philanthropist, author of "A Study of the State". Neutral observers are welcome, and the debates shall soon begin. Both sides have sworn off negative campaigning to promote peace.
Arch-Magus J.R. looks over the report. Well yes, the candidates had sworn against negative campaigning, but since when did the candidate win or lose an election. Which is what brings him once more into the war council, in the catacombs below the capital.
"Do we still have our intellegence recources in place. Good. Have our proxies dump money into the Fenris campaign, and start it's own adds on issues that slam Doctor Nickier. The intellegence officers should start setting up some plant intellegence canidates, lets try to split their vote, or at least sling as much mud at Nickier as possible. Have our media holdings start to put editorial content in favor of Fenris, and tell the church to start rallying grass roots support. Find the list of counter-insurgancy forces, find the ones that favor Fenris. Have the media, and privately funded parades painting them as brave patriots and heroes, then have them stump for Fenris."
20-12-2003, 04:16
OOC: Sorry, was away for a while, will be sporadic for a bit more. In lieu of lack of time, I'm just going to declare the election and try to smooth over stuff.
IC: In a closely contested election, Fenris won with 54% of the vote. His speech was short, and was mostly aimed at unifying a shattered populace with promises of cooperation, compromise, and a happy tomorrow. He has allowed the creation of voluntary unions, and will support a minimum wage law.
20-12-2003, 11:07
[ooc: So, can my hospital ships enter Efrena's port and do some general do-goodery and help with restoring infrastructure/rescue work etc? Need to wrap it up neatly and extract my men and anybody who feels like leaving Kaukolastan....]
22-12-2003, 04:47
OOC: Yes. You can all wrap it up and help is welcome. Sorry I couldn't RP the end of this, but I'm having issues.
22-12-2003, 12:58
Port of Efrena
1842 Local Time
The sky is calm, the reddening sun sinking imperceptibly, casting long shadows and glinting soothingly on the seawater. A gentle soughing reaches the ears of the Anhierarchi, a mild zephyr winding through the city.
Since they'd received permission to dock at the port, they'd been regularly broadcasting their peaceful intent, the two destroyers warily following a few kilometers behind. As the hospital slides gently into the dock, the two destroyers idle perhaps two kilometers from the port itself, silhouetted in the setting sun.
The medical officers disembarked from the ship, and assisted by technicians, they set up a crude landing spot for the helicopters, flown in from the destroyers.
Smoke rose. It twisted, curling through the evening sky. And as the orderly bustle of providing emergency medical aid progresses, one man looks carefully at a small device, seemingly similar to a civilian PDA. And on the visual display, a concentric circle appears, blooming and blossoming, fading away. He nods grimly, tapping quickly on an input unit, and an overlay of a city map appears.
Engrossed, he walks to a quieter corner of the temporary base, away from the thundering helicopter blades, away from the hastily set-up yet sturdy aid tents and away from the soldiers marshalling the injured into orderly queues. Another series of furtive hand motions on the input device, and a new circle appears on the display, a green one. Behind him, a number of the more serious cases are led onto the ship, to await treatment.
It beeps once, a silent wave in the electronic ether, meaning only one thing to those with ears to here - All Clear.
7 kilometers away
"We got an affirmative!"
The somewhat ragged group of men gives a brief whoop, no longer in their fatigues - the fatigues themselves were burning merrily in an incinerator of sorts they'd found in the basement. Most of the Kaukolastani revolutionaries they'd fought and died with had dispersed, after binding themselves to a non-disclosure agreement - not that any of them knew who their mysterious benefactors really were. Apparently, they'd been heartened by the news of free elections.
The men work feverishly, disassembling their weapons as best they can. Q-Console cases are packed into battered haversacks, the only things really worth saving. The weapons themselves were being stripped and summarily rendered inoperable, vital firing mechanisms thrown into the incinerator and the weapon-frames themselves smashed - and wiped clean of fingerprints, of course. Large explosive shells are disposed of as well, the explosive propellant rendered inert .
Soon, it is done.
The Coordinator faces the operatives, his face grimy, blood coagulating on his eyebrow.
"From here, we disperse. Do not consider it a defeat, consider it a tactical withdrawal. We were vastly outnumbered and beyond our mission parameters - our honor is still kept, the blood of the fallen is not sullied. The ones assigned to carry the bodies, you know who you are - remember that they were our comrades, and they will return home. Over the course of an hour, we will turn up at the designated point, from different directions. Remember, to maintain appearances only the severely injured enter the ship. Carry your comrade on your shoulder, crawl, bite your tongue and scrape your face to make yourself bleed - do what you need. Clear? Good. See you on the ships, comrades."
Over the course of the night, the operatives appear from streets and alleys, bleeding and affecting severe injury - several are carried by their comrades, seemingly insensible, and a few carry the fallen of battle, stripped of their fatigues and dressed in ragged civilian clothes. Eventually, they all board.
The next morning.
The following message is transmitted to the Kaukolastani authorities, just as the medical officers begin to clear up the tents, the stream of injured seemingly stemmed. Tired and fatigued, they'd worked through the night.
It reads:
A situation has arisen - a situation of some urgency. Regretfully, we must now deploy our own military assets to a different theatre, though we understand that many lives have been saved this past night.
If you would receive it, we are prepared to dispatch a unit of medics via aerial transport, to be deployed at your discretion for a predetermind duration.
By the afternoon, the ships are bound for a new destination - one battlegroup sails to Anhierarch, accompanying the hospital ships, and the other sails with all due haste - to the African Commonwealth.
24-12-2003, 07:16
As the situation in the country has stabalized, the countires which have offered military support, Transnapastain and Nailiak have issued a recall for their military forces
Please send our men and women home soon so they can be with their famlies for Christmas