Despoland at war with Aaronisia
OOC: Here is a little bit of background information: During the trial of the former Sultan of Utter Madness, my caterers provided the weapon with which an attempt was made upon the Great Leader of Aaronisia's life. This was done because all in the region believed Aaronisia to be a warmonger, and his plans for the rest of the region to be the same as his plans for Utter Madness (for it to be under his control). Because of this dire threat, myself and a few other parties who shall remain nameless hatched a plot to kill the Great Leader. It failed. As I am the only one of the nations involved in the plot which is smaller than Aaronisia, my nation is now the scapegoat. We are now in a state of war. Come here for more information:
IC: News Broadcast: All civilians have been ordered to enter the bomb shelters, as the Tyrant currently attempting to invade may begin bombing civilian areas as retalliation for the destruction of his first wave of bombers. Well, as this will be the last broadcast for some time, we wish you all the best of luck.
End of broadcast.
Of course my antiaircraft turrets didn't destroy all of them on the way there, but they do have to go back as well, and the are quite accurate. At least seventy-eighty percent of your first wave of bombers should have been shot down, and the pilots either in hiding, dead, whether by suicide or whatever else, or captured by my ground forces. Any who were captured will be kept in a fairly humane environment (in other words, they won't be killed out of hand). My pilots are being scrambled to assist the automated defences, and I am heading home. Although the Palace in Further Maths is a very nice place, I really should be with my people in this, their hour of need.
Secret IC: There will be three Despolish presidential aeroplanes taking off, at exactly the same time, from different locations. Each one will be escorted by three fighter jets. I will not be in any of the three presidential aeroplanes. I will be piloting one of the nine fighter jets :P.
The mines I mentioned in an earlier post are spread to within 10 miles of the coast, and are at regular intervals, are set off by motion detectors, with all of them having a metre blast radius, including upwards, to ward against hovercraft. When a mine is detonated, more float up to take it's place.
The AAA turrets are fully automated, and are controlled by computers. The computers are not networked, nor are they connected to the internet. They are only connected to the on/off switch in the presidential bunker. The only hardware capable of being fitted to the computer is an AAA turret, and a radar, which identifies the nearest target any larger than a pidgeon. The F22 at it stealthiest has the flight profile of a bald eagle. And the link to the on/off switch. Nothing else will work. You would have to cut the power or destroy it. They each have independant power supplies, and the only access to the AAA is either from above, which is suicide, or via a secret door on the city wall. Only myself and my chiefs of staff know the location of the doors, or the code. Chiefs of staff receive background checks, and an increasingly large pay rise for every year I survive. They therefore have more to gain by keeping me alive than by trying to kill me, or betraying me, for that matter. They are currently surrounded by a sphere of lead, which only has a single gap, through which the barrel of the turret points. It would take a damn good shot to actually hit it, although a single hit would likely be enough to destroy it. My scientists, by the way, saw your effective use of quantum armour, Supreme Theocrat, and were very impressed. They are working on implementing something similar. As such, three or four of my AAAs where your bombers first reached were destroyed, two or three at the next, one at the third, and after that, time to run away. Each city wall has approximately thirty of these AAAs, my capital has sixty of them, the towns have ten to fifteen, depending on size, and the villages have five.
My ground troops higher voltage versions of the tasers my bodyguards brought with them. Definitely high enough to kill your average soldier, and enough to stun an elite troop for hours, which would leave him with one hell of a bad headache afterwards. The fighter jets use heat seeking, fire and forget, EMP missiles, which jam all electrical signals within their targets, causing a crash, and good, old fashioned bullets, in case of paratroopers. The AAAs uses the same missiles as the fighter jets, travelling fast enough to kill a person if it did in fact hit a person. It's certainly enough to ensure an aeroplane never makes it back home.
The torpedoes used by the navy are designed to cut through the hull of a ship, and keep cutting until it runs out of fuel, as opposed to exploding against it (I know, I took that idea from Tomorrow Never Dies, but that's beside the point), as breaching the hull is more likely to sink the vessel than an explosion. For this reason, the mines fire extremely sharp shrapnel, as opposed to just having the force of the explosion.
Finally, all villages, towns and cities are designed with a self-destruct, which can be activated from the presidential bunker, and will be if we do not receive word from the area every day. That way, you can flatten me if you wish, but I'm not going to make the benefits as small and the expenses as large as possible. Your troops can't last forever, and neither can your resources.
Having seen what you have done to other nations (such as Utter Madness) with no provocation, I decided it was prudent to build up my defences as quickly as possible. So I've had quite a while to set the mines in place. The ground forces are in hidden bunkers, apart from the ones controlling manual AA defences.
Normal IC: The field in front of the troops was completely silent. They were told they would be receiving a speech from the President himself. That was always good, since he was usually honest with the troops. So they waited. No sign of the President yet… Suddenly, an image of the President appeared. So this was how the speech would be given… The image began to talk.
“I apologise for not being here in person, but I must give this speech to all of the armed forces here in Despoland. We are now at war with Aaronisia. That country is a very dangerous foe. We will probably all die. But that is not a problem. That is what the military was trained for: to fight, and if necessary to die, for its country. I’m sure you all remember my time as a general, before my election, and I hold the same values now as I did then. I said before that we will probably all die. But that doesn’t mean we have to lie down and accept it! As such, I give this order: Fight to the last, and do not surrender. For every one of us who falls in battle, so shall ten of our foes. LET’S GIVE THOSE AARONISIAN BASTARDS THE BIGGEST FIGHT OF THEIR GODDAMNED LIVES!!”
At this, a cheer erupted from the crowd, and after it died down, the image began to speak again. “I will fight alongside you, my good men, and may God help anyone who tries to beat us down. I understand that bombers are on their way. I want every base to have its perimeter secure using AA turrets, and I want everyone who is not controlling a turret to go into the bunker. We have enough food to hold out until they run out of bombs, and ships. I also want the fighter pilots to be on maximum alert: the moment anything is detected, you are to go to the disturbance immediately, and fight off any invaders.” The image of the President salutes, and says, "I see no reason why you can't do your nation proud. Good luck, and godspeed." Then, the image disappears.
Edit for grammar
Well, assuming I am found innocent (there are 8 judges, four so far have voted not guilty, one has voted guilty, and the other three haven't voted yet, but I suspect they will also vote not guilty), I will join your armed forces, with your permission. Since Utter Madness is now destroyed, I might as well find a mainstream job, along with my two surviving bodyguards, and considering the training I underwent before becoming the Sultan, the military seems as good a place as any. Until we next meet.
Parker, former Sultan of Utter Madness.
Further Maths
04-12-2003, 00:46
From Robertson Palace, Further Maths
President Salutious,
It would seem to be unlikely that we shall meet again. I regret that. Alas, having consulted with Lord Captain Commander Thelonius and his generals, I have decided to remain neutral in this war. Further Maths cannot afford a large scale conflict at the moment.
Always remember, though, that the people of the Supreme Catholic Theocracy do not forget friends, or underdogs. You have our prayers.
And remember, the doors of Robertson Palace are always open to you.
Good luck, God speed your deliverance, and TAKE ONE DOWN FOR ME! (In a totally neutral and unbiased, as well as Christian and pacifistic kind of way).
Sincerely yours,
By the Grace of God:
The Supreme Theocrat Robertson
Protector of Further Maths
Founding Delegate of Despots R Us
DRURRF Security Council Permanent Member
RDA Member
Negotiator in Chief of The Protectors
Honourary Duke of Clangerland
Honourary Professor of Physics at the Da Vinci Institute
Servant of the Servant of the Servant of God
"The greatest among you must be servant of all"
The President wires the Supreme Theocrat: Thank you, Supreme Theocrat Robertson, I will.
He sends a coded message to the ex-Sultan: 2587 Kemerjk bcwabyvgdjlbf jjhsqhi ktwubn gcxhmqqtvyx: (228,042).
OOC: Anyone who has an IC reason to be able to decode the message should telegram me, and I will reply with the decoded message, and the key for decoding it. Also, the coordinates are encoded, so there is no point to trying to bomb (228,042), as the chances are you will hit my first palace, the one with practically no defences, and certainly no bunker underneath it...
04-12-2003, 21:13
Utter Madness no longer exists as a state, its army is in our POW camps...I'll let you consider the ramifications of that considering they are Aaronisian POW well as that there is still a force being maintained in Utter Madness...I wouldn't return for some time if I were you Parker, accidents tend to happen in wild lands like Utter Madness is at the momant.
And am I the only one who looks upon a nation as small as Despoland having possably one of the best militaries in the world as a little odd?
*News Flash*
Despite losses incurred by Depoland AAA the Aaronisian Air Force made its pesence felt over the last day (real time) of bombing. The Despovian Air Force has had its planes wiped out on the ground and in the air and any further resistance from them will be neglagible to the overall campaign given Aaronisia's ability to replace its losses with ease.
Many power stations have been bombed into submission and large amounts of Despoland has been plunged into darkness meaning all but military and governmental instillations with their own power facilities will be uncontactable except through slow work of mouth means.
National radio and TV transmission centers have also been bombed cutting the capability still further of the governments ability to make contact with the masses.
It has also been confirmed by official sources that longe range missiles have been launched at Despoland with the aim of attempting to knock out AAA instillations. These missiles while expensive to replace are much harder to shoot down especially when fired in waves and so should lessen the burdon on Aaronisian bombers.
Replacements and indeed reinforcements are being shipped to airbases in Fanta Lemon at a rate to keep up with losses.
Also it has been announced that 5,000 extra State Security troops have been sent to the Aaronisian area of Utter Madness to ensure security in the region.
*End news flash*
KIck his ass thumberland 8)
Further Maths
04-12-2003, 22:40
How rude.
The Theocrat
Further Maths
04-12-2003, 22:42
The Supreme Theocrat has instructed me to conduct an inspection of the conditions of all POW camps in the former state of Utter Madness. I will start in the Further Mathematical camps (although there are very few) and I will proceed to the Aaronisian ones.
Of course, this is ratified by the UN Delegation, and the DRURRF will not object, I'm sure.
After all, nobody has anything to hide.
Have they?
His Lordship, The Bishop Blix of Hamilton
Amnesty International Representative to the Supreme Theocrat
OOC: I recall two of the bodyguards making it to safety in Further Maths. The only two surviving bodyguards.
IC: I'd say that since my AA turrets have a 70-80% accuracy rate against your bombers, 50% against missiles would be reasonable, and lead is quite a dense material (which is why I chose it), meaning that you would have to get a direct hit to the barrel to do much more than dent the shield, although if it gets hit enough times, you will create a new hole. I'd say, that the villages are now defenceless, the towns have a few holes in their defences, and the cities, due to their large numbers of turrets, have hardly any new holes. The capital has yet to be affected. A few military units with manual AA weapons are being sent to defend what few power-stations remain, som of them are being sent to the coasts, using a slightly less accurate version of the automatic AA turrets. Perhaps 60% accuracy against bombers, and 40% against missiles. The fighter pilots have been scrambled, and they are fairly well trained, with the same accuracy, near enough, as the automatic turrets. Also, bombers have been launched on a counter-offensive.
The troops line up in the field, awaiting another speech. An image of the President appears, and salutes them. "I knew you would do your nation proud! We certainly aren't winning yet, but we are certainly holding our own. It is time to go on the offensive, to force them to start using some of their resources to defend, as opposed to just attack. I want bombers to be sent at their base. Scramble the fighters, have them take out any bombers or missiles they find. I want all military units capable of shooting down aircraft to head to the beaches. Remember, the Aaronisians don't care if you surrender or not: they'll either kill you fighting, or they'll execute you, painfully, for the warcrime of fighting back in the first place. I don't know about you, but I'd rather go down fighting than be strapped into a gas chamber. Remember this, also: we DO stand a chance. We are the second most advanced nation in the region, second only to Further Maths, in some aspects, and superior to even them in some military aspects. We certainly are outnumbered, and even slightly outgunned, but we can level the balance with enough of their deaths. We stand a chance because we have superior weapons, superior vehicles, and above all: superior people! Thank you all, good night, and good luck to you all."
Secret IC: The bombers are armed with air to sea torpedoes, which are, for all intents and purposes, exactly the same as the ones used by the navy, as well as anti-tank bombs, which are exactly the same as the torpedoes, with the added advantage of an explosion 3 seconds after it hits something, which should give it enough time to get inside the average tank, and incendiary bombs. The main targets of the counter-offensive are aircraft carriers, troops, ammo-dumps, fuel dumps, food supplies, and airports, in that order. Expected accuracy from bombs: approximately 40% against moving targets, and 80% for still targets. 60% for incendiary bombs used against moving troops, and 30% for anti-tank bombs used on moving vehicles. They are capable of carrying, altogether, 2 of each, as well as two EMP missiles, and a machine gun, as carried by the fighters. When travelling from the airbase to the targets, are quite capable of mach 5, with no ill effects to the pilot (A modern fighter jet allows up to about mach 2, before the wings tear away from the hull due to difference in speed). When bombing, however, they should be far easier to hit, due to the lower speeds needed to bomb accurately.
05-12-2003, 18:16
OOC: Can we get an indipendant person to come in and assess if all this is godmoding, cos its really pissing me off that a tiny insignifigant nation has such an uncanny ability to kill everything that moves.
And forces haven't landed yet dip, where did I say forces had landed? And didn't I just bomb your airforce on the ground?
I want someone indipendant to come in and take a look at you and all this bull.
Also Further Maths, the former POW's are all now in the shock armies (of their own free will of course...) in which is takes more courage to retreat than nice to have armies of POW's, prisoners and exiles to use for the mundane jobs....
Further Maths
05-12-2003, 18:28
The whirring blades slowed to a stop and two Swiss Guards stepped down from the helicopter, resplendant in blue and yellow. Then the Bishop stepped down, crook in hand and mitre on head. A short man, with not very much hair under his mitre, and the kindly face apparent on all Further Mathematical citizens. He was followed by his secretary, Father Williams.
Major Anderson stepped forward from the welcome party. "My Lord Bishop, this is an honour." He made to bow, but the Bishop stopped him, saying:
"Stand up, Major. I am only a man, after all. Not even the Supreme Theocrat asks men to bow to him."
"Thank you, my lord."
"Yes, well, that's alright. We've come to have a look at the prisoners, see how they're getting on, if you don't mind."
"Prisoners, my lord Bishop?"
"Yes, prisoners. You know, captured people, tend to live in cells, wear arrows on their shirts, that sort of thing. They're quite common in facilities like this, you know."
"No, my lord, we have no prisoners here."
"Ah. Right. This is a prisoner of war camp, is it not?"
"Yes, your lordship."
"Good, good, thought so. And you, er, you have no prisoners?"
"No, your lordship."
"None at all?"
"No, your lordship."
"You're, er, you're sure about this, are you?"
"Yes, your lordship."
"Right. So you said. I have to say, I find that a bit, you know, strange." said the Bishop, glancing at Father Williams, who shrugged.
"We were ordered not to take prisoners, but to provide any Utterly Mad citizens who came to us safe passage to Further Maths."
"Oh, jolly good. Yes, I see. That's why there are great, sprawling shanty towns everywhere you look at the moment. Hmmm. I wondered why the Cathedral was fuller than usual on a Sunday. But, er, why are you still here, if I may ask. Surely they've all been evacuated from Mathematical territory."
"Yes, my lord, but we've been ordered to stay here in case anybody escapes from... over there - " He pointed across to the prisoner of war camp across the valley, in Aaronisian territory. Lightning struck over the Aaronisian camp as he spoke, proving that even the weather has a sense of the dramatic. "- we're to provide them with sanctuary."
"Right. I see. Jolly good. Well, in that case, you're going to get me a nice cup of tea, because I really hate flying. And you - " He pointed at his guards " - are going to have a look round, just to do the job properly."
Everybody saluted the two clergymen, and they were led off to the officer's quarters, for a nice cup of tea and, if they were lucky, a chocolate biscuit.
OOC: (Saying things along the lines of "I have destroyed your entire airforce before anyone could get to their planes" or "I have just destroyed every power station in your nation" could also be considered godmoding. :evil: Do try and practice what you preach.
I, on the other hand, decided to use a different technology level when I created this nation, having seen others do the same. It happens to be slightly more advanced than your own. As such, surely a decent radar system is not out of the question, and neither is an accurate, automated, AA turret. Anyway, I would hardly call 50% of shots against missiles hitting, or 70-80% of shots against fighter jets, for that matter, godmoding. Nor would I call it overly accurate. Besides which, they may hit missiles, but as I recall, ballistic missiles don't use electronics very often. A computer plots the trajectory, and the missile is launched to follow that trajectory. So I would have to hit a well made missile at least twice, possibly three times, to destroy it.)
06-12-2003, 20:57
OOC: A couple of thousand planes can cause such AA gun that never misses is something of a military breakthrough...alright, lets continue along your lines, you'll still lose....and like I said maths, all my POW's are now in the Shock Armies (think mini red armies of ww2 designed to save my trained boys from having to die on the wire)
*news flash*
Bombing raids are continuing to wreak havoc on the nation of Despoland knocking out key facilities all around the rogue nation. Replacements are being sent daily and the Aaronisian military high command say that it is a matter of days (real time) before the ground forces can move in.
Most recently targeted has been the Despoland Navy, the majority of which has been in port for most of the war for unknown reasons, but as one Air General put it, "All the easier to hit".
Those few vessels at sea have been hunted down by our attack submarines, hunting silently beneath the waves.
It has been reported from the met office and ships at sea that there are strange conditions in the Despovian sea at present but skilled Aaronisian captains should be able to bring most of the fleet in to the coast with minimal losses.
*End news flash*
OOC: I never said that they never miss. Against bombers they generally miss once out of every five shots, sometimes twice. That's not very accurate at all, considering that the nation is about 10 to 20 years more advanced that Japan, and Japan is currently the most advanced country in the world. And against missiles, assuming I hit one in every two, and it only took two hits to destroy a missile, that's four shots needed to take it down. Submarines, if within 10 miles of the coast, would likely be destroyed, unless of course you had more of them than I have mines, which is quite unlikely, since I have one hell of a lot of mines.
IC: There are some huge holes in the AA defences now, and the public power supply is now completely offline. The airforce is almost out of commision.
Secret IC: What few planes are left are beginning one last attempt at the Aaronisian base in Fanta Lemon (OOC: this is where I was attacking last time.), with each one packed with explosives, prepared to turn kamekaze. Their first objective is the command centre, then the food supplies, then ammunition and fuel, and, finally, actual troops. The troops are ready to move at the first sign of people landing. They will be hidden in various places, each in a position to take out quite a few people each before being found. Rail guns are also in use, allowing bullets to travel through walls, and at quite a distance, although these are quite temperamental, and require such vast amounts of electricity, that it's possible for the person using it to be killed in an overload, but the bullet will still be fired. Naturally, only two of these will be in use.
In terms of the navy, I doubt you managed to get the subs, and that's what are now being mobilised, from underground docks. Some are heading around to the beaches where troops are most likely to land. And the others are being sent through the mine field, which they know the layout of, and can avoid. They are being sent to take out nearby aircraft carriers, using their driller torpedoes.
07-12-2003, 18:20
Secret IC: The Despolandian navy has been busy sowing mines and it has been a headache trying to clear fields through which ships can navigate...possable delay of landing operations of up to 1 week. Most of the survice fleet remains in port under the protection of AAA and their own carrier based aircraft putting up patrols.
Fores in Fanta Lemon have been taking a pounding but the Despovian airforce is estimated to have very little life left in it anymore.
Many airforce objectives have been completed and with civilian infrastructure smashed the emphases is now on destroying road and rail links, interdicting any forces that move during the day and some more critical forces during the night with the aim of creating severe delays in troop movements by forcing them to move at certain times and into bottlenecks at any bridges and links we leave open allowing us to concentrate air power.
Also the air force will now attempt to seek out individual troop positions and bomb them into submission. The delay caused by naval operations could give the airforce much needed time to ensure any resistance upon landing is severely weakoned from peacetime levels.
IC: The Government of Aaronisia extends to the Government of Despoland the oppertuinity to now give their unconditional surrender to Aaronisia. We intend to use Despoland for industrial purposes and so the population will be allowed to live under the benevolant rule of the Aaronisian government as a colony. Surrender now and prevent needless bloodshed-the harder you resist the harder Aaronisian forces will be on your nation.
Further Maths
07-12-2003, 18:57
"Theocrat, we've just intercepted this communique from Aaronisia."
"On screen."
The Government of Aaronisia extends to the Government of Despoland the oppertuinity to now give their unconditional surrender to Aaronisia. We intend to use Despoland for industrial purposes and so the population will be allowed to live under the benevolant rule of the Aaronisian government as a colony. Surrender now and prevent needless bloodshed-the harder you resist the harder Aaronisian forces will be on your nation.
"Hmm. Interesting. This must be some new meaning of the word 'benevolent' that I wasn't previously aware of. Hehe."
"Very droll, sir, I'm sure. Ha. Ha."
"What kind of sycophant are you?"
"Er, what kind of sycophant would you like me to be?"
The Theocrat shook his head. "Anyway, Salutious will not surrender. Which is a pity really, because I do not believe he can win this."
Secret IC: The troops are all in position, in hidden, underground bunkers near to the more defensible inland areas, and along the entire coastline. About half of the troops are carrying SAM launchers, with the rest carrying assault rifles. Apart from the two at every LZ and beach who happen to be carrying rail guns. The submarines have just begun their attacks on the naval forces. They appeared on the radar, just before firing a torpedo each, at each ship. I don't expect them to last very long, but they should do quite a bit of damage before they are sunk.
Normal IC: Do you really expect me to back down now? After so many have died in my name? It would be too bad a betrayal for words to do it justice. In other words, your offer is declined.
Further Maths
07-12-2003, 21:53
Secret IC: The room was windowless and dimly lit. There were no guards within, but around the room there were sufficient defences to hold off quite a large invading army indefinitely.
Given its location, the army would be hard pressed to get to it anyway.
"Thank you for coming gentlemen. I have to tell you that I am rather concerned about this whole affair. There can be no mistakes, here. I want your assurances that there will not be." The speaker, whose face was not easily visible because of the semi-darkness, leaned forward in his chair, which was at the head of a good sized table. There were three other men sat at the table. "I want a progress report."
The man sat to his right leaned forward as well, and smacked his hand on the table. His face was not clearly visible either, but he was clearly the oldest man in the room, and wore a scarlet skull cap and a black robe. "I agree with Christopher. This is a dangerous situation. If this gets out, if the Holy Father gets a whiff of this, it could be my frock!"
Opposite to the man named Christopher sat a rather more robust fellow, with militarily straight shoulders, and military shoulder caps. His face was hidden under a bronze Platipus Helmet, marking him a Further Mathematical Royal Guard. The number of stripes on his shoulder and pips on his collar belied this. "I assure you, Theocrat, [he nodded at the man named Christopher] Your Eminance, [he nodded at the man in the skull cap] that there is no need to worry. The Professor will fill you in on the details, but the... weapons are for defensive purposes only. Their anti-missile capabilities were virtually unrivalled when we bought them from M-Pire. Since the Professor's team went up, they are invaluable. Need I remind you of the dangerous situation escalating across the border in Aaronisia? And it is Descartes that is nearest to the trouble spot. We in the county know what the situation is like better than anyone. And should the need arise, we have them as deterrents."
"Hmm," said the man named Christopher. "What have you got to say, Sir Bazil?"
The fourth man straightened his bow tie. He was slightly bald, and had wild, white hair. "Well, Theocrat, as soon as M-Pire gave us the access codes, I sent up a team from the group that has been working on the Indestructable. I've been looking at their data, and pouring over the schematics. The technology is no more advanced than our own, [OOC, the weapons are present tech, just expensively good] but the craftmanship is very nice. The ideas are simple, but extremely effective. My chaps made a few modifications, improving the targeting computers. They have a direct link to Deep Thought back at the Institute, which has increased their accuracy by 65%. If the Insitute comes under attack, the room is set to melt down, and the weapons will use their own targetting computers."
"Good man, Sir Bazil. But what about control? How can we keep the controls safe? The weapons cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands. Need I stress the delicacy of the situation further?"
"Well, Theocrat, I want you to take this."
The man in the bowtie handed the man called Christopher a small, gold object.
"Oh. Thank you. A watch. How lovely. Um... yes. But back to my question - "
"No, Theocrat, you misunderstand. The watch is the only means of control. While up there, my team hardwired all five to activate only on a command from that watch. You must keep it on your wrist at all times. It will take a fingerprint scan, an iris scan, and a voice recognition test before activating the weapons. I assure you, this cannot go wrong. The watch also constantly monitors your vital signs. If you are in any way incapacitated, the mechanism inside will melt down."
The man named Christopher raised an eyebrow. "All that from a watch? That is marginally impressive, you know, Bazil. Well done. But can it tell the time?"
The man with the bowtie looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Er... no. No it can't."
"A watch that can't tell the time, Bazil? Isn't that a bit like the inflatable knitting needle you chaps came up with a few years back?"
"Well, with all the high technology scanners in it, there wasn't enough room for a clock mechanism."
"I see. Deary, deary me. Well, I'm satisfied for now. This doesn't leave these walls. Assign protection squads to all members of the Institute team involved. What are your thoughts, Charles?"
The man in the skull cap shook his head. "I don't like it, Christopher. I really don't. But it seems fool proof. I'm telling you, though, If John-Paul hears about this, it'll be missionary work in the Congo for me for the next twenty years!"
"Then we'll leave it at that. I want regular updates, and Level 0 security."
The man named Christopher put the watch on. "Dismissed."
08-12-2003, 22:17
OOC: Despoland, as I've been trying to tell you for the past bloody week, the fleet is still in port (for the most part) and its underwater elements (rahter hard to find) that are out there at the momant.
And maths, wtf are you on about? *gets preminitions, thanks god for own little roundabout methods of keeping UN inspectors happy*
*News Flash*
The Aaronisian Air Force has continued its bombing campaign for the past 2 days (real time) and while the land invasion appears to have been delayed for unknown reasons the campaign in the air is heating up as with large swaths of Despovian airspace covered only by troops with SAM launchers which are ineffective against high altitude bombers and who's firers are opening themselves up to close in bombing. The main emphases has now been placed on targeting dug in troops along the coast and further inland.
Reports are that while troop concentrations are hard to find on the ground aerial recon is having large amounts of luck picking out suspicous sites and it is reported that every bunker, dugout and foxhole in Despoland is being assigned to bombing missions over the next several days with the intention of crushing enemy opposition before the Shock Armies land.
So far limited strikes against troop concentrations have given invaluable lessons, alerting pilots to mass infantry fired SAM's being used throughout the country leading pilots to prefer high altitude bombing or fast runs.
Some stronger bunkers have required several hits to crumble while other more standard heavy concrete bunkers have been sucumbing to the "bunker buster" bombs that made their debute in the Utter Madness war.
Other more soft targets such as dugouts, trenches and so on have been bombed with more conventional anti-personel and HE bombs.
*End News Flash*
Secret IC: Date for invasion set to the 14th of December, subject to change.
OOC: Btw, what are your troop numbers, where along the coast are they concentrated most and whats their training like? (this is OOC so as we know in advance where everything is set up for more realistic scenario)
In the first wave I'll send the shock troops (like I said, see WW2 Red Army) and possably paratroopers, followed in by my elite divisions to punch a breakout and then your standard troops (not to be underestimated through the use of the word "standard" of course :wink: )
Also whats the state of your navy at this stage (considering that IC my recon will probably tell me, but I don't know what you started off with so its hard to tell what got blown up and what didn't....)
OOC: Concentrated? At the best places to land troops. If anywhere is landed unexpectedly, the city will be annihilated. The civilians will be safe in their shelter, but I intend to make this war as expensive as possible for you.
Well, I've had a good economy from the beginning, and most of it, as you know, has been spent on defence. The training is no exception. The standard troops have to be able to score five shots in a row within a 60mm spread at a range of 300m without use of a scope by the end of basic training (this is realistic, as it is one of the requirements in the British Army). They are trained to always aim for the head, and at the officers first, so as to create confusion in the ranks. There are about 50,000 of these troops at every viable place to land a ship or transport chopper (of which there number thirty in total), in extremely heavily fortified bunkers. Said bunkers are quite well camouflaged as well. You would have to fly quite low to notice them. They are also well hidden inside the ruins of abandoned forts. It would likely take an IR scan to find them, and if found, three of four bunker busters would likely do the trick.
Joining these standard troops are the snipers, who are capable of adding 200m to the range, and still getting the 60mm spread, without a scope, and with their rail guns, can hit a man between the eyes at 1km. There are currently 10 at every landing zone. The rail guns are able to fire through approximately 12 inches of concrete, and have a range of 2km. They will have to be above the ground, but will be able to shoot from inside a building. I'll leave it to you to decide how to kill them.
Then, you get the Special Forces troops, who are basically standard troops, only harder to kill. They excel in urban combat, and as such are being kept in fortified bunkers close to the civilian bomb shelters. There are about 1,000 of these per landing zone. They are trained in how to throw a knife and hit a man in the throat at 20m, and how to get a headshot with a pistol at 100m. They are armed with conventional pistols, chambered to fire subsonic, chamber-less rounds, and are fitted with silencers. This is because thus far, the best weapon for stealth is still either a knife or a silenced pistol.
And finally, for the foot soldiers: the heavily armoured troops. Heavy armour costs a bomb to develop, and is bloody heavy (so heavy that movement is quite slow, and if you are knocked down while wearing it, you wont get back up again unless you remove the armour), but it is capable of withstanding all but anti-tank rounds. There are two soldiers wearing this armour at every bunker. They are armed a flamethrower attached to one arm, a heavy taser attached to the other (this is capable of turning a human into a pile of ash), and rocket launcher attached to the back. As I say, it's very heavy, and reaction times are quite slow because of it, which is why a whole army of them would be a liability.
The tasers ionise the air in their path, allowing a high voltage current to pass through. As such, there is practically no recoil. The problem is, the electricity takes time to reach the target, and during this time the trigger has to be held down, making long range firing a pain. The weapons must be reloaded after every ten seconds of use, or thirty for a heavy taser, or a bike-mounted taser (not including time spent not firing). Fully automatic fire is available, though.
Motorbikes are also held within the bunkers. They use tasers attached to the front, and the rider is armed with a pistol, which generally contains hammerhead style bullets (bullets which explode a millisecond after impact). They move quite quickly, and the riders can usually get a headshot at 200m using the tasers, or at 20m using the pistol. There are 20 of these at every LZ
The last land vehicle used is the viper tank. DO NOT SHOOT AT IT AS YOU WOULD A NORMAL TANK! The tracks are covered, and the armour is quite thick. Destroying it by normal means is not an option. You could, however, aim to destroy the weapons, making it nigh on useless, and then lob a grenade through the top when a soldier comes up to continue shooting. There are 5 of these tanks at every LZ.
Common to all land units other than the tank, are fragmentation grenades.
In terms of the navy, there are the submarines lurking through the waters between Drew and Despoland. Of these there are 5, and I have stated how they are armed.
Please note that the weaknesses stated above should be discovered through trial and error (i.e. it should cost a few lives discovering them). Would you like to state numbers please? And from now on, if one of us loses men or vehicles, we should give the losses numerically, to make things a little less complicated. That way, we can each keep count of each others' troops. Is that OK with you?
IC: A holographic image shows up in every civilian bomb shelter. It is the President. He says to the populace: "I speak to you now in Despoland's darkest hour. The air force is in ruins. The navy has only five submarines left. It is the army on who we must now place our hopes. I speak to you not as the President, but as a fellow Despolishman. If our army fails, I ask you all to put up one final fight. I ask you to show them that we are not going to be trifled with, however powerful their military. I ask you to let them know that we are a proud people and do not give up in the face of adversity. I ask you to do as I would. To pick up a gun, and make sure these Aaronisians get the fight of their lives. A fight FOR their lives. I don't know about you people, but I would rather die than allow them one more step into Despoland than could be avoided. Our army is one of the best trained in the region, but Aaronisia has the numbers. I don't know how this will turn out, but by Almighty God, we will NOT go down without a fight. Good luck to you all; and God Speed."
Further Maths
09-12-2003, 01:07
Further Maths
09-12-2003, 01:16
OOC: I'm not going to ask what 'w t f' stands for. I will assume that is stands for 'why the farce?'. Swearing at the Theocrat is never, ever a good idea.
Secret OOC: Further Maths has purchased 5 satellites, using modern tech. They are primarily highly effective anti-missile defences. However, they have laser weapons on board which are, I'm told, capable of levelling a city in a single shot.
You must all hope I press the right button when I want to set an alarm.
IC: The Bishop put down his cup.
"Thank you, Major. That was a very good cup of tea. Well done."
The Major looked relieved. "Thank you, my lord Bishop. Will you be staying for dinner?"
The Bishop stood up and stretched, and then reached for his crook, as well as replacing his mitre. "Thank you, Major, but no. I'll be going now. I'm told that all the prisoners across the way have been conscripted into the Aaronisian shock army, but I'll go and have a look anyway. Orders are orders. Especially Holy ones."
The Bishop guffawed. "I say, did you get that? Holy Orders? I'm a Bishop, and I said Holy Orders? He he. Ha ha. Oh ho. Ah yes. Very good. What did you think, Frank?"
Father Williams gave a little smile. "Most amusing, my lord Bishop. Very good. I can tell why you are famous for your wit."
"Yes. I am rather. Good man. Let's be off then." The Bishop left the room, and Father Williams smiled a weak apology at the Major, and followed.
"Find anything, men?" Said the Bishop to his guards once outside.
"No, my lord Bishop. The camp is empty." said the first guard.
"Well, apart from the cells. And the furniture, and so on. And obviously nothing is completely empty, because there's air and stuff..." started the second guard.
"Yes, but the Bishop knows that, doesn't he? He's not stupid, is he?" Said the first guard crossly.
"Yes, but one has to give a proper report. It's our job, you know. It says in paragraph 4 of -" The guard was interrupted by the Bishop.
"Shut up, there's a good man. Now, take me across the valley. And fly gently this time. You know I don't like being jerked about in the air. If the Good Lord had wanted me to fly, he mitre given me wings. He he. I say, Frank, did you-"
"Yes, Bishop. I got it. You said mitre instead of might have. And you're a bishop. Yes. Very funny sir, I'm sure."
"Yes. It was rather, wasn't it? Did I tell you the one about the Further Mathematician, the Aaronisian, and the Distopistrian who were in a bar - "
"Time to take off, gentlemen, please!" said Father Williams hurriedly. The whirring of the blades soon drowned out the Bishop's excellent joke.
And the priest said a silent prayer of thanks.
Meanwhile, in the Palace:
The hologram of the President flickered out.
"Hmmm. Jolly good. It would appear that Salutious has come over all religious in his hour of need. Have a Mass said for him, will you?"
"I'll see to it, Christopher." said the Cardinal.
"Good. What do you think of the situation, then, Thelonius?"
"Well, Theocrat, I'm impressed by the President's courage. Or at least that of his speech writer. Seeing as how he has come over all Christian, why don't we... you know... give him a little bit of Divine Fire of our own to help him out." The Lord Captain Commander was eying the Theocrat's new watch.
The Theocrat quickly pulled it out of sight.
"Absolutely not. We are remaining completely neutral. The Weapons are for last resort defence of this country and no other. There is no force on earth, short of the Hand of God Himself that will convince me to use them otherwise."
The Commander of the Peacemakers looked disappointed. "Whatever you say, of course, Theocrat. But I'd like to keep an eye on the war."
"I have no objection. But just an eye, Thelonius. I know how much you're itching to go in, but you are not going to. Dismissed."
Thelonius stood up and saluted. "As you wish."
And he marched away, perhaps a little more loudly than was necessary.
09-12-2003, 04:42
To: All parties concerned
From: Field Marshal Guillame de Machaut, Director of International Affairs
The nation of Gothenburg-Franc would like to extend an offer of neutral military observance to your conflict. As an honorble nation, we believe that there are certain rules to be followed during war. While some consider our army to be outdated, we are willing to act as observers, and would be honored if you would let us view this most interesting conflict. If any of your nations would consider hiring Gothenburg-Franc mercenaries, we could have 2 regiments (12 battalions) of Chassuers and 4 Regiments de Ligne (24 battalions) to the area of battle whitin two days time. Please consider our offer. No less a warrior than Field Marshal Jean-Luc Regenault de St.Jean d'Angely would command our Army de Expedition. We will await your response.
-Field Marshal Guillame de Machaut, DoIA
-Premier Marshal Elijah Stephen-Michel de la Arms, Premier of G-F
I have no objection to this.
OOC: Would Thelonius be planning a little insubordination? :twisted:
Further Maths
09-12-2003, 17:43
OOC: Alas for you, he would not be doing. However, there are plans afoot to assist the Sultan
09-12-2003, 18:24
No thank you my dear man, I prefer to keep my wars internal, and anyways I wouldn't like to see any of your men get killed by accident.
OOC: Actually funny enough things like hidden bunkers are easier to spot from high altitude (unless its cloudy, at which point you have to drop the pilots off for a little walk in the minefield...not standard practice in the Aaronisian Air Force....) its like old ruints and crop circles etc, hard to spot low down but a bit obvious from high up.
I have my force's listed in the old topic, but basically they come to about 1 million men all told on the ground, 150,000 of whom are "Shock Troops" designed to do the dirty work with your remaining bunkers and the like...not many of them should survive but they do their jobs well and almost never retreat (due to the fact that its better to be a pile of ash than in a "special camp" back in Aaronisia...)
The idea for the next while will be to flatten your bunkers...not all of them of course but punching holes through your defences (at several LZ's to sow confusion over where the show will be, and all your bridges etc are down and my AF will be doing interdiction along the roads so I'll be expecting suitable delays in getting fresh forces to wherever I do land....) wide enough for troops to por past into the rear areas and achieve a breakout.
I assume not all your troops are in bunkers, and apart from those old tanks (which shouldn't be too hard to hit from above ;) ) what kind of forces do you have inland? More static defences or mobile forces?
Ok screw the news flash I take it you know your bunkers are being flattened....
OOC: When I say heaviliy fortified, I mean HEAVILY fortified. It's going to take a lot of bombs to take these ones out, and they have multiple entrances, and not all of them are easily seen from the air. In fact, most of them are under forests. Assuming you manage to get the visible entrances, the land vehicles will be useless, but you can't get them all without blanket bombing every town, village and city, as well as every forest, lake and river. That would take a lot of bombs, and would leave you with one hell of a lot of rebuilding to do.
Static defences: minefields, which are activated/deactivated from the presidential bunker, and cover the entire beach, and the AA cannons which are all but destroyed everywhere but the capital. The mobile defences are:
Solo snipers. Using the latest in personal stealth technology, they require infra-red goggles to find from a distance, although close up they should be noticable to someone with sharp eyesight. Each one carries a rail gun, which is kept in it's case unless being used, and a pistol. The pistol uses Hammerhead bullets.
There are also cruise missile lauchers in the capital, which are hidden in underground silos. As your bombers haven't reached that area of the capital alive yet, they are thus far unfound. They can fire two miles further out than the furthest beach, and pack quite a punch. It if hits within five metres of a soldier, it will kill him. Scientists are currently working on an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) to carry conventional warheads, which will be just as powerful, but with a longer range.
Finally, there are, from the same areas as the silos, 20 transport choppers, with room for thirty troops each. When fully fuelled, they can reach the furthest beach, and have just enough fuel to go back. There are a thousand elite troops prepared to move. They are armed in the same way as the standard troops, but can add 100m to their accurate range.
09-12-2003, 20:36
OOC: Fine...even under forests they're easy to find from the air, especially with specalist equipment aboard (and you note from this my troops going in will also have marked on their maps locations of your remaining troops concentrations)....big bloody bunkers are easy to find, and while other forts require some more detailed recon time is on my side.
I doubt you'll have ICBM's developed, manufactured and fired before I'm finished, though I'll be sure to put any surviving texts/scientists to good work in Aaronisia for you.
Minefields are pretty simple to clear paths through...either send in minesweepers (slow), shock troops (funny) or "specials", in this case a tank with a flail on the front designed to blow up mines (see WW2, quite effective)...only problem is AT fire which should be taken care of by the bombers (clearning paths within paths...).
The aim you see (and this is OOC don't forget!) is to clear paths through your main defences and allowed armoured units to break out into the rear area's where your troops won't stand a chance on open ground and your bunker boys will be cut off and forced into the open or to simply starve (and I don't mind if they stay there until the end of the war either...once your regemé falls the army will see the writing on the wall and surrender).
Your heli force with its 600 men shouldn't be too problamatic especially considering I have aerial supremicy to wipe them out with...
The 1,000 men prepairing to do know that as all the bridges/vital crossroads etc are in bits and as my AF will be doing interdiction patrols all around the area for miles they probably won't make it alive (unless of course you happen to have tunnels running all around the country :o )
OOC: Just one secret tunnel, I'm afraid. It runs between my personal bunker and the underground dock. Anyway, Cuises work quite well on tanks, besides which, the mines aren't activated yet. They will be activated while your men are already on the beach. Until then, your "special" isn't much use. Unless you have your pilots in the air 24/7, you're going to have a hard time shooting the cruises down.
If I am forced to leave, I will detonate everything in the nation before I go. And since the scientists have an extra special incentive to remain loyal to me (the small charge of explosive right next to the central nervous system), they will be silenced. In other words, you may receive the lower grade weapons, i.e. rifles/tasers/rail guns, but you won't receive anything major. Such as my ICBM research.
I forgot to mention that the troops in the bunkers will be leaving immediately, through an undetected exit (undetected due to teh fact it's underwater, as opposed to on land.), and if they the snipers can shoot through concrete, they can shoot through a tanks armour, killing at least one of the crew. Or through an amphibious landing craft.
As I'm sure I told you, they aim at the officers first, followed by the normal troops, and then, invite the shock troops to surrender. Since they aren't fighting for you willingly, I'm sure they would switch sides without a moment's delay.
10-12-2003, 21:32
OOC: I wouldn't have em if they'd turn sides on me...they know its better to die at the hands of your guns than mine, and if they do surrender to a state thats destined to fall they'll be in megashit when the war ends.
And blowing *everything* up? Oh come on, just the good bits....not even I have TNT wired into the roads....
Your troops will be leaving their bunkers...all of them? Making the bunkers useless? Odd strategy, but I ain't complaining as they're twice as easy to kill in the open (unless you've invented a mobile concrete bunker for each infantryman....bit like the old batman show..."don't worry robin, I'll just get my trusty anti-carosel spray...."
And not all your bunkers are on the sea are they? And what do they do, swim out? Just a tad underwhealmed by this miraculous escape for your troops...but as I say my AF is keeping the skies patrolled and anyone who moves will be in for a surprise fireworks display.
And minefields that are activated...meaning every mine has a wire running to your capital (or at least a hub of wires) or a radio transmitter? Expensive mines I must say, and totally bull if you ask me, but not to worry, a flail tank hits em so hard they'll either explode even unarmed, be damaged so as they cant be activated or simply be tossed up onto the ground where they can be seen and taken care of, even if its just with a well placed pistol shot...
I'm sure your snipers will be fun to kill, but what the hell, I'll have lots of arty support that'll fire at anything....
4 days, maybe more if I decide otherwise, but as it stands the conditions are in my favour as I control the air, most of the sea and the transportation means for your reinforcements...buet, a walkover once the troops initially in the LZ's are taken care of as your other troops won't be able to move...the AF running interdiction can take up to 90% of units on the move and in previous wars (real of course going back as far as WW2) have been known to wipe out entire divisions on the move.
Also could you give me a figure for the amount of troops killed by bombings and interdiction?
*News Flash*
Bombing campaigns over the state of Despoland are continuing with great success with Generals proudly toting recon pictures of destroyed bunkers all along the coast and showing on maps the many holes in the defence lines that are being punched. All enemy ground activity has been forced to a standstill for most hours of the day and any movement across choke points such as the few remaining bridges in the country has been hunted by the Fighter/Bombers constantly patrolling these zones in particular.
Troops are beginning their final preperations for landings with all troops in port and at airbases put on complete shutdown to maintain security and with the first untis of the Shock Armies and regular forces moving into jumpoff positions ready to sail to Despoland.
*End News Flash*
OOC: I thought that I had mentioned the fact that they were underground in a previous post. Obviously not. Oh well. My troops are no longer on the move. There have been a few losses, people killed in falling rubble, from the bombs hitting the bunkers and suchlike. I'd say about 90-100 standard troops from each bunker, along with one special forces troop from one of the bunkers. There is still some manual SAM fire from the bunkers, but not much. No point in wasting missiles just yet... By the way, how many of the shock troops are from Utter Madness?
OOC: I thought that I had mentioned the fact that they were underground in a previous post. Obviously not. Oh well. My troops are no longer on the move. There have been a few losses, people killed in falling rubble, from the bombs hitting the bunkers and suchlike. I'd say about 90-100 standard troops from each bunker, along with one special forces troop from one of the bunkers. There is still some manual SAM fire from the bunkers, but not much. No point in wasting missiles just yet... By the way, how many of the shock troops are from Utter Madness? Oh, and by the way, when I said I detonate everything, I meant every building, bunker and farm. And every bridge.
11-12-2003, 19:51
OOC: There arn't too many bridges left to blow anyways....fine, means I get to build from scratch and avoid any existing problems.
Umm, I think about 200,000 of the shock troops are former Utter Madness troops, give or take, the rest are mainly Aaronisian....they know that even if they did manage to surrender to your forces they'll wind up dead eventually, and its better to die in the line of (enemy) fire than suffer the wrath of the Aaronisian Commisariate.
The plan is that on the 13th of December final large scale bombing raids will be conducted on the chosen area for landings (and I'm taking a big 1,000 stratigic (sp) bomber raid over a farily small area of land) with fighter/bombers making sure that nothing can move in that direction to reinforce. Then on the night of the 13th the paratroopers go in to secure areas behind your main lines and attempt to both sow confusion and ensure the landings go as smoothly as possable.
Then early on the morning of the 14th the first shock troops, supported by low altitude fighter/bombers, attack heli's based onboard ships and naval gunfire will come ashore to overrun any remaining defences on the beach and to establish a defenceable beach head-and after all that bombing I doubt even many of your bunkers and trenches will be left standing and I'd say if any of your troops do manage to survive they'll become the first ever to surrender to the shock armies....
I sincerely doubt with all the firepower currently being used and what will come on the 13th that there will be much left to stand in our way on the beaches and immidiatly inland (and thats where we could have stood to lose the most troops) and once the armoured units get going you can wave your nation bye bye....ahhh, the new breadbasket of Aaronisia.....all this military expenditure needs something to pay off it all and you're it my friend....
Umm, screw IC stuff, you can tell whats happening.....the fleet is moving into position btw in the event your boys wanna go take potshots....between fanta lemon and despoland though, I think your 5 subs (*snigger*) are in the wrong sea, no?
13-12-2003, 20:24
OOC: Seeing as your not on shall we say the whole show is delayed for a night? However your forces cannot abuse this...just presume my forces left a day later than they actually did to make everyhting fair so as we're both around for the big show...
OOC: Sorry I'm late, I've been having computer trouble. As such, I can only get onto the internet in colloate. You can post your attack by all means, just don't be too impatient if you don't get a responce.
15-12-2003, 20:35
OOC: Goody, I'll just wait for a responce before posting next stage...just don't abuse it too much :P
Secret IC: They were ready, all the elements were in place and all they needed now was the final command from the Great Leader and the assault would begin.
The Chief of Staff of the Aaronisian Armed Forces entered the room and gave a smart salute to the man behind the desk.
"Sir, I am glad to report we are finally ready for the assault on Despoland. One million shock troopers stand ready to land across a 50 mile frontage of coast tommorow morning before first light and one hundred and fifty thousand paratroopers will be dropped behind enemy lines tonight after the final saturation bombing raids cease at 23:30 hours...with your permission of course"
The General looked slightly worried and this seemed to please the man behind the desk who smiled in a warm fashion only evil men can do.
"Of course General, I wouldn't like to leave our men sitting in the bathtub forever now would I? Begin your invasion as planned and bring me hourly reports rom 8am tommorow."
The General once again saluted, a smile crossing his worn features and said "Yes my Leader, it will be done" and with a click of his heels he turned around and walked out of the office and down to the situation room.
The man left behind in the large office looked to the portraits of two men hanging over the door where he could see them clearly. Two men who had hated one another and who had waged war against one another, but who had both inspired the Great Leader to achieve what he has. He smiled at them and said under his breath "Now the Aaronisian Empire begins".
*News Flash*
Huge concentrated bombing raids across a front at an undisclosed location along the southern coast of Despoland marked the beginning last night of Operation Sealion, the invasion of Despoland.
Stratigic Bombers based in Fanta Lemon bombarded what remained of the beleagured defences along the strip of coast into dust while recon heli aircraft based offshore on the first "mini-carriers" to come to within range of the coast as part of a final recon mission ensured that any few remaining positions were weeded out with close in sensitive scans aiming offshore artillery aboard several destroyers.
Then on the stroke of midnight crack airbourne troops landed behind enemy lines in order to secure vital areas and disrupt enemy activity.
According to the first radio transmissions recieved from CP's already set up by the paratroopers all is going well and enemy activity is disorganised and weak, mainly due to the recent bombing raids wiping out what was left of defences in the area.
OOC: Do your counter post to that and we'll assume time of my next post is around 5.30am, just before landings begin with shock troopers. And I'm assuming a couple of thousand bombers saturating the relativly small area thats already undergone shitwads of bombing will have wiped out almost all opposition.
Secret IC: The normal troops, the ones who are still alive (of which there are 5,000 per bunker) at least, with their SAM launchers, have been shooting at enemy air transports, as well as enemy paratroopers who made it out of the plane. The surviving snipers are in position to take out any tank crews or enemy snipers, using their rail guns. There are only two snipers per bunker now. The special forces (ten per bunker) are taking shelter among ruins, preparing ambushes from well hidden places, with the help of the snipers.
All of them are ordered to shoot at the officers first, to spread confusion among the ranks. They are authorised to allow Utterly Mad shock troops to defect, but any Aaronisian defectors are to be shot on sight. An Uterly Mad shock troop has plenty of reason to defect, whereas an Aaronisian defector is quite likely to be a plant. And, as they know that it is better to die by enemy fire than to be executed, they will remain loyal.
The cruise silos have opened up, with missiles ready to launch at the beach. The choppers are on the move, flying low, among the hills, to avoid radar, each with twenty loads of flares, and twenty loads of chaff. They have manned machine guns, using hammerhead ammunition, which are better against land units, but will work just as well on a jet, provided it hits. The land mines on the beach will be activated once the people start moving on. I don't recall you ICly knowing about the mines, and mines tend to be hard to spot unless you know what you are looking for. Again, an upward blast with motion detectors to set them off. Hovercraft won't work in getting past them.
The President knows that this is going to be a tough fight, and that he may have to get his hands dirty, so he has picked up a pistol, a knife, and a rail gun of his own. The caterers have picked up weapons of their own. He has about 1,000 special forces troops, and 1,000 of the elite troops that are on the choppers in the bunker with him.
The bunker is underground, by the way, and again, the entrances (which are horizontal, with ramps leading up to them on the inside) are very well camouflaged. His personal, unarmed, submarine is waiting in case he needs to retreat. But that shouldn't be necessary. The President may well be KIA before that happens... Anyway, back to the point: the bunker is underneath the capital, with five entrances outside the capital, one in the palace itself, and one in a nearby military base. Only my highest ranking generals know where the entrances are, and those generals are already inside the bunker with the President. The people leading my men outside the bunker are colonels.
18-12-2003, 20:35
I tend to agree there, especially after pounding the s**t into those bunkers (they dont even have ruins left after that kinda stuff) and so I don't think I'll be playing this game of "die to the gods" anymore...get a life and die.
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Further Maths
19-12-2003, 17:26
In the Palace:
"Ha. Look at this, Charles." said the Theocrat, holding up his personal data terminal.
"Oh, you know I can't be doing with all this new fangled technology, Christopher. Give me the gist of it."
The Theocrat shook his head. "Honestly. It's a telegram from Great Leader Aaron, of Aaronisia. It's a request for an independant examination of the Despovian military resistance. Apparantly other regional leaders, among others, are concerned that President Salutious is fighting with resources he doesn't have. I shall have to look into it. It will all have to be paid for in the end."
"Oh, really? That's, er, that's very interesting." The Cardinal continued to say the Rosary.
The Theocrat pressed a button on the arm of his chair. "Lord Captain Commander Thelonius, please."
A moment later, the head of the Peacemakers was on the screen, as always resplendant in his red and gold uniform and black shako.
"Do you ever change out of your uniform, Thelonius?"
"Change out of my uniform, Theocrat? I'm not sure I understand."
The Theocrat raised an eyebrow.
"I'll rephrase it then. When do you wear clothes that are not your uniform?"
The Peacemaker looked as though he was being confronted with an alien concept that he could not begin to comprehend.
"What, you mean like, when I'm wearing my dress uniform for special occaisions?"
"No. When you're wearing something entirely different. Like a shirt and tie, for example."
The LCC frowned. "Not wearing my, um, my uniform, sir? I don't understand..."
"Never mind. It's not that important. Can you get me a report on the Despovian war effort please, and meet me at 1800 hours in my office. Bring some military analysts with you as well."
The LCC gave a perfect salute. "Yes, Theocrat. As you wish."
"Robertson out."
OOC: I have to say that I find the facilities available to Despoland surprising. I will have a look at the population, economy, and proposed tech-level, as well as the beating that the nation has taking from Aaronisia so far.
On the other hand, I'm also impressed by the sheer size and strength of the Aaronisian Air Force, as well as the regeneration rate of the Aaronisian forces in general. Other nations are more than welcome to carry out their own appraisals.
20-12-2003, 21:41
OOC Aaronisia has the muscle to replace aircraft and the reserves to ensure that it goes smoothly. And besides, I took AAA guns with near perfect hit rates was something I was willing to tolerate in the beginning, but now I've had enough of the whole shibang.
Further Maths
23-12-2003, 23:20
In the Palace:
"Thank you for coming gentlemen. Do you have the information I asked for?"
"Yes, Theocrat. We have the analyses of the Despovian Resistance."
"Thank you, General."
There were seven at the table. At the head, of course, sat the Theocrat. On his lap, sat Mr. Tinkles, the Theocrat's white fluffy cat, who looked alarmingly like he had been hit on the face with a frying pan.
At the Theocrat's right sat Cardinal Sir Charle's Gaffney. At the foot of the table sat Lord Captain Commander Thelonius, as always in red and gold. The Theocrat suspected that he always wore his uniform. Always.
To the Royal Guard Captain's right sat General Motors, in the blue of the ordinary military, with a standard black shako (only Royal Guardsmen have the Order of the Platypus emblazened on their hats)
To the left of the Theocrat, next to the General, sat the Professor, Sir Bazil de Mimsy Porcupine, and in the final seat, between the Lord Captain Commander and the Cardinal, sat Dr. Archimedes Q. Heffelheimer, the leading economist in Further Maths.
"Well, gentlemen, what do we think? Is President Salutious using force greater than his capability?"
"And what is to be done about it, if he is?" Added the Cardinal. "It will all have to be paid for."
"Theocrat, Your Eminance, I've had my men look over it for us. General Motors has more details on our intelligence" said Thelonius.
"Sirs, as some of you know, and some of you will soon forget, I am actually the head of PiAreSquared, the Theocrat's Secret Service."
"Gasp." said the Professor, non commitally.
"Caw, lummy!" said Doctor Heffelheimer.
"Yes, quite" said General Motors. "Well, I've been looking over the intelligence our agents have gathered on the equipment The President has been using. It's good. Very good. Of course, for a nation as technologically advanced as DespoLand, this is not surprising. However, there is, shall we say, rather a lot of it."
"Yes," said the Professor. "His excessive use of technology such as the rail gun, and the hand held SAM Launcher, is surprising, even for his advanced tech-level. You, of course, Theocrat, know full well the difficulties of rail gun construction. OOC: Real Life Joke. I tried to build one for my physics coursework. I got some sparks, a bit of movement, then electrocuted myself. Mass production of compulsators with sufficient power output would be very difficult and costly. Of course, economics is not my subject..."
"Ooh, don't worry, ducky, it's mine!" Said Doctor Heffelheimer.
The Professor was not accustomed to be being addressed as 'ducky', and looked somewhat taken aback. The Theocrat surpressed a grin.
"Well, my dear maties, I have to say that the Despovian economy was strong before the war. Certainly capable of building the network of bunkers, and good bunkers too. I see no reason why President Salutious could not build a scorched earth network, effectively enabling him to self-destruct all important facilities. And given the famous paranoia of the President, and the close links he had with the Utterly Mad government, I would have been surprised if he hadn't. However, the Professor's been going over the sciency stuff, and I don't think he could have quite as effective a portable defence network as he had. His estimates of SAM launchers, and Rail Guns, are a little ambitious, to say the least."
"Yes," said Thelonius. "Another thing that has surprised me is his troop movement. A lot of the country is now controlled by Aaronisia, either from the air or the ground. Yet the President has managed to get troops to all sorts of good positions. Very clever and, if I may say so, also a little over ambitious, however good his bunker and tunnel network is."
The Cardinal leaned forward. "But, gentlemen, are there any serious descrepancies?"
The Lord Captain Commander saluted, even though he was sat down. "Your Eminance, I can see no major descrepancies. Perhaps the President is not admiting to as many losses as one could expect, but I'm sure that's just for propaganda purposes."
"So, is it the conclusion of this meeting that the Despovian military should revise its estimates regarding weaponry, troop positions, and damage?"
"Yes, Theocrat. That, at least is my conclusion."
"Thank you, Thelonius. I shall send the relevant telegrams. Dismissed."
General Motors stood up. "One moment, if you please, Theocrat."
"What? Oh, yes, of course." Christopher nodded.
The Theocrat, the Cardinal, Mr. Tinkles, The Lord Captain Commander, and the 'General' all produced dark glasses from nowhere and put them on.
"Now, Professor, Doctor, I want you to look over here, for a moment." Said the General, taking what looked like a pen from his pocket and holding it up.
The academics looked towards the General, and the moment was lost in a flash of white light.
BOOM. Game Over. Thank you for playing. I hope you have plenty of resources available for rebuilding, because you're going to need to do one hell of a lot of it. Every building above ground has been obliterated, as has every underground building of any importance (which means that whatever you hoped to gain, other than extra civilians, you will not gain). The Presidential Bunker has been destroyed along with the rest of the buildings, and the latest reports state that he died in the explosion. He meant to go down with the ship.
Secret IC: this is going to be the last ever post from Despoland: the President is indeed dead.
24-12-2003, 17:03
OOC:, several game weeks later....
To the sound of "Preussens Gloria" the victorious troops of the "Aaron the Great" Division marched down the central street of the Aaronisian capital with crowds of ecstatic flag waving civilians hailing them onwards.
At the top of the street standing on a podium outside the parliament building, flanked by his general staff and various government officials stood the Great Leader of Aaronisia himself, saluting his mighty troops as they passed.
It was a Great day for Aaronisia, for now her military expenditure had finally given material gains. Though the nation they had conquered was in ruins the mineral resources of the soil and mines would help further fuel the nation to greatness and on its land Aaronisians would create the greatest industrial colony ever seen.
Further Maths
24-12-2003, 22:34
Secret IC
"Well, Charles, there we have it. The end of the war. We always said that President Salutious would go out with a bang, didn't we?"
"In rather bad taste, if you don't mind me saying so, Christopher."
"Oh, come on. He'd be laughing his head off."
"We shall see. Now he has only Judgement ahead."
"The main problem, though, is a potential superpower arising in Aaronisia. I won't allow that. No nation can become too powerful. Steps must be taken. What do you say?"
"I say that you are the Theocrat."
"Yes. Yes I am. General Motors, please, Lieutenant. Then leave the room."
The blue and black of General Motor's uniform appeared on the screen, and everyone but the Theocrat and the Cardinal left the room.
"Yes, Theocrat?"
"Operation Atlantis."
"Very good, sir."
Twenty-five minutes later, a stealth submarine left dock and headed for DespoLand.
Secret OOC
The submarine will attempt to sink the island by planting small tectonic charges around the roots. It is extremely difficult to detect, based on similar technology to that used by the British Navy, whose Trident Submarines are undetectable.
Further Maths
26-12-2003, 12:47
The Theocrat's PDT bleeped, causing him to look at the screen.
"Dismissed!" he said, and the room emptied, with the exception of the Cardinal and Mr. Tinkles.
"On screen" he said, and General Motors appeared.
"Theocrat, I think it might be unwise to sink the island."
The Theocrat raised an eyebrow, and the General winced.
"Are you suggesting, General, that one of my ideas is anything less than the greatest piece of cunning plannery that you have ever heard in your entire military career?"
"Er... well, not as such, but, well, yes, actually."
"And what makes you make this... courageous suggestion?"
"Well, I think it would cause a war. Aaron will have no way of knowing who is responsible, so he'll just wage war on the entire region."
"As you can see, General, I'm quaking in my boots. Aaron would not be foolish enough to attack the Theocracy. He could not possibly win. We have allies, and we have some of the more interesting weapons in the region."
"Yes, Theocrat. I agree with you there. However, agents in the Aaronisian Palace have informed me that the Great Leader has secretly forged powerful alliances, powerful enough, even, to perhaps challenge the RDA."
"Really? This is most interesting. Thank you, General."
"What are your orders regarding the island?"
"Are the charges in place?"
"Yes, Theocrat."
"Then leave them where they are, and hand remote control over to Lord Captain Commander Thelonius, with instructions that he leaves them until further notice."
"Very good, Theocrat." General Motors saluted, and vanished from the screen.
The Theocrat pushed a button on the arm of his chair, and his staff filed back in.
"Now, Lieutenant, get me the UN General Assembly..."
OOC: I recall Despoland saying that he was destroying everything above ground, and every underground building of any importance. Surely that would include things like mines. In fact he is likely to have destroyed everything underground that wasn't a civilian bomb-shelter. He is hardly going to hand over things which will help you when his sole purpose was to cost you as much and gain you as little as possible.
30-12-2003, 17:43
OOC: The mines may be gone but the minerals are not....and anyways, I find blowing up EVERYTHING in a country a little bugger off mr. govorner and leave the big nations alone.
Further Maths
30-12-2003, 21:50
I'm sure that all national leaders here will extend the same courtesy to members of my administration as they would to me.
This is President Salutious.
Or rather, this was President Salutious and, in fact, there is no better way of describing this entity. It is the entity formerly known as President Salutious.
He stands now, completely alone, on a plane with no colour, simply a vast infinity of clarity, impossible to imagine for the human brain.
He looks round, and knows exactly where he is, or rather, he knows that he is exactly nowhere, in a place of in-betweens.
And now, he is not alone. There is a man, stood by him, in a simple robe, with a fishing net on his shoulder. The nothingness seems a little brighter.
"Hello, Salutious. Do you know where you are?"
"I don't think I'm anywhere. I'm in your presence, sir, but nowhere else."
"That's very perceptive of you. And you called me sir. You haven't called anybody sir for a long time. Did you ever respect anyone in life, Salutious?"
"I... I respected the Theocrat of Further Maths."
"Did you? Well, that's good."
"Um, what happens now? Can I go to Heaven?"
"And why should you go to Heaven, Salutious? What have you done to earn yourself a place in Paradise?"
"Well, I worked hard for my people. I did my utmost to defend them from the Aaronisian onslaught. I was loved by them, and I loved God."
"You killed yourself, and destroyed a very significant part of HIS Creation. You say you respected Christopher of Further Maths, and yet you know that he is dead set against suicide in any form, because it is against the laws of the Church, the Church that HE began, and I led in its early years."
The entity formerly known as President Salutious looked worried for a moment, but his chin set and he ploughed on.
"I took that course of action, knowing the possible consequences to myself, to save my people from death at the hands of Aaron. I chose to save them above myself, and that is the sole reason for my being here in this situation. And I cannot change that now."
"That was a good answer." St. Peter winked. "But I'm still not sure you deserve to go into Heaven. You wasted life."
"But fortunately, it isn't up to me."
"It isn't up to you?"
"No." The Apostle pointed behind the entity formerly known as President Salutious. "It's up to HIM."
The entity formerly known as President Salutious turned, and his world was filled with light.
And he began the journey up to the Throne, for Judgement.