Formia opens trade negotiations
The Prime Citizen of Formia has recently agreed to open trade negotiations with The Disputed Territories of Bendoverland ( ) and Hyde Park ( ) .
The Formian Consulate General happily notes that top goods in discussion include Cheese and Uranium, both abundant natural resources of Formia.
Would that allow cheese that glows in the dark :D
Of the many varieties we produce, Formian Mountain Goat Cheese does glow in the dark, and has a pungent, yet sweet aroma.
Quantity-wise, Formian's tend to consume more Formian Singles -- a mass produced, processed cheese that has luminance added -- than any of the other varieties.
The Prime Citizen prefers Ant Cheese -- a rare commodity.
I'm offering metal for the glowing chees :D
04-12-2003, 05:02
We are happy to accept the offer to open trade relations with Formia. Our trout farms will use the glowing cheese as part of it's feed for the fish, which we hope will make the fish more visible to the naked eye while they are still in our breeding pools.
We wish to extend an invitation to Formia's Prime Citizen to visit our luxury casino hotels. You will always have a suite reserved in your name, prostitutes gratis.
Although no major lignite deposits have been found in Formia, our Secretary of Natural Resources has issued permits to the Mining Dept to research the possibility. In the event of a find, if you have any expetise in the area of Coal Gasification, we would be interested in forming a partnership to develop the technology here in Formia as a suppliment to our predominently Nuclear based energy supply.
Prime Citizen of Formia
I'm offering metal for the glowing chees :D
We in Formia have a highly developed mining industry which produces many metals. However, we are always looking to trade technology, especially in the area of metallurgy.
Prime Citizen of Formia
We are happy to accept the offer to open trade relations with Formia. Our trout farms will use the glowing cheese as part of it's feed for the fish, which we hope will make the fish more visible to the naked eye while they are still in our breeding pools.
We wish to extend an invitation to Formia's Prime Citizen to visit our luxury casino hotels. You will always have a suite reserved in your name, prostitutes gratis.
Formia's Prime Citizen graciously accepts your offer to visit your country to take in it's beauty and enjoy the fruits of the land.
While I am in Bendoverland, we can negotiate an acceptable price for the Cheese in your currency, the "hog and chicken" (H&C). Alternatively, a direct trade in other goods/services can be arranged.