Nuclear test in Ferrussia (Open RP)
03-12-2003, 07:07
(OOC: Two notes here. 1: Ferrussia uses the Ukrainian map, and the Chornobyl nuclear reactor incident has not occurred. 2: If you're going to go ballistic (no pun intended) about nuclear proliferation, do it IN CHARACTER.)
CHORNOBYL', FERRUSSIA (UFP) -- 50 miles east of the Ferrussian city, the night sky was lit with a monstrous mushroom cloud. Well known from movies and war novels, the incredible explosion was shocking not for it's uncommonality, but for it's placement: in the People's Republic of Ferrussia.
Save for a few purchased, low-yield nuclear devices, Ferrussia has not held the technology neccessary for nuclear weapons. Though the theory and principle behind it has been well known to Ferrussian scientists for quite some time, only now has the government taken this avenue of nuclear experimentation.
A government announcement was quickly made, where Secretary of Defense Markov Lumchensky explained that this project has been ongoing for some time, but only recently were major results obtained. The tested weapon was described as a "medium-yield, Ferrussian-made nuclear fission device," and Lumchensky also noted that "applications for electricity generation are in the final phases of completion."
The multi-billion dollar venture, it was said, is expected to end later next year, when Ferrussian scientists hope to be able to construct their own Hydrogen fusion bomb.
When asked about the impact of relations with other countries this program is expected to have, Secretary Lumchensky quickly replied, "The nuclear option will not - nor will it ever - be taken lightly. We do not expect major reprecussions with close allies of Ferrussia, but due to the nature of some anti-proliferationist states, the armed forces' defense level has officially been raised to DEFCON 2."
Lumchensky expressed his hope that no major political or diplomatic issues would be raised by the test, but noted that "the world is entitled to its opinion."
Ferrussia's defense level of DEFCON 2 is the highest since the Fyreheartian "Old Ways" incident, and was said to have been chosen due to several factors - specifically the Omz/Sniper Country war, recent events in Fyreheart, and the nuclear test.
Edited to add my fancy shmancy new logo!
OOC: Where are you in the Ukraine? My nation uses the Crimean Penninsula, and some of the immediate area around, map. So if you control that in this RP I cannot become involved.
03-12-2003, 07:26
OOC: I actually use Ukraine's borders, cities, etc. as my own. Ferrussia is the same shape as Ukraine, essentially. But don't worry about it. It's NationStates Earth, so there could be multiple Crimean Penninsulas. RL land claims are no reason for you not to become involved in the RP.
Tom Joad
03-12-2003, 16:53
ISTJ Inter-national Broadcast brought to you by PPE Inc.
"In an unprecedented move today Executive Committee spokesmen announced the offer of a treaty of non-aggression between The People's Republic of Ferrussia and The Incorporated States of Tom Joad.
According to government sponsored leaks such a move has been taken in our nations history, now official rumours state released today by a spokesmen said that "....this action is taken in the light of recent international events....future treaties will be considered...."
ISTJ Inter-national Broadcast brought to you by PPE Inc.
Executive Committee Transmission
The recent detonation of a nuclear weapon within your borders and similar actions by various nations has warranted the need to seek assurances of non-aggression between our nations, included in the treaty is a no-first use policy by either of our nations.
We assume such a treaty would also foster better relations between our nations.
Executive Committee
End Transmission
OOC: Be honoured your getting a direct transmission from the Executive Committee, normally it's a matter of passing on a message through different agencies.
The nation of Jahagyar frowns upon such a blatant test and show of muscle, but shrugs as it has it's own nuclear arsenal, mostly of suitcase sized devices.
03-12-2003, 18:43
Foreign Minister and General Jiak Harraffod pushed the door open. Several high rankers where waiting for him inside.
'Whats the situation gentlemen ?'
'the Peoples Republic of Ferrussia has just deployed an experimental nuclear weapon.'
'I see. Go to defcon 3, alert the comrade Premier.'
'Sir ?'
'What !!!'
'Why are we on defcon 3 ?'
'Good point. Relieve ourselves from that position general. '
The red lights flickered off.
'So. Whats happening about the rebellion.'
'Ah. Dire news. The city of New Karavia has been entirely overrun. Rebels swarm around it, looting weapons from our dead soldiers. '
'This could be the perfect choice. Inform Ferrussia that we have a city they can test their nuclear devices on. But they must reply fast, or the rebels will move on. In the mean time, deploy 2-10 battalions, and have them surround the city away from the blast. No rebels will escape.'
The generals stared with horror.
'BUt sir, all the civvies in New Karavia ? What will happen to them. '
'Ah, this is where you come in political officer Forth. It is your job to make propaganda, saying the people of New Karavia are traitors to our ideals and are to be killed. The people, will believe us, the rebels will be killed, and Ferrussia can test their nukes.'
The generals nodded and departed.
'Oh and by the way, any slip up and you will all be killed.'
They all gulped. Each and every one of them knew that Harraffod was not joking.
03-12-2003, 18:58
I suggest you read this thread
03-12-2003, 19:22
Top Secret Message to the Hogsweat government
Having recieved your request, we regret to inform you that Ferrussia will not use its nuclear weapons except in most extreme circumstances which affect the People's Republic of Ferrussia directly. Their primary purpose is for nuclear and assault deturrence, as well as for various conventional reactor purposes.
As such, we must politely decline on your offer for a testing site of Ferrussia's nuclear weapon programme. The weapons are to be tested on Ferrussian soil, in areas devoid of as much life as possible. Should you request it, Ferrussia may be able to assist in your situation with conventional military aid, but it depends on the cicumstances. Let us know if this is what you require, but Ferrussia will not use its nuclear capability in such a fasion at this time.
Aleksey Sergeyevich Kasyanov
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Ozymandias IV
03-12-2003, 19:31
The Republic of Ozymandias IV wishes to express its continuing dismay that nations continue to pursue nuclear weapons programs fueled at least in part by the sale of WMDs on the world market.
We continue to call for nation-states possessing WMDs to exercise restraint in the sale of their surplus WMD stocks to other states. The fact that Ferrussia admits that a purchase of low-yield nuclear devices has led directly to their test blast and that they further plan to pursue a hydrogen fusion bomb.
While we are pleased to hear that Ferrussia plans to use its weapon only on in a deterrent role, we respectfully urge Ferrussia to abandon its military use of the atom and concentrate its efforts in other areas.
Umberto IV,
Secretary of Information
Republic of Ozymandias IV
03-12-2003, 21:31
03-12-2003, 23:07
Obliged, the USNH understand. No help will be needed at the current time. Thank you for your time.
Foreign Minister and General, Jiak Harraffod.
'What do we do now sir.'
'Thats easy Comrade Verhunski. We test our'Big daddy' on New Karavia. Withdraw the forces 100 miles'
'Big Daddy sir !!! What will the UN think !'
'Screw the UN Verhunski.'
'But sir, thats genocide, we cant do thi'
The pistol smoked in Harraffods hand.
'Deploy Big Daddy, and NO FAILURES !!!!!'
'SIR YES SIR' The remaining staff chorused.
'And Verhunski... Dump his body in a river and deport his family to the conquered lands in WWP.'
They nodded and left the room.
03-12-2003, 23:22
Cartorian weapons report: Nuclear fall-out should soon take the capital city. citizens should evac A.S.A.P.
Cartoria will send a biological containment team to ensure citizen safty
Central Facehuggeria
03-12-2003, 23:31
IC: Central Facehuggeria offers a warm welcome to Ferrussia in becoming a nuclear nation. We hope that you will not use these terrible weapons out of hand.
OOC: I'm actually considering dismantleing mine. :)
04-12-2003, 19:26
Cartorian weapons report: Nuclear fall-out should soon take the capital city. citizens should evac A.S.A.P.
Cartoria will send a biological containment team to ensure citizen safty
OOC: who is this for ? Me or Ferrussia. ( we bothl launched weapons. )
The Weapon smashed straight into New Karavia. A bluey green gas wandered from the bomb site, anything that breathed it in was immediatly killed, their organs melting. Several rebel cars tried to escape. They were destroyed by the 8th armoured. It is estimated at least 5 million are dead.