NationStates Jolt Archive

DGNTs guide to dealing with idiots and n00bs.

03-12-2003, 03:17
Ok, I noticed recently tha n00bs behave a little like a cold virus, one

comes, then suddenly theres two, then five, then a million, so suddenly older

nations get n00bism, and start acting...n00bish.

So, here is DGNTs guide to dealing with n00b-based organisms:

Whislt tramping through thee vaste arya of Nation States, ye may encountre

such thyngs as the dreeded 'n00b', this bying is noted fore its vorascious

apitite fore attentione, and may be dealte with as belowe:

1. DO NOT ANTAGONIZE IT. n00bs are attention based life-forms, if you ignore

it, it will starve and either die or go away.

2. If the n00b is flaming/whatever, get a mod! Do not attempt to use logic,

flames, trolls, word games, or otherwise to distract/calm it. Most n00bs

will react rather badly, and accuse you of several nasty things.

3. If the n00b is doing something that only experience can nreally correct,

IE: Godmodding, being slightly stupid, dont run into the thread screaming "I

IGNORE YOU! YOU SHALL DIE! I LAUNCH 5,00,000,0,0,0,0,,00000,000 NUKES AT

YOU!", try to reason, if the n00b flames/trolls/whatever after that, see step

two, there is nothing you can do for it.

4. Again, attempt to educate before you explode in flames and kill

everything within ten miles of the capitol.

5. Remember, not everybody is your tech level, simply because a newb has a

starfighter does not make him a goddmodding foolmonkey, they may simply be

future tech, while you are not.

So concludes mye chronicle.

O!, and there maye be updates latere.