From now on Ladies and gentle men, all products can be viewed from here:
EASA (http://www.geocities.com/robert_john_powell/EASA.html)
Just take a look at the products and note your purchase down here.
Products Currently on the market:
EASA Cravate (C) - Internal region flights
EASA Launch Platform (C) - Launch Platform for EASA Shuttles
EASA SHuttles (C) - self explanatory.
If you see any problems with the pricings, plz TM me and I will fix them accordingly.
Please, wont somebody buy something. This is after all, new innovative stuff that i haven't seen on nation states yet. I would appreciate any feed back from anybody out there (well, experienced nations in these fields) Please TM me with information that i would need to change. Thnx
BUMPING 4 SALES Please buy from my store
02-12-2003, 19:48
Nice storefront. However I do not need anything at this time...but I'll keep you in mind for future purchases.
thank you very much. That's appreciated. remember to recommend me to your friends. This is for modern tech nations looking to get into space
02-12-2003, 19:52
thank you very much. That's appreciated. remember to recommend me to your friends. This is for modern tech nations looking to get into space
Well, I wasn't planning on getting into space-tech, but I suppose some light stuff wouldn't hurt ...
I will take ten EASA-launch capable EASA shuttles and two EASA launch platforms (with engineers). Eh, why not throw in ten EASA Cravates.
That comes to 10.75 billion USD (well, there is about 3 million in interest but hey, keep it).
As you're my first customer, that will come to a grand total of 8 bil Toakrev.
Hey, thanks. Consider the money yours as I don't feel like t-gramming you ... :wink:
Done. Pleasure doing business. If you get the urge, do come again.
C'MON PEEPS, Buy Urslef My Planes (etc)
03-12-2003, 01:46
LOLZ. I see tons of my types of Bumps here.
heheeh, credit where credit is due
03-12-2003, 02:06
8) If you had more modern stuff, I would buy. But oh well. Ill donate 1 bil to your R & D. 8)
Dude, this is all modern tech materials. Unless you menat more stuff. Cheers for the 1 bil :P
BUMP for sales
BUMP for sales
"Hah, I'm not buying these, I don't want to pay that much. I'll just make my own...."
"BUMP me, you can't. I have copyright and that means they are mine and mine alone to sell."
(ooc: Just a BUMP in the night)
04-12-2003, 00:20
i'll take 100 of every space craft and 10 launch platforms telegraming for conformation
DENIED- However, I will sell you 2 launch platforms and 10 EASA capabale shuttles for 10.24 bil
I heard things can go BUMP in the night
06-12-2003, 00:18
In light of Crookfurs expanding SDI development we have decided to expand the facilities at Covenant Island space port (basically an equatorial island paradise soemwhere in the atlantic that we use as a space launch site) and as such we would like to pruchase 2 shuttle launch installation kits.
Funds will be wired on confirmation and transport will be arranged.
Order confirmed. Good luck with your project.
06-12-2003, 22:10
Funds wired, many thanks.
[OOC: Try my old bumpo the clown rutine.
Bumpo the clown.
I did that months ago, back before my nation was deleted and then resurrected.]
IC: I'll buy some shuttles. How much do they cost?
Ok. Normal Launch Shuttles: 500 mil
Easa Launch Shuttles: 1 bil
Easa Launch pads: 120 mil