Indigeneous Arms Industry
Shonar Bangla
30-11-2003, 17:03
Setting up our own little arms manufacturing industry. Would like help from any other established nation in designs and ideas and investments.
New Empire
30-11-2003, 17:05
Heh, why not.
The NEMPD (New Empire Military Projects Department) would be interested in helping Shonar Bangla in their endeavor. What exactly are you planning on manufacturing?
Shonar Bangla
30-11-2003, 17:12
Stun guns for the police force, and snowboots for the mountain divisions currently working in the icy heights of the Himalayas.
New Empire
30-11-2003, 17:16
Well, we do have a few non-lethal police weapons (Although most are modified ammo, like polymer gel-rounds, sticky-stun rounds) so we could help you with that, and we'll offer 100 million to start up your industry.
Shonar Bangla
30-11-2003, 17:24
Oh, thanks. 100 million is too much, considering I just have 9 million people. Let me buy 1 million (to arm our police force for now), and lease us like 1000 (for the production).
New Empire
30-11-2003, 17:43
Sure thing. If you need anything else in the future, drop us a line.