A rquest to rid Prussia of Dempcracy and Microsoft
Emperor Blort
30-11-2003, 12:00
His Imperial majesty Horatio Emperor Blort III is sending forth a request to all dictatorships worldwide to move to Prussia and help force out the democracies that have recently taken root, like incidious weeds. Any military help would also be appreciated. Whilst my nation and my Prussian allies do have sufficent might to crush them, it would involve a drawn out conflict which I would rather avoid. Keep Prussia pure, and you will have our eternal thanks.
28-12-2003, 12:30
His Imperial majesty, Emperor Horatio Blort III would have done better to have informed the resident delegate of his region about these affairs. Democracies are to be tolerated, as they are a good source of income and provide the necessary materials and supplies needed to keep the dictatorships alive. Democracies may be rich, but we could be richer! With the money, the armies of the dictatorships would be better equipped and provisioned, and more countries will see how well we get on, and join us! Reply via wire.
28-12-2003, 12:43
The democratic Republic Of Dimmimar will support the democracies in the likely case of regionic war.
If you force them out then we will declare war on you and take the democracies in.
I suggest you do not declare war on the democracies.
28-12-2003, 13:22
Troublesome Prussians, always spoiling for a war.
Troublesome Prussians, always spoiling for a war.
Hey, back off man! We'll do what we want, when we want! Just try and stop us! We can have a war if we wanna! :twisted:
17-01-2004, 10:10
I agree. Prussia is of no concern of yours :evil: , and we'll war if we want to.
17-01-2004, 10:19
Ah, Prussia. An army that just happened to have a state with it.
Anyone up for declaring war on Austria?
17-01-2004, 15:32
Hey, I'm all for declaring war on Microsoft. I don't see what democracy has to do with matters, though.
23-01-2004, 13:33
I'd be perfectly happy to declare war on Austria and Microsoft, and also possibly grocers.
Emperor Blort
25-01-2004, 13:42
Why grocers? What have they ever done to you?!
Emperor Blort
25-01-2004, 13:42
Why grocers? What have they ever done to you?!
05-02-2004, 13:39
They betrayed my trust.