30-11-2003, 01:15
From Sanchezium News Network, Sanchez City~
ICEF (International Coalition for Exposition of Force) was seen today in their bright red helicopters airlifting refugees from The Socialist Republic of Agawam in the region of Winter today. These refugees had been prisoners and escapees from the regional war twenty-five years ago. ICEF Chairman and Sanchezium Emperor Elafo Sanchez said during the ensuing celebration that "this will help improve Winter, Sanchezium, and all the other countries within it! ICEF saves lives and we do it because it is right - not because of pompous, false ideals!" He also said, "I am asking all nations to join ICEF! It is the conservative and moral thing to do!"
Emperor Sanchez has ruled Sanchezium since he was nineteen, and been Chairman of ICEF ever since it's creation...
"So, you were a petty officer then?" The Secretary of Intelligence asked.
"Yes, sir..." replied the tattered refugee.
"How were you captured?"
"They shot me in the leg and I couldn't run. I rolled out a window to escape, but I landed right in the street below where they found me and kept me prisoner."
"You were originally from where?"
"The Borderlands of Naragansett, when the region went up into war..."
"How is your leg?" The Secretary asked.
"All back to normal, pretty much."
"You have no family?"
"No, sir..."
"We've just granted you free citizenship. Thank you." The secretary hands him some papers and directions to a lot on Main Street. The next refugee walks in and sits down in the chair.
"What's your story?" The Secretary asks.
"I didn't want to be drafted. I was from Naragansett."
"You were a draft dodger, then?"
"I don't like that word..."
"IT'S BUT A WORD. Were you then?" The secretary erupts.
"You are not injured?"
"No, sir..."
"Stand up!" The secretary orders, and the refugee complies. When he does, the Secretary draws a gun and shoots the man. His face goes from pure anger back to it's welcoming glare and genstures. "Next?"
"Today, we've increased our military from those refugees who have wanted to be back in, and decreased hunger by granting the rest free citizenship. Those who are undesireable have been eliminated. Women and children, as well as those injured, are now living in homes we've built for them. I think you'll see we've boosted our economy, and improved some lives as well. There is still one thing that troubles me." There were inquiring glares from the senate. "It bothers me that these nations all around us in Winter are still practicing left wing politics. I suggest that we occupy and then saturate them with our conservative government until such time their incubation is over and we can just take them entirely. Votes for?" "I" echoed across the room. "Votes nay?" only one nay was heard. The emperor turns to the man. "Senator Gumfry, why the different mind?" The senator is beginning to shake. "I...I...I...believe in..." his voice gets stronger. "I believe in democracy! No more emperial senate and no more emper" he is cut short by the sound of an electrical whine and his head slams to the desk, limp. Sanchez removes his finger from the red button. "I don't think we shall have much of that."
ICEF (International Coalition for Exposition of Force) was seen today in their bright red helicopters airlifting refugees from The Socialist Republic of Agawam in the region of Winter today. These refugees had been prisoners and escapees from the regional war twenty-five years ago. ICEF Chairman and Sanchezium Emperor Elafo Sanchez said during the ensuing celebration that "this will help improve Winter, Sanchezium, and all the other countries within it! ICEF saves lives and we do it because it is right - not because of pompous, false ideals!" He also said, "I am asking all nations to join ICEF! It is the conservative and moral thing to do!"
Emperor Sanchez has ruled Sanchezium since he was nineteen, and been Chairman of ICEF ever since it's creation...
"So, you were a petty officer then?" The Secretary of Intelligence asked.
"Yes, sir..." replied the tattered refugee.
"How were you captured?"
"They shot me in the leg and I couldn't run. I rolled out a window to escape, but I landed right in the street below where they found me and kept me prisoner."
"You were originally from where?"
"The Borderlands of Naragansett, when the region went up into war..."
"How is your leg?" The Secretary asked.
"All back to normal, pretty much."
"You have no family?"
"No, sir..."
"We've just granted you free citizenship. Thank you." The secretary hands him some papers and directions to a lot on Main Street. The next refugee walks in and sits down in the chair.
"What's your story?" The Secretary asks.
"I didn't want to be drafted. I was from Naragansett."
"You were a draft dodger, then?"
"I don't like that word..."
"IT'S BUT A WORD. Were you then?" The secretary erupts.
"You are not injured?"
"No, sir..."
"Stand up!" The secretary orders, and the refugee complies. When he does, the Secretary draws a gun and shoots the man. His face goes from pure anger back to it's welcoming glare and genstures. "Next?"
"Today, we've increased our military from those refugees who have wanted to be back in, and decreased hunger by granting the rest free citizenship. Those who are undesireable have been eliminated. Women and children, as well as those injured, are now living in homes we've built for them. I think you'll see we've boosted our economy, and improved some lives as well. There is still one thing that troubles me." There were inquiring glares from the senate. "It bothers me that these nations all around us in Winter are still practicing left wing politics. I suggest that we occupy and then saturate them with our conservative government until such time their incubation is over and we can just take them entirely. Votes for?" "I" echoed across the room. "Votes nay?" only one nay was heard. The emperor turns to the man. "Senator Gumfry, why the different mind?" The senator is beginning to shake. "I...I...I...believe in..." his voice gets stronger. "I believe in democracy! No more emperial senate and no more emper" he is cut short by the sound of an electrical whine and his head slams to the desk, limp. Sanchez removes his finger from the red button. "I don't think we shall have much of that."