Credonia To Build Coal Power Plant In Hutu
29-11-2003, 21:25
Credonian scientists, engineers, and nuclear inspectors arrive in Hutu. Almost immediatly, the inspectors head for the old nuclear powerplant that was condemned by Credonia and coalition nations. The engineers meet with leaders of the Hutuian government to go over plans for a Coal Power Plant that will serve the needs of the people and put an end to the sky-rocketing energy crisis in the nation.
Picture of the proposed power plant that will be built:
30-11-2003, 05:38
Chinese Airforce
30-11-2003, 05:41
I'll donate power from my Nuclear power plant to Hutu. I want to stop the pollution.
A plane piloted by suicide bombers crashes into one of the plants.
30-11-2003, 05:57
OOC: you idiot, it aint been built yet, thats just a picture of what its supposed to look like. how smart are you? :roll:
Chinese Airforce
30-11-2003, 05:57
A plane piloted by suicide bombers crashes into one of the plants.
But too late!
My airforce jets crash into the plane, blocking the plane to crash into the plant.
OOC: A) No plants are built in my country.
B) My SAM bateries would have shot you down long befor you got close to them
C) Perchance you did get past the SAMs 100, 75, and 25 miles outside each of my cities are groups of 105mm AA guns, and HIMARs anti-missle missle systems
OOC: A) No plants are built in my country.
B) My SAM bateries would have shot you down long befor you got close to them
C) Perchance you did get past the SAMs 100, 75, and 25 miles outside each of my cities are groups of 105mm AA guns, and HIMARs anti-missle missle systems
OOC: How was I supposed to know.
OOC: Try to fly a plan into a building and find out like a schmuck
30-11-2003, 06:20
OOC: A) No plants are built in my country.
B) My SAM bateries would have shot you down long befor you got close to them
C) Perchance you did get past the SAMs 100, 75, and 25 miles outside each of my cities are groups of 105mm AA guns, and HIMARs anti-missle missle systems
OOC: How was I supposed to know.
30-11-2003, 12:41
Seeing as Hutu would be forced to become dependent on imported coal supplies, the Dominion of Kanuckistan would be willing to sponsor alternitive, cleaner power soloutions to meet the Hatu people's energy needs without creating a dependency upon another nation, including fission, fusion, hydro, wind, solar, and geothermal.
30-11-2003, 13:23
You all need t understand the situaion here, Credonia and a coalition is preventing any form of nuclear power from getting into the hands of this nation. It was part of an agreement reached by Hutu and Credonia after a conflict arose during the theft of Credonian property.
30-11-2003, 13:52
An agreement made under durress; we would have no problem with them retracting from it, and, infact, were prepared to give them a small nuclear stockpile should you have continued with your sabre-rattling over the matter.
However, we are not only offering nuclear fission options.
30-11-2003, 13:54
Dont interfere with this matter as it doesnt concern your nation.
Anyway if maybe we were to go on nuke power can malfunction.wind,sea,earth would be better then nuke or coal.but it is you nation Credonia so you do what you want.EDIT.forgot to put solar.
30-11-2003, 14:21
Dont interfere with this matter as it doesnt concern your nation.
It's up to Hutu, not you; if they'd like a power source for which they don't have to import air-fouling coal from you, we'll help them build it. It doesn't have to be nuclear.
Now if you're so concerned about nuclear proliferation, why don't you go bug one of those nations selling nukes?
30-11-2003, 15:01
Well if anyone is looking for alternative power generation solutions you could always contract Crookfur Civil Engineering to biuld a Biogas reactor/generator plant system (or 5) basically it converts all your organic rubbish into cheap clean fuel and power.
Well if anyone is looking for alternative power generation solutions you could always contract Crookfur Civil Engineering to biuld a Biogas reactor/generator plant system (or 5) basically it converts all your organic rubbish into cheap clean fuel and power.
Can you guarantee that the Biogas reactor(s) will not damage any habitats or animal spieces in teh area (namely humans and their cities)?
30-11-2003, 15:19
A biogas reactor (basically a big vessel that uses bacteria to break down organic waste into methane or other similar products) is generally speaking a closed system with extremely minimal enviromental impact (and if you happen to biuld one in an existing waste processing facility say a sewage works then they can actually make such facilities cleaner).
A biogas fueled powerstation does have soem emissions (as does any combustion based system) but these are easily controlled and have an overall enviromental foot print smaller than some force harnessing systems ie they are a lot smaller than a wind farm and the bi products are easily isloted and can be used in industrial processes, excess heat can be an issue but no more so than an other system (again with careful management and efficient systems the impact can be vastly reduced).
30-11-2003, 15:23
Or we could impliment a Thermal Depolimerization facility to reduce their organic wastes to water, minerils, and high-quality oils for varrious industries and power production.
A biogas reactor (basically a big vessel that uses bacteria to break down organic waste into methane or other similar products) is generally speaking a closed system with extremely minimal enviromental impact (and if you happen to biuld one in an existing waste processing facility say a sewage works then they can actually make such facilities cleaner).
A biogas fueled powerstation does have soem emissions (as does any combustion based system) but these are easily controlled and have an overall enviromental foot print smaller than some force harnessing systems ie they are a lot smaller than a wind farm and the bi products are easily isloted and can be used in industrial processes, excess heat can be an issue but no more so than an other system (again with careful management and efficient systems the impact can be vastly reduced).
Is it a possibility that not enough waste is being produced by the citizens of Hutu? How much waste (per person) is needed to give a normal citizen an average lifestyle's worth of energy?
Or we could impliment a Thermal Depolimerization facility to reduce their organic wastes to water, minerils, and high-quality oils for varrious industries and power production.
Doesnt high-quality oils raise the question of cost-effectiveness?
30-11-2003, 15:56
Is it a possibility that not enough waste is being produced by the citizens of Hutu? How much waste (per person) is needed to give a normal citizen an average lifestyle's worth of energy?
While the spectre of a waste shortfal may loom large it should be remebered that a biogas reactor can be supplied withnon waste products (growing feilds of quick grow plants for use as fuel is a cheap way of maintaining a energy supply) basicaly you can put just about anything organic in and get the desired biogas prodcution.
As to exact figures this is difficult as no where in RL actually uses more than a couple of these (most european countries have a couple these days).
While the spectre of a waste shortfal may loom large it should be remebered that a biogas reactor can be supplied withnon waste products (growing feilds of quick grow plants for use as fuel is a cheap way of maintaining a energy supply) basicaly you can put just about anything organic in and get the desired biogas prodcution.
As to exact figures this is difficult as no where in RL actually uses more than a couple of these (most european countries have a couple these days).
So can you actually guarantee that Biogas reactors will actually be more cost-effective than other means? I believe that having to harvest fields of quick-growing plants may not be cost-effective unless the country uses genetically modified seeds in which case the country would have to question the morality of growing artificial plants. Genetically modified foods have been banned in numerous countries across the world today and Hutu may take a stance similar to those who have banned it. Would it still be cost-effective if they harvested non-GM (genetically modified) foods?
30-11-2003, 16:07
Or we could impliment a Thermal Depolimerization facility to reduce their organic wastes to water, minerils, and high-quality oils for varrious industries and power production.
Doesn't high-quality oils raise the question of cost-effectiveness?
Not at all; they just happen to be the end product of the process.
Here's a link that'll explain it in detail. (
30-11-2003, 16:26
So can you actually guarantee that Biogas reactors will actually be more cost-effective than other means? I believe that having to harvest fields of quick-growing plants may not be cost-effective unless the country uses genetically modified seeds in which case the country would have to question the morality of growing artificial plants. Genetically modified foods have been banned in numerous countries across the world today and Hutu may take a stance similar to those who have banned it. Would it still be cost-effective if they harvested non-GM (genetically modified) foods?
Well using modern farming methods it is perfectly feasable for non-GM crops to provide adequate level of very cheap substrate for the reactors (it is cost effective for farmers to grow feilds of stuff merely to turn into silage). While we are currently unaware as to the exact state of the agricultural infrastructure of Hutu we point out that in crookfur the growing of substrate plants has allowed land to be used profitably where it might otherwise have been left unused (ie the whole western style over production issue).
RL mexico already has a system for the growing and harvesting of sugar cane in order to supply alcohol fuel for cars so establishing a wide based supply system for a biogas project shouldn't be an issue, they can use domestic, agricultural and industrial waste to provide a benfit for a nation.
30-11-2003, 16:32
Meanwhile TDP can run off of just about anything with carbon chains; even sewage.
30-11-2003, 16:35
you guys mind movin this to another thread, were not here to discuss agriculture
30-11-2003, 16:45
We're discussing alternitive power options for Hutu.
We liked all your suggestions, yet will be going with Credonias coal plant. As this is the most moronic thing we can say and also the most unreasonable choice. As we have just discovered a large deposit of Urainium in our country. Yet, since all governments seem to be run by wires that lead back to the UN, we cannot seem to be trusted just with an answer to our power needs without them thinking we are going to make a bomb and ruin the meeningless existance they so humbly call life. This has been my two cents, thank you and g'day.
01-12-2003, 11:21
After hearing statments made by officials within the Hutuian government, President Sutton recalls its engineers back to Credonia. He addressed the press stating "Hutu's arrogant attitude towards its citizens and the power crisis within the nation is pitiful, and we have had enough of it. Let them deal with their own problems, besides was it nt them who asked for help when in fact they couldnt not supply their people with power? If Hutuian people die because of the power crisis, so be it, but let their blood be on the hands of the government officals who werent gracious enough to get support from other nations to ease their power crisis."
Credonian engineers are currently enroute to mainland Credonia WITH THE POWER PLANT BLUEPRINTS (the ones no one had open access to aside from the Credonian engineers). Credonia withdraws completely from this entire situation.
01-12-2003, 11:43
So, Hutu, what can I interest you in? A Natural Gas power plant fueled by a fair-sized Thermal Depolymerization facility would seem like the optimal soloution; it's not as inherently clean as wind or solar, but that'd be more than offset by the reduction in solid wastes, and excess TDP byproducts can be used to provide a small boost to industry or government coffers.