NationStates Jolt Archive

Armor unit Storefront**Grand opening!**Improved

Nano soft
28-11-2003, 07:41
Nano Softian Armored vehicle storefront

Crew: 3 (Gunner for machine gun, driver, commander)
Length: 20m
Height: 8m
Width: 4.2m
Armor: A .8-2 inch thick armor in all areas, armor is made out of imported metals from Mars and the Moon.
Speed: 54mph

1 200mm turret-A auto reload system comes with it
1 20mm machine gun turret- this is where the gunner is, it has protective armor around it

Built-in flame thrower:10,000
Built-in second 9mm machine gun where driver is:5,000

amphibious adition:10million
Crew: None-all, run off AI systems
Armor: A 6 inch thick metal from Mars and Moon- this metal goes around the transport section.

1 220mm turret
4 26mm machine guns-2 in front and 2 in back
1 AA launcher-holds up to 2 missiles at a time
2 pod-rocket launchers-holding 19 each

Anti-Radar gear:100,000

Troops transport: Hold 12 fully armored men
Armor: A .2-1.3 inch thick armor made out of metals from Mars.

1 140mm- has auto loading system
1 18mm machine gun

Barriers on top for soldiers to rid on top:50,000
built in flamethrower:10,000
AA launcher on back(holds 2 missiles at a time):20,000

Troop transport:30 fully armored men
Armor: A 5-12inch thick of metal from One of Jupiter moons, Mars and the moon.

2 400mm heavy rail guns
8 180mm plasma cannons
16 14mm laser turrets
4 AA launchers
4 Flame-thrower turrets

28-11-2003, 15:01
3000 MGV-130 *MONEY WIRED*
28-11-2003, 15:17
[ooc: I now direct you to an excellent thread that patiently explains realism in tank designs.]
28-11-2003, 15:24
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 16:04
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Did any of you not see where it is imported from? It is from other planets, these are a mixture of extremly light weight metals that are stronger than the metals here on earth.
28-11-2003, 16:20
Maus (if I remember correctly) take a step back and say, "Now that's just nuts!"]
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 16:30
These are metals that where found deep in side Mars and the moon and Jupiter. Also the ATBT-120 has much armor because it is run off a AI system.
28-11-2003, 16:31
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Did any of you not see where it is imported from? It is from other planets, these are a mixture of extremly light weight metals that are stronger than the metals here on earth.
OOC-So now you're using BS science? There's a thing called the periodic table of elements, look at it. The lightest you're gonna get is what's on there. Most planets share the same kinds of metals, as do asteroids. The only thing's were gonna find on the moon are Earth metals, and maybe denser, heavier crap. So if you can gimme actual science behind these wonderfully named "Imported metals from Mars and the moon", I'll listen.
Why is it that people think that if they go to other planets, they have sheet metal that deflects 120mm SABOT and crystals that can power everything for 100 years?
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 16:37
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Did any of you not see where it is imported from? It is from other planets, these are a mixture of extremly light weight metals that are stronger than the metals here on earth.
OOC-So now you're using BS science? There's a thing called the periodic table of elements, look at it. The lightest you're gonna get is what's on there. Most planets share the same kinds of metals, as do asteroids. The only thing's were gonna find on the moon are Earth metals, and maybe denser, heavier crap. So if you can gimme actual science behind these wonderfully named "Imported metals from Mars and the moon", I'll listen.
Why is it that people think that if they go to other planets, they have sheet metal that deflects 120mm SABOT and crystals that can power everything for 100 years?
OMG dimwit the periodic table of elements is made up of that elemts the man kind has found. Which is on earth, surface of the moon and Mars! These metals are from way down in Mars and the Moon and Jupiter(moons)! Also it is a combination of metals! We get these metals because we have mines on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter moon.
Central Facehuggeria
28-11-2003, 16:37
Perhaps they are highly advanced composites? :)
But yeah, they do seem too heavy to move. :)
And yes, lasers cannot be turned into artilery. They are beams or pulses, since there is no matter in a laser blast, they are not effected by gravity.
28-11-2003, 16:39
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Did any of you not see where it is imported from? It is from other planets, these are a mixture of extremly light weight metals that are stronger than the metals here on earth.
OOC-So now you're using BS science? There's a thing called the periodic table of elements, look at it. The lightest you're gonna get is what's on there. Most planets share the same kinds of metals, as do asteroids. The only thing's were gonna find on the moon are Earth metals, and maybe denser, heavier crap. So if you can gimme actual science behind these wonderfully named "Imported metals from Mars and the moon", I'll listen.
Why is it that people think that if they go to other planets, they have sheet metal that deflects 120mm SABOT and crystals that can power everything for 100 years?
OMG dimwit the periodic table of elements is made up of the elemts the man kind has found. Which is on earth, surface of the moon and Mars! These metals are from way down in Mars and the Moon and Jupiter(moons)! Also it is a combination of metals! We get these metals because we have mines on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter moon.


If you care to examine the periodic table more closely, it doesn't leave a lot of room for magical metals that are light as a feather.]
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 19:06
OOC- Good lord, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP! Did you know that a BATTLESHIP has as much armor on average than those? Explain how a tank with 14 inch armor can travel at 88mph ON TREADS. Explain how ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN FREAKING MOVE WITH 10 INCHES TO 2 FEET OF ARMOR? 2 feet? What were you thinking? Oh and explain laser artillery, because lasers go in a straight line, artillery projectiles travel in an arc.
Did any of you not see where it is imported from? It is from other planets, these are a mixture of extremly light weight metals that are stronger than the metals here on earth.
OOC-So now you're using BS science? There's a thing called the periodic table of elements, look at it. The lightest you're gonna get is what's on there. Most planets share the same kinds of metals, as do asteroids. The only thing's were gonna find on the moon are Earth metals, and maybe denser, heavier crap. So if you can gimme actual science behind these wonderfully named "Imported metals from Mars and the moon", I'll listen.
Why is it that people think that if they go to other planets, they have sheet metal that deflects 120mm SABOT and crystals that can power everything for 100 years?
OMG dimwit the periodic table of elements is made up of the elemts the man kind has found. Which is on earth, surface of the moon and Mars! These metals are from way down in Mars and the Moon and Jupiter(moons)! Also it is a combination of metals! We get these metals because we have mines on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter moon.


If you care to examine the periodic table more closely, it doesn't leave a lot of room for magical metals that are light as a feather.]
Fine, whatever you people win. I change the thickness to make it "more realistic". :roll: Happy?
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 19:08
3000 MGV-130 *MONEY WIRED*
I dont think you can aford that. Order is not sent.
28-11-2003, 19:16

The periodic table goes by numbers of protons in the atom. Even if some lightweight metal was found, it could not a separate element..know why? Because if it has a certain amount of protons, that classifies it as a already known element..oh here let me give you an example. A metal is found with 13 protons on the moon. Wow, you say, it must be a new, lightweight metal. But even if it came from the Moon, 13 protons is still Aluminum. Now if you found something with 120 protons, that would be another element, but much heavier. The only way he could do this is if he took a strong metal and knocked a bunch of neutrons off it.
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 20:36

The periodic table goes by numbers of protons in the atom. Even if some lightweight metal was found, it could not a separate element..know why? Because if it has a certain amount of protons, that classifies it as a already known element..oh here let me give you an example. A metal is found with 13 protons on the moon. Wow, you say, it must be a new, lightweight metal. But even if it came from the Moon, 13 protons is still Aluminum. Now if you found something with 120 protons, that would be another element, but much heavier. The only way he could do this is if he took a strong metal and knocked a bunch of neutrons off it.
Blah blah blah thats all i hear, LET ME CLARIFY, IM ONLY 13!

Im not in highschool yet, so i have no clue what you are talking about.
28-11-2003, 20:44
OOC: You're 13, not in high school, and haven't done chemisty?

Boy, the American School System has really gone down the shitter.
28-11-2003, 20:47
Perhaps they are highly advanced composites? :)
But yeah, they do seem too heavy to move. :)
And yes, lasers cannot be turned into artilery. They are beams or pulses, since there is no matter in a laser blast, they are not effected by gravity.
actually, there are forms of laser artillery, well not as much artillery, but a gun (called the rail gun) pointed at the sky. If a nuke comes in range, it fires and disables the Nuke, causing it to fall to the ground
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 20:57
OOC: You're 13, not in high school, and haven't done chemisty?

Boy, the American School System has really gone down the shitter.
OOC:I think we did a little chemisty in maybe 6th of 7th grade.
Eternal FIame
28-11-2003, 20:57
OOC:A rail gun is powered by a series of magnets that accelerate a projectile up to hyper-sonic speeds. Is is not a laser, and isn't artillery.

9mm machine gun eh? Sub-machine gun you mean.
Nano soft
28-11-2003, 21:04
IS anyone going buy stuff? :(
Eternal FIame
28-11-2003, 21:07
OOC: Your main guns are too heavy and there is no way with main guns that heavy would not be going 54+. Your AI tank could be taken out easily taken out by a single round to just below the turret. There's zero protection there.
28-11-2003, 22:15

In short - the entire concept of these robot thingymajiggers is flawed...

That's why you don't see Americans running round in powered suits - they have the cash to produce millions of them - but they just aren't practical for coventional warfare.
01-12-2003, 12:18
Ill take 105 Of the MGV-130 , if i like them on the battlefield, perhaps we can negoitiate a monthly deal.

*Wires 10,500,000,000*
03-12-2003, 16:12
nice pictures anyway, made them yourself?
03-12-2003, 16:38
Sorry to carry on the bashing:

1) I'm 13 and i understand what hes talking about, i also new that we can only find heavier metals but they will still be classed as... something or other.

2) Your ATBT-120 and AAV-70 have too small a gradient on the armour. Learn a lesson from history.

Picture it... world war 2. A german and an english tank roll up on to the battle field for the first time.

Now the germans where in contact with the russians at the time and had russian tanks with sloped armour. The english had armour with no gradients.

The english shells literally bounced off the german armour. The german shells smashed straight through english armour.