NationStates Jolt Archive

Leader of Deep Space Pirates Sentencing [Future Tech RP]

27-11-2003, 16:41
After the course of events in Deep Space, the Deep Space Pirate leader was arrested and put on trial. Being found guilty, he will be sentenced to one of the terms listed in the polls. It is no longer a matter of the death penalty or life in prision because the leader confessed to one of his two charges. It will be a choice of 50 years, 30 years, or 20 years in prision. The poll will last 24 hours.

All people are allowed say what sentence they want and why. Try to back up your claims.

For research purposes:
In Deep Space... [Future Tech RP] (
Leader of Deep Space Pirates Trial [Future Tech RP] (
27-11-2003, 16:43
In the last trial thread:

The pirate leader has been found GUILTY. There is no more need for these displays of politics. The second trial thread - the sentencing will start soon.
Sarapin II
27-11-2003, 17:02
After much conferance amongst Executive leaders, we have decided that the most appropriate sentance would be 50 yrs of imprisionment. Of course, I must confess that I will be creating a new trading nation soon, so this is mainly to protect the nation-to-be's intrests.
27-11-2003, 17:46
Trial done already?
27-11-2003, 22:23
The Federation thinks that 30 years is an appropirate sentance, this is becasue although he attacked a defenceless colony ship and reclessly endangered human life, The only thing the Pirate is guilty of is Excessive use of Force, becasue if he is a pirate, how can he be part of the Great System, therefore, how could he be charged with Treason? In Torontonias Courts this sentance would carry a sentance of 35 years maximum, but that is in a different law system, here this is only our opinion
05-12-2003, 17:20
Thirty years in prision, it is!
24-01-2004, 15:54
In Deep Space... (