The Imperial Dominion & The Almighty Empire Mobilizes .
26-11-2003, 18:03
We have breaking news just coming in. The Almighty Empire of CR and the Imperial Dominion Of Diminix have started to mobilize there armies. As of now the numbers are uncertain but the Cr has so far massed a military of..
Marines: 350,000
Army: 350,000
Navy: 150,000
AirForce: 450,000
Also 15 nuclear missles have been activated incase of any possible threat.
imported_Rebel Grots
26-11-2003, 21:35
President Gazkhull was angry, his bickering allies would do nothing but argue, his intelligence told him the enemy fleet had already left their harbours. Something had to be done. But it could wait, it was Isabellas turn today, he liked Isabella, he thought.
OOC: some info about my nation,
I'm using the following map of Sardinia as Rebel Grots. Note that the scale needs to be greatly increased. All the major cities on the map have more than 10 million inhabitants, the rest of the cities on the map have 700K+ inhabitants . The country is ruled by President Gazkhull, who does whatever he wants and doesn't give a damn. Unbeknowst to him two politicians are planning a coup against him, wich will happen within the next week. The coup is lead by Grand General Herman Krieger and Ambassador Heinrich von Meckelberg. The current president gained power through assasinating the former president in a vile plot involving a speeding escelator. And ruled, until recently, with an iron fist.
Rebel Grots has compulsory military service, wich means more troops, but not professional soldiers. 2,5% of the population is in the armed forces (wich is a lot). I use Ork technology in my airforce, but otherwise I use modern/cold war tech.
For reference to ork tech. use the following link.ORKZ (
look at the bottom of the page. I ust fighta-bombaz, bommas, and grot bombs. Ork tech is cheap, efficient, deadly but very unreliable. No two aircraft are the same.
The map!
The map (
The capital is Cagliari.
imported_Rebel Grots
27-11-2003, 13:47
Admiral Johann Hasselstein dispatched his final orders, if all went to plan, those ships would never arrive.
28 gunboats
8 frigates
10 cruisers
4 destroyers
1 battleship (think Iowa)
2 aircraft carriers
22 light attack submarines (diesel and electricity, mainly old soviet alpha class)
3 nuclear powered attack submarines
Aircraft on carriers:
25 fighta-bombaz
12 lighter bommaz
4 sea-lion anti-submarine helicopters
Aiforce on land (and other suprise places):
ca. 200 fighta bombaz
ca. 50 bommaz
20 MI-28 hind attack helicopters
5 B-2 Viking coastal surveilance aircraft
5 mig-24
please note that this is my entire fleet.
"Invasion of allied territory! Why havn't I been notified?" General Karkoff sprang out of his chair in alarm from the latest reports. "Sorry sir, but you just were. Our inteligence sector isn't the best in the region." "Very well. Send out orders for a complete mobilization of the entire army, and get me a report with the full list. Oh, you might want to notify the president. He's got the last word anyway." The secretary left the room.
Karkoff sank back into his chair. "If Hjornevik carries out their threats now, we'll be in deep shit.
General Karkoff
Due to the new compulsary army, all the
pros have been sent home,
and the first conscripts have only been training for a week.
We have sent out orders to return, but some might not.
For a total, that we can send, I think we have:
3 deluxe class destroyers
1 aircraft carrier (small)
5 parlor class submarines
8 transports
3 f-16
1 b-52
6 smaller fighters
3 sea kings
9k professionals
27k conscripts
500 marines
3k tanks+artillery
Sorry. We have more, but they don't fit in the transports. 20 more are under way that hopefully are finished before the war is over.
Sorry, make that 60 smaller fighters. And 3 Galor class cruisers
imported_Rebel Grots
27-11-2003, 15:13
OOC:Rosvoll, Could you please post WHERE your fleet is underway to?
It is moving towards Your north-west coast, and will, hopefully, arrive in about sixteen days
imported_Rebel Grots
28-11-2003, 11:38
OOC: my fleet just left port! so did rosvoll's! wich one are you attacking???
And you are aware that you just fired torpedos at an EXTREME range, right?
Oh well, here goes.......
Captain Wilhelm swore, he looked through his binoculars again. There could be no mistake, those were the enemy warships. "Liutenant! Why haven't we picked up those **** ships before now? The frigate RGF
Merryl was in the front of the fleet, hunting submarines with it's towed sonar array. "Sir, incoming transmission from fleet command! it reads "Evasive action, all vessels evasive action pattern Ricco. Regroup 12 miles northeast" that's all sir!" Wilhelm swore again, damn admirals, they were going to be picked off one by one. He was glad that the carrier fleet wasn't here, the slow carriers would have been mincemeat. As a matter of fact, he didn't know where they were. He watched two of the sea-lion helicopters fly past the ship before giving his orders. "All hands, battle stations. Full reverse power, keep our bow facing them, calculate range to enemy fleet, load forward torpedo tubes, get the guncrews to their damn guns. Now!"
"Sir, enemy torpedos in the water, no excact number"
"Sir, multiple enemy contacts with the sonar at 11 and 2 o'clock"
Wilhelm was shocked, for the first time in his life he did not know what to do.
18 of the smaller gunboats sped ahead of the fleet, virtually pouring noisemakers and distractors in the waters before the fleet. The four sea-lions flew northwest and started hunting submarines. The fleet was a mess, ships went in every direction, they had definetly not been prepared for such an early contact with the enemy.
Meanwhile, south of the two fleets, the two aircraft carriers recieved their orders.
"commence operation Red Revolution". Immediatly pilots scrambled to their aircraft, missiles were loaded, and within 15 minutes every single aircraft was airborne. The 12 Bombers set their course for just east of the friendly fleet, while the fighter-bombers flew westwards.
Northwest of the battle 20 submarines reactivated their engines, stopped drifting, and closed in on their prey. The rear of the enemy fleet.
The fleet you've encountered consists of:
the battleship
all the cruisers
6 of the frigates
22 of the gunboats
all the sea-lions
the rest (except the subs) is guarding the carrier fleet.
imported_Rebel Grots
28-11-2003, 19:10
OOC: allow me to explain comrade. The gunboats steered in right in front of the fleet and dropped noisemaker and distractors in order to distract some of the torpedoes. I was waiting for you to post how many veered of course because of this. By gunboat i mean light warships no larger than 50 metres in length, mainly armed with torpedos and light guns.
The submarines are all of the old soviet "alpha" class. crude, noisy but reliable, uless they exceed maximum speed. The subs had been drifting for 2 hours, waiting for your fleet to pass. They have now restarted their engines and are moving, slowly, towards their mission objective, the carriers.
Captain Wilhelm stood paralyzed, and watched the whit lines of enemy torpedoes drawing ever closer. His ship, his life, rocked wildly as the three torpedoes impacted in short succession. One was deflected by hitting the stern of the ship, but the others tor a hole the size of a house in the port stern. "wonderful, that's where the ammunition is" Wilhelm thought. Those were his last thoughts.
The mighty battleship RGF Kruchniev bravely turned her tail and ran, as she did so, her 6 16-inch aft cannons roared out their defiance to the enemy.
The crews of all the vessels scrambled to their posts, manning cannons, SAM pods, flak cannons, guns and engineering.
The fleet had regained some measure of order and began it's flight northeast, hoping to disengage from combat.
1 frigate, 2 cruisers and 2 gunboats have been sunk/annhielated/destroyed
2 more cruisers have been crippled and have therefore changed disengaging course to southeast.
Meanwhile the pilots continued their two seperate courses, blissfully unaware of the fleet's peril.
The subs crept slowly closer, they were working together using the "wolfpack" strategy.
On land, 50 SCUD missiles were launched to hit the enemy fleet from the north. their warheads were removed, and all extra weight had been sacrificed to extra fuel tanks in order to reach the fleet. They would arrive in ca. 15 minutes.
OOC: please post stats for the torpedoes and tell he how my choppers are doing.
The electric monks
28-11-2003, 20:20
The electical monks send in a force to help thier communist allies consisting of:
The Monast First and Second divisions: 5000 Fire warriors in Devilfish
The Wrath of Abbey: 1 Heavy Carrier mounting 50 Barracuda superiority fighters
The Peoples Fist: 1000 Hammerhead Hover tanks, Supported by 500 Crisis suits.
The Monast troops and Wrath of Abbey are under the command of Rebel Grots
"Sir, we have recieved news that our allies are under attack! Directly east of here. Your orders?" Adimral Orfot replied his lieutenant with a careless gaze. "We can do nothing. Our main goal is to get these transports safely to Rebel Grot territory. We are outclassed, outnumbered, and outsmarted. Our fleet would only make a dent in theirs before it would be blown to smithereens. Continue as planned, but send out our Sea Kings (3), to block a submarine assault." "Very well sir. It shall be done."
OOC: My whole fleet is assembeld here.
imported_Rebel Grots
28-11-2003, 23:31
OOC: Diminix, do you have warships and submarines all over the ENTIRE f**ing ocean??? Sorry comrade, let me explain yet again. SCUDs are a tiny missile produced in mass quantities by the soviet union. They are so small that there is (almost) no chance of you detectiong them. they are about the size of a fighter plane. How about those torpedoes????? And the choppers????
The only warning they had was a wailing sound, it carried on for several seconds untill the world errupted and the workers knew no more. 2 of the old coal power plants were devestated in the terrorist cruise-missile attack. The body count is still rising. Luckily for the nation, the government passed a bill three months (RL days) ago that revamped the entire power grid, and focused everything on solar power stations in the mountains.
On the high seas fleet nr. 1 sucessfully diengaged the enemy fleet and moved northeast. The gunboats fired their 2 torpedoes each to discourage pursuit. (who wants to steer into a mass of torpedoes?)
OOC: the next post will conclude my (awesome) anti-fleet strategy. Please play along as I have worked very hard on this.
((SCUDs aren't small..and what choppers are you talking about? I missed them.))
imported_Rebel Grots
29-11-2003, 00:12
The bombers were finally in position, north of the enemy fleet, just outside of radar-range. There were the SCUDs, right on time. The bombers released their loads just as the SCUDs roared beneath them. 48 more missiles were in the air. But these were not ordinary missiles. They were MATMs, Miniature Aircraft Training Missiles. Unarmed mini-missiles moving in evasive patterns like fighters. Originally used for training, the airforce had found a new use for them. Once they had been released, the bombers activated their radar-jammers, filling the air with random radio waves. 98 unarmed missiles were on their way.
OOC: Puzzled? To your fleet it now appears as though a suicidal air-raid is taking place. To the seamen, the radars are suddenly jammed from the north. the scrambed picture only shows multiple incoming targets behaving like fighters and bombers. The SAM target screens count 98 incoming aircraft. What's your response, what would the fleet do?
The real strike force of 25 fighter-bombers approched from the south, well out of radar range they fanned out in a semi-circle and deployed their light anti-ship missiles exactly 2 minutes after the fake raid had entered radar range of the fleet. 50 missiles accelerated to top speed and searched for targets.
"This was a masterpiece of a plan" Admiral Thomas thought. "And to think, that I got it out of a book. times certanly are strange."
Satisfied that the enemy would be fooled by the fake raid, the fighter-bombers and the bombers headed for friendly shores. So did the carrier group.
OOC: God, I love this strategy. Please don't spoil it. :cry:
((It's a good strategy. But I do have air patrols that would have spotted, somehow, your bombers and sent up interceptions))
imported_Rebel Grots
29-11-2003, 00:26
((It's a good strategy. But I do have air patrols that would have spotted, somehow, your bombers and sent up interceptions))
may I remind you comrade, that it is highly unlikely that those patrols would be looking for enemy aircraft when you've sent all your aircraft either towards my subs, my fleet, rosvolls fleet, rosvoll choppers. They're engaged in combat, not patrolling. Besides, patrols would not stray far from your carrier group, I'm lauching missiles from some distance so that you will have plenty fo time to send aircraft and missiles to intercept the fake attack. Also, I launched these aircraft 2 RL days ago, you've had plenty of time to intercept them. remember, nothing happens unless you say it is happening. ( at least in teh combat zone)
The choppers I mentioned were my sea-kings that were out sub-hunting.
imported_Rebel Grots
29-11-2003, 00:33
((SCUDs aren't small..and what choppers are you talking about? I missed them.))
SCUDs are smaller than most missiles. Your army techninians would also think that anyone who uses SCUDs at an extreme range against SHIPS must be out of their mind. SCUDs can't hit the broad side of a barn. they're good for one thing, hitting cities and towns and lowering morale.
Iesus Christi
29-11-2003, 00:40
Iesus Christi and the entire reich vows to defend our brother, whatever you require will be made ready for you from Reich forces!
We are with you!
For we are one people! one reich!
imported_Rebel Grots
29-11-2003, 01:00
nukes? :shock:
oh, me not so happy after all.....
ps. there never was a suicide attack, though the fake raid to the north were behaving suicidal by going straight at the fleet and making theor prescence known. Just thought I'd clarify that for all the other nations.
The president could not believe it. Nuclear weapons! One defeat was all it took to get these fascists to doom the world. He knew, as everyone else knew, that Rebel Grots did not have an anti-missile defence system. They were doomed. He sat in his underground bunker high in the mountains and smoked a sigarette, and another, and another. He had ordered the airforce and the navy to do their best to intercept the missiles. AA fire, aircraft and SAMs? what chance did they have? The capital would of course be a target. The evacuation order had come during the naval victory celebrations. the president had told the people of Caligari that they were all going to die unless they got more than 5 miles from the city. 18 million civilians? These Imperialist dogs were the devil himself. Already thousands must have died in the panic, the president thought. And more would die soon, very soon. He smoked another sigarette and glanced at his watch. 3 minutes untill doomsday. He sat in safety, thought about those who did not, and waited.........
The emperor and his advisors got out of the bunker and went to the confrence room in the palace, waiting for the news of the attacks.
"Why can't you useless swabs tell me what's going on. First now you tell me an enemy fleet has sent missiles against us. I'm not blind you know. I can see when one of our transports blow up. When we suddenly lose contact with our Sea Kings, I know we are under attack. You are supposed to tell me before, not afterwords. And I should'nt have to ask for a report." Admiral Orfot was angry.
The electric monks
29-11-2003, 19:46
The protector of the Monks Siezes control of the remaining monks armed forces.
The entire force to attack on enemy outposts. Barracuda's take off and start an attack run. Devilfish land and the fire warriors dissembark and take up defencive positions hammerheads land behind and crisis teams scout the area.
basically the monkish forces are small relatively well trained and highly mobile. (if u want to see barracuda fighters look arround on the same site as for fighter bomberz)These are raids on outlying villages in Diminix and avoid any major millitary confilct.
"Ehr, sir." The NEW lieutenant stepped into the room. "I've got some bad news, and some good news for you. The bad news is that Dimix has just sent out three nukes. They're aimed at the Rebel Grot capital and coastline. The good news is that we could basicly hit them with our fighters when they fly over us, but as we don't have time to remove our fleet, which means that they will destroy it, and kill us all. Your choice sir."
Admiral Orfot watched him in terror. He could sacrifice his fleet, and save millions. Or sacrifice millions, and save his fleet. "I'll go with option nr.3. Send all essentiel personell as far away as possible. That does not include me. Get my fighter ready. The lieutenant paused. " "Yes Sir. You will be remembered with honour. Let us hope this works." "Let us indeed. Now leave me." He had made the hardest decision in his life. Now, it was time for the final prayers. Please hit those damn nukes. 60 fighters should be able to do it.
imported_Rebel Grots
30-11-2003, 00:33
OOC: effect on it's target? if rosvoll sacrifices himself and blows them than they would not impact in rebel grots. Diminx, I'm really sad. You told me you were a good RPer, then why oh why did you lauch nukes after the first sign of conflict? You should know that nukes and some WMDs absolutely destroys roleplay. you told me you wanted a good RP war, but what you've created is some gritty little thread where everyone is arguing and it's not enough for you to win, oh no, the god-allmighty diminix has to asolutely massacre it's enemies and wipe every trace of them from the earth. You could at least let this war carry on for some pages.
You sent me a telegram demanding my surrender and telling me that the entire region was behind you. That you would invade and slaughter every last bit of CSS. This is a game! for gods sake! You are , of course, very fond of your nation. But you have to be able to lose a bit. I was just now prepared to , unofficially, destroy my inrastructure and untold civilians in your nuke-attack. I just want to tell you that nukes are wrong! Do not use them! And I will not submit to threats about continous nuclear strikes. I will stand defiant, now launch every goddamn nuke you've got and run away to cry in shame.
What follows is an excerpt of the film "monty python and the holy grail". Please note that "english" and "king arthur" and "Knights" have been substituted with the appropriate diminix counterpart.
"I blow my nose at your so-called emperor, you and all your silly diminix-niiiiukes. I fart in your general direction. You pig-dog, you wiper of other peoples bottoms, your father was a hamster, and your mother smelt of elderberry. Now go away or i shall taunt you a second timah!"
I do not hink I need to say any more,
I am disgusted....
imported_Rebel Grots
30-11-2003, 16:39
You should know that according to RP ettiquette, you cannot take control of other nations forces. I refused to take control of electric monk's forces.
btw, rosvoll's fleet and airforce would, naturally, not blow the nukes right over rebel grots. duh. :roll:
you should have gathered that from his thread.
I wouldn't mind continuing it without the nukes.
If you were expecting such a response why did you do it in the first place? :roll:
OCC: So did the nukes take off or not? Are we just pretending they never did, or is my fleet destroyed? :?
imported_Rebel Grots
30-11-2003, 19:02
Because I can.. 8)
Oh, that's it then. I see....
The war is now over.
Communist Likon
01-12-2003, 11:53
Hi everybody, why dont we CSS people do some RPing with sumone who actually knows how to?
By the way sorry i didnt get involved, i was a tad busy
imported_Rebel Grots
01-12-2003, 11:55
I agree completely comrade.
"Come Jenkins, we have better things to do."
(yeah, I did miss you. It's hard to tackle nukes alone)