Credonia Tests New ELV Rocket For Civil/Military Uses
25-11-2003, 15:46
Today at 9:20 pm EST, Credonia launched a Delta IV Medium+ (4.2) Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV). This launch vehucle is capable of holding payloads up to 5,000 kg into low earth orbit (LEO), 2,500 to geosynchronous orbit, or 1,500 km into a hohmann transfer orbit (interplanetary trajectories). Only four pictures were taken of the test, but more will be taken as CCS-1 (Credonian Communications Satellite 1) will be launched in no more than a week from today atop a Delta IV Medium+ (4.2) ELV.
Delta IIV Sitting On The Pad Awaiting Launch
Delta IV Moments After Main Engine Ignition and liftoff
View of the Delta IV From The Top Of The Launch Pad
Long Range Camera Captures A Picture Of The Delta IV
The Delta IV will be sold at Credonia's storefront if any nation would like to buy the spacecraft
Radio Minsk 1500
The Minsk chapter of CND has expressed consern at the recent test of the ELV rocket which it believes is intended for global military domination. The M-CND are planning to hold a vigil outside the Belarussian Foreign Ministry and calls upon Belarus to cut off all diplomatic ties with Credonia. The M-CND will hold massive demonstrations during the Minsk summit at which representitives from Credonia are expected to attend.
The Defence Minister has said that a freindship with the government of Credonia is in the interests of all Belarussians and said Belarus is commited to the fight against International Terrorism
25-11-2003, 16:11
After hearing the news on TV, President Sutton goes to the press room to make a statement to the public.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am going to make this brief. I have recieved word that citizens from other nations are protesting due to our new ELV. I am going to elaborate on this rocket to clear any misconceptions that may exist. The Delta IV Medium+ (4.2) rocket is a civil launch vehicle developed by the Credonian Space Agency (CSA) for use to place payloads into space. It can place small satellites or payloads into space, but it cannot place large weapons systems into space such as parts for a space based military missile station or something of the sort. This new rocket was designed by the CSA to extend our nations capabilities to exploring other planets, but the practical military applications are just an added bonus. Credonia is a compassionate nation devoted to the saety and security of the citizens of this beautiful planet and as long as i am president, i will do all i can to ensure the safety and security of the worlds citizens. I STRONGLY oppose terrorism and any acts of unreasonable aggression and i am devoted to stoping any types of activities that are aggressive and cause terror. Credonia has no intention of creating more powerful weapons as we already posess 515 ICBM's. The need for more weapons of mass destruction is not necessary. In addition, Credonia, and myself personally am against global domination and imperialism. No one has anything to fear from Credonia as we are a peaceful nation. If any nation wishes to see the specs on our weapons and what we plan to do with them, they may do so by contacting us in private. Thank you."
He steps from the podium, poses for pictures, and returns to his office to contiune watching the news.
United Elias
25-11-2003, 16:17
The Federal Dictatoirship Congratulates you on this achievement and would like to know if you plan to make this rocket available for foreign use. While we have one (soon to be two) Buran Space Shuttles that can launch satellites, the costs of manned vehicles make this unlikely to be a viable vehicle in the future.
General Bergstein,
Commander in Chief: Space Division
Elias Air Force
25-11-2003, 16:22
The Federal Dictatoirship Congratulates you on this achievement and would like to know if you plan to make this rocket available for foreign use. While we have one (soon to be two) Buran Space Shuttles that can launch satellites, the costs of manned vehicles make this unlikely to be a viable vehicle in the future.
General Bergstein,
Commander in Chief: Space Division
Elias Air Force
Yes, we plan to put it up for sale on our storefront in 1 RL hour.
OOC: The link to the storefront is It is a very cost effective and efficient launch vehicle that has a near spotless launch record with nasa (about 90%+ launch success rate- the entire Delta family of rockets)
25-11-2003, 17:32
26-11-2003, 10:01
27-11-2003, 00:19